Say it
((Unedited sorry))
Barry walked into the house and slammed the door running up to his room and slamming his own door, lying on his stomach with his face in the pillow as he cried. "Bear?" Joe said softly knocking on the door and opening it. "What's wrong?" He asked softly. "Get out" he mumbled. "Bear your an adult stop acting like a teenager." Joe said. "Get the fuck out" Barry snapped. Joe sighed and shut the door going down stairs and phoning Oliver Queen.
"Hello" Oliver said. "What did you do?" Joe growled. "Parden?" Oliver said. "My son goes to see you and comes back crying, upset enough to yell and swear at me," Joe said. "I- i don't... I didn't mean to hurt him i thought-" Oliver started. "Don't I don't care, fix it" Joe said. "It's not that simple" Oliver said. "Fix. It" Joe stated. Oliver sighed, "I'll be right over" He said softly.
Meanwhile, Barry had calmed down his crying and put headphones in and sat on the floor facing away from the door a blade flipping between his fingers.
Oliver drove to the West household and knocked. Joe let him in and with a glare pointed him in the direction of Barry's room. Oliver knocked gently but go no response so he gently opened the door looking over at Barry who still hadn't noticed his presence. By that point Barry had the blade against his arm about to do it but Oliver came over kneeling in front of him making him jump and wipe his head up to look at him. Oliver gently placed his hands over Barry's holding one and taking the blade from him.
Barry used his free hand to take his headphones out, still looking like a deer caught in the headlights. "I-I" Barry stuttered at a loss for words as his eyes filled with tears again. "Shh" Oliver said softly but Barry was already crying. Oliver put the blade on Barry's desk and sat next to him gently pulling him into a hug. He tried to resist but Oliver wouldn't let him eventually he curled into oliver sobbing on his shoulder. Oliver held him gently rubbing his back.
"W-why?" Barry stuttered. "Why what?" Oliver asked his voice soft. "Why are you here" Barry said. "I'm always gonna be here for you" Oliver said softly. "But you s-said-" Barry started but was cut off, "I know what I said" Oliver said gently petting Barry's hair. "You don't love me so why do you care" Barry mumbled. Oliver was silent as he gently patted Barry's hair still holding him. "Do you care?" Barry mumbled. "Of course I care" Oliver answered immediately. "Why. You only care about someone you trust or love and you made it very clear that you don't love me and your Oliver Queen so I know you don't trust me." Barry said. "I say a lot of things I don't mean Barry. I say things and do things, bad things, to protect the people I care about" He said. "What's that supposed to mean" He mumbled. "It means that it doesn't matter how I feel about you we can't be together," Oliver said. Barry lifted his head still sitting in Oliver's lap. "Are you saying you do have feelings for me" Barry mumbled. "It doesn't matter" Oliver said. "It does to me" Barry said softly wiping his face. "It doesn't matter Bear, it doesn't matter how I feel and it doesn't matter how you feel we can never be together," Oliver said. "Why?" Barry said. "Because we can't" Oliver said. "Not good enough" Barry said getting kinda mad. "Just tell me why" He begged. "No'" Oliver said. "Ollie please" Barry said. "The people I love get hurt And that can't be you" Oliver said. "I can take care of myself Ollie" Barry said. "I. Can't. Take. The chance Barry" Oliver said. "So you do love me then" Barry said. "I never said that Oliver said. "But you do" Barry said. "Don't you" He finished. "It doesn't matter" Oliver said. "I need to know," he said. "Please" He said. "If I answer your question will you drop it" he asked. Barry shrugged, "will you?" Oliver asked. "Yeah fine" Barry mumbled softly. "Okay then, yes" Oliver said. Barry just locked eyes with Oliver a sad look in his eyes. "Don't bring it up again," Oliver said. Barry sighed but cuddled into Oliver, he didn't care if Oliver got annoyed no one was watching. "Bear-" Oliver started but was cut off. "No ones watching Ollie" Barry mumbled. "Just hold me" he said quietly. Oliver sighed softly but surprisingly didn't protest and just held Barry close in the dark room.
Barry ended up falling asleep and Oliver didn't have the heart to wake him so he just held Barry falling asleep as well. Barry woke up the next morning in the arms of the sleeping archer. He knew he couldn't get up without waking him so he just laid in his arms till Oliver woke up a little while later. "Morning" Barry mumbled sadly. "Morning" Oliver said softly. Barry sighed and untangled himself from Oliver standing and stretching. Oliver did the same, "I should go," Oliver said. Barry nodded sadly, "you know I'm not going to just let this go" Barry said. Oliver sighed softly and nodded, "yeah I know I just wish you would" he said. Barry wrapped his arms around Oliver's neck and pulled him into a kiss. The archer kissed back his hands instinctively going to Barry's hips as the two shared a deep kiss. Barry was the one who broke it his face close to Oliver's, "Please don't shut me out Ollie... let me in" He said quietly. "What if you get hurt," Oliver said. "I won't" He said. "We can keep it a secret, something only me and you share" Barry said. "The teams will find out" Oliver said. "We can do our best to keep it from them and if they find out we can tell them not to tell anyone ever and they won't." Barry said. "We can trust them," Barry said. "I-" Oliver started but Barry cut him off, "just say yes" he said. Oliver sighed and after a long moment he spoke, "yes" softly. "Really?" Barry said his whole face lighting up. Oliver nodded, "yep". Barry practically squeaked in joy and he gripped oliver into a Bear hug. Oliver held Barry close resting his chin on Barry's head as the speedster nuzzled his face into Oliver's chest happily. "Say it" Barry said softly. Oliver was silent for a moment before he gently tilted Barry's head up to lock eyes with him. "I love you" He said softly. "I love you'' to '' Barry mumbled kissing Oliver deeply.
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