Mermaid AU
They look the their FTO season 4 characters btw.
Michael(5'5 ft) was swimming around the kingdom, making sure no one was hurt or needed help. He saw up to Lucas (6'4 ft) and they chatted for a bit.
Lucas:" wanna head to the surface?"
Michael:"W-what? Are you insane?"
Lucas:"Yes or no Michael"
Michael: sure, why not
They swam up to the surface and chilled on some rocks. They chatted for a while, talking about what they should do tomorrow. They transformed into their human forms of course.
Michael: "should we head back? It's getting dark out...."
Lucas: sure, wouldn't wanna be shark food...
They wen't back into the water transforming into mermen and just as they swam further in they heard a splash. They looked over to where the splash was, once they did Lucas got attacked. A shark lunged at Lucas, it was about to take a chop on his tail. Michael stopped the shark by throwing it away. Michael and the shark had an all out battle. The shark had an advantage, it was 7'5 Michael was 5'5. Michael got a few hits on the shark but, the shark was able to do more damage, Michael was a few shark bites all over his body, Lucas only had a few scratchs. Michael wasn't letting to shark any where near Lucas. The shark fled after Michael's eyes turned black. Michael calmed down and healed Lucas.
Lucas: "Michael a-are you ok?"
Michael: "I'm fine, what about you?"
Lucas: "much better, thank you for protecting me Michael ."
Michael: "let's head ho-"
Michael was caught in a net and so was Lucas. Michael was weak, he couldn't break the net. They were pulled to shore and dropped on a deck. Michael didn't hesitate to go over to Lucas and go into momma bear mode. Michael looked at the unknown people with hatred and confusion. A ginger walked up to them, but Michael let out a growl making him back up. The unknown people saw the injuries on Michael and kept trying to help him. He just growled at them and didn't stop protecting lucas, who was fast asleep. Michael was extremely tired, he wanted to just close his eyes and sleep but he couldn't. He had to protect Lucas and make sure the unknown people didn't hurt lulu (Lucas). Michael looked at his surroundings, he couldn't escape without using magic. Michael sighed, he had no mana left and his tail was badly injured, he couldn't even transform into a human.
Just then he heard foot steps enter the room, it sounded like 2 people. Maybe even 3...
???????: we have to get the short one healed up, he's bleeding out!
??????: I know, I know. But he would not let us near him. He just growled.
?????: maybe we try a nicer approach, maybe offer food?
???????: you're right Mario! You are finally useful!
??????: Ritchie be nice!
???????: you ain't my mom Austin!
Michael thought 'So...Austin, Ritchie and are from Alantide...'
Lucas woke up and snuggled into Michael's tail trying to stop the blood. Michaelwinced at Lucas touching the bite marks, they were still fresh and hurt a lot.
Lucas: "sorry Michael! I-I can try healin-"
Michael:" don't Lucas, remember what happened last time you tried healing something?"
Lucas" oh yeah, that happened..."
Michael:"plus, it'll heal on it's own...eventually...we just need to get outta here..."
Lucas:" where even are we?"
Michael: " on a human ship, in a tack..task.....nank.....tank?"
Lucas: " a ....tank?"
Michael was about to saw something but then there was a rap on the glass. Michael was startled and sorta hid behind Lucas. It was Austin knocking on the glass.
Austin/Silver (6'3 ft): "sorry if I startled you, we have some food you might like..."
Lucas looked happy when he said food, he hadn't eaten in days and was starving. Michael still didn't trust it but knew Lucas knew when something had been spiked or poisoned. He let Lucas eat the food and gave his food to Lucas, making sure he was ok.
Lucas worried about Michael's health, he never ate and always said' I'm fine, don't worry about me!' It worried him to know that his best friend wasn't eating.
Austin, Mario and Ritchie entered the room they were in. They unlocked the tank and took Michael out of it. Michael tried to get out of Austin's grip but fail, Austin had a strong grip on his waist and wouldn't let him go. Michael kept struggling trying to get back to Lucas to protect him. He was then injected with something and he passed out. Austin put Michael on a hospital bed and started to stitch up his wounds. After Mario casted a healing spell they put Michael back in the tank to he can heal up. Lucas immediately picked up Michael and wrapped his tail around him, not letting him go.
Austin: "I would be careful with him, he still needs rest and he hasn't eaten in about 2 weeks so....don't hug him to hard"
Ritchie(6'1ft): "Austin is correct, that shortie is very fragile."
Mario(6'7 ft) stayed silent, not saying anything. Michael then woke up in a panic. He saw Lucas there and calmed down. He looked down at his tail and saw that it was healed up a bit.
Michael looked at the three humans: "thank you". He teleported a really pretty shell in each of their pockets. Michael was at full strength and could control his magic again.
Michael:" can we go home now?"
Austin:"nope, you both gotta heal up a bit more."
Michael wasn't pleased but Lucas looked exicted. Michael sighed knowing this would be a long month. Michael teleported out of the tank and transformed into a human along with Lucas.
Austin:" HUH, you guys can use magic?"
Lucas:" yup"
For the next hour Lucas showed off his cool abilities while Michael and the others watched.
Michael:"so where are we going?"
Ritchie:" well shortie, we are heading to Divinivs Magia also known as Alantide"
Michael :" ohhh that place..... yikes"
Mario: "what do you mean'yikes'?"
Michael:" you'll see, I also don't know how you don't recognize me."
Austin: "also, what are your names? Mines Si-"
Michael:" Austin or Silver Coin, the bluenett is Ritchie Dibliaous and the BlackBerry is Mario Mania "
Mario:" how did y-"
Michael:" don't worry about it"
Lucas:" my name is Lucas Boat"
Michael: "and my name is Michael, Michael Omega"
And end
Work count: 1009
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