Chapter 25: Summer Vacation- Disaster and Reconciliation- Part 01
When they made it to Rei Todoroki's room, she was the same as every other time Shouto had visited, calmly watching the outside world from the window until they entered after giving a knock of warning.
Naoki was a little nervous, but once the door was opened and she turned to face them, he felt that nervousness dissipate.
Her smile was still the same. Her face showing a little age, her eyes a little tired, but her smile lit up at seeing them both.
"Mom, I hope it's not a bother, but I asked Ki to-" Shouto stopped when he felt his mother's arms embracing them both, small, happy tears as she did, running down her cheeks.
When she pulled away, she wiped them from her eyes, smile warm, kind and so tender, just how Naoki remembered as his own tears loosened from him, digging his palms into his eyes to grind them away so he could actually see the first person he'd ever seen as a mother.
"Rei-kaa-san... I'm sorry I waited so long to see you." Naoki whispered, aware in the quiet of the room, that he'd be heard.
"Hush now. I'm only happy you are safe and well. I thought I'd lost you with Touya, and you're okay. You're alive and I couldn't be happier. You're as much my son as Shouto and Natsuo and Touya. Come here." She pulled the still tiny, still short and still too fragile-bodied boy she'd loved like her own before, and still did, into a long-awaited hug.
Reconciliation was never a better feeling. With Rei, with Shouto. With Touya.
"Hey." Dabi called out as he approached the blondie he was meeting with before they were supposed to meet their contact, Dabi's foot into the door that would be the League of Villains. He wanted to make absolutely sure he could trust and rely on someone there with him, even if it was Himiko and Twice. They could at least watch his back inside the League, whether the Heroes actually had his back like he'd pled for, or not.
"Oh! You got your scars back. Want me to help ya fix em up?" She chirped, seeing Dabi's face had returned to normal, Naoki's time on it worn faster than even the red may have predicted, and Dabi currently having to be especially careful until he got back home. He gave her a nod as they went to her apartment next door as she fixed him up, grunts and pain barely slipping out, his tolerance and mask added back to his normal demeanour.
Once she finished, his nicer undershirt now stained red, splotches, spatter and streaks as he peeled it off to have her wash, as she normally would. Damn psycho was uncannily good at getting bloodstains out of his clothes.
As they went back outside, Dabi still shirtless while they loitered outside his and Toriko's apartment to finally talk, Dabi tried not to pick at the freshly impaled metal in his face after being free of it for a few hours.
"You were almost late. You know, your apartment was busted in to over two hours ago. So... What are we doing, Dab-ii?" She asked, legs bouncing as she sat on the railing, holding on with her hands and almost childish in her actions.
"We're doing it. I gave my reasons to the other side, but with or without them, I need to get that back, and I'm damn well going to do it. But I gotta know if you've got my back on this, Himiko." Dabi droned out, hands in his pockets and leaning against the wall a few feet from where Himiko tottered on the rails.
"Of course! Its for that cutie, and honestly, while you're not exactly cute, you're one of the only people who's ever accepted me as me, and that's more than enough. Not that I love you because of it, but if this kinda thing'll keep that adorable smile on your cutie's face, and keep you from killing people, then I'm all for it. Besides, if you go around killing, then you're bound to end up taking away people I can love. And let's be honest, you're completely naive with love and green to the whole villainy stuff, so you're gonna need someone with lots more experience." She mused out, her normal feline eyes less manic today, for now.
"Besides, Dab-ii, these guys are using Mister Stain-ii to get more people dragged in with them and I don't care for that. With Toriko's project going, people like us, like twice and I, we'll have somewhere we can belong, so long as I can be myself and love how I want, then I'm pretty content." Himiko finished, head swiveled and tilted to reassure Dabi with her normal blushed cheeks and smile less frantic, more serious, as much as they both knew she could make it.
"Speaking of... Did you get my message?" Dabi asked, seeing her head bounce as she jumped up, off of the rails.
"Yep! The coast was clear. I don't think they even cared about anything but your place, so the next doors over weren't touched. Twice and I weren't home, but I messaged you as soon as I saw it. Any idea who it was? You've been pretty careful not to let anyone follow you and your bo-ii home, right?"
"Yeah. And I've got a few ideas, but it doesn't really matter, so long as Toriko's life's work isn't compromised. Anyway. What time are we supposed to meet that broker guy?" Dabi asked, pulling out his phone to see the time.
"One o'clock! At the alleyway between right on the edge of Camino Ward." She repeated, more than the third time she'd said it to the taller, older raven.
"Then you should get going. Its a bit of a walk and I don't think we should be all gushy and friendly with each other. So don't take it personally when I insult you or whatever. The less we get along there, the easier it'll be to get in, get what we need, and get the hell back out. And the harder it'll be for them to suspect us. So, blondie, you head first, make sure to get Twice caught up and in with us in time. I'll show up a little late."
"Yeah yeah. Mister tall, dark and moody shows up late and with an attitude to match his moodiness. See ya, then Dab-ii!" She replied, skipping off.
"Don't forget to clear your history, Toga." He called after her, hearing a ditzy response and seeing her hand wave to her side.
Dabi went into his home then. He swapped out his dressier clothes, or what he had left on, with his normal attire of a white baggy shirt with a stretched collar, dark blue pants and blazer, his normal belt and pouch and worn out shoes, all while giving his home a good check over.
Nothing had been tampered with that he could see, but the door had been busted in, a single dent where a boot had struck and broken the door's hinges and lock. He'd have to replace them.
With a sigh, he pulled his phone out, backing everything up to a microchip before removing it, slipping it out of sight, out of mind where no one but he could find it. The only thing he left in his phone was Giran's number and a few songs on a music player. Though, if someone looked at one of the songs's lyric files, and knew what to look for, there was something of a small reminder of who he was now, for his own sake.
The person he would have been without finding Naoki would have been far different, and he had to wear that mask again. It had to be perfect, flawless. Something relatively easy for him to slip into in this particular circumstance, because if he didn't get Naoki's ring, he'd lose him, and this person he'd become since finding Naoki. All that would be left was this part of himself, as terrible a person he would have become, he'd become anyways.
He'd become this person willingly and temporarily if it would prevent him being forced to become this person again permanently.
And he walked off, aware he'd be a good fifteen minutes late, since he wasn't about to rush or run there. He cursed aloud when he looked to see he'd already stained the shirt he had on.
"Are you curious, Tomura Shigaraki, about this boy, and, Izuku Midoriya?" Kurogiri asks, seeing the pale blue holding two photos like playing cards in his hands as the door to the bar rings and opens.
"Shigaraki! Your League of Villains has been the talk of the town for the last several days. Word on the streets says you're about to start something big." Giran spoke as Shigaraki crumpled one of the photos in his hand, to dust a second later, turning the other over, face down as he turned to face the broker.
"And? Who did you bring?" Tomura asks annoyance and intolerance in his tone as Giran let's out an amused chuckle, turning to let his goods in.
"So its really you, huh? I've seen you in pictures, but man- I gotta say- you're way grosser in person." The derisive voice speaks out from half-burned lips, eyes narrowed and taunting as the man looks down on Tomura with his hands in his pockets as he turns his head while speaking, ending with eyes looking almost to the short blonde to his right as she speaks.
"Wow! Its the weird hand guy! You're friends with my hero Stain, right? Cool! Let me join the league! I wanna be in your group!" She chirps out, bouncing in place and taking with her hands, gold feline-like eyes, cheeks flushed and canines sharply pointed.
"Kurogiri. Get rid of these two. I can already tell they're exactly the kind of trash I hate- A brat, and a guy with no manners." Tomura points to each of them in turn, barking orders like a child.
"Now now, Tomura Shigaraki. They came all this way, the least we can do is hear them out. Give them a chance. Besides- this broker is respected in the underworld. They're bound to be valuable assets." Kurogiri reasoned with his charge.
"Like 'em or not, you still owe me a finder's fee- In cash." Giran reminded his hirers. "I suppose I could introduce the two of them before I go." He stepped into the bar, behind his two finds before continuing. "This one looks like an adorable highschool girl, right? She's actually the suspect in a series of murders where the victims all bled out. So far, her name and face have been kept out of the media." He gestured to the blond girl.
"Toga here! Himiko Toga! Life is too hard! I just wanna make it easier to live in this dumb world! I wanna be Mister Stain-ii! I wanna kill Mister Stain-ii. C'mon Handy-man! Please let me join your League of Villains!" Toga introduced herself, excitedly bouncing in place, eyes wide in a maniacal stare and smile wide, toothy as her flushed face lit up with her eyes at her words.
"You've gotta be kidding me. Is she crazy?" Tomura spat out after her introduction was finished.
"Well, she can hold a conversation. For the most part at least. C'mon. She could be useful." Giran gestured at the tall, charred and burned man he'd also brought with him. "And this guy. Hasn't committed any flashy crimes, but he's taken Stain's ideology to heart."
"I don't like this. Is your group really dedicated to the Hero Killer's mission? I can't imagine you are if you're gonna let this little psycho join you." He speaks pointedly at Toga, the girl reacting at his accusations.
"Grow up. She may be a psycho, but at least she knows how to introduce herself to people. Don't just stare. What's your name?" Tomura patronises the man before asking for his name.
"Right now, I'm going by Dabi." He begins, Tomura cutting him off.
"No. I want to know your real name."
"I'll tell you when you need to know it. In any case- my new purpose is to carry out the Hero Killer's will." Dabi answered, Tomura growing frustrated at his words and tone.
"That wasn't what I asked you, patchwork. Geeze. Why is everyone so hung up on Stain? He's all I ever hear about. Every Damn Day. Its really pissing me off." Tomura stands, Kurogiri trying to urge Tomura not to do whatever he's about to as Tomura pulls his hands back, raring to attack. "You two are done!"
Himiko and Dabi both realise he's aiming to attack, Dabi freeing a hand from his pocket, palm outward as embers begin to form as Himiko pulls a dagger to counter attack as well. They are all stopped as Kurogiri sends their attacks elsewhere with his Quirk. Tomura's hands up in the air behind him, Toga's knife plunged into wood and Dabi's hand aimed at his own head, dark smoke flowing through both sides, his arm, and his hand. Himiko still wears a smile, still blushing, but her eyes are wild and the grin far more manic.
"Please calm yourself, Tomura Shigaraki. If your desire is to be realised, then we must increase our numbers. Now that we're in the spotlight, our chance is at hand. I advise you to be more accepting." Kurogiri says out loud, before moving his head around the back of Tomura's to whisper his next words. "You must use them and the ideology Stain has left behind."
"I'm outta here." Tomura pulls his hands back as Kurogiri withdraws his Quirk from their guests.
"Where are you off to?" Giran asks as Tomura storms off.
"Shut up." Was the pale blue's response.
"I try to make it a point not to complain about a client, but he's too young and far too immature." Giran scratches the back of his neck as they all watch Tomura leave.
Smile still on her face and still chipperness in her voice, Toga speaks. "Really thought he was gonna kill us for a sec."
Dabi's own words following after, "That guy makes me wanna vomit."
Kurogiri, ever the rationale of the group, gave apologies and begged excuse for Tomura, "Shall we get back to you about recruitment at a later date? I believe our leader knows what he has to do. That's why he left as he did. He understands his circumstances. All Might. Then the Hero Killer. He's been humbled twice very recently. I'm sure he will bring you an answer- one that will satisfy both of you- as well as his own desires." Kurogiri finished their meeting.
Once the rest of Class 1-A was at the mall again, after dropping Hitoshi and Katsuki off, Shouto and Naoki still on their way to visit Shouto's mother, they all pretty well split into groups and wandered off again. Though, without Shouto, Izuku and Ochaco were left, the brunette also taking off with words confusing Izuku, who found himself entirely alone.
"We came together as a class, but here I am all by myself..." Izuku slumped a bit. Maybe I should have seen if Naoki and Shouto would have minded me tagging along... The green thought to himself as he stood there alone.
"Oh. Its someone from U.A. Nice!" A voice called out, black hoodie and face covered by pale blue banga as he wrapped an arm around Izuku, familiarly. "I want an autograph. You were the one who got beat to hell at the sports festival, right? You and that other one who was adopted by All Might."
"Uh- yes!" Izuku replied, uncomfortable, but thoughts on how amazing U.A. was, and how many people still remembered them from the sports festival.
"Aren't you one of the students who ran into the Hero Killer with All Might's son in the Hosu incident too? You're practically famous, you both are."
"You sure do know a lot." Izuku was trying not to be weirded out by how familiar this guy was.
"What can I say. I'm just a big fan of yours and that Naoki fellow. I can't believe I'm running into you here again. It makes me think that it might not be a coincidence. I mean. I've run into that Naoki kid once more too, now. I'm surprised he's not here with you. I was rather hoping to catch you both together, since you seem pretty close." His hand drew up, four fingers touching the skin at Izuku's neck. "No no, this feels more like destiny." Izuku's eyes widened. "Oh right. From your point of view, we haven't met since the attack on U.A." As his mind scrambled through what he could do, his eyes met blazing, bloody red ones, a marred face and scratched skin, "Why don't we spend some time catching up, Izuku Midoriya."
"Tomura... Shigaraki..." Izuku's voice trembled around the words as they slipped past his lips as he recalled how much damage Naoki had from those same hands with something not unlike fear in his throat.
"Act natural. Don't make a scene. I'm just an old friend who ran into you at the mall. Calm down and wipe that look off your face. I think we should have a conversation is all. Just be a friendly chat is all. Oh, and of course- if you try to run or fight me in any way- well, it'll be fast. Soon as all five of my fingers touch your neck, your throat'll be the first thing that disintegrates. In a matter of seconds, you'll be nothing more than dust and powdered bone. I was hoping I'd run into that annoying brat with you, but I'll save my conversation with him for another day. After all, I've got questions for him too. You'll do for what I need right now, though." Tomura threatened, pausing to await Izuku's response.
"I know it'll take more time than that. Naoki-"
"Saw that little present, did you... Well, I can't say for sure, but I think that little insect has a bit of immunity or resistance to my Quirk. Lucky for him, not so for you. Try again." Tomura cut Izuku's words off.
"Either way. If you do that here where there are so many people, a Hero will come and catch you in no time. You couldn't escape."
"I don't doubt that. But just look at these sheep. Any one of them could use their Quirks and start a massacre whenever they wanted. And yet they're all here- smiling. They think laws and rules will protect them because they assume everyone has their same morals. They're convinced nothing bad could ever happen to them. After you, I could kill twenty, thirty, maybe even more before a Pro showed up and managed to stop me." Tomura countered, Izuku releasing his drive to fight.
"I get it. Let's talk." Izuku unclenched his fist as Tomura chuckled to his surrender.
"This is nice. A real moment. Let's go grab a seat and get comfortable, why don't we." Once they were seated at a random bench, Tomura's hand still around Izuku's neck, the older began again.
"When it comes down to it, I hate basically everything. But the Hero Killer pisses me off the most right now, followed closely by that brat All Might adopted, though that's a different topic than I want to discuss."
"Isn't Stain one of your guys?" Izuku asked, knowing the answer a bit better than most would, but wanting the truth from a more direct source, though if it was actual truth, he may not know.
"Not technically, but that's what the media made it look like." Tomura answered, no sign of lying in his tone, suggesting he was telling the truth. "And that's what my problem is. It's like suddenly, everyone is obsessed with that stupid Hero Killer. The attack on U.A., the Nomus I released on Hosu. He upstaged all of it. No one's even giving me a second thought. Why is that? Despite what he claims to believe, all he really did was try to get rid of whatever things he didn't like. Heh. What do you think the difference is between us, Midoriya?" Tomura spoke right against Izuku's ear.
"What's the difference?" Izuku began, "I don't understand you. Your goals. And your villains. I don't agree with anything you do. I don't agree with the Hero Killer either, but I can understand him, at least sort of. Because the Hero Killer and I have something in common, something Naoki has too- We're all inspired by All Might. Truth be told, I think Naoki agrees with some principles Stain believed, especially reguarding what it means to be a 'Hero', but unlike you- unlike Stain even- Naoki won't aim to take a life, or even hurt others if he can avoid it. He's been through a lot, and struggles to understand a pretty big portion of the world he's found himself in, but he's working on himself so he can be better and do better by the world, than the world's done by him. That's something I can also agree with, because I know Naoki and understand pretty well what he feels, at least on that front."
Izuku stopped, feeling the hand tighten, even though the fifth finger still didn't touch, it was a clear warning. "That night, Stain saved me from the flying Nomu. Stain's a maniac, but he doesn't destroy things just because it sounds fun. He even kept the oath he'd made to Naoki about fleeing if Naoki let go of him to try and get to me. He's not the kind of person to weasel out when things go down hill for him, and he knew when he was beaten, not getting upset or running once things became dangerous. And when things went bad for him, he didn't abandon his mission like you did. He knew he was caught, but still held his convictions till the bitter end. Even if the way he acted was wrong, he never abandoned his beliefs- he held firm to them." His eyes shot to Tomura's, "That's the difference. That's why people admire him, why I can understand him, and why Naoki sees something true in his principles, yet doesn't abandon his own convictions even then. That's the difference between someone like Stain- and you."
Tomura's aura was stifling as he held toIzuku's neck, terrifying the captive green still, "Ah. That's like a weight off my chest. Who would have thought... That damn brat..." Tomura loosened his grip as it had tightened with each demeaning word Izuku let out, "I see it now. All the dots connected. Why he makes me so angry. Why you irritate me so much. Why that damn brat pisses me off- how he thrives with such a past and such ideals. Its him. The problem is ALL MIGHT." Tomura's sickeningly sweet smile cut across his face as he continued. "Yeah Yeah. That's it. That's the most rational explanation. Heh HEH! I didn't see it even though it was right in front of me the whole time." His eyes had widened, maddeningly so as his voice elevated only slightly, but enough to leave Izuku shaking and frightened. "What was I worrying about so much? Its simple. He's why these morons are able to smile thoughtlessly, how even that brat is able to find the gall to smile and think he deserves happiness."
His hand tightened around Izuku's throat, middle finger still not touching, but still tight enough to make Izuku squirm in his clutches. "They all feel so safe 'cause that garbage pro is smiling so thoughtlessly, as if there's no one in the whole world he can't save and that damn brat's only artificial proof, boistering that belief. Oh I'm glad we had this chat! I feel better. I can't thank you enough, Midoriya. I don't need to change my ways after all!. The only thing left is to figure out how this damn cheat code works. I've studied it relentlessly, and it's never out of my grasp, but I can't crack the code, not one bit." He rambled as Izuku fought the hand tightening even more around his throat.
"Oh! Don't struggle now! Unless you want to die. Do you want all these people here to crumble as well? I really wanted that brat dead, but now I see- I see why I can't just kill him."
"Deku?" Ochaco asked, scared by the scene she walked up to, "Is that a friend?" She asks. "No. That can't be right." She mutters as Tomura turns toward her. "H-Hey. Let go of him." She pleads.
"This is nothing! Everything's fine! Stay back! No closer!" Izuku shouts as he sees Tomura's still pocketed hand move, as if he's going to lunge for Ochaco.
Tomura releases Izuku's neck, leaving the green to cough, his hands thrown up in a mockery of surrender as his voice becomes friendly again, smile on his face. "Oh! You were here with a friend? I didn't know! Sorry about that!" He spoke quieter as he made to stand and leave. "If you try following me, I'll get angry." He stood, walking a few steps as Izuku caught his breath and Ochaco rushed to him.
"Deku!" Ochaco asked as Izuku called out to the villain.
"Hold up! Shigaraki!" Ochaco questions Izuku's use of the name, fear sinking in at the realisation of who it was, the villain turning his head just so, acknowledging Izuku's call. "I have two questions too." He paused, his hand at his own neck where it still ached, "What is All For One after? And what do you want with Naoki?"
Ochaco's eyes widened at the drop of their other classmate's name.
"Who knows really... But here's a little word of advice, friend- Be careful. The next time we meet, I'll likely have to kill you. As for that brat... I still want him dead, personally. He pisses me off too much. Even if I can't use it yet , so long as his cheat code is still in my grasp, and well secured, I'll let him sputter out on his own." Tomura answered, walking away and all too easily and quickly blending into the crowd, leaving a sickening feeling in Izuku's gut, worry for his friend at the response he was given, among thousands more emotions.
"I see. I'm glad you've been well, Naoki. When I'd heard from Shouto that you were well and alive, I was so relieved- so happy. I'm proud of you both. He's finally opened up, and you both found someone precious to you. I've met Shouto's special someone once now and he's a lovely boy. I'd been expecting, based on what Shouto said, that you'd be coming here with yours. Was he unable to make it?" Rei asked after Naoki and her had a good bit of conversation alone.
"He was with us until right before this... But the home we've been at together was broken in to, and he was worried about what I've got there, since he doesn't really keep much around of his own. I could tell he felt terrible about missing out, and I know he... He really wanted to see you-Ah- I mean- to meet you." Naoki ended, rubbing the back of his neck with his left hand as he embarrassed himself at his almost blunder.
He knew Dabi wanted to see her, and if she did recognise him then it was fine with him, but Naoki wasn't sure if it was okay for him to tell her himself, when Dabi wasn't here.
"You love him, don't you?" She asked, a softness in her eyes, not unlike a mother's should be.
"I do. So much." Naoki answered, eyes softening and smiling shyly.
She hummed out a small sound. "I wish I could see Touya once more. Even though I know its unlikely, probably impossible, when I learned you were alive, I couldn't stop that hope, even if it may hurt me in the end, he's still my son, and I never was able to properly say goodbye. I love him still, and I will always both love and miss him." She sighed a little sadness in her tone as she gazed out the window, sun slowly sliding back down, still not quite dusk, but close.
"He'd be here if he could. I know that, kaa-san. Believe me." Naoki finished, offering what small hint he could as Shouto reentered the room with a soft knock.
"Ki? We should try and finish up. The bus will be back by shortly. Its about five." He reminded Naoki, seeing he'd come in at a good time.
"Right. Well, come here, both of you. Sit with me for just a bit." Rei requested, Naoki and Shouto both glancing at one another before following her request, one on each side of her as she held them close, giving her words as a mother to them both. "No matter who you love or what happens in your lives, just remember. Always be true to yourselves. Just be who you are. I'm proud of you both and how much you've both grown. And I love you both. Never lose sight of your own dreams, and never forget how much I love you." She let go, both sitting up and getting their individual gifts out.
"Ki, you go first." Shouto insisted.
"Uh- Okay..." Naoki answered, pulling a small velvet coated box out of the bag he'd brought in. "Dabi... He was messing around with some metal once and I got an idea from it, so I fiddled around with my Quirks and finally got it just right. Its the only one that turned out, and I want you to have it, kaa-san..." Naoki handed it to Rei.
She gently pulled the lid off, showing a small metal rose, the blossom silver at the base, and the same iced blue as his eye and both he and Dabi's shared flames at the tips of the petals. The stem and leaves were a soft, pastel green, the leaf tips tinted a darker grey, like Rei and Shouto's eyes. The stem was mounted in a small chunk of smoky white crystal, a rainbow tint in certain lighting.
"It's lovely. Thank you. You worked hard on it, I can tell. I haven't seen that colour of silver or icy blue since you were with us, and Touya was there beside you. You always gave him this colour, though I met it more than once too." She pulled Naoki over, a soft kiss on his forehead.
She set it on the nightstand beside her bed as Shouto gave Naoki a gentle smile, seeing Naoki happy and relaxed, almost as much as he was around Dabi. He pulled his gift out.
"It's the next piece in the set I started bringing you before." The small box had a spun glass figure, an ice skating girl balanced on one foot, the other out as if she were mid-spin.
"Beautiful. Just like my boy. Thank you, Shouto. She'll fit right in with the others, I'm sure." She gave Shouto a kiss identical to Naoki before standing from the bed and moving to a shelf where the three others were placed, adding the new figurine to them, picking the rose up and placing it there alongside the skater as well.
When she turned back to them, her eyes were happy and her smile gentle. "Alright. I love you both, but you should get going. Naoki, I want to see you more often, so don't hesitate to visit whenever you want, even if it's not with Shouto. Tell your dear that I'll look forward to meeting him next time and there is no negativity at missing him this time." She gave Naoki a final hug and head pat before turning to Shouto. "And, my dear Shouto, the same goes. I will see you next time, and feel free to invite your sweet boy back soon too. I'll have the nurse add Naoki to my visitor list first thing tomorrow, as well as Midoriya, alright." She repeated her hug and kiss to Shouto's brow as well.
As she walked them to her door, she finished their visit, "I love you both. Be safe and look out for one another."
With that, they made toward the lobby. Once there, Shouto asked, "So, Ki. Did you have a good talk? I could tell Mom was happier after she saw you with me, and she looked like she enjoyed getting to sit and spend time with you."
"Yeah. I missed her a lot. And I'm glad I got to see her again, and can keep seeing her. She's... She's still the most like my mom. Inko is amazing, don't get me wrong, but Rei... But Mom was the first 'mother' I had, and that's never going to change. Though, if you and Izumi get together officially, Inko will also be mom too, and we all three have Dad-Might, so that's kinda nice." Naoki finished, his finger curled around his chin as he smiled, eyes closed and happy.
Shouto chuckled, a small smile on his own lips as well. "Yeah. You're right." When both their phones buzzed at the same time, they made to stand, but both paled at the drastically different message they received, both locking eyes as they finished reading it before grabbing their things and taking off.
Izuku was attacked. By Shigaraki Tomura at the mall. He'd messaged them both as he'd been driven to the police station to be interviewed by Tsukauchi.
The door opened to the back of the station, Izuku and Tsukauchi exiting as Toshinori arrived.
"Young Midoriya! Tsukauchi!"
"All Might! But how?" Izuku asked, prancing over to Toshinori, eyes wide and mouth dropped in surprise.
"I needed to talk to him anyway." Tsukauchi answered.
"What a relief. I'm so glad you're okay." Toshinori gave Izuku's head a pat. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you and the others. Was Naoki with you?" He asked.
"It's fine. No, he went with Shouto to see Shouto's mom, though I did let them both know what happened. I haven't heard back from them yet either."
There was a pause in conversation. "Um. All Might?"
"Yeah? What is it?" Toshinori responded to Izuku's apparent want for a question.
"Do you ever have times when you can't save all the people that you want to?" Izuku asked.
"Yes I do. And often. Someone could be injured and calling out for my help anywhere in the world right now and I would never know about it. I know its frustrating, but we're only human. There are always gonna to be people beyond our reach that we can't protect. But that's all the more reason to stand tall and smile. So that the symbol of justice is always there, even when I can't be, to flicker in people's hearts, whether they be a hero or a villain." All Might answered, eyes at the sky before he glanced back down towards the end, meeting red and ice blue, grey and light blue as they approached down the alley.
"The kid's worried about what Shigaraki said, but that was likely the villain's resentment talking. All Might has never failed to save someone after arriving at an emergency." Tsukauchi assured Izuku, turning to face him and seeing the two other new arrivals, holding back until they felt approaching their friend was better timing. "I think we've got everything we need. We're all done here."He finished, waving at Naoki and Shouto even as Inko came rushing around the corner, Naoki and Shouto slower in their approach to give the worried mother some time with her baby, well aware Rei would fuss the same with them.
"Izuku?!" She called.
"Mom? Naoki and Shouto too?" The green realised they were all three there.
"Izuku, my baby. I can't do this anymore. I don't think my heart can handle another scare." SHe was tears and worry all around.
"I'm sorry. Everything's fine. I'm okay mom. There's no need to cry. The heroes and police have been taking really good care of me all night." Izuku soothed his mother, eyes looking at the worried expressions on his mother, then on Shouto, and seeing Naoki's eye colour hinting the same, even as his face plainly betrayed it.
When Naoki met Izuku's green eyes, he rushed over, Shouto in toe, both wrapping around Izuku for a second as Naoki also hugged Inko before speaking out to Izuku.
"You're not hurt? He didn't- He didn't touch...?" The words caught in Naoki's throat, tears prickling the corners of his eyes as he grasped Izuku's arms gently, his grip broken, even white-knuckled as his hands were, they couldn't squeeze any tighter.
"No. He didn't hurt me. But..." He glanced at Tsukauchi, who nodded. "But he said you were resistant or maybe had some immunity to his Quirk... Anyone else would have been dust if he'd used his Quirk against them as long as he'd done on you. You might be able to combat it if it's used on someone based on that." Inko sobbed, hugging Izuku tightly as Shouto's head dropped against Izuku's shoulder, his own worry abating slowly, adrenaline leaving his body exhausted.
Naoki hummed an understanding agreement. "I wondered... Now I guess I know... Maybe I should have gone with you inst-"
"No. He wanted you there too... And it... I think it has to do with your ring. You were safer, much safer with Shouto and away from there. He didn't attack or hurt anyone, but he was clear about that, that you were his primary goal. I'm glad you weren't there, Naoki." Izuku pulled his mom and Naoki into a hug, soon adding Shouto to it, his clam demeanour soothing all three of them.
Toshinori's eyes flashed to Tsukauchi, who nodded in affirmation of Izuku's words before speaking to the cat officer who had arrived with Inko.
"Sansa, make sure they all get home safely. I need to finish some things up here." Tsukauchi ordered.
When they made to leave, Naoki glanced back to Toshinori, "Wait just a second. I need to... Make sure my dad can know what's going on." Naoki called as he ran to Toshinori.
"Naoki. I'm glad you are safe." Toshinori began. "What can I... Is there something you need?" He asked.
"Dabi's apartment was broken into, so he ended up leaving the trip before we went to visit Rei-kaa-san... But he's worried about it not being safe there, so told me to stay home, or at Inko's with Izumi... I'd like to stay there and try to help Inko calm down and make sure Izumi's gonna be okay. But, Dabi said he'd get back to me and see me after camp. Is... Is everything better between us, between you two too? And are you alright if I stay with Izumi?"
Toshinori nodded, grappling Naoki into a quick hug. "Yes. Stay there until camp so I can keep attention off us both. Dabi and I... We've settled things well enough for now. Take care and stay safe, my boy. Did you get everything you'd need for the camp while you were out today?"
"Yeah. Dabi helped me cause I had no clue what I'd even need. He also made sure I had plenty of first-aid type stuff too, for me and others. And he brought up a good idea... Saving some of my blood aside for if I do get injured and Blood Tempter's bad sides are triggered. At least I won't be completely screwed, though I should run it by Hajime-san first. So I might do that after the ceremonies and stuff tomorrow. Also, I... I reconciled with Rei and I had a good time and talk with her. Okay!" Naoki stepped forward, giving a las hug to Toshinori. "I love you, dad. I'll keep in touch and see you soon!"
"Alright. You'd better get going so they aren't waiting for you. Try and see if young Todoroki will stay with you and young Midoriya as well. Maybe if he's there with you too, you'll be able to catch some rest." Toshinori urged Naoki back towards the waiting group.
"Good idea." Naoki called back as he took off to the group.
As the police vehicle took off with the three kids, Inko and Sansa, Toshinori and Tsukauchi had a little more of a conversation.
"This time at least, it appears to have been a coincidental meeting, this run in with Midoriya, but it's clearer now that Naoki is a target, since Midoriya reported Naoki was the intended target. But there's still a pretty big possibility that Naoki, Midoriya or another student will be targeted in the future, Naoki's odds, higher by the looks of it, though I can't say for sure its related specifically to you where he's concerned, given how little even he remembers. Of course, we'll continue to be on high alert here, but the school should be ready to take drastic measures. The stronger the light shines, the greater the darkness." He faced Toshinori.
"I think, for the good of the students, you should consider leaving U.A., All Might. Though, by the looks of it, that will only help Naoki so far, it may be better for the rest of them."
"But I've barely gotten started. I mean it's only been three months of teaching." Toshinori spilled out.
"I told you before that you weren't cut out for it. But just like being a father for Naoki, you still pushed through to it." Tsukauchi teased, half-serious nonetheless. "All For One again. This time, we have to capture him."
"One more fight. I'm counting on you again, Tsukauchi." Toshinori finished.
"Yeah." Tsukauchi also finished.
Toshinori's mind flashed back to Naoki, his specific question stirring up too many negative emotions as he recalled the meeting he'd called to discuss Dabi's request for back up and help with the rest of the U.A. staff. Is... Is everything better between us, between you two too?
All Might finished the playback from his meeting with the young man calling himself Dabi, the same person who his own adopted son loved, and who had just asked for back up so he could infiltrate the League of Villains and retrieve Naoki's ring, and serve as a mole for the police and Pros in the meantime, making the plea that once he was able to get Naoki's ring, he'd leave and no longer get involved with the League.
It was easy to say that the views of the staff and the one officer there whom All Might trusted, and who was investigating the League were less than favourable, and it twisted in All Might's gut at what that could mean.
"If you ask me, I'd bet he's just vying for an excuse to join and not get in immediate trouble. I don't trust him, and this is just further proof that I shouldn't, that none of us should." Aizawa gave his argument bluntly, getting it out of the way first.
Almost every person agreed, in some form or another.
Tsukauchi gave a small counter. "It may be worth a shot. If we go into this with the assumption he could be leading us on, we'll be prepared if he is, but may find out he's legitimately trying to help. We don't know much of anything about the League as of right now, and having someone inside to give us the run of what's going on may be the best option we have to get information."
"On the other hand, though, if we're led on with a few initial truths and accurate information, it'd be all too easy for him to lure us into a false state of trust and turn it back in our faces when he gets the best chance. We don't know enough about this young man to gauge that. Sure, he's been good for Naoki, but we know he burned that group of common robbers and beat them pretty bad when he first ran into Naoki. And, even without that... To be honest, we don't really know that much about Naoki either. And we don't know what the extent of their relationship is. Naoki's said they have a past, so there's another unknown. I'm sorry, All Might. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt, believe me, but... Its just too much of a risk." Midnight gave her final words.
"Hmm. So, this young man is causing quite the trouble, and placing us as a school, and each of us here as Heroes, in quite the predicament, it seems. And, while I see the merit in having an ally in the League, I also cannot overlook the views and opinions expressed to the counter. So, I'm afraid it is something I will leave to you, Eraser, and you as well, Vlad. Since this is your student, Eraser, and the two of you are in charge of the training camp coming up, I will leave this at your discretion. That is my final decision. Should it turn out he was lying, then we will lose nothing. And, if he is telling the truth, then he will have proven himself trustworthy for the future. Given his relation to you, All Might, where Naoki is concerned, we need to remain especially careful, and incredibly vigilant. After All, since you adopted him, he has more than the eyes of villains on him. The whole public and heroes alike watch him now." Nezu finished, soon after, drawing the meeting to a close.
All Might tried to reason with Aizawa afterwards, not wanting to give up and betray the trust placed on him when he'd set aside his qualms, and Dabi had finally opened up and given them a small reason to trust him, and when both Naoki and this person Naoki held dear were relying on them in some form or another.
"Aizawa. Please at least take into consideration what you and I have seen of the young man where Naoki is concerned. He's, above all else, just wanting to ensure Naoki's wellbeing. He's asking for help, and willing to sacrifice himself to get Naoki's safety secured." All Might tried.
"Sorry, but I run my class how I see fit. I don't trust him, and I see no reason to trust him now any more than before. He showed his face, sure. He explained whatever reasons he did. Fine. Whatever. I still have no reason to trust him. If I see him with them, I will treat him the same as any other villain. That's my own decision. If it somehow turns out that he's not bluffing, not making an excuse to get away with being a villain, then I'll take the heat for my decisions. That's final." Aizawa refused to relent, continuing to walk as he spoke, now leaving All Might behind.
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