Barry and Oliver started dating just after Barry woke up from his coma. It started out with Oliver training Barry but the first solo training session quickly turned into a make-out session which ended with Barry waking up in Oliver's strong arms.
The two started "training" more but it slowly turned into something more. Oliver loved spoiling Barry with the finest restaurants and prettiest gifts but Barry didn't care for any of it. He was grateful for everything Oliver did of course but he only needed Oliver's love and trust and Oliver easily compiled.
They had been together for nearly two years now even after Queen's lost everything. They were there for each other but their teams didn't know. It was originally Oliver's idea to not tell anyone because of their enemy and after someone convincing Barry agreed and they kept their relationship secret until one day when something bad happened.
Despite Oliver training Barry and his speed Barry managed to get himself hurt badly the night before a date with Oliver. A meta had stabbed Barry in the chest just missing his heart. Catelyn managed to stitch it up and due to Barry's healing, she knew he'd be okay. After Barry was late to his and Oliver's date and isn't answering his phone he got worried so he called Dig and told him to let everyone know he was heading to Central City.
Oliver arrived in Central City the next morning and he went straight to Star Labs in his Green Arrow suit. He walked into the cortex hood and mask on. "Where's Barry" Oliver spoke in his green arrow voice but he already had guns on him. He huffed and dropped his bow. "I'm not here to hurt you or him where is he" The Arrow snapped. "Why should we trust you," Joe said. "Just let me see him," Oliver said his voice his own but still stern. "Why?" Cisco asked. "Because I need to see him" Oliver snapped in his arrow voice again. "No way," Joe said and in a swift movement Oliver had his bow in his hand with an arrow loaded and aimed at Joe."Let me see him" Oliver growled. "Put it down before I ventilate you" Be treated. "Not until you take me to Barry" He growled shouting the bow into the wall joe's gun immediately magnetized to it. He drew another arrow and was going to load his bow when a quiet voice from his left made him freeze. "Ollie doesn't," Barry said holding his chest and went to take a step and fell but Oliver was quick to drop his bow and catch him before he hit the ground. Barry gripped Oliver's shoulders. "I've got you Bear," Oliver said softly. Barry hugged Oliver tightly. Oliver held him gently. "What the hell?" Joe said. "M sorry I didn't tell you I was with him," Barry said coughing. "He's a murder and he would have killed us," Cisco said. Barry shook his head. "He would never hurt you much less kill you," Barry said looking up at Oliver. Catelyn sighed "you need to get back to bed Barry," Caitlin said and Barry tried to stand but groaned in pain and fell against Oliver who picked him up bridal style and carried him back to the med bay.
"You didn't have to come here," Barry said. "I was worried," Oliver said. "It's okay I'm happy your here," He said as Oliver laid him down. Barry gently pulled Oliver down and kissed him softly. Oliver smiled as they pulled back and gently pushed his hood and mask off making Barry kiss him again. "Oliver Queen?" Katelyn said making Oliver flinch on instinct, looking over. She smiled warmly as she spoke "don't work your secret's safe with me" She said walking over to Barry. "I just need to x-ray your really fast to make sure your body is healing right," She said and Barry nodded. "I'm going to need the room, Mr.Queen," She said. "Please call me Oliver," he said leaning down and kissing Barry's head before leaving the room and heading back into the cortex where Jow was trying to get his gun off the arrow Oliver fired.
Cisco gaped at him as he walked over without his hood and mask on and pushed a button on the arrow and handed Joe his gun. Joe glared at him and Oliver's face remained blank. "I truly didn't have any intention to hurt you. I was only worried for Barry" he explained. Joe sighed "fine, but I still don't like you," he said. "And if you hurt Barry in any way I saw-" he started but Oliver cut him off. "Never," he said sincerely. Joe sighed and left.
Oliver walked over and picked up his bow inspecting it to make sure it was okay after being dropped. He set it on a clear desk as well as his quiver, hood mask and jacket leaving him in pants and a tight black shirt. Catelyn walked back in. "I told him to rest but he asked for you," she said. Oliver nodded in thanks and walked back to where Barry was.
"Hey, Ollie," Barry said softly. "Hey," Oliver said as Barry moved over making grabbed hands at Oliver who sighed reluctantly but laid down next to barry letting the speedster lay his head on the archer's chest as he held him close. "I love you" Barry mumbled softly. "I love you too," Oliver said kissing Barry's head. "Now rest," He said softly and Barry was happy to drift to sleep in Oliver's arms.
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