Ω 50 Ω
"how are you doing today?"
donghyuck lifted his head, meeting eyes with hendery who was leaning against a tree, not too far away from him.
"i'm good, i guess." donghyuck replied, taking a sip of his juice.
it was their first morning in the camp after coming back from paris. they had gotten at the camp late at night, and they all had gone to sleep quickly. now, it was the early morning, and it seemed like they weren't all awake. donghyuck had decided to have a breakfast peacefully – something he hadn't been able to have for long.
"what about you?" donghyuck asked.
"i'm feeling better now that i'm sure we got rid of the titans." hendery explained, taking a sit next to donghyuck. "we had been looking for a way to defeat them for long..."
"that's what i understood, yeah." donghyuck nodded.
"hendery!! come with us, we're going to hunt in the woods!"
both boys at the breakfast table lifted their heads, seeing yangyang and xiaojun waving at their boyfriend.
donghyuck smiled as he felt their hearts beating in unison, and as he saw the names of each's lovers on top of their heads in bright pink letters. their love had been lasting for quite some time, and it would keep lasting for long, donghyuck was sure of that.
"i'm having a talk with donghyuck, babes! i'm coming right after!" hendery replied.
"okay!" yangyang nodded as he sent hendery a flying kiss before grabbing xiaojun's arm and pulling him away in the woods.
donghyuck stared at hendery while the boy looked at his two boyfriends escaping towards the woods with a smile.
the tanned male tried deciphering what hendery was feeling, but he was surpised not to be able to feel anything. there was no name floating above his head, no spark... nothing. yet, donghyuck was 100% sure that hendery loved xiaojun and yangyang...
"i can't read your feelings..." donghyuck declared, hurting his pride as he spoke those words. how come wasn't he able to read someone's feelings when he was supposed to master love and relationships?
"my feelings?" hendery asked, turning his attention back on donghyuck.
"i can see that yangyang and xiaojun love you. but i can't see if you love them." donghyuck explained clearly.
"i do." hendery assured.
"yeah, i know. but i can't read it."
"let me guess..." he chuckled. "it's the same for mark's feelings?"
donghyuck though for a few seconds, recording every time he had tried deciphering mark's feelings to know if he had a chance or not. but sadly, every time he tried, he could feel nothing. it was as if mark didn't have a heart. as if he wasn't able to love.
"yeah..." donghyuck nodded.
"do you know why?" hendery raised a brow.
"do i look like i know?" donghyuck asked, sounding frustrated, which made hendery laugh.
"calm down." he told. "i'll explain why you can't read our feelings."
"you know why?!"
"well, i guess." hendery shrugged. "it's because hades' progenitures have no physical bodies."
"what?" donghyuck asked, completely confused as he looked at hendery's body to make sure it was real.
"what i mean is, we are embodiments of death. we have bodies, but they're already dead. we aren't living beings. and the fact we were bathed into the styx makes our bodies intemporal." hendery explained.
"so... you and mark are dead?" donghyuck's brows furrowed.
"we were just never really alive." hendery said. "it's like... our inheritance from hades."
"oh... okay..." donghyuck nodded, everything seeming clearer in his mind. however, another memory made him doubt what had just been said.
"but... i could feel mark's heart the other day, when we were in the catacombs. i heart his heart beat, and i felt his love. that's how i knew i could trust him..." donghyuck spoke, everything getting more confusing in his head.
"that's because we're half human." hades' son explained. "sometimes, very strong feelings can bring the humanity out of us. and during those times, we become alive, and have vital needs. those times are our weak times, because we become vulnerable. i assume that mark allowed himself to show this part of him to you because he wanted to prove his sincerity."
as donghyuck was about to answer, a cough prevented him to do so.
the beautiful boy turned around immediately, smiling brightly when he saw the subject of their conversation glaring at hendery.
"if my brother is done with spilling private things to my boyfriend, i guess i could take him on a date."mark declared, his jaw clenched as one of his hands reached for donghyuck's shoulders.
"i'm your brother now? no more 'half-brother, hades never hooks-up with the same woman twice'?"hendery asked, imitating mark's voice.
"shut up." mark rolled his eyes, hating to be teased.
"cool, bro. i'll leave you and donghyuck alone. my boyfriends are waiting for me." hendery told as he stood up from the table. "bye guys, see you around the camp!"
donghyuck and mark both stared at hendery leaving towards the woods and faced each other when he had disappeared behind trees.
"so, you're taking me on a date?" donghyuck raised a brow.
"yeah. i thought you'd like to be taken care of like the princess you are." mark stated, smiling at donghyuck.
the tanned male chuckled, standing up and kissing mark's lips fully before pulling away.
"you're right." he nodded, intertwining his and mark's hands as their hearts beat in unison.
"god, they're taking all their sweet time..." chenle sighed, looking at his watch.
"don't pressure them. they're on a date at the lake." renjun replied. "they'll eventually get here."
"how do you know about that?" jeno raised a brow, feeling slightly hurt that his best friend hadn't told him he had a date, but that he had told renjun.
"i sent sofia to spy on them." renjun smiled sheepishly as the white owl on his shoulder whistled.
"we are going to get scolded by leeteuk for being late. the ceremony starts in 20 minutes." jisung sighed, already imagining the worst scolding.
"we saved the world. they can wait for a few more minutes." renjun rolled his eyes.
"we didn't discuss about mark since yesterday." jaemin declared, looking at his friends.
"i mean, he's not our boyfriend so..." chenle raised a brow.
"i meant, we didn't talk about how he acted in front of his father." jaemin specified.
"oh yeah." chenle nodded slowly. after his interjection, no one spoke for a few seconds.
jaemin looked at his friends and boyfriends successively.
"i was surprised by his sudden monologue." he told.
"yeah, that's the least you could say." jisung approved.
"i never expected him to fight back against his father, when his father is hades, and that i've seen mark since we were young, and he always tried to become like this." jaemin continued. "something changed in him. donghyuck changed him. and i have the pretention to think we changed him too."
"his speech was so... sincere... it was as if he was human..." renjun nodded.
"i thought about it all night long. and i think you guys are right, we should give him a second chance."jaemin stated, making jeno smile.
"you do?" jeno wrapped an arm around jaemin's body.
"you guys had a huge impact on me. not just renjun and jeno, but all of you. i don't even recognize myself. but i'm sure i'm a better person now. and i think we changed mark even more. we made him better. we made him good." jaemin spoke slowly.
"i guess you're right, jaemin." jisung nodded. "we need to give him a second chance."
"it will surely be hard, trusting him at first, but we'll get there, i'm sure of it." jaemin approved jisung's words.
the five boys looked at each other with bright smiles on their faces.
"come here, guys. group hug." jeno said, opening his eyes.
both renjun and jaemin jumped in his embrace, jisung and chenle following immediately.
it felt good, this feeling of peace, friendship and love...
"you didn't even wait for us!" a squeaky voice was heard as donghyuck ran towars the group hug, getting in between the five boys to be hugged as well.
mark stayed a few steps behind, knowing how his past actions had broken their bond, and how they surely didn't trust him anymore.
however, he was surprised when he saw chenle pulling one of his arms out of the hug and holding it out in mark's direction.
"come and joing the hug, mark. you're part of us." he said with a smile.
mark's heart never beat as hard as when he understood his friends were ready to give him a second chance as he was engulfed in the seven-person hug that sealed a giant promise that none of the boys would ever break: the promise of eternal friendship.
and so, here they were, finally together, all seven of them.
united by the beautiful feeling of friendship.
and also love.
but not just regular love...
more like olympian love.
Ω the end Ω
sadly, this is the end of the lovely journey that was 'olympian love'...
thank you so much to all of you for the love and support you showed on this work, and thank you for the hundreds of comments that you left everyday and that made me so happy in my hard days! i really hope that you enjoyed reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it (which means A WHOLE LOT)!
i just wanted to say that your support truly helped me through pain and stress, and even if i'm still not in my best state, i already feel so much better, and it's thanks to all of you, who kept making me happy and smiley despite my bumpy life.
i am so glad i finished writing this book, i feel like wattpad doesn't have enough nct demigod aus, and i love them so much... so, yeah, i already know that i'll be rereading this story that i wrote a few times until there are more similar aus haha
anyway, thanks again to all of you for everything! i love you all from the bottom of my heart, and i am so thankful you brought me there<3
love you lots <3<3<3<3
p.s.: oh, and i took a lot of pleasure at the beginning of the story while reading your comments flooding about how the dreamies should trust mark and stop seeing him as someone bad when i knew from the start that he was going to betray them right after (:
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