Update X2! (+OC BIO)
Alright, so first 9 chapters are up, rewritten versions!
Fairy Tail fic prologue is up, and I'm reading through the OHSHC one right quick, but~ Here's a fun addition!
Name: Naoki Kirahara. Male. 15? Years Old. 169 cm (5'6.5''). 53.98 kg(119 lbs.). 治気 嫌刃腡
治 as in to heal or cure; 気 as in energy. 嫌 as in unpleasant or hateful, hated; 刃 as in the edge of a blade or sword; 腡 as in a line or lines. So, 治気 Healing Energy. And, 嫌刃腡 The hated line left behind by the edge of a blade.
Quirk: Blood Tempter/Borrower Quirk Type: Mutant/Emitter
Blood type: C/H Birthday: October 31. (Assumed/given is August 31)
Red right eye, left changes as per his emotions. Opalescent Black hair.
Slimmer built, basic levels of defined and toned. Definitely on the scrawny side, looks underweight, but insists it is normal for him.
His body is littered with various scars, some that seem to be from lethal and life-threatening wounds, and a few that no one should have possibly survived.
His back is marred with burn scars, as well as parts of his arms.
These burn scars link and relate to one of the few memories he does have.
One of his most prominent non-burn scars is a scar that runs jaggedly, down and across his torso, from the top of his left shoulder, down the back of it, around his side to the front, over his rib cage, chest, abdomen, then stopping under the crest of his right hip.
The next worst, is well hidden, and smaller, but covers portions of his neck, namely the back, sides, and a small portion of the front, looking like a different kind of burn than one caused by fire.
Information on Naoki's Quirk:
0. Original Quirk: Blood Tempter/Borrower.
The Quirk Naoki was born with was Blood Tempter. Borrower was genetically spliced into his DNA, using Nana Shimura's DNA.
Blood Tempter effects Naoki on a mutation-level, same as Iida's engines in the way it cannot be shut off or removed from him. It is part of the very fiber of his being. Because of how it interacts with, he cannot survive without it.
His Blood itself is mutated. He doesn't have A, B, O or AB, but Rather what's called 'C' for cure, and 'H' for horrors, as in what it can do to another person. Blood Tempter enables Naoki to interact with every part of the human (or animal) body that deals with blood. So, muscles, bones, blood vessels, the circulatory system, organs- including the heart and brain.
With 'C' he can mend, repair, heal and fix these places. With 'H' he can obliterate, destroy, ruin and decimate these. 'H' takes a to out of him, and he takes a hefty amount of damage himself when using it. Because of how the Quirk works, it leaves Naoki's joints incapable of being healed at the same level as the rest of him, and Tempter will naturally kick in an begin healing him once he's hurt... Given it was activated as opposed to triggered.
'Activation' is safely done, 'Triggered' is not. Activation happens when Naoki injures himself, even the smallest bit before he's hurt or injured by others. Additionally, if he's harmed by the same person he is trying to heal, it is triggered.
If Blood Tempter is triggered, it negates normal blood clotting and will not self-heal. He could potentially bleed out from a simple papercut.
Due to the abnormal nature of his blood, Naoki cannot receive blood transfusions from essentially anyone (Chizome Akaguro is the sole known exception). However, he can give blood to anyone, and animals simply and easily with no risk to them.
Additionally, there is a difference between someone taking his blood and freely giving it. Willingly done, Naoki can locate the person, analyse their Quirk, and has access to their status, injuries and health. This only applies to 'C', though. Taken or stolen, and it acts as an advanced healing tonic, but he has no connection to it or the person. Again, only 'C'. H can turn to C very simply, though C cannot become H at all.
Another potential with Blood Tempter lies in infections and many illnesses. His blood can't spoil, rot or go rancid. It is sterile. As such, it is perfectly safe for anyone/thing. Additionally, he can interact with various parts of the immune system, namely white/red blood cell counts, blood-based illnesses and things like septic infections and diseases.
On the note of Chizome/Himiko, she couldn't take his form and Chizome can't paralyse him because his blood is mutated in such a way.
This Quirk causes other issues for Naoki, lying in his body's ability to interact properly with heat. Retain, producing and storing heat is difficult-to-impossible. However, it means drugs, poisons and venoms have varyingly different effects on him and his body as well. Vlad King has no notable differences where Naoki is concerned.
1. Set Quirk: Ricochet:
Allows Naoki to control create and manipulate vectors. There is the limitation in 'calculation', as in he has to calculate everything involved to use this Quirk properly. (Think Accelerator). Because of this, his brain does function on par with a supercomputer, though this can also have drawbacks.
With Ricochet, Naoki can end up over or under estimating, both with varying levels and kinds of retributions. He destroys himself to his surroundings, of other people if he's not careful.
He can create 3, control 2, and use a third to control the created ones, and manipulate three- meaning minourly adjust them on a small scale once they're already set in motion/action by others- be they people or objects, animals or energy.
He can use a vector to conceal himself, hide his presence, and do the same with others. He can use it to focus on specific voices or things of a similar nature, given he is familiar enough with them.
This Quirk is both his strongest and best developed, but his most dangerous and most difficult to use. As such, when/if he gets tired/exhausted, he can slip up and cause a lot of damage or injury with improper calculations.
It also tends to be his largest stamina eater in high-powered single attacks, and is the root of a good many of his injuries since being adopted by All Might.
2. Set Quirk: Time Manipulation:
Originally, Naori Kirahara's Quirk, genetically spliced into Borrower when she died, via All For One.
It allows Naoki to reverse or speed up the 'time' on non-organic- so non-living materials.
Though, Naoki can use it on living/organic, he either struggles with it, hides it, or refrains from it, since it is more risky on his body/life.
Reversing takes more energy than speeding up- like a cannon shot into a tub basin versus a hole puncher-sized hole in the same tub.
3. Set Quirk: Enhancer:
Allows Naoki to 'Enhance' a Quirk, though doing so on his own isn't possible.
In reality, he bridges the gap between maximum potential and current place subtly and gently without the drawbacks of pushing their limits. Those already at their maximum only experience an addition to the parts of them that enhance their Quirk's capabilities. Like strength, dexterity, stamina, constitution, charisma, intelligence or the like. It slows down how fast they wear out and how much energy they're expending at this maximum potential.
Because of how it works, it doesn't have the adverse side-effects of booster drugs or the device in 'Two Heroes', and prevents over-exertion and injury related directly to the enhanced Quirk.
4. Set Quirk: Teleportation:
Allows Naoki to teleport distances equal to energy expendature. So, small jumps is less energy, and he can do around 10 fifteen-foot jumps on a half-full stamina reserve, so taking other Quirk usage into some account.
If he passes the point where he has insuffecient energy, he will pass out. This, in one jump on full-capacity is about 78 miles. This can also be affected by how much he is carrying, and if others are alongside him.
If the excess weight is inorganic, it is weight-based. This distance drops by 39 miles with every 130 lbs. Naoki adds, though this doesn't wear him out as lifting the object himself would.
If he's taking living things or organic material, like animals or people, without another Quirk's interference (Mr. Compress, for example), it is by individual. On a full reserve, his 78 miles drops by thirteen miles with every two additional people.
5. Set Quirk: Hellflame:
Enji Todoroki's Quirk (Endeavor). Naoki ended up with this Quirk after the events on the cliff. Naoki uses Hellflame as a personal way of getting back at Enji and rubbing it in, since he can use Hellflame without the drawbacks Enji has, thanks to Ricochet. He usually ends up keeping Hellflame on its blue fire max since he can alleviate or negate the drawbacks Enji struggles with. This, naturally, is intended to piss Enji off, Naoki doing something with his Quirk even he cannot do. It does its job well, also rubbing in that Enji failed once, he won't stand a chance next time. 'Bet you didn't think I'd come back to life stronger... After you set us on fire.'
Hellflame is an extremely powerful Quirk that gives the user pyrokinetic abilities. Said user is able to generate large fire blasts to incinerate opponents, as well as cover the user's body in flames. Changing the temperature of the flames is possible as well, which means that their damage output is capable of increasing or decreasing depending on the user's wishes. They can heat up and turn hot enough to appear blue.
Unlike Endeavor, though, Naoki primarily uses Hellflame to either scare off an opponent, distract or off-balance them. Otherwise, they are generally limited to physically enhancing his own close-combat attacks, and as a defensive maneuver. He consistently keeps them maxed-out at their hottest potential to both get under Enji's skin and get used to using Ricochet in combination with it, as well as conceal if Cremation slips out instead.
Naoki combines the skills of both Cremation and Hellflame under the guise of Hellflame, and as a Swap Quirk to avoid trouble reguarding it.
6. Swap Quirk: Cremation:
Dabi's Quirk (Touya Todoroki). Naoki borrowed this first when he was growing up with Touya, in attempt to analyse it. He later did again while Dabi was training him for the Sports Festival, finding out he'd done so already. He doesn't use it outside a few times or places, almost exclusively with Dabi, or when alone and to keep part of Dabi close. Also, to balance his body's lack of heat regulation by relying on Cremation to keep him warm instead of his body's supposed to be natural functions. Outside Dabi, only Naoki and 'Shadow' know he actually has Touya's Quirk. They assume it is Hellflame, since Naoki uses the maximum heat Hellflame can reach regularly. He trained with Dabi, who learned from Enji but adapted this to fit his needs and differences with Naoki's younger-self's input and analysis. So, Naoki's style is similar to Shouto's and Enji's, but if Enji constantly fought at blue-fire temperatures rather than his normal.
Like Hellflame, Dabi's Quirk grants Naoki pyrokinetic abilities. These flames are constantly blue in color, and he's capable of generating and manipulating them at will. Naoki uses them similarly to Dabi when the two are training with it, as Naoki would rather train with Cremation against Dabi than risk harming him with Enji's Quirk. It is simply a personal and intimate gesture, though he uses Hellflame the same was as Cremation. The user, be it Naoki or Dabi, can ignite blue fire anywhere on their body with minimal effort or movement almost instantaneously. They can also combust anything they touch almost instantly, including robust minerals and living creatures alike.
The natural state of Cremation's flames are extremely hot. Because of this, using Ricochet and occasionally Time Manipulation with them is needed. By this, he is also trying to learn how to heal damage done by both them and Hellflame, for Dabi's sake.
Cremation is the Quirk that slips out as a last-second defense for Naoki, not Hellflame. So, keeping Hellflame used at max-heat helps conceal this and protect both Naoki and Dabi in this way. In the grand scheme of this, it is the same as why Naoki sparrs with Cremation when with Dabi. He'd rather- at his core- be protected by Cremation than Hellflame. Touya versus Enji.
This Quirk, in a way has enhanced Ricochet's ability to combine with other Quirks more easily and built up Naoki's dual and multi-Quirk usage tolerance and capability since Dabi began training him. And, unless Enji himself is directly involved, or like he was at the Sports Festival, Naoki has ingrained himself into Ricochet activating the necessary parameters whenever Cremation is actually activated, the line between activation and it warming his body as it does Dabi's clearly defined.
Where 'Kaien' fits in, is he was technically a pyromancer, and 'combined training' Touya had begun, shown him, or what Naoki remembered with is own methods as a literal pyromancer.
Naoki combines the skills of both Cremation and Hellflame under the guise of Hellflame, and as a Swap Quirk to avoid trouble reguarding it.
7. Swap Quirk: Earsure:
Shota Aizawa's Quirk (Eraser Head). Naoki borrowed this Quirk during the USJ, and due to its usefulness, has yet to replace it. Naoki uses Erasure alongside Ricochet, and often Blood Tempter to soothe, stall or negate the negatives and weaknesses. He, because of this, also uses these same measures on Aizawa when needed or wanted.
Erasure allows the wielder to cancel other Quirk powers and abilities simply by looking at the target, given eye contact is maintained on the target for the duration. It is limited by multiple and repeated usages, which shorten the maximum duration for each new activation.
It has little-to-no effect on Mutant types, and cannot negate Naoki's Blood Tempter Quirk, but can be used against his other Quirks, anc can negate any used in combo attacks when Erasure is used against him. It can potentially stall Tenya's engines, however, this hasn't been tested. It can impair Mutant-type's Quirk's functioning since the Quirk Factor is what's being affected. So, Physical strength or abilities unrelated to Quirks are unaffected.
Avoiding or disrupting eye contact can cut off the Quirk's effects on someone, Naoki usually limits this by concealing himself and staying clear of interferences, and he can slide vectors into play to avoid or negate its other tells. Additionally, while Shota is particularly vulnerable to blinding light attacks that target his eyes, specifically, Naoki can render these null or inhibit the effects with his other Quirks, both for himself and Shota if necessary.
When Erasure is activated, the wielder is able to disable a person's "Quirk Factor". Erasure is almost 'shielding' them and their effect on the body of the target. The Quirk Factors themselves take no damage from Erasure's use. Combined with his other skills and Quirks, Naoki makes Erasure far more bothersome, annoying and troublesome than it is normally.
8. Swap Quirk: Search:
Naoki borrows this, placing it into his 'Swaps' at the Beast's Forest Training camp, though it is initially experimental, and limitedly allowed by both her and Eraser Head so he can help with the students he's supposed to teach while there, as Monoma is unwilling to cooperate in the least. Although it was supposed to only be temporary, Naoki ended up ruining an underlying plan by borrowing it, unknowingly. Once he borrows a Quirk, it can't be stolen via All For One, even if it is swapped out later.
Search allows the user to monitor and observe up to a hundred people at a time. This includes knowing their locations and weak points.
Naoki merely uses it so he can assess and assist his fellow classmates for the one night of teaching he joins in on. He later plans to change it out. It also drains him in such high-capacity he can only use it for a few minutes, and that is once a day. The excess information and sensory input overwhelms his brain horrendously, so Ricochet is nearly impossible to use while Search is activated.
9. Swap Quirk:
Empty Slot.
10. Swap Quirk:
Empty Slot.
Ya know, like Izuku breaking his arm as bad as he has... but push it past current canon Deku- but in a child under six... he's had 'recovery time' but injuries like he's got scars from don't just go away and leave everything in perfect shape...
Lastly on this note... These Quirks aren't always fluid from fic to fic I've written...
That's all! Thank you for reading~
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