the drunk dinner party
Kittys P.O.V.
Well after that incident with Cat I invited the family to dinner to make things better..worst idea ever. Well Al is hitting on you and Matt is beating Al up telling him that if I was the one hed be dead way dead. Cat is dancing on the table after a couple shots of 'happy juice' joyus not only are the brothers at each others throats but Cat is singing Chandileir will hanging on it Oliver is apoligizing for the brothers and volenteering to babysit Cat I said " I DONT CARE HOW SORRY YOU ARE CAT IS THE WORST THING ON PLANET TO THE POINT WHERE THE DEVIL KICKED HER OUT DO YOU NOT SEE HER DANCING THE TABLE" I shout. Oliver is now crying saying hes pathetic now I have to craddle him great this night only gets better Matt brought out the polar bear and Al brought out the bat its like world war 3 is going down in my livingroom Cat is casting votes from imaginary people seeing who would win the battle so far the mental hospital wouldnt take us in... thanks Obama.
Matts P.O.V.
Well I was murdering Al and Kitty was trying to find a metal hospital that would take us in thus far no luck. Cats god knowswhere and Kitty is slapping Al whos drunk and wont let go of her waist talking dirty in her ear well Kitty is sober and is not planning on getting drunk anytime soon. Well good redince not Alcatraz would take us in at this point.
Cat broke all her bones and Oliver took her to the hospital. The doctors lectured kitty about cats drinking problems. Cats words were slurred i couldnt understand, obviously kitty could. After about 3 hours we gave in.
Olivers P.O.V.
After we took Cat to the hospital we waited for a good three hours before she was out. "Hello poppet how are you". She looked crushed ,"I am under house arrest.sober for THREE WEEKS!"
My friends helped me calm the savage beast. It took three pounds of metal chains. We held so many days the cops let her stay at my house. I had to put a collar on her before she calmed. actually she was very pleasant sober very, normal. I was scared she was just so quiet, she broke,snapped,whatever you call it! she broke into tears and she vented to me. About her father and mother dying and how kitty was the reason she was drunk all the time and she was so lonely! I let her help in the bakery. At about 1 pm she still hadn't said anything it made her punching al in the balls much less comedic it was unusual. We sat down for tea and she was still,broken. She spoke finaly " I have never been so vulnerable to....anyone...i cried infront of was weak...My dad would've beaten me for being weak. I am so stupid.... bye Oliver Kirkland" she stood up and left. I was crushed she just left. After 6 days Al had complained about not needing ice down there and how it wasn't the same. I would see her in the market but she woulld run, i dont understand what i did!! she opened up to me i dont get girls!
Allens P.O.V
It was two weeks since i wa free of being hurt. I dont understand what went wrong.did i do something? Nah probably girl stuff yah know? Dad was fine I havent seen Francis in weeks. He fianly came home to find his whiskey gone cat drank it. I saw their shop and i think cat snapped. she was wearing PINK FREAKING PINK!! I walked in with glasses i pushed them down. Her face was pinker than her dress,then she did it the thing i missed the area was sore again, i was in a good mood so.... she slapped me...20 times in a row....yes.
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