Chapter 23: Summer Vacation - Class Shopping Trip - Part 01
"I'll pick you up when you're ready. Just send me a message, 'Kay, Baby boy?" Dabi assured after laying a mask covered kiss to Naoki's forehead, tilting the shorter raven's chin up, while he knelt down the rest of the way to Naoki's height.
"Alrighty! Will do! I... I l-love you, Dabi." Naoki half-stuttered out, embarrassed, and surprising the blue.
"I love you too, Naoki. That'll never change, my little prince." Dabi replied, using his old nickname for Naoki from so long ago, this time, unhooking his mask to give Naoki a proper kiss, a small, happy spell of laughter at the blush he caused on the shorter red raven. "I'll work on getting cleaned up and... Figure out this... Unforeseen outcome... Well, as much as I can come up with in the time before I'll need to be back here." Dabi urged Naoki through the gates of the school, rehooking his mask before his last sentence.
When Dabi turned to leave, he saw a thorough shocker. Izuku was arriving with Shouto. The green caught sight of him, calling out, "Aoi-san! I was pretty sure after everything, you'd been walking Naoki to class, since you also seemed to be picking him up since then too... How are you? The last time we spoke was... When you were sick." Izuku asked, putting Dabi on the spot. He'd to though through how to act when Shouto would be present.
"Better. Naoki's already gone in. And yeah. Not letting him walk anywhere alone after that mess. I'll see you guys later for the meet up Naoki invited people to." He looked to Shouto to gauge any reaction, seeing little.
"Oh! I forgot you were coming along too! Hey, Shouto, would you please reconsider? Naoki's really excited about it, which is odd for him... And, it gives us all a chance to get to know eachother better, and Aoi-san too." Izuku rambled.
"You know... I think I told Ki before, I was planning to go, so, I guess if I don't show up, he'll be bummed." Shouto explained.
He showed no visible or discernable reaction to hint Dabi was the reason for his change in plans, but, Dabi was always cautious.
"Well, I'll head back home now. I need to get cleaned up and figure out some... Personal... Issues..." Dabi acted out a complaint, the topic actually presenting a surprise and more, even a few small problems.
"Oh? What's going on? If there's anything I can help with, let me know..." Izuku offered, concerned. Shouto kept quiet, monitoring the older male before them.
"No, I don't think it's something anyone but I can work out... At any rate... See you both after this short class. Good to see you again, Green. Nice to meet you, I guess." Dabi bowed his head as he walked around them, aiming to leave.
"Wait. What did you say your name was? And - What's your relationship to Ki?" Shouto asked, head lowered, eyes narrowed as he turned to observe the taller spiky raven, who mentally cursed his own black luck.
"Outside Naoki, I go by 'Aoi' for now. Right now, he's the only one who knows my name, and there's plenty of reasons for that.
As for relationship... I am Naoki's boyfriend. Though, before that, I was also helping him study and train, which is still something I do." Dabi answered, his own turquoise eyes narrowed to slits and glowing behind the shades he always wore, watching every move, no matter how subtle, on the bi-coloured's features.
"Alright. Sorry for stopping you and calling you out, Aoi-san. I look forward to seeing you in the group later. Ki must like you a lot, and I want to see what the person he loves is like, see for myself who you are at heart as opposed to assuming or unfairly judging you. I'm Shouto Todoroki." Shouto held out his left hand.
Dabi approached, grasping the hand firmly, but politely, shaking as normally as anyone else would. He didn't miss Shouto's shocked flinch as the heated metal fixings across palm were pressed to Shouto's own, the heat even a bit too hot for Shouto's fire side, just by a fraction. Not enough to burn or scar or leave more than a small red mark at each spot.
"Aoi, as I said. You and Green here are close enough to Nao that its be hard to not recognise you." Dabi released, giving a wave, further showing the burned skin's attachment to healthy at the base of his hand and palm as he left.
Once he was out of sight, Izuku spoke to Shouto, scratching the back of his head, "He's not a bad person... Just h-has h-his own secrets... I mean, we all do, even if he's almost excessive in keeping his buried or hidden... But... If there's anything about him I've been able to recognise since the first time I saw him with Naoki... It's that he is completely different with Naoki... He's gentle, caring, tender... Loving. Its obvious to me in that sense... He's tried to tell All Might and I time and again that even before they met after the USJ, that Naoki is his everything, so-" Izuku began to ramble, Shouto cutting him off, believing his intentions were misunderstood.
"Izuku, I'm not... I won't judge him. I wasn't kidding when I said that. At first there, I wanted to see how he'd react to me calling him out and jumping on him like that. Afterall, I'm sure that as Ki's boyfriend, he's learned about the memories Ki's gotten since they met. If he does, then he knows Naoki has a significant amount of history not only with Endeavor, but the entirety of the Todoroki family. A significantly brutal one at that. My bastard of an old man wasn't kind, even, more accurately... Especially to Naoki, who wasn't even his kid, but had a Quirk on the level of All Might's even as a small child.
Given how he reacted, I could use the chance to learn something... That was my thinking... And I wasn't wrong, I learned something. Odds are, he knew before Ki got his memories back recently." Shouto explained as they continued across the campus.
"Well yeah... I knew that already. Both Aoi-san and Naoki have mentioned Aoi-san knew Naoki in the past - in childhood. I could have told-" Izuku began, Shouto cutting him off again.
"No, that's... This is more than that... I mean he knows, like in detail, else any romantic partner would have at least lashed out at me, being a Todoroki... HIs reaction, or rather, lack thereof, suggests he knows the extent of that craptastic household Ki and I were in, how bad Ki had it, but that it wasn't just Ki. It was all of my siblings, in one way or another. Even my mother. He knows that to some extent, enough to be familiar with that bastards actions. That's what I read from him - his body language, his voice, all of what I could see... On that note, Izuku... Didn't you notice? He was bleeding. And given how heavy the smell was, it was a lot, I think, based on the darkened tone of his mask, from a pretty substantial portion of his face." They stopped their conversation outside 1-A's door, Shouto changing his attitude to what he displayed to the rest of their class outside Izuku and Naoki. He gave Izuku a small nod, seeing the shock and concern from him as he then slid the door open, going in. After a half minute or so, Izuku also went in.
Mina, Denki, Eijirou and Rikudou were obviously and visibly bummed, completely down about failing the exam's practical portion. Izuku tried cheering them up, saying there may be a last minute twist, only for Denki to jab fingers to Izuku's eyes and accuse All Might of knocking the green's brains out. Hanta chided Denki, saying the odds were that he wouldn't be going either, since their team only passed thanks to Momo, and they had no idea how they were going to be graded, he most likely failed too.
Then the situation switched to Naoki and Shouto's match.
"Talking about close calls, Naoki, you and Todoroki were completely restrained but still managed to escape that and even capture Aizawa. That was intense." Denki commented.
"Yeah... Todoroki? I was wondering why you didn't just use your ice of fire... Or why you didn't use Ricochet, Naoki..." Hanta asked.
"Naoki asked me not to... He's got a low core temperature, just like when we were kids, and he's... Using my flames when he couldn't visibly distinguish my being Todoroki Shouto... Not someone else... Also, taking into consideration the... Ki?" He looked to Naoki, who shrugged. "Taking into consideration some of the scars from his past that are sensitive to drastic temperatures, namely heat and cold... Also... You guys do realise Ki can't just use Ricochet at the drop of a hat, right? Given the uncertainties presented by the caltrops - their placement and his own sight being cut off... It wasn't safe to use. Even the temperature of my own flames didn't phase them later on, while Naoki's melted them.
Without his being capable of coming up with all of that, formulating everything out... We probably would have failed."
"Wow..." "I had no idea Ricochet had that kind of... difficulty..." Denki and Mina admitted, "If we were stuck with a Quirk like that, it'd tear us apart..." Mina added, their own weaknesses revealed to be in their intelligence, while Naoki relied very heavily on it.
Naoki though, spit back a bit of a taunt. "Yeah, Shou-san... But even with a seventy-six percent chance you'd be burned, you still didn't use your ice to shield yourself... You were lucky..."
"You told me the chances that if I used my ice as a secondary shield to raise that to ninety-one, thanks to Ricochet's additional coverage, then the likelihood of Blood Tempter being affected by my ice was seventy seven percent, and even though you didn't use it later, you conveniently left out how much your burns would still be damaged, and what you'd said before put it over eighty percent for damage, thirty of which was permanent. Your odds of harm were higher, and I'm not keen on hurting you, as a friend, my team mate in the exam, and... helping me so much growing up..." Shouto returned, "I knew the odds, and took that chance, made that choice on my own. Because I trust you, Ki." He finished.
Naoki scratched his right cheek with his pointer finger, "Caught that, did ya? Yeah... Okay... Fine..." He muttered after Shouto gave him a 'are you serious' look.
"You mean you did that intentionally? It was so I wouldn't worry about you and protect myself first, wasn't it?" Shouto asked, now next to Naoki's desk, glaring down at Naoki for his dangerously normal self-sacrificing concern for everyone that usually ended in him being hurt the worst. With a resigned sigh, his eyes closing, knowing Naoki had always been that way, and it was so ingrained in him by now that changing it was impossible, so, berating and getting mad had no point. "I get it, it's the same reason you didn't tell me you'd broken your leg when we landed, and you never explained that your hands were that shot... You could hardly grip my arm, even when your knuckles were white and it was obvious you were straining to grip even that much... Have they been this bad this entire time?" Shouto asked, his voice significantly calmer, no longer glaring, but, displaying concern this time.
"N-No... Just... My - That's why I can't... Why I have to go get testing done before the training camp, and absolutely can't afford to miss it or skip." Naoki admitted, catching the entire class's attention, but shocking Izuku and Shouto, their earlier conversation flashing through their minds.
"My entire body and healing factor... My Quirk... All of that's been unstable as of... Late" Naoki finished, seeing Shouto and Izuku's expressions.
The class's questions were cut off before they were even allowed to be spoken when the classroom door slammed open, Aizawa entering with a reprimand about being seated when the bell rings.
"Before we begin, I've got a few things to address with one of you." He began, locking his eyes on Naoki. "Naoki. I'm going to ask you a question. You're to answer honestly, or consider your team's exam null and void." Aizawa threatened.
This, naturally, caught the attention of the everyone, all eyes now on the multi-Quirk 'ace' of their class, whose eye colour showed his anxiety at the situation. "Y-Ye-s... S-Sir?" Naoki replied, questioning if he was supposed to reply or not, even as he did reply.
Aizawa paused to let it in just a little more before asking his question. "Bring your schoolbag up here first." Naoki obeyed, Aizawa opening a specific pocket as if he knew exactly what he was looking for and where it was. He pulled out a plain white pill bottle, unmarked and without a label. "Mind explaining what exactly these are to the class and myself?" He asked, giving the bottle a good shake, knowing Naoki's character and personality wouldn't let him put Shouto's passing grade at risk.
At seeing both Shouto and Izuku bounce up out of their seats to interfere and act, Aizawa shot them both back to their seats. "Sit down, both of you."
With a deep, shaky breath, even worse sigh, and rapid crack of every knuckle he had in his hands, followed by his left hand reaching for his neck and his right picking at itself, Naoki answered, unable to maintain eye contact with anyone, downcast and staring seemingly at nothing. "M-More or less... A m-min-ni medicine cabinet. U-Usually, there a-are around f-forty ibuprofen, twenty tylonel, twenty caffeine-based painkillers, u-usually Midol, since i-it's relatively easy to replace... A-All are around two-h-hundred m-milligrams, n-never any higher... A-An-nd t-two others..." His words were spilling out fast, and his stuttering was increased from the situation's stress. "O-One is... An everyday anti-anxiety medicine... But t-that I have to t-take every four hours s-since Blood Tempter c-clears it o-out of my system that fast... The l-last is an e-emergency, i-instant anti-p-panic medicine... F-For emergencies w-where I get t-t-too stressed and start to have an a-attack... B-Both are prescribed b-by Hajime-san... I keep a school-day b-based weeks worth of the fir-first, and u-usually ten of the second on h-hand... T-Those two are o-obvious, t-their p-prescribed i-intentions... The caffeine i-is the in l-last batch It-take before h-heading home s-so I can sleep e-easier since c-caffeine makes me tired. T-The other painkillers a-are for my hands, o-other aches or o-occasional pains f-from old i-injuries... And m-my b-back..." Naoki finished, even stunning Aizawa, which seemed off, considering he'd been the one to call Naoki out.
Shouto was the first to react, rushing to Naoki as soon as the raven's eye changed, slowly getting more of a red hue, like blood washing from a wound with the drain plugged. Izuku was in step behind him, knowing from both All Might and Naoki what his red eyes signified. Izuku had known about the medicine, but All Might wasn't sure if he still kept up with the prescriptions properly, since he'd been staying with Aoi-san so much he was rarely actually home. And, now, seeing Naoki called out to explain something so private, made to explain himself like he was an addict or doing something illegal wasn't right.4Shouto snatched the bottle from the stunned teacher, handing it to Izuku. "Pale blue!" He urged to Izuku.
"I know!" Izuku responded calmly as he and Shouto walked Naoki out. The red's breathing was disconcerting, his body shaking, small wracking tremours, his right hand bleeding from how much he'd picked and scratched at it in so small a time, his left clasping the scarf at his neck in as much of a death grip as he could manage.
Shouto turned back to Aizawa. "What part of that was even remotely necessary!?" Shouto snapped out, Aizawa also snapped from his shock, now scratching his head, tired eyes even worsley exhausted by the mess, turning to look at the rest of the confused, stunned and concerned class he cared for. He gave a tired sigh, and before questions could be asked or raised that would keep him from remedying the situation quickly, began walking out of the room after the trio. "I'm gonna need to fix this before it gets even more out of hand... There'll be trouble if he catches wind of this... Not keen on dealing with that mess..." Any other words were lost as the classroom door was shut.
Shouto, Izuku and Naoki had gotten to the nearest bathroom, Naoki swallowing the pale blue medicine Izuku proffered from the bottle once they'd reached the bathroom. He progressed to the empty space of wall closeby, sliding down as soon as his back hit it, slumping to the floor. Izuku joined him while Shouto remained standing, watching over Naoki, while keeping any possible intruders out.
We were able to act quickly... But... Not enough... I shouldn't have hesitated and just interfered. Then this wouldn't have escalated so badly...
Out of nowhere, Naoki's phone sounded, the tone familiar to Shouto, but from where, he couldn't recall, yet, simply by the sound of it, Naoki's stress seemed to melt away, eased by mere sound as he answered, even more calmed once there was sound from the other side. Both Izuku and Shouto knew he'd not even touched his phone before that, so it was confusing and disconcerting to them.
"Nao? You alright, baby boy?" The voice could be heard, Naoki having it on speaker, and both others recognising the familiar voice and relaxing a bit. "Don't lie, Nao, you know that you can't. I only ever get this feeling in my gut when you're upset or hurt. Talk to me, baby boy, c'mon, love." Dabi's tenderness and mood even gentler than he'd usually been with Naoki. Izuku and Shouto slumped even more with the further confirmation when Aoi kept talking.
After a half minute, there was a small sound of breath being released from the other end. "I've got you, love. Just need me to do the talking so you can focus on it. You're not alone, right, baby boy?" The last question was steeped in concern, Naoki still too shaken up too much to reply just yet, Shouto and Izuku taking the initiative.
"No. Both Izuku and myself are here. We pulled him out of class when he started panicking. He's safe, just relaxing and trying to calm down until it settles." Shouto finished.
A relieved sigh echoed out from the call, "Alright, I know I can trust you... Nao? Baby boy, can you give me anything? Will you be alright, love?" The voice called out, Dabi just needing to hear anything from Naoki.
Naoki hummed out an affirmation, followed by, "Y-Ye-ah... I'll... Be fine... C-Can... Can you... Here...?"
Izuku took up the chance to give any support he could to the situation, translating and finishing for Naoki. "Aoi-san. We should be done soon. It'd probably be best if you came back sooner than planned. Can you do that?"
"Yes. Of course, baby boy. I'll be out the door... Right..." His following words were muffled a bit, "About..." A door closed, "Now... See you in a bit, baby boy. Izuku, that... Was for Nao... I'm clarifying. Anyway... He should be okay to return to class. I'll shoot you a text when I'm there, kay, baby boy?" After a second, "You too, Izuku." With that, the line cut.
"That... Is that normal" Shouto asked, unconcerned with what Izuku worried may have bothered him, even as a small smile spread over Naoki's face, his eyes still downcast and almost sad.
"Y-Yeah. He's uncannily adept at telling when I'm hurting, physically or emotionally... Well, more than usual... Even when we first met... Him being there... He implied it was just coincidence, but, that it had been a gut instinct then too..." Naoki answered.
Hearing a knock on the bathroom door, Shouto and Izuku went on guard while Naoki flinched.
"Naoki?" Aizawa asked, oddly sounding completely opposite, not his usually grumpy self. "May I come in to talk to you? Midoriya and Todoroki can stay right in there, or, if you'd prefer, I can talk from out here. I'll only respond to your answering."
Shouto and Izuku remained quiet. After a minute or so, Naoki sighed deeply, then nodded, "Aizawa... You can come in... S-S-Sorry sir..." Naoki answered, Shouto well aware, painfully so, why Naoki apologised.
After entering, he surprised the trio, his scarf was off, his goggles also out of sight, as he sat on the ground next to Naoki.
"I... Firstly, Naoki, I owe you an apology. So, I am sorry for doing that as I did. If it can be smoothed over even a little with an explanation, then I'd like to give you that explanation." He paused, seeing Naoki nod, still not meeting his gaze. "Alright. Part of the other reason I was your examiner during the finals was because I noticed your taking medicine. I didn't know any of them aside from the pain relievers. If I had, my theory would have been drastically different. The theory was reguarding Ricochet, and how much it is reliant on your ability to process information, calculate formulas, probabilities, how your usage of Ricochet will affect yourself, your surroundings, and not only your allies but, your opponents, and then, weigh the odds and make decisions, all in mere seconds or less. People's brains aren't wired to handle that much information flow, in fact, most aren't even capable of it. And, given your introverted nature, this also led me to the possibility of your insomnia being related to this constant overflow of information as well. Sleep deprivation would also increase the taxation on your mind and body.
So, my theory was that the painkillers were because you frequently ended up suffering migraines and headaches as a result of all of that, the overstimulation to your brain's processing power multiplied upon by the insomnia.
I had connected the theory based upon homework and assignments, even since your Aldera days. There were times you'd be completely capable of getting the answers perfect, then, times where it'd be completely off, despite previous and future displays of mastery of the kinds of questions involved.
I also noticed these inaccuracies lined up almost perfectly with days or times you seemed more stressed than normal.
All of that being said... That's only the background for the intentions I have yet to explain. My intentions weren't to call you out to mock, ridicule or humiliate you. I intended to use it as a way to explain a concept of Quirks that some seem to still lack an understanding of. Well, really a few concepts. First, that Quirks are an extension of yourself, and can be taxing, just like pushing your body too far or overexerting an injured body part. Secondly, that all Quirks have drawbacks, weaknesses and strengths. Building upon those strengths and limiting the drawbacks, and overcoming those weaknesses will help make everyone a stronger Hero.
And, while you were standing there, spilling out private and personal information because you feared costing Todoroki his passed exam as well, I'll be honest and say I was too stunned how much I'd misread so completely to step in and stop you. I threatened you, and used your concern for others in a way I'm not proud of, and I deeply regret it. As a teacher, I grossly misused what I knew of a student I was well aware already has more on his plate than the rest of the class. I overstepped my boundaries and crossed far more lines as a teacher and as a Hero than should ever be acceptable. So, I'll repeat my earlier words." He stood, bowing as he reiterated his apology, "As your Homeroom Teacher, and as a Hero, as your teacher, an someone responsible for your growth and helping you learn, mature and find your own strength, but failed terribly, I am sorry."
When Naoki's eyes remained down cast, but he pointed to the ground where Aizawa had been seated, Aizawa sat back down.
"I... I see why it happened... But... Sir, you overanalysed a lot of that... As I said, the pain meds are for old injuries... As for the insomnia... That's also p-past related... As in... Before the time I spent at Shou-san's family home... Even I don't remember anything from back then... I don't think I knew it then either to be honest... Nor do I believe anyone I know personally even knows what happened back then. The insomnia is a fear rooted, pain-based... Night terrors... A fear of them and the pain I experience in them that often linger for days afterwards.
The only place I've been able to sleep since Dad found me where I don't get them is at A-Aoi's... I managed to get some sleep when I stayed at Izuku's when Shou-san was there... But I still had... Nightmares? Just not full blown terrors. That might be because Shou-san is familiar to me, and like Aoi, he's warm from his Quirk... And Izumi is a comforting presence too in that sense... But I still had 'trouble' sleeping there... Just not as bad.
Hence why I've basically lived at Aoi's for a while... Plus... Giving Dad a break, and since I'm not sure what to say or how to talk to him...
But... The - um - other part... About missing questions... That's consciously unintentional, subconsciously intentional. I usually don't realise until reviewing them after they're graded... But I know why, just don't really notice it clearly enough to catch or stop it. It's related to the 'introvert' thing you mentioned... And the inferiority complex piled on top of it...
Whenever I feel like I'm doing too well, it happens. Also, when I'm stressed and in a self-deprecating or self-destructive mood or mindset. That's why it happens, most, or more accurately, always those times. Its kind of a coping mechanism... A-Aoi said it's not atypical, considering what he's seen from me, but that its also incredibly unhealthy. Akin to a toxic mindset, and definitely negative. That it's not a good coping mechanism..." Naoki finished.
"Well... I misread all of that, so essentially, my entire theory wasn't accurate in the least.And, surprisingly - to myself more than I realised - I agree with Aoi on that... Though. Given what I've seen of him - specifically in reguards to you - it shouldn't be as surprising. It isn't near as surprising if I take all of that into consideration." Aizawa returned, a sigh as he placed a hand atop Naok';s head, ruffling the black opalescent hair the smallest bit before moving the hand to Naoki's shoulder. "I apologise again for the misunderstanding. To both of you as well, Modoriya, Todoroki. I assume you both knew of the medicine and their various purposes, so the apology is to you both as well." The 1-A teacher stood up as he continued. "Now, to smooth this all out amongst your classmates as well. I'm sure they've all come up with their own explanations, so I need to nix them before they set in too much. Or worse... Spread and make this mess bigger. So, shall we return to class, you three? Aizawa asked, gesturing for them to head out as he held the door open.
Naoki, Shouto, Izuku and Aizawa returned to class, Aizawa calling it to order, once more apologising formally to Naoki, then to the rest of the class as he explained the misunderstanding in simpler terms, clearing the air and assumptions, responding appropriately to questions before going to what the intended lesson had been, supposed to have been introduced and brought up through his theory on Naoki, how the class referred to him as an 'ace', yet even this 'ace' had weaknesses, drawbacks to his Quirk, and strengths. Even with the mishap, the lesson was still able to be completed.
After this, he finished up with a final explanation.
"Now, back to business. As you all know, there are a few of you who did not pass your final exams, so, when it comes to the camp in the woods..." The man's face changed, a sinister and familiar expression as he continued. "Everyone is going!"
Those who failed were hyped, Izuku's 'last minute twist' ringing true as a saving grace. "We really get to go to camp?!" Eijirou asked, followed by Mina's questioning, "Seriously!?!"
"Yeah. The good news is no one bombed the written exams. Five failed the practical. Badly. Two teams, of course, and then Sero as well." Hanta groaned and voiced his disappointment as Aizawa continued. "Allow me to explain. For the practical battles, the teachers made sure to leave a way for the students to win, otherwise, you never would have stood a chance. We were interested in observing how you each worked together and approached the task at hand."
But didn't you promise that the teachers wouldn't be holding back?" Masashirao asked.
"That was just to get you on edge. The training camp will focus on building your strengths, as I explained earlier. Those that failed need those lessons the most. We were never going to separate you. That was just a logical deception we used." Aizawa's troll face returned, the class all showing different levels of surprise, shock and a few questioning their teacher's methods.
"He tricked us all! I should have expected this." Tenya shot up from his seat, hand held high. "Mister Aizawa! This is the second time you've lied to us! Aren't you afraid we'll lose faith in you?!"
"Uh- A little blunt there, Tenya." Ochaco commented.
"That's a good point. I'll consider it." Aizawa answered Tenya's question before continuing. "But I wasn't lying to you about everything." His eyes narrowed as he gazed at the five who failed, seeing them freeze on the spot at his words. "Failure is failure. We've prepared extra lessons for the five of you. Frankly, they'll be far tougher than what you'd face in summer school. Also, on that note, Naoki. I will need to speak with you on the matter of your inability to sleep, as well as the aforementioned lessons. Is there any complaints to my doing so now, before I end the short class?" Aizawa asked, eyes once again looking to Naoki.
"No, sir. Please go ahead. I don't mind." Naoki answered.
"Alright, first and foremost, aside from the nights other events are planned, I'd like you to attend the lessons. Not as one taking them. But, as the instructor. This was briefly discussed between some of the staff, and it was decided, if you'd be willing to spend some portions of the nights where there weren't plans helping those who failed. And, considering what I now understand accurately about your brain's processing power, combined with how thoroughly you've been able to assess other's Quirks, weaknesses and strengths in them, and the people using said Quirks, it isn't a question now. I think your classmates could use someone freshly assessing their abilities and helping them fill in the gaps. In addition, this can be considered training for your introversion and shyness around our peers, as starting this kind of training with people already at least somewhat familiar with you was reasoned the best option, by both Nezu and All Might. Is that understood?" Aizawa asked, seeing Naoki's reply stiff.
"Yes. I'm... Hesitant, but I will do it. Its to help my allies, so I won't fail." Naoki replied, his care of others before himself becoming a strength, even though, in most cases, it was either neutral or a weakness.
"Good. Moving on. I would like you to try sleeping each night, however, if you can't, or have issues reguarding your insomnia's causes, then please come find a staff member, preferably myself, and we will give you something to work on that will also help with training on a more psychological level, as opposed to your Quirk. Once that night's set-aside task is complete, we'll have something planned to get you through until morning that won't tax you or your Quirk, but, may help you at lease recuperate in the stead of sleep. Midoriya, Todoroki, if you can assist Naoki in trying to sleep to begin with, please do. You're both familiar with him and those issues. Also, Naoki. The medicines you need to take. I need to make sure you'll have enough with you, so, please be sure to pack them. I'll personally ensure you are able to keep your usual daily necessities close at hand, but, carrying them at camp won't be as viable, especially if you were to lose them. On this matter, I also ask everyone to pay attention, namely to how Todoroki and Midoriya react. Learn how to help others who have similar issues by seeing it in person and help if you can as well. As a Hero, helping people recover, seeing to their safety, comfort, and care after being rescued is of vital importance. You'll come across people in shock, panicked, hysterical and terrified on a regular basis. If you can help them by learning this kind of thing here and now, more power to you. It'll only help you in the future. However, Todoroki and Midoriya, I'll allow you each a single emergency dosage. Anything else and its approaching illegal. I just know you both have a good grasp on how to work with Naoki on this. That being said, where you keep your phones on this trip is your responsibility, just know if they're damaged, destroyed, broken... It isn't covered for replacement by the school. Naoki, after discussion, and what I was able to hear earlier, if you have issues that can be handled without medicine, then do it how you need. I'll be giving other rules for you on this later on, though. So, expect to speak to me on the way there." After a sigh, he finished, "That's all for this semester. Remember to come prepared. Your Hero Costumes will not be brought on this trip, so, Naoki, please bring something else to the teacher's lounge tomorrow that can be a safe replacement, since Blood Tempter will be worked on as well, and I want to avoid using it unsafely. I'll need to inspect it and I'll be transporting it to avoid issues on the trip. That's it." He walked out of the classroom, a few questioning stares toward Naoki.
"What does he mean by that, Naoki?" Hanta asked.
"Oh... To use Blood Tempter safely, I have to be the inflictor of the initial injury to myself, or, I risk being unable to heal it, the wound clotting on it's own, and, therefore, blood-loss. Healing others is still safe, and I generally only have issues if someone I'm trying to heal inflicts the first wound on me, or any while I'm healing them..." Naoki explained.
"Oh... That makes it really dangerous for you..." "So that's what the tantou you always carry in training is for." "I remember you saying it helped with a Quirk and that the edges are mostly blunt but didn't connect the dots..." Kyouka replied, followed by Mina and Denki.
"Yeah. The rod is collapsible, and I use either Time or Ricochet to expand it however far I need, and it helps channel them, especially Time Manipulation, since its a fickle Quirk with a lot I still don't yet understand about it." Naoki further detailed his other equipment. "Then the buttons I wear at my belt... They help me better control what Quirks I have active, and whether any are on standby or able to be switched out safer than doing it myself, especially in the heat of battle... Hatsume from the support course made it, and set of twin scientists helped configure it to interface with my Quirk and any borrowed Quirks I have."
"Alright! How about we get this meet and Class shopping trip going already!" Mina called out.
The class erupted, most listing off things they needed to buy for the training camp, the girls talking about the school's rule not to travel far or leave the country, where Mina suggested they use the school's pool to save money, Momo deciding to come up with a formal proposal for the teachers as Kyouka spoke up.
"Wait just a minute on that." She came over to Naoki, grabbing his hand and dragging him to the gathered group, his confusion evident. "We should include Naoki. Afterall, I'm sure he's never been swimming with friends, and I worry the guys would be really rough on him..."
"Great idea! Naoki's so sweet as it is, and besides, you've got similar tastes, so you've gotta have something to talk about!" Mina cheered to their small group, keeping relatively quieter at the last part.
Momo voiced her concerns next, "Wait, Naoki... You know how to swim, right? I'm not trying to be rude or make assumptions, just, with not much history known to you, I don't want to risk your safety."
"You're fine, Momo-san! I have been swimming a lot. Physical therapy while in the hospital, and Hajime-san went ahead and taught me to swim while he was at it, so I'm actually a pretty good swimmer. I enjoy it a lot too. Though... If it's possible... Can I ask you guys for help with the swimwear part? Since I haven't gone since before leaving the hospital, I don't have any swimwear, and... I want something that won't be... Well... How to put it..." He sighed, but, the pinky seemed to catch his drift.
"Ooh~ I get you, you want something appropriate but still flattering for that cutie of yours? Not that I know what they look like, just trying to be considerate anyway." She mused out, covering her possible rude or suggestive statement.
"Y-Yeah... That... Also, not sure if you guys heard... But he's coming too, and so is Hitoshi Shinsou from the general education courses. His dad is my primary overseeing doctor, and I would like to make friends with him a bit better." Naoki smiled.
"Oh. I didn't know Shinsou's dad was your doctor, but yeah, Midoriya explained your partner would be coming along." Momo answered.
"Hey, Naoki." Izuku rushed over. "Has Aoi-san gotten back to you yet? Its been a while..." Izuku asked.
"N-No... But its actually a long ways between here and where he lives, so it may take him a little bit yet..." Naoki explained, already mentally aware Dabi should have messaged him already, the timing of the trek having passed almost ten minutes ago.
"A PHONE CALL IS HERE! A PHONE CALL IS HERE! A PHONE-!" All Might apologised, shuffling out of the room as he answered his phone after taking on his muscular form.
"Yes? Hello?" All Might began, hearing a small intake of breath.
"Hey. All Might. Before I go meet with Nao for this class shopping trip, I need to talk to you. And its best, for Naoki's sake, that its privately." All Might tried to shed the suspicions at recognising the voice on the other end, but, while difficult, when he remembered how much this 'Aoi' had done for Naoki, and their current discomfort was sprouted from All Might's judgements and assumptions, not anything the young man had actually done, it was easy to set aside.
"Very well. I will meet you at the gate, but, the best place to have this conversation is on campus in a private room. Will that be compromisable, Aoi?" All Might asked.
"Yeah. I'm out here already. Got a gut feeling Naoki was upset, he was, so I came sooner than planned anyway."
"Very well. I will see you momentarily." All Might heard the line cut, and made toward the gate.
Once they were in a secluded room, the only two there, the masked and covered raven almost antsy as he sat before the pro.
"You may as well relax, afterall, only two blondes ever linger around Naoki, so it didn't take much to figure out. From how worried Nao gets, I'm assuming you've been injured. I don't want to put you out any more than I've already done. And as I said, this is for Naoki's sake, so there's no way in hell I'd pull anything stupid or reckless, especially in the middle of the U.A. campus. Take it as... A secret for a secret." He offered when All Might grew tense.
All Might deflated, seeing the raven reach for his mask. "This... Is something only Naoki has seen, since it only happened this morning, so I think it's probably a good enough time to have this talk." With one hand, he removed the sunglasses, the other took the mask away, Toshinori confused at what his eyes saw.
"Believe me, this wasn't expected, so I've spent the last hour or so since dropping him off here cleaning it up..."
He seemed to have small puncture scars at specific places on his face, even some of them were still fading. They made two lines from the corners of his mouth, back to his ears. Other areas were in semi-circular lines under his eyes, which were a piercing, glowing, and narrowed turquoise.
"You see these burns all over my body? When we went to sleep last night, they were also on my face. Underneath my eyes and from these still healing lines down to around my collarbone, which hasn't fully vanished, as you can see..." He lifted his chin, showing where the red violet skin slowly and softly blended to healthy skin at the base of his head, top of his neck and throat. "I've used metal fastenings, which were pushed out while this all healed. But, that's not... The main issue. While the original burns underlying the ones all over my body weren't from my Quirk, they were made worse and, due to a bodily weakness to my own Quirk, my body burns every time I use it, so never really gets the chance to heal. From this, of course, I usually get sick pretty easily. Infections are the most common. So, you can understand why I'm a little... Unnerved by this..." he gestured back to his face, nothing but three piercings on the left side of his nose and five in each ear, which weren't fully healed, more, it seemed the scarring was fading gradually.
"Yes, I can. Please continue." Toshinori urged.
"When Nao was attacked by Shigaraki, I'd been sick. An ear infection. When he found out, he healed me using Blood Tempter. I didn't get the chance to argue, nor did I have the strength to stop him, too exhausted to try and argue. A lot... No... Identical to when we were together in the past. I think it may be possible, that since he used Blood Tempter then, that he's been slowly healing my burns since, but... The more likely option is that with his ring no longer able to stabalise him and his Quirk, Blood Tempter's excess, or his Quirk in general, so, his set ones to be exact, their excess is put to me, since all three have the potential to be responsible, and since it was an over night, but is still functioning to get rid of more, this is more likely." The raven paused, seeing a question in Toshinori's mind.
"Why would the excess go to you? I've been told Naoki has no control of where the excess goes without his ring."
"He doesn't. It goes to it's match. It's other half. The two twins who set Nao's ring up are the people who originally made them, carved the names in. I'm the one who scorched Naoki's name into his." He pulled a ring nearly identical to Naoki's, just a different colour, this one being ***. "It was something initially done to help Naoki when that bastard went too far and Naoki was too injured, or unconscious. Then I could help him. When it came to the end, though... Even I wasn't conscious to help him... Anyway... I haven't seen this face since then... At any rate. I'm trusting you, so, please, please return it and don't try to stop what I'm going to do." He paused, seeing the shadowed blue eyes narrow. "I'm going to be your rat, but I'm doing it for Nao, and, to get his ring back." He saw the expression change, so he explained a bit further. "My Quirk is Cremation. Dabi. THat's the name I've live by since that bastard tried to kill me and Naoki. I don't know who kept me from dying, it may have been Toriko, but... She'd never tell me what happened. After Naoki was shoved over the cliff, he tried to burn me alive, and it wasn't any kind of push for me to slip back into unconsciousness. Next time I woke up, it was in the same apartment I've lived in since. Same place now. It was Toriko's back then... Her voice was how I recognised her later, because whenever I was conscious, I was almost head to toe in bandages until I'd healed enough not to cry out every time I moved, the burns pain became manageable, but never fully healed. As it is, if Naoki's separated from his ring for too long, he'll only have more and more difficulties. His Quirk will become less and less stable. Tomura Shigaraki is the current holder. He's using the arrest of Stain to gather followers and increase the League of Villain's members. For better or worse, there are parts of Stain's ideologies I believe in, but like Naoki... Killing wasn't the way to go about it, though, it took him coming back into my life for me to accept that. There are some people who shouldn't be Heroes. If someone can't even take proper care of their children, see them as tools, failures or possessions... When their own spouse and children are afraid of them, and grow to be unable to stomach the very sight of them, their very presence being nearby... How someone like that can become a Hero... That's... What I agree with as far as Stain. And I think you know exactly who I'm talking about... When his eldest son ruined what 'use' he still had, refusing to bend to his will and be forced into a Quirk Marriage just to breed more tools for him, he waited for an oppourtunity to be rid of what was useless, and, what he saw as the root of all of his tools, even the failures, wills to fight back, to stand up. The root of his masterpiece's reluctance to be molded into his perfection... When he was presented the oppourtunity, he seized it." The raven paused, seeing Toshinori processing what he'd said. When he got a small nod, he continued.
"Did you know ashes don't keep DNA well? Dust, as in dehydrated to the point dust is all that remains... That keeps DNA quite well." He chuckled darkly, hinting at what happened without directly giving it away, desiring to make the Pro find the discovery on his own.
"What I'm telling you, is whether I have your agreement, support, or you've got my back if, when I need it, I'm getting Naoki's ring back. But, I'll be a rat either way, since its bound to happen anyway. Information is half a war, and U.A, the police, and Heroes in general are missing a lot of that. I've got two... Trustable allies to cover and watch my back, though, they're both straddling sanity, so their complete allegiance and ability to help me and keep themselves safe is why I'm telling you, because I'm asking you, who saved and brought the kid I couldn't protect, who I believed I'd watched die in front of me... Who I fell in love with and couldn't forget, couldn't accept as dead... But I would have destroyed myself if he hadn't have been found. Saved, rescued and helped by you. I've said this before, but now, I think it... I hope it will sink in better... Naoki is my everything. You saved him, cared for him, you're his dad, no matter who else denies that or argues it's fallacy. You, All Might. You saved my everything, and, through this, saved me.
But I can't sit by and watch his existence be at risk like this. I'll be acting on my own, so I'll decide how I act and react until I can get it, but I need a way to get the information to people who can and will step in. And you were accepted by Stain, yeah, but... You're someone Naoki cherishes, respects and loves. So, you're the only person I trust wholy enough to ask - ask you to have my back so I can do what I couldn't before, so I can save Naoki, where it would be far more dangerous for a Hero, or police officer, or undercover detective to go in." He remained sitting, but lowered his head as far as he could. "Please. I need your help to save someone I've failed in the past. Someone I love more than everything in my life."
Toshinori was still, quiet, for a seemingly hour-long consideration.
But, with the voice used by All Might, the Pro Hero inflating, Dabi was given a response, an anxious, anticipating breath having been held the entire time. "Young man. Lift your head. It is a Hero's job to help others, and, I have long believed meddling and helping when you don't have to is the essence of what makes a Hero. How can I deny such a request from someone I've spent a long time considering, who has sacrificed his own health, safety and life to save, help and protect others, even my own son. I cannot. I won't. While you had no reason to, you stepped in when heroes and police weren't able, aware or knowledgeable enough and saved many young people from terrible fates. You don't have a license, but, you still helped someone in need. I've seen that trait rarely in my time, helping others when the risk far outweighs the benefits. I believe I have a grasp of your identity, but rest assured, It will never leave me.
The only issues I have are how others will react to anyone in the League. We need a safe way for you to let people know, namely the staff at the school, perhaps a select few others who are involved with the League of Villain's case, that you are able to be trusted, that you aren't the run of the mill villain taking advantage of the League as many others will be... Outside this, though... You will have to maintain your appearances, but, you'll have to make sure you're present at every single attack and movement to abide by this part you've chosen. Does that make sense?"
Dabi nodded.
"What will you go by from here on, and what should I call you?"
"I'll... Go by Dabi from now on. 'Aoi' was on the spot and only because Nao saves my contact info and everything as 'Blue Raven'. Also, the... There are a few other things with this... Nao... If he's to actually be able to rest properly until I get his ring back, for sure, and at all either way... I still need to be able to be there for him. But, having him stay at my apartment won't be safe. It'll be worse than before as soon as I join the League."
"I can speak with some people to work this out. Besides, your facial scars... Have you-"
"When I use my Quirk on the areas, the burns will be there... But, considering Naoki's levels of excess... They may be gone after a few hours of sleep until I burn myself again." Dabi answered.
"Very well. What was the last matter you wished to address, Dabi?" All Might asked.
"I think... You have some idea who Naoki's biological parents are, or could have been. 'Borrower' is an irregular and extremely powerful Quirk that happens to have a bit in common with yours, and... The source of your weakened form. Naoki's hinted that you're a reckless oaf, and just watching old videos where you've been injured, he'll sometimes grab his left side, about here, with a pained look on his face. No media coverage has ever shown you getting any kind of fatal or deadly injury there, so I assumed it was one buried for one reason or another... Still, to hurt you, they'd have to be a powerhouse.
Then I came across a urban legend from shortly after Quirks first appeared, during the civil unrest that just fit all too well. A man who could steal Quirks, force them onto others, or give them away... Naoki's Borrower Quirk is nestled right between the two implications of these Quirks, but, closer to yours, I'd assume, since Naoki can't give Quirks away, steal them, or force them upon others. He borrows them once they've been used on him, if he sets them.
Given the state Naoki was in when the Todoroki family found him and took him in, well... It wouldn't be hard to imagine what kinds of horrors he went through. Ones buried, forgotten, or who knows, so bad he cannot sleep, and is terrified of sleeping in addition. If it turns out, or even hints this person is involved, or if I pick up hint or hair of them, you'll be the first to know. But, I won't let whoever that person is ever get ahold of Naoki. Not if I can do anything to stop it. You're not aware, but the scars he has now... Most came from after the burns on his back, or during the time he was at the Todoroki's home. Almost every scar, wound or injury he had back then has long since healed from his body. Physical scars - that is - the psychological still scream inside his head when he sleeps." Dabi finished, seeing All Might had little to say in response.
"I see. Then, thank you, Dabi. On the previous note... I'm contemplating a code of some sort. For letting certain people know your intentions aren't purely malicious or sinister. And something different if you have information to give. Does that sound feasible?" At Dabi's curt nod, the Pro continued. "Very well. Then... You know, I'm sure, Naoki's fondness of certain numbers. So, let's use that line of thinking. Since you'll recall it easier, and as will I. 26391391. Is that easy enough?" He rattled out after thinking for a minute.
"We'll use it as a base... I'm sure Nao's told you how those work... For information, outside of seeing Nao... Brick buildings in this area... I'll go at random, based in Nao's favourite numbers. I'll burn you a signal fire, of a sort." Dabi lit his Quirk on a finger when All Might seemed concerned. "A single finger-sized burn on the thirteenth brick of the north side, and only on brick buildings. Also, if I give the code in combat, I'll give whoever is there a rundown of the situation, as far as general goals and the job or task, but, to avoid trouble better... I'll use crypticisms, which will come off as confusing and nothing more than derisive taunting to most, but with the fore knowledge, they'll already be alerted to that being expected. Can that work, then, All Might?" Dabi asked, seeing ten minutes had passed since he was due to arrive at the school to meet Naoki and join the class's gathering and trip.
"Yes. I can make it work. Now... We can work out ensuring Naoki's rest and care after today. Give me a little time to set this up. Please, Dabi, go enjoy yourself and have a good time. I'll be in contact." As Dabi made to stand, All Might spoke out again, "Before I forget, I was intending on getting this to you today anyway, but here. This is for helping to take care of Naoki, and, for your own needs as well, should something happen. The account the charges are paid for from differs by which PIN you put in to pay. Naoki's set his, so he'll have to give that to you. Yours is 3978. While I don't accept 'payment' for my Hero work, what I've been earning while teaching here at U.A., I've been putting some here. Naoki left it after the argument started between us, so that's why I've been planning to get it to you. You've been the person tending to his needs and care as of late, so I'd like to avoid shoving that responsibility to you any further." When he pocketed the card, All Might gave him a farewell, turning to give the room a once-over as Dabi left.
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