Lukos Hill Season 2
This was in the middle of ep.1
Michael was talking to Bri and Michael looked behind Bri, 2 tall males were headed their way. 'The looked like the boys from last night'Michael thought. Michael got nervous and ran behind some lockers as Bri walked toward the front of the school. Michael gave out a sight of relief as they passed him, he ran into the other hallway and headed to class. He didn't understand humans at all, 'why does the school look like a prison?' He thought to himself. At lunch he walked up to Bri and they chatted again and ate some food.
Michael:" why does school feel like a prison, and what the heck is a neko?"
Bri:" I can't answer those questions, sorry"
Ritichie and Austin walked up to them and they chatted, Michael stayed quiet though and didn't say a word.
Ritchie:" so, who are you?" Looking at Michael.
Michael:"uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" he was intimated by Ritchie, he was much taller then him.
Bri:"he doesn't talk he is mute!"
Ritchie:" you were both just having a conversation earlier though."
Bri:" he is very shy, he only talks to me!"
Ritchie got closer to Michael:" what's your name?"
Michael got really scared and ran away the others chasing him, Austin yelling"yeah friendship!". They stopped in the field where Michael was trapped in a corner.
Austin:"why did you run, you could've just said your name"
Bri then walked up to them: "so friendship?"
Ritchie:" what is wrong with him Bri?"
Austin and Ritchie turned to face Bri, Michael took the opportunity and used jump boost to get out of there. Ritchie noticed this and jumped after him. Michael ran through the forest and stopped at a giant oak tree. Michael sniffed the air.
Michael:"come out Mason, I know you're there."
Mason:"aw, my little Oni remembered my sent~"
Michael:" for the last time I'm not yours, you stupid abuser!"
Michael:''let's just get this over with"
Mason:" you're no fun~"
Ritchie, Austin and Bri were watching this unfold, Bri didn't know about Mason at all.
Mason powered up, revealing his demon form. "Ready Mi?"
Michael didn't power up, he just put on his mask and pulled out his sword. They both fought, it ended with Michael having a gash on his right thigh and mason dead. The were both standing in a giant hole created by an explosion created by Mason. Michael held his leg and winced as he sat down.
Bri: "MICHAEL!" Bri ran up to Michael worried about him.
Bri:" how are you not dead?!"
Michael:" magic~" Michael then proceed to pass out. Ritchie picked up Michael and they followed Bri back to her house. Bri and Austin cuddled on the couch while Ritchie texed friends on his phone. Michael was unconscious on Bri's bed.
" That was a heck of a night" they all thought
And end
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