Three old ladies tell me how I fail
I dialled a number on my IDemi and let it ring. I had found the Fates on a phone book and needed an appointment.
"Welcome to the Fates prophecy service for Olympus," three voices said in unison, "Tempest speaking, how may I tell you your future?" One voice said.
"Um, hi. Can I have an appointment-"
"With the Fates? What time, Child of Athena?" Tempest finished.
"How did you know what I was gonna say?" I asked.
"I am one of the Fates. I know who you are, where you are, and what you're going to say. So, what time?" Tempest said impatiently.
"How come you always answer the phone? I want to talk to the hero of Olympus!" A voice in the background grumbled.
"Erre es korakas, Wasp! Now she knows! If you keep blurting out prophecies, we'll never get a dentist plan!" Tempest thundered.
"We don't need one! We only have one tooth!" A different voice argued.
"Says the girl who wanted to see an eye doctor last century! We only have one eye!" Tempest said.
"Keep your mouth shut, Wasp! You told a prophecy to Perseus once and he took our eye!" Anger snapped.
"Stàsi!" I commanded. They obeyed me and stopped arguing.
"I would like to see you three at 4 pm tomorrow." I said.
"Bad time. Something important will happen at that time." Anger answered.
"Fine. How about 2 pm on Wednesday?" I bargained.
"Much too late. You'll be gone by then." Wasp said. My eyes widened in fear. I'd be dead?
"WASP!" Anger and Tempest scolded.
"How about tonight? Meet us in the Olive grove at 6." Anger offered.
"But that's past curfew to be off campus. The cleaning harpies are gonna eat me." I said. Number one rule: don't sneak off campus past curfew. They let the cleaning harpies loose and they can eat students not in their dorms.
"No, they won't. You'll be at the grove by 5:30 since you're a punctual kid." Tempest said.
"Okay." I said.
They hung up the phone.
I had waited until six to make my escape, prove the Fates wrong. I climbed down the window and prayed to Demeter to save me with the vines growing across the school. Luckily, at supper I threw a few brownies into the fire for sacrifice that night and Demeter had listened. Vines grabbed me lightly as I climbed down the school.
I sneaked into the olive Grove and found the Fates sitting by a tree and bickering.
"You always tell the prophecy, Tempest! Can I tell her how she does it?" Anger whined.
"Zip it, Anger! She's coming in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1-" Wasp counted.
I waited ten seconds then popped from behind a tree. I unsheathed my celestial bronze knife, which I always kept in my pocket nowadays, to light up the area.
"You're too cute. I knew you were gonna pop out at that time to be a rebel." Wasp said.
"And you failed. You didn't leave at six. You left at 5:20 and saw us at at 5:30." Tempest added. She showed me a watch On her wrist. I cursed in Ancient Greek. Piper always set the time ahead because she liked being early.
"What's this prophecy I heard about?" I said.
Tempest held up their brown eye and put it in her socket. She fit the yellow tooth in her mouth then licked her lips.
Then, in a voice like crumpled paper, she spoke:" 5 half- bloods shall go west and face the Titan once in chains
The one who gave man fire and suffered endless pain,"
Anger took the eye and tooth and placed them in. " Saving a love shall cause one their final breath
And lose a friend to a horrible death
Wasp was the last to use the tooth and eye. "A word of caution to this tale:
If the daughter of the dead does not help, you shall fail."
On that happy line, they disappeared from sight. Their eye dropped on the floor. A portal opened and an old, withered hand picked up the eyeball and the portal closed again.
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