Im sorry pt.3
The next day came all too quickly for Barry and he was on his way to Oliver's. He was nervous as hell, plus he wore short sleeves because it was really hot and Oliver already knew. He pulled up to the mansion and was even more terrified. The gate was already open as he pulled up so he drove in and parked. A security guard asked if he was Barry and he nodded meekly. The guy led him up to the door and opened it for him. He mumbled a quiet thanks and nervously walked in. An older woman walked up to him, "you must be Barry, Oliver's friend." She said. He nodded. "I'm raisa if you need anything let me know, he's upstairs in his room, second floor, it's the door at the end of the hall." She said. Barry nervously nodded and went up the stairs and knocked on his door. "It's open," He heard Oliver call. Barry opened the door and walked in. Oliver walked out shirtless and Barry looked down. "Sorry I woke up late," He said, going to his closet and pulling a shirt on. "S fine," He mumbled. "Do you want anything before we start, a drink or something?" he asked glancing at his bandage then back at him. Barry held him arm, "i can put a jacket on if it bothers you," He mumbled. "No it's fine," He said. "Do you want anything," he asked again. Barry shook his head no. oliver nodded and sat on his freshly made bed criss cross. "You can sit on the bed or pull up a chair," Oliver said. Barry just kicked his shoes off and sat on the bed putting his backpack in his lap. Oliver awkwardly cleared his throat, "so I read over the assignment last night and I was thinking we could do a conversational report on the pros and cons of ecologically stabilizing another planet, like Mars." He said. Barry looked at him with a look of shook. "What?" Oliver asked. "I-nothing just, didn't think you cared about school," He said. "I need a good grade on this to keep me from failing the semester," He said. Barry nodded, "okay, umm that sounds good are we gonna make the topic point on colonizing Mars or just colonizing another planet?" Barry asked. "We should just do another planet just to make for more talking points" He said. Barry nodded, "okay, I'll transcribe," he said pulling out a notebook. "Here," oliver said reached over and grabbing his macbook. "Use this," he said. Barry nodded and pulled up a blank note pat and titled it with their topic question, 'Should we colonize another planet?'
They worked on the project for about three hours. Half way through rasia brought them lunch. After they finished their first draft they decided to call it a day. "Do you need a ride home?" Oliver asked. Barry shook his head,"I drove," He mumbled. "Do you have to be back at a certain time, I need to get some stuff from the mall if you wanna come with?'' Oliver said. Barry looked at him, "you'd really be seen in public with me?" he mumbled. Oliver nodded, "I through the quarterback across the hall for you so yeah," he chuckled. Barry shrugged, "I didn't bring a jacket," He mumbled rubbing his bandage. "It's fine you don't have to wear one but if it makes you more comfortable you can borrow one of mine," he said. Barry sighed, "fine," he mumbled. Oliver got up and got a light jacket out of his closet and handed it to barry. He mumbled "Thanks" and pulled it on. Oliver pulled his shoes on as did Barry and then he led Barry down stairs he looked in the bowl of keys and thought for a moment, "car prefrance" He asked barry. Who shook his head, "I drive a PT cruser any car is better than mine," He mumbled. Oliver looked back to his key bowl before finally picking one. " well then might as well take my best car," He said leading him outside and over to a 2019 488 Spidar Ferrari. "Woah," Barry said looking at it in shock. Oliver opened the door for him and Barry got in. "It even feels expensive," he chuckled. "I actually got a really good deal on it, it was only 240,000," He said as he jumped in with out even opening the door. "it costs more than everything i own," he said buckling up. Oliver started the car and pulled out of the drive way and started towards the mall.
The drive was fun and they chatted, drove fast and listened to music way too loudly. Oliver parked and put the roof up and locked the car. They both headed inside together. Oliver drug Barry into a lot of fancy stores and made him try on a bunch of over priced things that Oliver tried to buy him but he refused. He did however let him buy a button up he absolutely loved and Oliver talked him into a sweater to go with it. "You really didn't have to buy me these" Barry said. "But they looked so cute on you I had too" Oliver said pulling him into another fancy store. Barry blushed lightly and followed after him. "You should come woth me to prom" Oliver said. "Prom isn't for another couple months" Barry said. "So, it'll give me an excuse to hang out with you" he said. Barry shrugged "I guess yeah" he said. Oliver smiled "let's get you a new tux to wear then" he said. "You really don't have to" be said. "I want to" Oliver said. "We could get similar ones that go together" he said. Barry blushed but followed after him. Oliver made him try on about a million different things before finally settling on something he liked and Oliver got a similar one. Oliver spent almost a grand on the pair of tuxes. Barry of course argued he was spending to much money on him but Oliver brushed it off and bought it anyway. The two spent the next couple hours shopping but soon Barry got a call from joe saying dinner would be ready in an hour. "I've gotta get home in an hour" he said. "I can take you" he said. "My cars at your house" he said. "Tomorrow Sunday are you busy?" He asked. Barry shook his head no. "Okay I'll pick you up we can hang for a bit and you can take your car home" he said. Barry nodded, "okay" he said with a soft smile. Oliver lead the way outside and they put the bags in the car and Oliver drove Barry home. Oliver parked on the curb outside Barry's house. "Don't forget your stuff" he said. Barry reached into the back and grabbed his bags. "Thanks again for buying me this you really didn't have to" he said. "It's fine I wanted to" he said. Barry smiled "I'll see you to tomorrow" he said turning to get out. "hey Barry?" He said. Barry turned and was completely caught off guard by Oliver kissing him. He flinched a bit but then gently kissed back. Oliver gently pulled back, "see you tomorrow" he said with a soft smile. "I-uhh y-yeah Tomorrow, tomorrow" he stuttered out. Oliver chuckled fondly and Barry snapped out of his shook and got out and went inside still pretty shocked.
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