Requested by: Iamming19
(Takes place three months after the events of kidnapped.)
For a few weeks now, Barry had been working with a new coworker. Her name was Shinimi, she's an immigrant from Japan. She's very nice, a bit shy though. Despite Shinimi being a nice and helpful person, Barry couldn't help the deep-gut feeling of uneasiness around her. He didn't know what it was, but there was something about Shinimi that didn't sit well. Also at work, Barry had been having the feeling of someone staring at him. Barry tells Oliver all about his troubles while cuddled with him on the couch.
"And I think Shinimi likes me." said Barry.
"She has a crush on you?" Oliver asked.
The speedster nods, making his boyfriend frown with jealousy. Oliver takes a deep breath to calm himself.
"Did you tell her you're already taken?" he asked Barry.
"Yeah I did, but each time I bring you up, she changes the subject. It's like she's determined to make me hers." replied Barry.
"You gotta tell her to leave you alone." said Oliver.
"I'm not sure if that'll work. She seems like the type of person you don't want to piss off." argued Barry.
"Then what are you gonna do?" asked Oliver folding his arms and pouting.
Barry laughs at his boyfriend's childish behavior. He leans in and kisses Oliver's cheek.
"It's sweet that you're jealous. Don't worry, I'll handle it." said Barry.
"Why do you have to be so handsome and charming?" laughed Oliver.
The brunette just shrugs with a smile on his face. The billionaire pins the forensic scientist on the couch and deeply kisses him.
"I guess I can't really blame the girl, you're just so irresistible." Oliver said, his lips brushing against Barry's neck.
"Stop that...i-it tickles!" Barry giggled as Oliver gave him neck kisses.
Oliver brings his lips back up to meet Barry's and they kiss each other for hours. When they were done, Oliver lays his head on Barry's chest and listens to his heart beat. Barry plays with Oliver's hair and hums.
"Are you trying to put me to sleep?" mumbled Oliver.
"I don't know, is it working?" replied Barry.
Oliver lets out a long yawn and snuggles tighter against his boyfriend.
" stop." said Oliver sleepily.
The Flash continues his act until Green Arrow is completely asleep. An hour later, Barry began to doze off, but was awoken by his phone ringing.
"Yeah?" he said answering his phone.
"Hey, Barry, there's a few things chief wants you and Shinimi to work on." said Joe.
"Okay, I'm on my way." sighed Barry.
He really didn't want to go into work right now, he was comfortable snuggling with his boyfriend.
"Come on, Ollie, get up, I gotta go." Barry said shaking Oliver awake.
" I'm too comfortable." said Oliver.
"Ollie, I got called into work, I have to go." Barry said pinching Oliver's cheek.
With a groan, Oliver sits up, allowing Barry to get up.
"Is Shinimi going to be there?" he asked.
"Yeah." answered Barry.
"I don't think you should go." Oliver said as Barry stood up and grabbed his jacket.
"Oliver it's work, I have to." replied Barry.
The hooded vigilante stands up and hugs the speedster around his waist.
"Please, Bear, don't go. I don't want anything to happen to you. You'll probably get kidnapped again." Oliver said worriedly.
Barry hugs back and pats Oliver's back. He pulls away slightly then softly kisses Oliver on the lips.
"Everything is going to be fine, I promise you. Shinimi may be a little creepy, but I don't think she's dangerous." Barry told Oliver gently.
Oliver cups Barry's face and presses their foreheads together; he rubs his cheeks with his thumbs.
"Just be careful, okay." Oliver whispered.
Barry grabs Oliver's hands and nods against his forehead.
"I will." smiled Barry.
He pecks his boyfriend on the lips then leaves for work. The first person to greet Barry when he arrives is Shinimi.
"Helloooo, Barry-Sama." she said smiling widely.
"Hi. Let's get to work." replied Barry.
They walk into the forensic lab and begin their work. It took several hours, but Barry and Shinimi were finally done with their task.
"Wow, Barry-Sama, you really are the best forensic scientist in Central City." Shinimi said fluttering her eyelashes and twirling her ponytail.
"*sigh* Look, Shinimi. I'm sure you're a really nice girl and all, but I'm just. Not. Interested. I have a boyfriend, who I love more than anything in the world. So, please, understand that you-and-me will never happen." Barry said as kindly as possible.
Shinimi frowns sadly and fidgets with the tail of her shirt.
"Oh...a-alright, I'm sorry." she apologized bowing slightly.
The Japanese woman then grabs a lamp and hits Barry in the head, knocking him unconscious.
"Sorry I had to be so rough." Shinimi said with no emotion in her voice.
She sneaks the unconscious man out the back and takes him home. Barry woke up in a basement tied to a chair.
"Oh good, you're awake." Shinimi giggled.
"What the h*ll, Shinimi?!" Barry yelled.
"Well, you left me with no other choice, Barry-Sama. I tried and tried to make you see that I was better for you than Oliver-San, but you just wouldn't see it. So, I had to take you here." explained Shinimi.
There was something about Shinimi's smile that frightened Barry; he could see the insanity in her eyes.
"You're crazy! Let me go!" shouted Barry struggling against the ropes.
He could just use his speed to phase through the ropes, but he didn't want to expose his powers to her. Shinimi giggles creepily as she approached Barry. She straddles his lap and places her hands on his chest.
"Oh, Barry-Sama, you know I can't do that; you'll run away. The only way to make you mine is to keep you here forever and ever. Then there is the matter of...getting rid of the competition." said Shinimi.
Barry's face paled with fear.
"W-what do you mean?" he asked scared to death.
"With Oliver-San out of the way, you'll have no other choice but to love me and me alone." answered Shinimi.
The yandere forcefully french-kisses the speedster. Barry had never felt more disgusted and more violated in his entire life. He hated having this psychotic woman's tongue in his mouth; so he bites down hard on Shinimi's tongue, making it bleed. She reels back, grunting in pain. The brunette turns his head and spits out her blood and tries to get Shinimi's taste out of his mouth. Instead of getting angry, Shinimi looks at Barry with lust in her eyes. A laugh escapes the woman's lips.
"Oooh, who knew Barry Allen could be so...rough." Shinimi purred.
She licks Barry's cheek, smearing blood on it.This makes Barry cringe and cower away from the crazy woman.
"Stay here, my love, I must attend to something." Shinimi whispered into Barry's ear.
Shinimi gets off Barry's lap and walks over to a table, then picks up a large kitchen knife and smiles evilly.
"This should take care of the Oliver-San problem nicely." laughed Shinimi running her finger gently across the blade.
The yandere waves 'good-bye' and walks up the stairs out of the basement.
"No, no,no! Come back! D-don't hurt Oliver, please!" Barry shouted desperately.
He began to cry when he heard the door lock. At Oliver's house, the billionaire paces around, worried sick; Barry should've been here by now.
"Oliver, are you sure Shinimi had something to do with this?" Joe asked when Oliver called him.
"Yes! Barry was telling me how creepy and obsessive she was, then he doesn't come back from working with her. Doesn't that seem completely suspicious?" replied Oliver.
"If it'll make you feel better, I'll go by Shinimi's house and check on things." said Joe.
"Please do that." said Oliver.
He hangs up the phone and puts it in his pocket. When Oliver turns around, a knife is plunged into his stomach. Oliver looks down at the knife in his stomach breathing heavily from shock. Green Arrow then looks up and meets eyes with a psychotic, yandere woman. The second he realized it was Shinimi, he tries to push her away. Though, she was surprisingly strong and kept a tight grip on the archer. Next, Shinimi starts to twist the knife, causing Oliver to grunt and shout in pain. Oliver was finally able to push her away, which roughly pulls the knife out of his stomach. He stumbles back and falls on the floor clutching his stomach, getting blood everywhere.
"W-where's...Barry...y-you...uhg...b**ch!?" Oliver said struggling to sit up.
"Don't worry, Barry-Sama is safe. Hehe, now hold still so I can kill you and make Barry-Sama all mine!" said Shinimi.
A creepy giggle turned into manic laughter as she pinned Oliver to the ground. She uses one hand to wrap around Oliver's neck, cutting off his air supply. The other has a tight grip on the bloody knife.
"A knife in your skull should do the trick." hissed Shinimi.
The Japanese woman raises the knife above her head, then swiftly brings it down. Before the knife could pierce Oliver's skull, a blur pushes Shinimi, sending her crashing into the coffee table and knocking her out.
"Oliver!" Barry shouted kneeling beside his boyfriend.
"Oh God, no." he gasped when he saw a knife wound in the middle of Oliver's stomach.
He takes his hoodie off and applies pressure to Oliver's wound.
"I-I'm so sorry, t-this is all my fault! I-I should've listened to you!" Barry said about ready to cry.
"Bear...i-it's okay. D-don't...don't blame...*cough*...y-yourself." Oliver said weakly.
His eyes began to close, making Barry freak out more.
"Ollie, no! Don't close your eyes, stay awake! Stay with me!" Barry shouted, full on crying.
Barry grabs Oliver's face and pats it, trying to keep him awake.
"B-Bear...*cough*...behind y-you." Oliver said shakily pointing behind Barry.
The speedster turns around and faces the yandere. She was slightly hunched over and had a cut on her temple that bled. Her eyes were cold and dead, and she was twitching. Barry cradles Oliver in his arms and holds his head to his chest.
"Y-you. Stay. Away." Barry growled shielding Oliver with his body.
"Why can't you just love me!?!" Shinimi screamed.
"Because you're insane! I will never love you in a million years! There is no force on this planet that will make me love you!" replied Barry.
Shinimi frowns angrily as tears roll down her face.
"Fine. Let it be that way. But...if I can't have one will." she said deadpanned.
The psycho rushes at Barry with her knife, but a gunshot stops her dead in her tracks. She looks down at her chest and sees a huge hole in the middle of it. Shinimi collapses to the ground, sets her gaze towards Barry, then dies with her eyes wide open.
"Barry! Are you okay?" Joe asked running up to Barry and Oliver holding his gun.
Barry had no words to say, so he just nods. A groan is heard and Barry checks on Oliver. His boyfriend's eyes were half closed and struggled to breathe properly.
"B-B..." he tried to say.
"Shhh, it's okay, Ollie. Y-you're gonna be okay...Shinimi won't hurt us anymore. Just try to stay with me, please." Barry said crying out of fear.
Joe grabs his phone and called an ambulance. Oliver leans his face against Barry's chest and clings tightly to his shirt. Green Arrow was able to hold on long enough for the ambulance to arrive. The paramedics also treated Barry, who went into shock over this entirely traumatic experience. When he was well enough, Barry told the police exactly what happened. Shinimi's body was sent to her family in Japan. The forensic scientist felt bad for that poor, sick woman and her family. In Oliver's hospital room, Barry sat at his bedside waiting for him to wake up.
"Unnng...Barry." Oliver groaned waking up.
"I'm here, Ollie, I'm right here." replied Barry holding Oliver's hand to his chest.
"What happened to Shinimi?" Oliver asked.
"Joe shot her...she's dead." answered Barry.
Suddenly, Barry bursts into tears and sobs.
"Bear, please stop crying. You're my happy little dork, you're not supposed to cry." said Oliver.
He takes his hand out of Barry's grip and wipes the tears off his boyfriend's face.
"Don't you dare blame yourself, Bear. None of this was your fault." Oliver said gently.
"How did you...?" asked Barry sniffling.
"Bear, baby, I know you. You always blame yourself for things that aren't your fault. Though, I wish you would stop doing that." explained Oliver.
"Okay." nodded Barry.
"Now, get over here and kiss me, you adorable little dork." Oliver told Barry.
The Flash laughs then kisses his boyfriend like it was his last chance. During Oliver's recovery, Barry waited on him hand-and-foot.
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