Ω 21 Ω
"woah..." chenle and jisung let out at the same time when their taxi drove through las vegas' main street after rolling in the desert for a while.
"welcome to las vegas, guys." the taxi driver said, hearing the excitement of the boys behin him. "everything is possible there, it's a land of dreams."
chenle glued his face to the car's window, letting out gasps every time he saw something incredible in his eyes – which happened very often – and hitting jisung's shoulder to show him excitedly.
the night has set a few hours before there, making the sky pitch black, but lightened by the dozens of spotlights provided by the city.
while driving through the place, it seemed like it was daytime because of the amount of artificial light that was there. their electricity bill must be huge.
"i'm tired..."
jeno turned around, looking at his best friend whose eyes were closing on their own. it was pretty late already, and the jet lag didn't make things better for the seven boys, who were very tired.
as he was about to pull him to lay his head on his shoulder, mark did it, making donghyuck snuggle into his neck.
jeno's jaw clenched seeing mark getting touchy with his best friend, but he didn't argue. donghyuck seemed to like mark's company, and hades' son hadn't done anything to make jeno doubt him, so, he could have misjudged him in the first place – he was still defiant though.
as jeno got back to looking at the road ahead of them, he felt something touching his other shoulder. turning his face, he was met with the sight of renjun sleeping soundly, with his head leaning against him because of its weigh.
jeno smiled, readjusting renjun's head on his shoulder to make sure the boy was comfortable, and it seemed like he was, because, similarly to donghyuck, he snuggled into jeno's side.
"cute..." jeno let out, brushing renjun's hair off his face.
"aw, mister intellectual fell asleep..."
jeno lifted his head, seeing that jaemin had turned around to look at him and renjun.
"those are the rare times i appreciate him." jaemin continued.
"come on... he's not that bad..." jeno rolled his eyes, glancing at the sleeping boy's face.
"he's the worst." jaemin retorted. "always thinks he's better than me."
"why can't you accept the fact that both of you could have the same level?" jeno raised a brow, challenging jaemin.
"are you assuming that he could be as good as me?" jaemin snorted. "he's not."
"you just have different techniques. you surely both are the best in your own domain. and when you put your two techniques face to face, you're equal." jeno explained, making jaemin chuckle loudly.
"you're starting to talk like renjun, thunderbolt." jaemin said, pinching jeno's nose. "you need to start hanging out more with me."
"i can hang out with both of you." jeno told.
"i don't like when you're with renjun. i want you for myself." jaemin smiled brightly.
"that's selfish." jeno pointed out. "and mean."
"i'm ares' son." jaemin shrugged. "and i remember having the power over you, thunderbolt."
jeno rolled his eyes at jaemin's remark. how could he forget that he was under jaemin's commands now?
"and?" he raised a brow.
"nothing for the moment. but if i see you spending too much time with renjun and not enough with me, i'll do something."
"here you are boys! this is the hotel you wanted to go to." the taxi driver said.
"thank you very much!" chenle exclaimed, pulling out of his pockets many dollar bills – that he had stolen at the airport – to pay him.
both mark and jeno woke donghyuck and renjun up, helping them getting out of the car.
"where are we?" donghyuck asked, his eyes squinting because of the amount of light that was surrounding them.
"we arrived at our hotel. now, we need to find the reception and ask for rooms." jeno explained.
the seven boys walked in, chenle and jisung having the same amazed look on while the other five seemed completely unbothered by their surroundings – renjun and donghyuck would have surely been amazed if they weren't half-asleep though.
"hello!" chenle bounced happily to the reception, greeting the lady that was there. "we'd like to spend the night there please."
"of course." the lady answered in english. "how many rooms do you need?"
"huh... two double rooms, and a room for three." chenle said.
the lady shuffled around for a few seconds before handing chenle three magnetic cards to open the doors.
"the three rooms are on the 50th floor, it's written on your cards there." she explained. "you're rooms 119, 123, and 127 for the triple bedroom. the elevator is over there."
"okay, thanks a lot!" chenle smiled while taking the cards.
the boys walked to the lift and pressed the button, waiting for its doors to open.
"so, who sleeps with who?" jisung asked.
"i sleep with donghyuck." mark declared quickly.
"what?" jeno reacted immediately. "i am the one to sleep with donghyuck."
"i said it first, once again." mark crossed his arms over his chest.
"this is not a question of who said it first or second. donghyuck is my best friend, and i don't trust you enough to leave you with him one night." jeno explained.
"and why can't i sleep with donghyuck?" chenle piped in, making jisung widen his eyes.
"why would you want to sleep with donghyuck?" he asked, perplexed.
"why not?" chenle shrugged, a pink blush appearing on his cheeks.
"donghyuck will sleep with me, anyway." mark huffed.
"you didn't even ask for his opinion." jaemin told, his eyes rolling to the back of his head at the constant bickering.
all the boys faced donghyuck, whose eyes were barely staying open at that point.
the boy yawned cutely. "mmh?" he hummed.
"who do you want to sleep with?" jisung asked.
"i want to sleep..." donghyuck replied simply.
"but with who?" jisung repeated.
"i don't care..."
a loud ding signalled that the lift had arrived, and the seven boys engulfed in, pressing the '50' button as soon as they entered.
"if he doesn't care who sleeps with him, i can." mark declared.
"i won't let you sleep with him." jeno warned.
"i could sleep with him!" chenle cut them.
"no!!" both mark and jeno replied at the same time, glaring at each other.
"okay..." chenle shrugged, lowering his head.
"look, you're ridiculous, arguing day and night." jisung rolled his eyes, wrapping an arm around chenle to comfort him.
"we'll stop arguing when he'll understand that i am donghyuck's protector, and that i should stay with him." jeno spat, his eyes never leaving mark.
"and when will you understand that donghyuck prefers me to you?" mark raised a brow. "because this is an important detail."
"shhh..." renjun said, leaning against the lift's wall with his eyes closed.
"i'm sleepy..." donghyuck added, doing the same as renjun.
"don't worry we're almost in our room." jeno said to donghyuck.
"you mean in OUR room." mark interrupted.
"i mean donghyuck and i's room." jeno stated.
"no, no, no. donghyuck and- "
"god, shut the fuck up you two!" jaemin yelled, making both boys stop their arguing immediately. "you're giving me a headache with your shit!"
a small ding announced that they had reached their floor.
the doors of the lift opened as jaemin faced chenle, before picking the three cards out of his hand.
"you two share a room." jaemin said, giving jisung the 119 card. "renjun, you share one with me." he added, placing the 123 card in his pocket. "and you three, you share a room, and a donghyuck." jaemin continued, placing the card over jeno's chest while glaring at him and mark.
all the boys inside the lift looked at jaemin with their eyes widened.
"now, let's go to bed, i'm fucking tired." jaemin told, carrying renjun and placing him over his shoulder as he headed to his room.
the five other boys watched renjun and jaemin's door closing with the two boys inside.
"what just happened?" jisung asked, a brow raised.
"is he seriously making us three share a room?" mark groaned, glaring at jeno.
"this is not serious." jeno tsked.
"huh, we'll let you deal with this alone, okay?" jisung said, escaping the lift after grabbing chenle's wrist. "see you tomorrow."
both mark and jeno continued glaring at each other for long seconds, not caring that they were blocking the lift.
"sleep..." donghyuck mumbled, catching their attention.
"we're going to our room, don't worry." jeno said bending down to carry donghyuck.
"no. i carry him." mark pushed jeno away, carrying donghyuck bridal style immediately.
"why? i was about to take him." jeno huffed.
"jaemin gave you the card, you have to open the door."
jeno rolled his eyes, walking out of the lift and heading to their room, with mark on his heels.
zeus' son opened the door thanks to the card, switching the light on to reveal the display of the room.
"i sleep with donghyuck on the double bed." he said immediately.
"what?! no! i do!" mark replied immediately.
"i said it first!" jeno argued, playing mark's game.
"i don't care. i was carrying him, i sleep with him." mark told, placing donghyuck on the double bed.
"since i couldn't carry him, i should sleep with him." jeno tackled back immediately.
"i don't see why?" mark raised a brow.
"there's no need to see why. i just don't want you to sleep with him." jeno explained. "i though i had been clear."
"too bad i don't care bout what you say." mark shrugged.
"you won't sleep with him!" jeno growled, gripping mark's collar and gluing their foreheads as a small cloud formed over his head, small lightnings appearing there.
"i will, trust me." mark growled back, gripping jeno's shirt as well as his dark aura started suffocating the room.
before the two boys could start using their powers fully, they were interrupted by a noise.
a small snore that caught their attention.
both boys turned around, seeing clothes sitting on top of the double bed.
they glanced sideways, noticing that donghyuck had slid under the covers of the simple bed, on the other side of the room, after taking his clothes off.
"great." jeno rolled his eyes. "so, none of us sleeps with him."
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