My shooting star: a dream come true (part 1)
Remember the outertale chappies? Yeah, this is the last one. I loved this AU so much because of my love for space.
And I might stop making Frans books.
Emphasis on "might", babs.
Yes, I'm very sorry. Please forgive me!
Undertale just doesn't seem to appeal me anymore. I'm currently addicted with musicals now (Hamilton, Be more chill, Heathers, Dear Evan Hansen, The greatest showman, etc.) . But not to worry! I will make a proper ending for all my books! They're just gonna be shorter now. And I'll make a proper end chapter for this one too.
Enough chit chat. Enjoy~!
[Reader's P.O.V.]
Frisk loved Sans from her dreams, but not platonically. She wants to spend time with him in every moment that she's alive, not just at night or whenever she sleeps. She just couldn't resist his jokes and loving smile. And he helped her make new friends in her dreams, like Asgore, Undyne, Nabstablook and Papyrus. But she's just afraid that if she confesses to him, he might reject her. That their relationship right now will break. She would do anything just to make him go out in the real world.
Frisk tapped her pen on her notebook in a steady beat. "The Stars have energy that can be used as a magnetic field if enough magic is stored in a secured place. If all that magic is stored in a certain amount of time," the professor paused to write something on the blackboard. "Then BOOM! Let all that magic out and the Stars would be attracted to where the magic is coming from." Frisk didn't listen, for she knew all of this too well. She just stared out of the window, thinking about her skeleton boyfrie—
Oops. I meant friend.
Frisk blushed at the thought of almost calling the cocky skeleton in her dreams 'boyfriend'. Dammit, Frisk. She cursed at herself. The bell finally rang. Frisk quickly put everything in her bag and went outside the classroom.
"Don't forget your homework!" The prof called out. Frisk wore her jacket that has the color of the outer space. She simply put her hands in her pockets, feeling the star Sans gave her on the first night they met. She smiled to herself, excited to have a nice sleep.
"Mom, Asriel, I'm home!" Frisk called, taking her jacket off for their cozy home is warm.
"Welcome home, dear." Toriel smiled. She was sitting on her own green armchair. Frisk kissed her and went upstairs. She knocked on Asriel's door, but no response. She took a peek inside and saw Asriel playing video games with his headphones on. She went to her room, the scent of roses greeting her. She didn't bother changing as she let herself fall on her bed. She closed her eyes, giving in to the softness of her bed.
Frisk's eyes opened. Her dark room didn't stop her from excitedly going downstairs. She ran outside and smiled.
"Sup, Frisk. How's your day?" Sans wore his usual grin. Frisk can't help but hug him tight. This took Sans by surprise, but his face was instantly coated with a shade of blue. "H-hey, what's with the hug?"
Frisk blushed, but she didn't let go. "I just miss you..." She mumbled. Sans took a minute to process everything in his skeletal head.
Holy—she's so damn cute.
He thought. He chuckled and hugged back. "Miss me already?"
She let go and smiled at him. "Yeah, pretty much." She says. She looks around to find Papyrus, but he was nowhere to be seen. Well, Frisk will die because Pap isn't here to make her feel not awkward around Sans.
But I'm here.
And I'm not helping.
And I'm just breaking the fourth wall cause Author Lexi is narrating.
"Uhhhhhh where's Pap?" She asked, already feeling butterflies swarming in her stomach. She had just realized what she did earlier, making her mentally face palm. Well, she let her feelings get the best of her.
"Oh, uh, he's busy improving with his cooking skills." Sans replies. He has to admit, he got a bit sad because it looked like Frisk was more eager to find his brother. But in the bright side, she did miss him.
Uh-oh, skeleton boy is jeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaloussssssssssss.
Frisk is his first love, and he don't think he'll be able to find someone like Frisk. Nor someone better than her. Because for him, she is 'the better one'. And the best one. So it would be his worst nightmare if she disappears. It's okay if he doesn't get to have her, the only important thing is that she's happy. And that's enough for him. (Credits to my teddy bear XD hope no one got what I said)
Just tell her your feelings, ya' pussy.
He decided to tell her. Even if she rejects him, he's glad he told her his feelings. Let's just hope he will. Well, he listened to me.
"Let's go visit him?" He says, unsure. Again, he only wants to make Frisk happy. Frisk stared at him and blinked. She smiled and shook her head.
"Nah, we might disturb him." Sure, she said that. But she's internally screaming 'we could go to anyone, but please not alone with you'. But she did feel lucky she has this alone moment with him.
I shouldn't let it go to waste. She thought. Should I confess? No...
"You wanna go somewhere?" Sans asked, trying to not make it awkward around them. This is probably the most awkward conversation they had since their last moment alone together.
And that was the first time they met.
Frisk thought for a moment, then a place popped up in her head. "Yup! Come on!" She said playfully as she grabs his arm and started running.
"Woah—h-hey,slow down!" Sans tried to catch his breath. He's not used to running, for a lazy ass skeleton who only teleports. "Can't we just teleport?"
"Nope!" Frisk giggled. Sans loved that. Everything about her, he loved. So he's letting her do what she wants—just this once, before everything changes after he confesses.
Oh, so he did listen to me. Yay!
After ten minutes of running, they arrived at waterfall. The stars above seem to move slowly as Frisk panted. She gazed at the stars with a smile, her golden brown eyes twinkling with them. As Sans panted, he watched his love look at the star with hearts in his eyes. Oh, how he loved her. Just think about the possibilities once he confesses to her. And this is the best place and time.
No matter the consequence, he has to tell her before it's too late.
"Uh, Frisk? I have something to te—" He was cut off when Frisk started crying. "Frisk? Hey, what's wrong, buddy?" He says, concern was obvious in his voice. He rushed to her as they sat on the ground.
"Huh? Oh, sorry. It's just..." She started. "I like someone." Sans was instantly hurt. But hey, maybe it's him? "And I've been thinking about confessing to him, but I'm scared. What if he rejects me?"
Dang it. She is talking about him. I want to tell him, but I'm just the damn narrator.
"I know what you're thinking, 'why would you cry over a guy?' Because I love him." She smiles at him through tears. Sans thought she still looked beautiful. "He's been the best. He was always there for me when I needed him."
Welp, he knew she wasn't exactly talking about him.
It's him, my god.
"Why would anyone reject you? You're the best!" Sans smiled. "And if he did reject you, he's too blind to see how wonderful you are." Frisk blushed. She started thinking if the skeleton likes her too.
If only he knew she was talking about him.
Just confess! This is a FRANS book, for Christ's sake—
Yup. Breaking the fourth wall again.
They stared at each other's eyes, thinking what the other was thinking. Both eyes were different and unique, yet special. Those eyes were creating invisible hearts as they were in love with each other, but never knew.
Now this is me being a poet.
Sans took this moment to confess to her once and for all. He took a deep breath nod exhaled all his fears out. He was ready. He's going to be brave for her.
"Hey, Frisk?" He says as he holds her hands tightly, making her heart race in a marathon. "I've got...something important to tell you."
It was hard for Frisk to keep her chill, because her mind was lost in a confused dream. Literally. "Yeah?"
" you..." He blushed, but kept staring deep in her eyes.
Lord, let me rest =w=.
K, guys, really sorry I had to make this into two parts. School just started and...
I'm an official teen.
Wish me luck ;w;
hope you guys understand. I only have a limited time to use this laptop.
bye ;w;
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