A Stressful Day
Prompt requested by @Ship_lover_9000
Barry is a little. It's not something that everyone talks about it's just something that everyone knows. Iris is his main caregiver so normally when he went into headspace she was called. The others didn't really pay much attention to Barry's little space If Iris wasn't around ho ever he was with would just sit him down to watch cartoons or give him stuff toys and things to keep himself occupied while they waited on Iris. Even Thea and Felicity know but the only person who doesn't know is Barry's boyfriend Oliver. Bary was always too scared to tell Oliver so he did his best to hide it around him.
It was Barry's birthday and he was a little worried that he'd get something that would make him slip into headspace and Oliver would see but the thought quickly slipped his mind as he started having fun. When Barry started opening presents he thankfully managed to stay in headspace despite getting a few cute toys and even a new binky from Iris. Oliver definitely took notice to that one but brushed it off as an inside joke.
The next day started off quite normal. Team Arrow was still in town for Barry's birthday so they were helping out around town. It started off normal a few simple robberies a fire and a few GTA nothing the two teams couldn't;t easily handle. But then things started to get stressful. A whole gang of five or so metas came back to Central City and were making a hell of a racked by trying to blackmail the city into paying them 100,000,000$. Thankfully the two teams were able to band together and take down the metas securing them in the pipeline. 'God that was stressful," Cisco mumbled sitting lazily in his desk chair. Barry made a soft mumbling sound that sounded like he was somewhat agreeing with him. Caitlin and Cisco both immediately picked up that he was in little space as he said down criss-cross laying his head back on the wall. Cisco got up grabbed Barry a juice box and put the straw in it for him. "Here ya go little man, Cisco said handing it to him. Barry took it without speaking just smiling happily. "I have to go I have a date Thea your good with kids can you can Oliver take him home. Put on some cartoons or something. If you get him something to eat he pass out in no time," Iris said. Oliver was officially confused as hell but he didn't say anything. Thea nodded, "yeah of course," She said and Oliver just went along with it. "Little one," Iris said. Barry's eyes shot to her from where he was previously fiddling with the straw on his juice box. "I have to go but Speedy and Ollie are going to take you home and have a movie night with you," Iris said. Barry nodded eagerly and stood up immediately wrapping himself around Oliver. Iris chuckled softly, "He never gets to do that with me so good luck getting him to let go," she said ruffling Barry's hair and leaving. Barry just staid wrapped around Oliver who was easily supporting his weight. Thea smiled and led the way out to the car and opened the door for Oliver who had carried Barry out to the car. He tried to set barry down in the back seat but Bary refuses to let go. "Bear come on," He said softly. Barry whined and pulled on Oliver. "Fine Fine," Oliver said getting into the back seat with him. Barry giggled happily and sat on Oliver's lap nuzzling his face into Oliver's chest. Thea smiled fondly ad shut the door and drove them back to their apartment. "Thea, explain please," Oliver said petting Barry's hair. "What he didn't tell you?" Thea asked. "Tell me what?" Oliver asked. "Wow, you really don't know. Basically, Barry's a little. So whenever for example he has a really stressful day, like today he slips into headspace and basically he's got the mentality of a young child. As far as I know, his headspace is 1-12 years old usually around 1 and 2 most of the time though which is why he's not talking," Thea tried o explain. "Right, so this is a normal thing with him and he never told me?" Oliver asked. "he was probably scared to tell you," Thea said. Oliver just nodded as they'd pulled up to the apartment.
Oliver managed to get out of the car with Barry still wrapped around him, as well as carry him inside and up the stairs. Oliver goe to set Barry down on the couch but once again he refuses to let go. "Just sit with him I'll get us all something to eat," Thea said. Oliver just nodded and sat on the couch. Barry giggled happily once again seating himself on Oliver lap cuddling up to him. Oliver gently petting Barry's hair. "Wanna Cartoon," Barry mumbled looking up at Oliver. "you wanna watch cartoons?" Oliver asked and Barry nodded happily. "Alright," Oliver said leaning over and grabbing the remote and turning on some random cartoon. Barry giggled happily and shifted around in Oliver's arms so he was still curled up in Oliver's lap but now he was leaning his back against Oliver's chest as he watched the tv. Oliver just smiled fondly paying more attention to the adorable barry on his lap rather than whatever it was that Barry was watching.
~~~Next morning~~~
Thea ended up leaving after they all ate and Barry ended up falling asleep on the couch with his head on Oliver's lap. Oliver ended up carrying him to bed. Oliver woke up first and easily slipped out of bed and made breakfast. Just before he was finished Barry walked in tiredly as he'd clearly just woke up. "Morning" Barry said his voice husky with sleep. "Morning" Oliver said smiling softly as Barry wrapped his arms around Oliver's waist and kissing his neck. "I'm sorry," Barry said quietly but seriously. Oliver turned to face Barry confused. "for what?" Oliver asked. "For not telling you I was a little and that that's how you had to find out," Barry said. "It's fine Bear, I'm not made. I wish you would have been the one to tell me but I'm not mad at you," Oliver said. Barry smiled softly and hugged Oliver. "So your not like weireded out by me being a litttle?" Barry asked. "no it'll just take some getting used to on y part," Oliver said. Barrysmied and pulled back leaning up to kiss Oliver softly. "I love you," Barry mumbled softly. "I love you too Bear," Oliver said kissing Berry softly again.
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