Chapter 4
"Great. They're waiting for us in the common room," Steve explained as he led you back to the elevator, locking your suite behind him after you'd left. You already thought of it as your suite. This place really did feel like home.
You also realized that had you not liked the suite or the tour, then you would have been escorted back down to the lobby and not to meet the team. You wanted to meet the team. You'd already scented them, their presence filled the tower, some stronger than others. Now, you wanted to get to know them properly.
You took the elevator back down to the common room with Steve. You saw how much effort it took him not to touch you in some way, a hand on the small of your back, taking your hand in his, an arm around your shoulders. You knew the signs and had seen it frequently. Steve was an Alpha without an Omega of his own. He craved the physical comfort and psychic reassurance of an Omega's presence. It was part of your duties as an Omega to give that comfort and reassurance. That was why the team, and companies, hired Omegas after all, at least part of the reason anyway. You were used to casual touches from Alphas you knew and trusted. Though it was just plain rude for strangers to do and Alphas would be arrested on sight for accosting an Omega.
So Steve had to hold himself back for now.
Soon, though, soon you'd be able to offer him that comfort.
The elevator doors opened and the combined scents of the rest of the team slammed you in the face even before you stepped out of the elevator. Your legs moved forward automatically, walking with Steve, while your mind tried to cope with the accosting of scent and strong personalities. Steve hadn't been wrong. The team was made up of strong personalities. Especially to affect you so strongly.
It wasn't uncomfortable, though. It was just a lot of information at once. You looked over the team who was gathered in the common room. They all turned to you and Steve as you stepped out of the elevator. They were easy to identify as you were used to seeing them in the news. Even out of uniform, you knew them all on sight. Now you just had to get used to their scents, their psychic scents, their castes. You knew most of their castes from interviews and information about the team, but it was still different to know it intellectually and to feel it in person.
Steve turned to you "Are you alright?" He asked you gently. He knew the team was a lot. They were all watching you, but none had approached yet. Yet. You could see that most of them wanted nothing more than to approach.
You nodded and gave him a bright, reassuring smile. "Yes, I'm fine," you reassured him.
Steve nodded to the others and two of them stood to come introduce themselves first. The Alphas of the team. They had first dibs getting to know the new Omega. Thor reached you first and took your hand, bowing over it to kiss your knuckles. He was large and power radiated off of him, but he also seemed like a cuddly teddy bear. You liked him on first meeting and could tell that he reciprocated that feeling. His hand was warm in yours and his lips gentle as they touched your knuckles. "Lady Omega," he greeted you warmly. You didn't know much about Asgard, but if this was how they treated their Omegas, you were going to like Thor a lot.
"Alpha," you replied politely.
"How are you liking the tower so far?" His voice was deep and strong, his accent foreign, but his words and his eyes were kind.
You beamed up at him and saw him relax under your presence and aura. "I love it here," you told him honestly. There was no point in lying. The tower felt like home. Steve and Thor felt like home. You just hoped the rest would as well. Thor nodded, gave an approving nod to Steve and stepped aside for the next Alpha to greet you.
"Bucky is one of our newest recruits, though we go back ages," Steve explained as the metal armed man approached. You saw the wildness in Bucky's eyes, as well as the pain. He was recovering from some kind of trauma and would need careful handling. He nodded to you, seeming not to trust his words or his tone.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Alpha," you told him gently, your voice and tone careful. You didn't want to startle him. You saw the guarded man's eyes relax and he gave you a wry grin.
"I like this one," he told Steve. "Let's adopt her." The words weren't cruel, but a product of older times. Steve had said that he and Bucky went way back. Was it before Steve went into the ice? Not much was known about Bucky yet. He was too new to the team and wasn't outgoing enough for anyone to know much about him. The reporters couldn't get much information on him, anyway.
"We don't adopt Omegas anymore, Buck," Steve replied with a worn-out patience in his voice.
Bucky grinned, clearly antagonizing Steve. The two were definitely old friends. Or more. You'd heard a rumor that Steve had been an Omega before the serum. Was this evidence of that? You'd find out in time. "I know, punk, but you know what I mean," he liked you and wanted you to have the job.
Steve laughed and clapped Bucky on the shoulder. "Yeah, yeah, I understand,"
Bucky and Thor headed back to the couches. It was up to the Betas to meet you next, as that was the proper order of things. Two rose from the couches: Natasha and Clint. You still expected Tony to rise with them. He'd masqueraded as a Beta or Alpha for years at his father's insistence that an Omega couldn't inherit his company. The whole world knew, now, that he was an Omega, but it was still hard to accept after so long of him pretending to be what he wasn't. Natasha and Clint both greeted you politely and introduced themselves. You got a strange feeling from Natasha. It was hard to pinpoint her caste, if you hadn't been told what it was, you'd have no idea, which was beyond strange.
She grinned when she saw your expression at her strange psychic scent. "I'm a spy, little Omega," she said fondly, clearly adopting you already. "I can hide my caste, or pretend to be any of them. It's how I was trained to be,"
"It's an impressive skill," you told her. She ruffled your hair, not at all caring about propriety. You were used to such behaviors and grinned at the ease and familiarity already.
The last two to be introduced were Stark and Dr. Banner. Both of them were Omegas, but you realized why they couldn't be the team's Omega very quickly. Stark had spent his entire life pretending to be something he wasn't. He wasn't comfortable being an Omega at all, so he couldn't be one for the team. Banner was... a skittish Omega at best. He needed nurturing and care. And... there was something beneath the surface of his psychic scent.
The Hulk.
The Hulk was an Alpha, a strong one, full of rage and temper. No wonder it unsettled Banner's nature.
Neither of them touched you. Tony asked a few questions about your background. He smirked at Steve. "Bring the kid in," he said, actually ordering an Alpha. No wonder he couldn't be the team's Omega.
Steve rolled his eyes and looked back to you. "What do you say?" He asked you gently. The decision was yours, after all.
"Absolutely!" You told him, told them all, brightly.
Steve grinned, then looked to Tony. "You'll settle the paperwork?"
Tony nodded. "She'll be able to move in tonight," he replied and went to go pick up a tablet from his end table and get the process moving.
You were moving in. You'd found your home among the team.
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