Sequel to "Can We Keep Him?"
A/N: Non-Superhero AU
Oliver's POV
Barry absolutely loves our dog, Scout. He treats it like a baby...a 110 pound baby. Sometimes he cuddles with Scout more than me, and I'm his boyfriend! But I'm not jealous, of course I'm not. I also love Scout very much, plus he's a great guard dog. I never have to worry knowing that Barry is safe with Scout when I'm not home. When I get back from work, I find Barry and Scout asleep on the couch. Scout lifted his head and grunted towards the door when I opened it.
"It's just me, buddy." I said scratching him behind his ears.
Then I kiss Barry's head and run my fingers through his hair. I scoop my boyfriend up into my arms and carry him to bed. I change clothes then get into bed beside Barry. After failing to wedge himself in between me and Barry, Scout curls up at the foot of the bed. The dog gives me a dirty look as if I stole his spot or something.
"Don't give me that look, you already had your turn. Besides, he's my Barry." I said holding Barry.
Scout grumbles and lays his head in between his paws. I cuddle up to Barry and go to sleep. In the morning, I wake up to Barry tickling me.
"Haha! Stop!" I laughed into my pillow.
Barry stops tickling me then rests his hands on my hips and starts kissing my collar bone.
"Well, someone's in a good mood this morning." I purred.
My boyfriend chuckles then leaves a trail of kisses up my neck and meets my lips. I pull Barry closer to me to deepen our kiss; his hands slide down from my hips and grip the back of my thighs. Just when things were getting good and Barry had a hold of the waistband of my boxers, Scout paws at my shoulder.
"Not now, Scout, your dads are busy." I said barely separating myself from Barry's lips.
"Come on, babe, Scout's probably hungry." Barry said sitting up.
Then he gets out of bed and goes to the kitchen to feed the dog. I groan into my pillow, pissed that I got interrupted. After a few minutes of pouting, I drag myself out of bed. When I get into the kitchen, Barry is making pancakes. I look over at Scout who is happily eating his dog food.
"D*mn dog, c*ck-blocking me." I muttered.
"Huh, babe?" Barry asked.
"Oh, nothing, how's breakfast coming along?" I said wrapping my arms around Barry's mid-section.
Smiling, I place a small kiss behind his ear.
"The pancakes are almost done, go get the syrup." replied Barry.
I grab the syrup as Barry finishes up the pancakes. Barry makes the best pancakes ever; I have, like, six. While I'm getting ready for work, Barry is scratching Scott's belly.
"Who's my good boy, you are. Yes, you are." Barry said sweetly.
"I thought I was your good boy?" I asked pouting.
"I can have two good boys." Barry answered.
"But I'm number one, right? Your number one good boy?" I asked Barry, sitting in his lap.
I grab my boyfriend's face and lock lips with him.
"Mmff...O-Oliver...stop, you're gonna be late for work." Barry said trying to pull away.
"Aww, but I want you, Bear." I whined laying my head on his shoulder.
I don't really care about work right now, all that's on my mind is how much I boyfriend.
"I know, and you can have me after work." Barry said patting my shoulders.
"Oookaaayy." I groaned getting off Barry's lap.
"Love you, babe." I said giving Barry a quick kiss.
"Love you, too." replied Barry.
I leave the apartment and drive to work. During lunch, I get a call from Barry; he was absolutely hysterical, I couldn't understand a word he was saying.
"Babe, babe! Calm down! Slowly, tell me what happened." I said.
"I-I was at the park w-w-with Scout, a-and th-the leash...i-it broke. Scout, he ran off chasing some squirrel or something...I-I...I can't find him anywhere." Barry explained to me crying.
"It's going to be okay, Bear, we'll find him." I said to calm down.
I left work and went straight to the park where Barry was waiting. Together, we search all over the park and streets for Scout. It's almost sunset and we still haven't found our dog.
"Bear, baby, it's almost dark, we gotta get home." I said.
"No, Ollie, we can't stop! Scout's still out there somewhere!" Barry argued.
Tears roll down Barry's cheeks and his bottom lip quivers. I take Barry's hand and interlock our fingers.
"Babe, I promise you, we'll find him. We won't be of any use if we're tired and can't think straight; that's why we need to go home and rest. We'll start fresh in the morning, okay?" I calmly explained.
Barry sniffs, wipes his face, and nods. I drive us home and eat a small dinner before going to bed.
"Do you think Scout will be okay?" Barry asked me.
I hug him then kiss his eyebrow.
"He'll be fine, Bear." I reassure him.
All night, Barry clung tightly to me as if his life depended on it. He woke me up very early the next day. My boyfriend hands me a cup of coffee to bring me out of my sleepy haze.
"Thanks, Babe." I yawned before kissing his cheek.
Sitting on the couch, I saw a stack of papers on the coffee table. They were lost dog flyers; it looked like there was about 200 of them.
"Bear, how'd you have time to make all these?" I asked picking up one of the flyers.
"Ummm..." replied Barry, hesitating to answer my question.
"Barry." I said sternly.
"Okay...I woke up at four in the morning." Barry admitted.
"Seriously, Barry? We went to bed at 11:30, that's only four-in-a-half hours of sleep!" I scolded.
"Well, sorry that I actually care about finding Scout!" Barry snapped at me.
I don't care?! Are you f**king kidding me! I left work early to help you find him. How could you say that I don't care?, is what I wanted to say, but I didn't. I know Barry didn't really mean it, he's just tired and stressed out. When Barry gets like this, all stressed out and stuff, he says things he instantly regrets. Then he would kick himself over what he said even though he was already forgiven.
"Bear, sweetheart, I do care. I'm just making sure you're taking care of yourself. I don't want you putting your health at risk." I said calmly.
"You're right, I'm sorry. I...I-I shouldn't have said that, it was so awful I'm so, so sorry." Barry replied.
"It's okay, baby, I know you didn't mean it. You're just exhausted that's all." I said hugging Barry.
He leans into me and sighs tiredly.
"Hey, babe, how's about you stay here and catch up on some sleep. I'll go out and look for Scout. Later on, I'll come get you." I said.
Barry quietly nods against my shoulder then curls up on the couch. I lay a blanket over him and kiss his head. Before I leave I grab the stack of flyers Barry made. I looked all over and passed out all the flyers, there was still no sign of Scout anywhere. With a heavy sigh I lay my head on the steering wheel of my car.
"Where could that dog be?!" I grumbled.
My phone started to ring so I answered it.
"Hello?" I said to the unknown caller.
"Hello, I think I have your dog. The tag says Scout and this number. It's a large dog with black, gray, and white markings." said a British dude.
"Yes, that's my dog. Thank you so much. Tell me where you are so I can come get him." I replied.
"I'm in Gotham, at the bus station." the British guy told me.
Gotham!? How the h*ll did Scout get all the way in Gotham? I make my way to Gotham City after I hang up with the British guy who told me his name was John Constantine. I get to the Gotham City bus station and immediately spot Scout sitting next to a blonde guy wearing a trench coat.
"Scout! Come here, boy!" I called out running up to my dog.
Scout happily runs towards me and tackles me to the ground, licking my face like crazy.
"Okay, okay, that's enough, buddy. I missed you too." I said trying to push Scout off of me.
I stand up and put a leash on Scout.
"Thank you so much for finding him. My boyfriend's been so worried about him." I said to John.
"Ah, I get it. My boyfriend has a kitten named Sabrina that he absolutely adores. He'd be devastated if she went missing." said John.
I get out my wallet and try to give John some kind of reward for finding Scout, but he refused.
"Nah, mate, there's no need for that rubbish. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get on a bus home to New Orleans where the love of my life is waiting for me." John said before getting on a bus.
After the bus leaves, I take Scout to my car. I decide not to call Barry about finding Scout, I want to surprise him. When Scout and I get home, Barry is still fast asleep on the couch. Scout walks up to him and licks his face.
"Huh...wha...?" Barry said waking up.
His eyes widen when he notices that Scout was in front of him.
"S-Scout? Oh my god, Scout!" Barry cheered hugging the dog.
It's so good to see my Barry happy again; I hate seeing him being anything but happy. My boyfriend lets go of his beloved dog then stands up and kisses me.
"How'd you find him?" Barry asked me.
"I didn't, some guy named John Constantine found him and called me." I answered.
"Where did he end up?" asked Barry.
"In Gotham." I told him.
"What!?" laughed Barry.
The three of us settle on the couch and watch movies. Barry wraps his arms around my waist and starts kissing my neck.
"You know...while you were gone, I...had a dream." Barry said, his lips brushing against my jaw.
Then he whispers the details of the dream into my ear.
"Hehehe...ya know, Bear, you're not as innocent as you look." I laughed pulling him onto my lap.
We were making out and things were getting hot...until Scout wedged himself in between us. Why? Why does he keep interrupting us? Can't I make out or have sex with my boyfriend without getting interrupted?!
"Scout, off the couch, now." Barry told the dog.
Obediently, Scout gets down, then Barry pulls me off the couch and towards the bedroom. He closes the door before Scout could dodge in.
"Now...where were we?" Barry said continuing our make out session.
Finally, for a good long while, I was able to fully enjoy my boyfriend...uninterrupted.
A/N: This is Sabrina, she is my sister's kitten. She is the one that always grabs at my pencil when I write in my journal.
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