Spoilers of Chapter 17-
The Five Timeline Keepers sat in the meeting room, waiting for Riko, the FIRST Timeline Keeper....
Riko walks in carrying his vision board, his split banana hat gone which is replaced by a small banana hairpin on his hair...his suit which is decorated by stars, and on suit chest...the shiny badge that says: First Timeline Keeper...of Prediction and Vision...
The Second Timeline Keeper clapped who is basically the Timeline Keeper of Time says:"Ahem...can we now begin this meeting...do we even have..uhh..TIME..?"
The Third Timeline Keeper who is Timeline Keeper of Order asked:"Yeah...I agree with Xinx...but ummm..can we please get this meeting done..? I have to go back to other universes to make sure everything in in..ORDER.."
Riko coughed his throat to clear it and said with a smile:"Ah yes! We can, indeed...but I have some good news of the universe that me and Xinx are in right now!"
The Fourth Timeline Keeper who is Timeline Keeper of Memories asked:"Let me guess...is it that uhhh...paper school-ish...universe...? I clearly have MEMORIES of this conversation..." She asked...doing her nails while she asked the question...
The Fifth Timeline Keeper who's Timeline Keeper of Planning asked:"Yeah...but is it going good..? No troubles or anything..? Do you even plan on doing an official announcement on this situation..? Perhaps we Timeline Keepers can fix this..? I do PLAN on making a prototype protocol talking about this and-"
Riko slammed his hands on the table which caught the rest of the timeline keepers surprised...
Riko clearly is furious and said to his fella timeline keepers:"EVERYONE, CHILL OUT! I'm just here to say that the predictions I have are CORRECT. The timeline in THIS universe is going as we PLANNED! We might end up fixing the timeline THIS TIME!"
Now this time...everyone is interested...
Riko sighed and turned to the fourth and the fifth timeline keepers and said:"Yes, it is the paper school universe, Iris...and Eleanor...yes the news are good..we don't need any more timeline fixing, we should be good for now...you know that Atlas (third timeline keeper of Order) can keep track of it...so we should be good for now..."
Xinx (The Second Timeline Keeper of Time) asked:"Well...any visions, you have...First Timeline Keeper of Prediction and Visions...?" Xinx's eyes are more focused on the wall and not direct eye contact with Riko...
Riko's eyes lit up he walked over to his floating vision board and tapped some buttons on it and said:"Oh yes! I've actually had some visions last night...and...our main couple here...might actually be getting together...which will help the timeline and the gorgeous...PLOT!" Riko smiled and an illusion of a small hand drawn picture of Oliver and Alice appeared floating in the air...
Xinx (The Second Timeline Keeper of Time) facepalmed and whispered to Atlas:"Oh boy...here he goes again...always obsessively focused on getting the job done..." Atlas (The Third Timeline Keeper of Order) whispered back to Xinx:"Well...he has the most powers than us...like he literally has mind reading, telepathy, future seeing aka visions...so we should at least follow one of his ideas...am I right..? Besides, he gets the job done, and as long as he's focused, we should be good for now.." Xinx groaned in exhaustion and whispered back to Atlas:"But I'm just worried about his psychological mind or something...besides where the hell is this New York guy that Riko's dating!?" Atlas rolled his eyes and whispered to Xinx:"His name is NYX. Not New York..use your brain...Xinx!"
Eleanor (The Fifth Timeline Keeper of Planning) rolled her eyes and thinked to herself:"Well...at least Riko's focused on getting the two be a couple..."
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