Wait what?
"Hey Bear," Oliver mumbled as Barry walked into the cortex. "Hey Ollie!" he said happily hugging the archer who lazily hugged back, kissing the shorter on the head. The whole team staired at the quietly. Oliver turned to them, "what?" he asked. "It's just weird hos," Rene said. "What is?" Oliver said getting defensive. "Relax hos not the relationship, you having feelings for anything that isn't your bow," he said. Oliver rolled his eyes and Barry giggled. "What'r you laughing at?" he said fondly looking down at him. "You," he playfully sassed. "Hey, I'll still put an arrow in you," he said. "Mhm sure" he mumbled hugging him still. Oliver rolled his eyes, "Okay come on Koala Bear let's head out before were late," he said. Barry nodded and let Oliver lead they way out.
The two sat down not long after at a fancy dinner table. "Why do you always choose fancy places?" Barry asked Oliver. He shrugged, "they have the best food," He said to him. Barry rolled his eyes but he really didn't mind. The waiter came over and took Oliver's order then looked at Barry, "oh my god Bell? I haven't seen you since middle school!" She said. Barry tensed, "I-Anny, hi," He chuckled playing it off. "We should totally catch up sometime girl," She said. Barry tried not to let it affect him. "Yeah definitely," he said. "Well what can I get you?" She asked. Barry awkwardly told her his order and she nodded walking away. The dinner went on normally and Oliver never once questioned why she called him Bell. After dinner they started walking to the alley so Barry could speed them home. "So you're not gonna ask me?" Barry mumbled. "Ask you what?" Oliver asked swinging their interlocked hands a bit. "About her, and what she called me?" He mumbled looking down. "Why would I?" He asked. Barry looked up at him confused, "what did you think I didn't know?" Oliver asked. Barry stopped walked looking shocked. "Wait what?" He asked. "I've known for a long time," Oliver shrugged. "I- w- How?" He asked. "Remember when you showed up on my crime scene?" he asked. Barry nodded. "Well when I had Dig look into you he mentioned it," Oliver said. "Wait diggle knows?" he asked looking kinda upset. "Yeah he's always known." Oliver said. "Who else have you told?!" He asked. "Bear I haven't told anyone,It's possible felicity knows but I have no clue," He said. "How come you never said anything?" He asked. "I never saw the point in bringing it up, i have no questions, and it doesn't change anything, I just always assumed you knew that I knew,"He said. "I'm sorry," Oliver said. Barry sighed and hugged him, "s' okay," he mumbled. Oliver kissed his head and hugged back. "I love you," Barry mumbled softly. "I love you to Koala Bear," he mumbled. Barry smiled widely hugging him.
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