Chapter 53
The trip to the palace took less time than you expected. You didn't know if it was just because you were so entranced by all the gold and magic, by all the new sights, scents and feelings around you. Or if it was the feeling of Loki's warm arms and the horse galloping beneath you. It was all so new and exciting. It was hard to take it all in.
All too soon, though, you had reached the palace gates. Servants came to the horses while Thor and Loki dismounted. Loki helped you down easily, as if you weighed nothing. He settled you safely on your feet, automatically making sure you were steady before he offered you his arm. You placed your hand gently on his arm and looked up at the looming gold palace. "It's huge," you told him in awe. "You really grew up here?" You couldn't imagine living in such a huge amazing place.
Loki chuckled as he began to lead you up the steps and into the palace proper. "Yes, Elskling. Thor and I grew up here. Two rambunctious princes wreaking havoc," he replied fondly. He smirked over at Thor. "And if Thor isn't nice to me, I'll tell you all sorts of embarrassing stories about him and his friends,"
Thor grumbled "I have embarrassing stories about you, too, brother," he reminded Loki. Their brotherly bantering made you laugh.
As you strolled into the palace with the boys, you not only noted all the statues, decorations, and even more gold, but you also noted the people around you. There were nobles and servants and everything in between living out their day-to-day lives. You noted that Alphas, Betas, and even the rare Omega were all there. The people you passed in the hall moved out of your way. They bowed or curtsied, gave polite greetings to the princes as you passed. It took passing by a few of them for you to notice that their reverent tone and words weren't just for the princes. They greeted you as 'lady Omega', giving you the same respect and honor as their princes.
And, as Loki and Thor had said, their Omegas weren't collared.
The Omegas you saw were closely accompanied, escorted and protected, honored, and cherished.
They weren't enslaved or treated as second-class citizens.
Your grip on Loki's arm tightened as your emotions swirled at the realization of just how different things were here. You couldn't quite tell what you were feeling in the moment, your emotions were swirling too quickly. Your free hand went to the collar around your neck. It felt shameful, somehow, degrading, like you were lesser because of it. The thoughts and feelings weren't your fault and you accepted that those feelings were valid. It was just... so unfair. And it hurt more than you wanted to admit.
Loki leaned down and kissed your hair. "Elskling? Are you alright?" He asked gently, sensing your mood and trying to draw you back from such dark thoughts.
You looked up at him and tried to give him a reassuring smile. "Just lost in thought," you replied. He didn't look like he believed you, but also accepted that you didn't want to discuss your thoughts in public.
"We're almost to the throne room. The first thing we need to do is announce to Father that we're home," Loki told you as you approached a set of giant double doors.
"He isn't going to hurt her," Thor reminded Loki. "You don't have to sound so worried,"
"He doesn't exactly like me," Loki countered quickly.
You squeezed Loki's arm again and purred softly, spreading your aura to soothe him. "It'll be alright. We're together," you reminded him.
Loki kissed your hair again. "You're so precious," he told you before he turned to face the double doors at Thor's side. You saw him steel his spine, saw his court mask slip into place, as he had to mask his personality in front of his father. It was a feeling all neurodivergents knew all too well.
You took a steadying breath as the double doors were opened and mentally prepared yourself for the challenge ahead.
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