Ω 4 Ω
"donghyuck?" a familiar voice called. "donghyuck? wake up."
donghyuck slowly opened his eyes, falling on a worried jeno.
"jeno." donghyuck breathed, pulling the male into a bone crashing hug.
"wow. are you okay?" jeno chuckled at his friend's reaction.
"i just had the worst night- "donghyuck stopped talking when he realised the ceiling above his head was pink and decorated with sun patterns. his ceiling was white normally.
he looked around to find a decor he wasn't familiar with.
"huh... donghyuck?" jeno questioned.
"don't tell me... it was all real?" donghyuck gasped in realisation.
"if your talking about what happened yesterday night, well... it was."
donghyuck pulled on his hair, groaning in frustration.
"jeno, please explain everything to me. i don't understand anything..."
jeno coughed before sitting on the bed, next to donghyuck.
"well... so the myths and legends we learn at school basically exist. like zeus, apollo... they are real."
donghyuck opened his mouth to talk, but he prevented himself from doing so.
"so... basically, since they exist, they can get down from mount olympus, which is where they live, to come down on earth." jeno explained. "and then, when they take a liking into someone, they can have children. and the children born of these unions are called demigods, because they are half human and..."
"half god." donghyuck finished, signalling he understood. "is that what you are?"
jeno nodded. "the half-blood camp is a place where all the descendants of mythical creatures go. it's where we train and basically live. there are dozens of us here. i am the son of zeus; god of the sky, lightning, thunder and law."
"does that make you special?" donghyuck asked. "like, do you have abilities?"
"of course."
jeno approached his palms and in an instant, a lightning formed in between, disappearing soon after.
"electroshock." jeno told. "my palms are able to create small lightnings. and when i do that touching something, it sends a powerful electroshock through it. that's how i got rid of the griffon yesterday. but i'm nowhere near my father. he really is another lever of powerful."
donghyuck nodded, fascinated by the lightning that had appeared between his best friend's hands.
"what about me? do i have abilities?" he asked giddily. if this nightmare had brought him powers, everything would be better.
"well... you weren't born like any of us. you were born after the union of two olympian gods... you are way more powerful than any of us. i don't know why though. your parents are apollo and aphrodite. if you still hadn't figured it out by your surroundings..." jeno told, looking at the pink and yellow house, which's walls were covered of hearts and suns.
"and what are my powers?"
"you have an undeniable seduction power, and that's thanks to your mother. she made you the most beautiful being of the world. you can have anyone at your feet in a snap of fingers. and... from your father... i don't know. as the god of the sun, he made you naturally glowing. you bring light wherever you go, and... you never got sick. he's the god of healing and diseases after all..."
donghyuck looked at him with an eyebrow raised.
"but like... no lightning thingy between my palms?"
"your powers are related to your parents, hyuck."
"oh..." donghyuck said, thinking about everything jeno told him again.
"leeteuk said i should show you around." jeno spoke after some time. "this way you'll see more people like you. are you coming?" jeno held his hand out.
donghyuck nodded slowly, putting his hand into the older's and letting him pull him outside.
"and... this is where we practice the fighting." jeno said, pointing at a big ring in which two persons were fighting with swords.
"a-aren't they going to kill each other?" donghyuck asked, eyes closing more at each strike.
"we're trained to that. and there's an infirmary."
"but still... that small guy is going to get smashed."
jeno chuckled. "i don't think so."
donghyuck closed his eyes for good when the taller of the two boys on the ring pushed the smaller on the ground.
"who won now?!" he heard one of the males shouting.
after another five seconds, the reply made him open his eyes.
"i did, again." a much calmer voice spoke.
donghyuck couldn't believe his eyes. the small boy that was about to get killed was now straddling the hips of the other, both swords in his hands.
"h-how?" donghyuck asked as the tall guy left the ring while cursing.
"this small boy is huang renjun." jeno explained. "he's the son of athena."
donghyuck waited a few seconds to let jeno explain, but the older didn't.
"athena...?" he asked, completely oblivious about who it was.
"goddess of wisdom and war strategy. he wins by the technique." jeno finished.
"the other was na jaemin. son of ares. god of savage war and blood lust. he never loses normally, but leeteuk told me he always did against renjun. they hate each other's guts apparently."
"how do you know all of that?" donghyuck asked perplexed.
"well, i lived here most of the time until middle school. and then i came to your town. but i still phoned leeteuk every night to tell him if anything had happened. on his side, he would often tell me how things went on in the camp."
"oh, okay." donghyuck nodded. "and... who are those two kids?" he asked pointing at two boys chasing after each other. what freaked him out though was that one of them hadn't his feet touching the ground. he was floating in the air.
"the one at the front is zhong chenle. son of hermes; messenger of the gods and god of trade, thieves, travels and some other not important things." jeno said eyes glued to the owl that had flown towards renjun.
"and the other?" donghyuck asked.
"park jisung. he's the son of poseidon. tell me you know who that is?"
donghyuck thought for a second. "huh... goddess of the sea?"
jeno slapped the back of his head. "he's a god. and yeah, of the sea, earthquakes and storms."
"sorry, i didn't know."
"well, you should really revise your mythology."
donghyuck and jeno continued walking around the camp, jeno showing the younger the different places where he would go during his stay and eventually telling him more about the people they would meet.
when the two boys had finished walking around the forest, jeno brought donghyuck back to the main house, where dinner would be served soon.
donghyuck was getting familiar with the place, but he was still a bit scared by all those different people staring at him as if he was some rare thing.
jeno pulled the boy towards a table a bit far from the other's, so that odnghyuck wasn't in the centre of people wanting to question him about his origins.
"i'm dying of hunger." donghyuck declared. "i hope food is good there."
jeno shrugged. "better than the canteen i guess." he said. "stay here, i'll go get you something to eat."
donghyuck nodded, putting his elbows on the table and resting his chin on his palms.
today had been a long day, and he had learned way too much for his small brain.
donghyuck looked around, trying to identify the different people he had seen during the day.
he recognized renjun, eating alone with his owl on his shoulder; chenle and jisung who were practically yelling; lucas, another of hermes' sons next to demeter's son, jungwoo; ares' sons, eating together – the only ones donghyuck remembered were jaemin and yuta – at a table, and finally jaehyun, someone jeno had introduced him as his brother, that was eating with lots of people.
donghyuck turned around, looking towards the other side where he could see a small part of the forest. squinting his eyes, he noticed a figure sat on a rock, at the entrance of the forest, where there was not much light. after a bit of time, donghyuck realised it was the boy with the scythe.
"i'm here!" jeno said, putting two plates on the table.
donghyuck didn't listen to him, he kept his eyes on the boy sitting on his rock where no one could really see him.
"donghyuck? what are you looking at?" jeno asked.
"who's this boy?" donghyuck answered with a question.
jeno furrowed his brows, looking in the direction donghyuck was pointing but seeing nothing.
after a few seconds, he noticed the boy who was wearing all black, the red eyes of his dog visible next to him.
"it's no one you should know." jeno said quickly.
"really? leeteuk talked to him yesterday. he said he was someone's son."
jeno gave a last glance to the black shadow before digging in his plate of food.
"he's hades' son. mark lee. but you shouldn't care about him if you want to stay safe. he's not a really good influence. i mean... there's a reason why he's alone..."
donghyuck hummed, eyes still glued on the almost invisible male.
"mark lee..."
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