Mattie the stalker whoop!whoop!
Citty's POV
At about 3 am i heard something in the closet, Mattie wasn't in bed and i knew it was no good. I hopped out of bed slowly,grogily,tiredly. I first got some tea and then i saw Mattie with peices of cloth i looked up. "WHAT U BE DOIN DOWN HERE MISTER POLAR BEAR?" Matte gulped "Getting fabric?" he smiled I got ready for the day after i tied him to the bed. "CITTY I BE BORED UR HUBBY BE WEIRDEEEEE DONT GET UP I UNTIED UR HUBBY AND HE MAKES SPECIAL PANCAKES" Mattie hollared back quickly "NO! just bf and gf nothing more!"
I woke up with Mattie at my side. "MATTIE!" my tone quieted "what did you do?" He smiled and quickened his voice " so those special pancakes got a teensy-weensy bit mixed up with my pops drugs and Kat came down and by the time she read it i already cooked them and i couldnt just let them go to waste i mean really BUDGETS!!!Anyways i brought you to my little home-away-from-home-" I hushed him "you KNEW they were drugged and you still gave it to me?!?!" He quieted and looked away and grabbed my hands i pulled away from him "You let me Mattie!" he pulled my hands back to his "Why i am NOT going to loose you!!" he slammed his fist on the table "Citty and if you DO try to leave there will be serious consequenses, anyways i am going to get grocieries want anything,love?" i looked at him and turned around away from him tears brimmed but i couldnt show weakness i musnt not now, now i had to find out how to escape this crazy physco
time skip morning
Cittys POV
I woke up Mattie at my side, i shook hum vigorously until he woke up fron his deep sleep in da chair. Kat was nowhere ti be seen and i felt good. I checked the shampoo and the shower and every vent,ceiling,floor and his computer. He sat there staring at me smiling "Lose something Citty you look like a gold miner!" i sighed it was only just a dream...just a weird scary stalker dream everyone has right?
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