Ω 45 Ω
"we're all here." yangyang declared, counting them as chenle and jisung arrived outside last. "we need to find a place to go."
"you rented an apartment; we should be safe there." xiaojun said, looking at jeno.
"let's go then, it's not too far." jaemin nodded immediately, walking in the direction of their rented apartment.
"no, wait." mark interrupted them. "we can't go there."
"we can't stay here either, traitor." jaemin spat, turning around harshly.
"yeah, but we need to find somewhere else than the apartment. i showed them where it was..." mark told, coughing at the end of his sentence.
"very good now..." jeno rolled his eyes, his will to punch mark straight in the face getting higher with each second passing.
"we could go somewhere crowdy. that way, even if they follow us, they won't be able to attack." renjun stated after a few seconds.
"that was our strategy before too. and we were attacked every single time." jisung told, earning a glare from jaemin.
"feel free to tell us if you have a better idea." he growled, dangerously approaching poseidon's son.
"n-no, i guss crowdy places are cool." jisung gulped, trying not to get on jaemin's bad side.
"do you have an idea of crowdy place we could go to?" hendery asked renjun.
"how about the eiffel tower? it's high and quite far from here." renjun explained. "we'll be able to see them attacking if they do."
"great. to the eiffel tower then." yangyang nodded as he turned around, following the sign that indicated the giant iron structure.
all the boys turned around, looking at chenle.
"what again?" jaemin rolled his eyes – his speciality.
"is no one wondering why donghyuck is dressed like... that?" chenle raised a brow, gesturing towards donghyuck's very revealing clothes.
"i-it's a long s-story..." donghyuck coughed, his arms wrapping around his body to hide it the best he could.
"no offense, but you look like the sons of eros." hendery replied, checking donghyuck out from head to toe.
"will you stop eye-fucking him like that?" mark growled, stepping in front of donghyuck as he pushed his brother away. "and don't insult him."
"oh, it's not an insult." xiaojun informed. "taeyong wears that kind of stuff, and it's very flattering on him. it is on donghyuck too, actually."
"can you all stop looking at him like that? you're making him shy." mark declared, standing protectively in front of donghyuck as he tried hiding his body.
"it's alright. i'll give him my sweater." yangyang declared as his pulled out his off-white joconde sweater and helped donghyuck wearing it.
the sweater wasn't very long, and the fact him and yangyang were approximatively the same height didn't help. it barely went pass his butt, but at least, it covered the top part of his body.
"now that donghyuck is fully- well, partly dressed..." jaemin started. "could we go and not get killed by anyone storming out of the catacombs right now?"
"you have some explaining to do, mark." hendery declared once they were all safe and sound, on the very top floor of the tower, outside, in the fresh cold air.
"yeah, quite a lot actually." jeno nodded, crossing his arms over his chest as he glared at mark.
"guys, i need to apologise. i really didn't want all of this to- "
mark was cut mid-sentence by jaemin's fist meeting his jaw and making hades' son fall to the floor.
"jaemin!" renjun exclaimed, blocking jaemin from going further, but the boy payed no mind as he stood over mark.
"you fucking betrayed us, asshole. we trusted you, and you broke everything. you hurt donghyuck, and you hurt each of us. and now, you expect all of us to welcome you with open arms, but trust me, traitor, you won't earn my trust again this easily." he spat, venom laced through his voice.
"let him talk." hendery stated, not paying too much attention to them. "he surely has a good reason."
jaemin stepped back again, going to his boyfriends' side as he calmed down a bit.
while he was doing so, mark stood up again, rubbing his sore jaw.
"i had made the deal with the titans long ago. they have been plotting something for a few years already. i joined them at that time." mark explained. "they promised that if i helped them getting rid of the gods, i would be the one to rule the next world. they weren't interested by power at all. they just wanted revenge on the gods, which was perfect for me. i hated the fact that hades was mistreated by the other olympians, and i wanted to show them that hades was a capable god, and that his son would be able to rule the world better than they ever had." mark paused in his speech, looking at all the boys around. they all had very closed faces, as if they wanted to jump on mark and beat him to death – which was quite justified if you asked mark. "i was simply there to help them, and they were planning on something to take over the gods. but then, donghyuck arrived in the camp, and hendery told me about him being the forbidden child. that's when i had the idea that maybe, maybe donghyuck could be the key to all of that. maybe, he could help me get rid of the gods and take revenge. so, i tried approaching him, and bringing him closer to me. i tried everything i could do..."
"you plotted the attack at the camp..." renjun let out, making all heads turn towards him.
"yeah. i did that because i wanted leeteuk to make him and i leave the camp, because he would be safer that way." mark nodded. "but all five of you had to come and mess up with my plans."
"am i the only one who wants to punch him hard in the face right now?" jeno asked, his jaw and fist clenched.
"god no. i want it so bad as well." jisung replied on the same menacing tone.
"let him finish." donghyuck cut them.
all the boys looked at the true beauty, their hearts breaking when they saw pearly drops cascading on his cheeks.
the truth was being untold, and it was involving mark manipulating and using him too much for him to handle.
"i-i... everything changed while we 'ran away'..." mark explained. "even though i was the one to contact the titans to tell them what we did, i was starting to care for all of you more and more. we slowly warmed up, and you all made me discover some things that i didn't know existed before... friendship and love."
"do you realise how many times we almost died because of you?!" chenle screamed, and he would have jumped of mark if jisung hadn't wrapped an arm around his shoulders to hold him in place.
"i do. and i felt guilty every time. at some point, i didn't want to tell them anymore. i didn't want to betray you. but i had no choice, so i kept informing them. and now, here we are." mark finished, looking worriedly at all the boys.
they all took long seconds to take everything in, keeping their mouths shut.
donghyuck used this precious time to wipe the tears that had left his eyes before looking at mark.
"i'm sorry for everything i did to you, guys. i really feel guilty, and awful for making you like that. you are amazing boys, and i know how awful i am. i would understand that you don't want to trust me anymore. but i want you to know that i truly care for you, and that i'm going against my principles by being with you right now." mark spoke again, seeing that no one wanted to start talking.
donghyuck walked to him, mark standing frozen on his feet as he looked at the boy expectantly.
he had no idea what donghyuck would do right now, but he really looked like he needed a hug, so mark was ready to give it to him.
mark opened his arms, ready to feel donghyuck's body against his, but sadly, the only thing he felt was a harsh slap on his cheek.
"i-i h-hate y-you..." donghyuck stammered, speaking those words being very difficult to him as he knew that weren't what he really felt. he loved the boy dearly, but he couldn't let mark go like that.
"i'm sorry baby..." mark replied, his eyes getting glossy.
hendery sighed, approaching the two boys.
"i don't know how many times i told you mark, but i feel like i need to repeat this all over again. what our parents are doesn't define us. sure, our father is hades, the oh-so-sinful traitor and god of the underworld. but we don't have to be like that. we're half-human, meaning that we have some part of good in us, making us sensitive beings. not being or acting like hades isn't a shame. you're not a god, mark. you're a demigod. and you're not hades. you're your own self. so, don't try looking and acting like him, because you'll never be able to be like him. take his strengths, and leave his flaws aside. build your own character, the way you want it to be." hendery explained.
"i know..." mark nodded. "it's just that... i understood this too late..."
"we can understand that mark. but it will be hard for all of us to trust you easily again. you have to understand that- "
"guys." chenle's voice cut their speech. "what's this white smoke?"
the boys looked around, all gasping when they realised that the tower was being engulfed in a huge white cloud.
jeno walked to the railing, holdning his hand out to feel the smoky substance.
"it's not a regular cloud." he declared. "it's mist."
"what does that mean?" donghyuck raised a brow.
"that they're about to attack."
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