Chapter 18: Ideals
Naoki finished out his internship, things slowing down quite profusely after Stain was captured, but, Naoki learned a lot in that time reguarding his Quirk - and all of the ones it entailed, and how they responded with Water, and how to use them better or well with a Water Quirk.
Each night, he would meet up with Dabi, at his home, even with the distance, but, the blue raven providing escourt, while Naoki remained vectored out of over-whelmed nervousness.
The night before school was to restart, however, things went differently, drastically so.
Naoki had stopped by his dad's home to gather his things for the coming school day, bidding Toshinori farewell at the usual store, and messaging Dabi.
On my way. Meet like always. Was the reply, so, Naoki took off, a leisurely pace, since, the further he got away from the store, the worse the area became. He had headphones in, listening to a song he'd found recently, from America. Tell Me Why - by Three Days Grace.
He wasn't even into the bad parts of town, a good ten blocks from the start of them, only five into his trek from the store, but hadn't seen Dabi yet, so, paused in his travels, adjusting how his bag was, switching the straps from the normal two-strap setting, to a single shoulder strap, his left shoulder aching a bit, which, with his pain tolerance, meant it was probably injured, or far more painful than he felt, so, giving it a chance to rest was the better option for the time being.
When he put the bag on his right shoulder, he caught a glimpse of a shadow looming behind him, but, was too slow to dodge the pale, thin hand that grasped the back of his neck.
"Look who I found, father." Naoki stiffened at the familiar voice. "Kirahara Naoki... If I'd have known you were gonna be adopted by that scum, that symbol of trash, I'd have had my Nomu kill you to break him. But... Then again... You cheated... You both cheated!" Tomura Shigaraki complained, his pinky the only finger not wrapped around the back of Naoki's neck. "So, what on earth is the son of that piece of trash doing wandering in this kind of place?" He pulled Naoki's bag away with his free hand, dumping it. "What the hell is all this shit? You've got textbooks that look like they weigh more than you, clothes, your uniform and costume... You look like you're on the run. So, I suppose no one knows you're out here then. Lucky me."
Naoki didn't dare breathe wrong, or move, fight back, flee... Nothing was a good idea when he'd not yet figured out either how the Decay Quirk was activated, or if Blood Tempter could heal it. He didn't even want to risk a gulp, or speaking.
"What? No snide comments or sarcastic comebacks? Are you actually scared? I wanna thank you for getting rid of that arrogant Stain guy for rme, but, he killed my Nomu, and you're the one who let him go, giving him the chance to do it... So, I'm gonna pay you back for getting my Nomu killed!" Tomura sneered, whispering in Naoki's ear, the other giving the slightest of reactions, a small hitch in his breath. But, enough to make Tomura chuckle sinisterly.
With one hand still on Naoki's neck, he shoved Naoki against the wall in front of him, as he moved his other hand to Naoki's pocket, where he'd seen the brat put his phone, the device soon nothing but dust, as with the left front pants pocket, and the area nearby, the Quirk's effect spreading the longer he kept contact. Once it reached skin, he watched and waited for a reaction of any kind from Naoki. His eyes caught the shorter raven clench his teeth and bite back a hiss as his upper, outer, left thigh was decaying away, first the skin, and after only two seconds of muscle being rotted, Naoki actually flinched, though slightly, making Tomura snicker.
"No chance of you calling for help this time. I get you as long as I feel like." Tomura mocked, his hand moving upward, still decaying as it went, now just clothing and the first layer or so of skin. "This isn't fun at all... I heard you didn't feel much pain, but you're more like a monster with how little you feel."
Immediately, he dropped his hand, grabbing Naoki's left arm by the wrist, pulling it behind his back, Quirk active, trying to earn more reaction from Naoki than a subtle flinch. He kept pulling the bent arm up against Naoki's back until the muscle was once more opened, stopping for a brief second as Naoki went from the hiss, to flinching, and as more was decayed of his arm than the other area, Naoki squeezed his eyes shut, a quiet, but audible whimper, making Tomura keep going with pulling Naoki's arm up, still rotting the flesh and muscle away.
After the expected snap, combined with the spreading necrotic tissue, Tomura got what he wanted, or, enough, as the shorter bi-colour-eyed raven yelped. He released Naoki's arm, seeing it fall limply to his side.
"This game's going a lot better than the last one... But, I still wanna win it, then, I'll take my prize and be on my way, brat." Shigaraki pulled Naoki's good arm and neck to make them meet face to face, Naoki's eyes widening at not seeing the hand over the Villain's face, allowing near perfect view of the face that belonged to Tomura Shigaraki. The pale-blue smiled wickedly at Naoki as his hands moved, now tightening around Naoki's throat, his pinkies were well away from the skin, not touching anything, strangling Naoki, but, avoiding crushing his windpipe, only cutting off blood supply.
Tomura eyed Naoki closely, watching for any sings that he either activated a Quirk to circumvent the attack, or, of Naoki losing consciousness. When signs of the latter were increasingly more evident, he gave it a few more seconds, then touched his pinkies to Naoki's skin, watching the red and still icy blue eye for anything. "It's still that trashy blue! Why aren't you scared!? I don't want to see that disgusting blue!" Naoki's breath stopped as he felt the recently familiar sickening sensation of his skin decaying, but, after barely three seconds of the Quirk's usage, Tomura released it, clenching tightly onto Naoki's throat, now putting pressure on his windpipe.
When the red raven slumped in Tomura's grasp, he released Naoki, letting him crumble to the ground. He followed by kneeling down and checking for a pulse, and, once satisfied that the brat would probably live to see another day, reached to Naoki's left hand, "Finally, my prize for winning the game. You and that symbol of trash seemed to use this thing to cheat in the last round, so, now, I'll claim it as my prize for defeating you. Master said I'm not allowed to kill you, so you have him to thank for me letting you live... Would have been the perfect oppourtunity to wipe you from the playing field too..." Tomura pulled Naoki's ring off his finger, pocketing it as he went on his way.
P.O.V. Switch: 3rd Person - Dabi
Dabi had reached the second turn in his trek, that would make a straight-shot to the convenience store, and, Naoki along the way when he was caught off guard, seeing a group of people cut off his path forward, and turning to see the same behind him.
Twelve in total... Easy enough... But... Some look like the same person on repeat... So, one might be a clone maker... Either way, even if they aren't somehow octuplets... It's too risky to use my Quirk right away... I need to hurry, though... So maybe using it to threaten would be enough... Possibly a few minour burns and small attacks if necessary...
Dabi stopped, eyes narrowing behind his sunglasses, mouth forming a thin line, his face displaying boredom, as blank as he could manage at the time.
"Oh, looky here! That creep was right about someone trying to come through here in a bit, but, I didn't expect it to be you of all people. What was that you said last time? 'Lucky for you guys I'm feeling less hostile.' Then ya had the audacity to threaten us after interrupting our fun and just walk away with our money-maker... Well, not so lucky for you... We're all kinds of hostile, especially since it's you and, I assume, the little bitch from last time too..." he mocked, knowing full well the masked man would take that bait.
"What did you say?" Dabi asked, eyes glowing brighter by the second as if the fire that burned in him was alit in his eyes.
"Oh, didn't hear, huh?" A second one, from behind answered, Dabi turning his gaze to him as he spoke. "The creep who hired us... Said to stop anyone who came down this alley while he had a bit of fun with someone further up. Since its you here, must be that scrawny bitch you kept us from getting. Can you imaging how much we'd have gotten outta that brat? Information? Money? You name it. He's All Might's adopted son, so the payload woulda been hella bountiful... Yet, we lost that chance thanks to you steppin in and playin hero. Guess we can either see what you were so confident about, even threatening us, or, what chance you even stood, if you were bluffing us back then." His orange eyes flashed behind Dabi for a split second, followed by one group member behind him trying to grapple Dabi, with a Quirk making it a lot easier to do.
With a smirk and derisive chuckle, Dabi let the guy, and three others get a good grasp on him before alighting his body, and theirs, in blue flames, soon followed by screams and the four now running frantically about as the fire burned them, all too soon, collapsing into mounds of dirt, still burning in small spots alive.
"Hah! Just my luck!" One yelled as he soaked Dabi and their other non-cloned accomplice with water, putting out the flames as two more clones went in to continue the assault, sure they'd gotten the best of the fire Quirk.
When the two were within range, Dabi put a hand out, sprouting the azure flames from his palm, straight at them, now angered enough not to be as concerned about being caught or discovered.
"The hell! I-"
"These flames burn blue. You really think a little water'll stop them dumbass?" Dabi retorted back, stopping the blazing assault on the two after a single blast, already seeing they'd turn to dirt momentarily, turning to face the remaining group, some who were obviously more clones. The three non-clones having seen him show zero hesitation to burn people alive even though they were clones. "Criminals like you are nothing but trash, so at least burn like trash." Dabi threatened, raising his palm to show his hand enveloped in the flames they'd watched cremate their artificial crew.
With that, a good portion were downed, the remaining clones dropping to mounds of dirt as the remaining three were all that was left, one injured from the flames, one a useless water Quirk, when compared to blue-burning flames, and the other who had produced dirt clones. Dabi turned his head to glare at the remaining bunch, watching them for any movement, when the second to have spoken looked to the first, "That creep said we'd have no trouble with this guy... He just burned them alive, like nothin'... He must've set us up... Kei-"
"Shut it. I know. We're leaving now..." He looked to Dabi. "Why is someone like you around a Hero's son? You're a monster, no doubt."
Dabi remained quiet as they passed him, letting them get far enough away to be certain they weren't baiting, then took off, fast as he could in his state.
When he passed the point where the lower-end area began, and still hadn't found Naoki, his worry grew. He pulled out his phone, dialing Naoki's number, which was the only one in the damned thing. It was either shut off, or out of range, which, meant, for Naoki, who'd turned it off once since Dabi had met him, that it was probably broken.
He stopped, trying again, and the same took place, the turquoise-eyed raven slamming his free fist into the wall before him, leaving a burn mark on the brick.
"Now that was some firepower if I ever saw any." Dabi spun around, seeing the speaker, a man similar in height, round glasses, pale silverish hair and a purple suit, smoking, and wearing a yellow wrap around his neck.
"Who the hell are you?" Dabi asked, forcing his face to show blank boredom, eyes narrowed more than normal.
"Don't mind me. I'm just scouting for good talent. With Stain's ideologies coming to light, there's lots of people coming to the surface, and I'm seeking to guide them to the organisation the Hero Killer was involved with." He paused watching his quarry, "Here. Just call me there if you're interested. Name's Giran." He handed Dabi a card, turning and walking away.
Dabi made to burn it, then stopped, pocketing it instead.
He continued toward the store again, slower at first, but speeding up the more ground he covered, not seeing the smaller raven. Just over five blocks from the store, Dabi entered the alleyway, freezing mid-step as he saw a figure in a collapsed heap on the ground, things scattered about. He approached cautiously, but, at first sign it was Naoki, rushed over.
He checked for a heartbeat, sighing in relief when he felt it, but, it was quickly over-masked when he saw how bad off Naoki was. Anger, rage and bloodlust was mixed with guilt, regret and concern. He pulled off his jacket, lying Naoki on the ground, and the jacket covering him as much as it could while Dabi gathered the student's things and put them back in the bag he always carried, not finding his phone anywhere, just a lot of debris and dust, Naoki's casual clothes tattered in an odd way.
Given his headphones being in the back of his shirt still, and the plug being... Partly destroyed, I think it's safe to say his phone was in the left pocket... Which... He took a deep breath ad the fluctuation of emotions burned away into two distinct ones. Concern for his injured partner, and bloodlust toward the attacker.
He sat there for a few minutes to calm down, just checking each and every wound Naoki had, trying to ease the killing intent he felt, and focusing on thinking of how to help Naoki without getting police, Pros, or doctors involved as long as possible.
After a few seconds of thinking through his newer idea, he reached for Naoki's left hand, and seeing the ring was gone. "Damnit... Nao... I'll find it... I'll get it back. But, for now, I need to get you help."
He pulled Naoki's bag over his shoulder, pulling his phone out.
Naoki's number was the only one saved, but not the only one he had, though, Naoki had meant to give Dabi the Pro Hero All Might when they met that night. He pulled up the broccoli-head's number, still having the message from the other day, and hesitated, unsure if it was safe to call, for himself, or the broccoli... Then going for it anyway, tucking the phone under his chin as he waited for the hopeful voice he'd heard from the kid as he scooped the red up, almost dropping him and falling back down when he stood. After settling his footing, he made back toward the store, since it was closer than his apartment.
After three rings, a cautious voice answered. "H-Hello? Aoi-san?" The green asked, when Dabi didn't answer back right away.
"You and All Might get to U.A. ASAP. I don't trust anyone else with Nao." He paused, having to readjust his hold of Naoki, dropping his phone, a crashing sound with a distant "Shit-" the last of what Izuku heard, the call cutting off before he could ask or respond to Dabi's demand.
Dabi managed to kick the device upward, moving forward enough for it to land on Naoki.
"Sorry, Nao." Dabi muttered, even if the red couldn't hear it. He kept onward toward the school, making it in less than twenty minutes, worn out thoroughly as he slumped back against the wall near the gate, sliding to the ground with Naoki, scratching his exposed arms and catching the back of his shirt on the metal.
He fished in the pouch at his belt, pulling out his back up mask and sunglasses, replacing them to cover his face and eyes in preparation for All Might and the broccoli's arrival. He was grateful they hadn't arrived just yet, giving him a chance to catch his breath and recover a little strength. Even in this state, I can handle, manage short distances and small spells of carrying him well enough... But right now... things of this nature, or with a single hand... I'm worthless... Weak... Pushed myself too far too often recently... Didn't even notice until the other night that I was weaker than normal... All this from such a small issue... Running that much, that fast, haven't done it in a while, sure, but it's worse than last time I did it... But... If I'd moved faster... Gotten there sooner...
Dabi looked down at Naoki's unconscious form still holding him close and keeping Naoki's head pressed to the left side of Dabi's chest, so the red could still hear his heartbeat, conscious or not, Dabi knew, to Naoki, it was just as comforting either way.
Dabi reached around Naoki, pulling his jacket up around his shoulder to cover the exposed injuries and skin, or, what was left of it in many places. He could feel his own heart steadying and his breathing evening out, slowly but surely. He grabbed his phone, seeing no response, via text or call from the broccoli haired teen, and with a sigh, he clicked the screen off. He looked up at a distant sound, the ever-hopeful, overly cheery voice he attributed to the green calling to the hulking figure of All Might beside him as they sped up their pace, "That looks like them!"
P.O.V Switch: 3rd Person
Dabi mustered all the strength he had left, pulling himself to stand, with Naoki still in his arms. By the time he was fully standing upright and steady on his feet, the other 2 were only ten feet away, both frozen in place by the implications of Naoki's condition, worry spurring them to run the last few steps.
As they stood in front of Dabi, whose arms, neck and upper chest were all exposing the burns he would have had covered if not for Naoki needing his coat more, All Might's eyes narrowed at the state Naoki was in, while Izuku spoke out first.
"Aoi-san... Is Naoki okay" He asked, looking between the three, ending with eying All Might. Dabi trying not to lash out in a derisive comment, mentally reiterating it instead. What the hell does it look like? Yeah, sure, he's fine, just taking a nap. Not heavily injured without a way for me to help him except to call fucking Heroes...
The face the Pro Hero wore was not lacking in assumed accusations as he spoke to the significantly shorter masked raven below his height. "Young man... Explain this."
Taking a steadying breath, Dabi began, "I was on my way, and would have made it to him closer to the shop than I usually do... But whoever attacked Nao had an ambush in place to keep me away... By the time I reached Nao, he wasn't even five blocks from the store, but... He was already..." He paused, biting his tongue in attempt to remain calm and cool as All Might's eyes continually narrowed, the accusatory glare increasing as Dabi spoke. "The attacker was already gone and Nao was unconscious... But-" He used his right hand, which was nestled under Naoki's knees, to pull his jacket away, showing the injuries Naoki had sustained. "I assume you know this, but without his ring, Naoki can't heal from these kinds of wounds alone... And other than causing Naoki this level of pain and damage, they were after the ring... I don't trust anyone but those I know Nao has already told or, who Nao trusts... You two are the only others I know of and who know at some level, who I am." Dabi finished, looking back up at the giant of a man, meeting All Might's eyes, sure that even behind the sunglasses, All Might could see the glow of Dabi's turquoise eyes, just as Dabi could see the No. 1's blue eyes glowing.
All Might's face softened, the glare that wrang of accusation moments ago, now replaced with a concerned, almost tender gaze of sympathy for what he could see the older raven was feeling, even from this brief encounter. His 'smile' faltering for the briefest of instants as he looked better at Naoki's injuries.
"I understand. You aren't to blame, young man. But I need to know if you have any idea, clue, hint... Anything that can point to who was behind this?" All Might asked, eyes now monitoring the masked man who cared for Naoki so, as much as Naoki cared for him as well.
All Might and Izuku, as well as Dabi, knew Naoki cared near equally for every living being. His friends and family were cared for equally, but a bit differently than he cared for others... But, this person before them was entirely different. Naoki cared for 'Aoi' on a deeper, more profound level than he did even for friend or family. As it normally is when love is concerned. All Might thought in his head as he waited, seeing, even through the glasses and masked face, the guilt that pulsed in the young adult, even after All Might's words.
All Might could also see the small shaking, trembling and occasional larger tremours that shook through the familiarly coloured burned arms of the young man carrying Naoki, trying to determine the cause - Fear, or something else?
"The group that ambushed me mentioned being hired, by someone they referred to as a 'creep' and inferred was male, but also lacked any information about me. They were just told to stop or stall anyone who came down the alleyway. I was apparently their assignment, but they didn't seem to know who it would be, or who the 'creep' was targeting either. Other than that... The only thing I can think of relates to Naoki's injuries... And their knowledge of the ring's potential, yet not the requirements..." Dabi explained, adding in his observed knowledge and the dots he could connect in the timeframe he'd been given. He shuffled his hold of Naoki, arms burning from the exertion and strain his muscles felt, doing his best to both fight and ignore the pain.
There it is... That's why. He seems to be struggling to keep even Naoki's weight up for so long. He was seated when we came into visual of him... In my weakened state, even in this form, I'd have the same problem if I'd run that far carrying... Proportionate weight... But why is a young agile man of his age struggling, I wonder? All Might observed.
"Seems the possible group of perpetrators is small, then. Young man," He looked directly to Dabi, "We should get him to the nurses ward. I'll contact Eraser Head and Principal Nezu to let them know what's happened, and Recovery Girl, before that to come tend to Naoki as best she can. Young Midoriya, get Naoki's bag from Aoi relieve him of a little excess weight." He turned to give Izuku that demand before facing Dabi again, "As I assume you would rather carry Naoki yourself?"
With a nod of confirmation at the No. 1's words, as Izuku retrieved Naoki's bag from Dabi, the Pro and Protege now leading Dabi through the dim, empty campus as All Might also made his phone calls.
Once they entered the building, though, Dabi stumbled on the stairs, trying to hide his struggle to both keep up, and keep his breath, his equilibrium the cause of his unbalanced step. To prevent Naoki from falling or taking the brunt of the fall, Dabi let his knees give out, only being two steps up, and falling back to the ground level and landing on his back, eyes widened when his head was stopped from meeting the stone flooring by the broccoli.
"Aoi-san!" Izuku had called out when he'd jumped into action to catch the older man when he'd first stumbled.
He looked up through the glasses to the worried green eyes above him, the kid's hand under his head, and then to the stairs, several more up, where the green had been. He's improved a lot since the festival to have done that so fast... Dabi assessed.
"You've been carrying Naoki a while already... Do you want-" Izuku begin, helping Dabi sit up, the concern in his eyes lessening a bit when he assured Naoki wasn't harmed in the fall, replaced with surprise when Dabi interrupted him, in combination with spots of bleeding visible on the masked raven's clothing, and his arms.
"No. I'm fin-" Dabi was cut off as he got to his feet, with Izuku's help, as All Might removed Naoki from Dabi's arms.
"I understand well your eagerness as his significant other, but allowing you to risk injury for Naoki's wellbeing isn't very heroic of me. Besides, as his father, I would be responsible to him if I did allow it knowingly. I hope you understand this from a similar mindset of concern and care. If Naoki were to discover my allowing you to injure yourself any further when I am capable of this much, I'd only be failing Naoki more both as a Hero and his father. I entrust him to your care frequently and in good faith. You haven't let me down, and Naoki has opened up significantly since meeting, or remeeting you. Additionally, he's grown more as a person as well. I only have you to thank for that. You have always done right by him, and I cannot ask for better, for more. You've never demanded, asked for, or even requested repayment of any kind. You've not taken advantage of either Naoki or his relationship and ties to me, and protected him even when I can't or aren't there to. And, thank you for getting him here even at a cost to yourself, for helping him tonight. No matter your own guilt or whatnot, wasn't your doing, so don't hold yourself responsible. We'll find the perpetrator, have no fear of thar, after all, I am here." All Might finished, now tucking Naoki under the sheet of one of the beds in the nurse's office, still awaiting Recovery Girl's arrival.
Dabi, despite, or perhaps even because of the No. 1's words felt guilty, regretting not ensuring Naoki's safety better... Feeling responsible for the state the red raven was currently in. He was seated to Naoki's left, beside the bed, and furthest from the door, All Might and Izuku on the right, closest to the door.
Dabi sat with his elbows resting on his knees, fingers laced, clothed chin resting on them and watching Naoki, counting the rise and fall of his chest and each second in between each movement, the only thing keeping the building anxiety and exhaustion occupying his body and mind at bay.
He knew he needed to resuture any of the burns that had been patched to his unmarred skin with thin wire, staples or thread, but lacking both the privacy, and enough supplies to mend them all. He could tell those that needed it were irritated, and wondered why neither the Pro or student had verbalised any comment or concern about the visible scars, or the blood that seeped from them the more he moved.
"All Might? I've been thinking... On What Aoi-san mentioned... The only kinds of people who'd do this would be Villains, that's obvious... But, only the two who escaped at the USJ would know about the possible potential of Naoki's ring... Of those two, Kurogiri, we know, had a warpgate Quirk, and Naoki identified the other one as..." His eyes flashed to Dabi, adjusting his wording slightly. "The one with the decay Quirk... So, it's all too likely the one who did this... Was Shigaraki Tomura..." Izuku reasoned aloud to the Pro.
All Might's eyes widened. He stood abruptly and made to leave the room, calling out behind him as he walked. "If that's the case, I'll be outside the room for a moment." He answered vaguely before shutting the door behind him.
With the click affirming the door was fully closed, Dabi took the chance to speak up. "The ones who attacked you and Nao's class at the USJ... That was the so-called League Of Villains, right?" He asked of the green, who had still been deep in thought until Dabi spoke.
"Y-Yes. Why? I-If you don't mind me asking..." Izuku replied, earning an odd laugh from the older male.
"You don't stutter near as much as Nao, but... It's still reminiscent of him in a way... " He replied, Izuku able to tell the raven was happy for a small instance, easily spotting the smile he'd formed under the mask, until it returned to the face typically seen from him. "I need to get Nao's ring back... No matter the cost... That Shigaraki guy won't be able to destroy it easily since he doesn't have the same kind of access you and All Might do... But if he discovers that, it'll make him all the more likely to target Nao again... Or you, with how close you two are... To use you to get to Nao... Or, try and get the info out of you... Probably both... I can't allow that, for your sake, and, more importantly, Nao's... Having you targeted or harmed in his place would eat him alive from the inside... But, I'll never risk losing Nao again.... I won't survive losing him again. Losing him the first time was enough to drive me... But - finding him alive after so long... I cannot allow Nao to be targeted, nor can I let that sicko keep it or throw it away... Its Naoki's most precious belonging, and the most important to him when it comes to his past... But, it's also important and precious to me as it links Naoki to our past as well..." Dabi reached into the pouch on his belt, not missing how warily Izuku watched his every move. He pulled out a ball-chain necklace identical to Naoki's, that Izuku had seen in middle school before Naoki had begun wearing the ring all the time. The only difference was in the ring hanging from it. It was a little larger, expectedly, but, was a light turquoise blue.
Izuku's eyes widened, seeing the ring, and noticing how the name carved on it had been hastily ground away, replaced by the kanji for 'cremation', or Dabi:
Izuku was able to keep his face from displaying his noticing of both the ground-away name, and the replacement burned atop it behind his initial reaction to seeing the ring.
"You've seen the flames Nao borrowed... That's my Quirk. They burn hot as fire can, blue, so, 'Cremation' is the name of this Quirk... A powerful Quirk, right? Yet my own body can't handle it... I'm a failure simply because of that. Even more for... " He trailed off, gazing down at Naoki again before he continued, head raised again. "With the state of my constitution, I get infections, sick, ill... I burn easily... I'm physically weaker from so many years of this. Than Nao is... My stamina with my Quirk's been shot, so, running to find Nao, carrying him here is such a rush... Normally wouldn't be too much an issue for me... If I wasn't struggling from nothing more than an ear infection..." He trailed off, cursing himself for revealing so much to the green, who was once more in thought, muttering aloud to himself.
Dabi smirked, amused by the concern and eagerness the broccoli seemed to have to find a way to help the older raven, when both eyes and attentions were drawn to Naoki, the previously sleeping red shuddered, waking up a little, wincing from the cold and pain mixed, two things he hated. One was from an all too familiar feeling, the other for hardly ever being enough to register to Naoki, yet, when it did, it did so in grandiose fashion.
"Nao, you need to try and stay still, and it'd be best if you tried to rest more..." Dabi soothed, moving to sit on the bed beside Naoki, brushing his bangs from his eyes.
"Cold." Was the only response, Naoki's voice graveley, hoarse, weak, Dabi wincing at the sound.
The older raven relented, gently stroking Naoki's cheek for a split second while he unlooped a side of his mask, the hanging fabric still keeping the underneath a mystery to the green when Dabi leaned down, a soft kiss placed on Naoki's forehead. "I'm here, kiddo... Midoriya and your dad are too..." He paused, replacing the mask, "Recovery Girl is on her way, so you'll be alright. Do you want... What can I do?" Dabi asked, seeing Naoki's eyes creaking open a little at a time.
Naoki grabbed Dabi's hand before it could venture further from his reach, his left arm still at his side as he held Dabi's. He gently tugged at it, Dabi able to tell how weakened he was by the effort he was exerting at such small actions as Naoki held it closer to his eyes, inspecting the area where his burned flesh connected, normally with staples or some kind of fastening, to his healthy skin. After his inspection, he placed Dabi's hand on his chest at the edge of the blankets, now more awake.
He tried to speak again, his voice stuck in his throat. So, with an attempt to sit up better, he started coughing, hand aiming to feel his throat, but stopped by Dabi as Naoki kept coughing, the blue raven lowering him back down until the coughing subsided, eyes flashing to Izuku, who was snapped from his thinking, worried shock at the scene.
"Calm down, Nao... Don't worry too much about speaking for now. Focus your breathing to calm down..." Dabi urged, "You want warmed up?"
Naoki nodded. "You're hurt..." He managed to scrape out, raw and pained.
"Hush up. You're far more injured, so you get treated, then we can worry about me. Come here." Dabi gave his final say, Naoki making a pouting face for a few seconds until Dabi made to pull Naoki closer and slide under the covers, stopping to look up at the green, who was flushed and averting his gaze. "It's not abnormal. He'll wake himself out of a coma if he's cold, even if he isn't plagued by night terrors, even at my place, once he's cold, he's awake until he's warmed up enough to sleep again. I'm don't really care if it bothers anyone, but I am willing to explain it." Dabi stated.
"N-No! You-You're f-fine! I'm n-not judging.... Or anything!" Izuku frantically emphasised, waving his hands in front of his face, embarrassed and flustered.
"But, the funny part is he's almost always cold to some degree... But, that's... There's probably a reason for that..." Dabi responded, smirking beneath his mask at the tomato with broccoli hair.
Naoki hummed, a broken, gasping attempt at it, as soon as Dabi was fully under the blankets, immediately curling as close as he could get without irritating his injuries, all of which still throbbed in pain. "Thank - Oops..." Naoki began, stopping before he could fully get out the words.
"Yeah, don't waste that on this small a thing, Nao~" Dabi teased, smirking again before placing a masked kiss on the corner of Naoki's mouth. "Now, rest." Dabi ordered.
As soon as the words left Dabi's mouth, All Might reentered the room, loud and boisterous, as if he'd forgotten what was going on inside, "Sorry about that, I-" He froze a brief second at the change in the mood of the room, Izuku still a tomato, Naoki awake, and curled closely into his partner, now sharing the hospital-sized bed. All Might's obnoxiously loud heroic demeanor stopped then, the Pro walking toward the bed with Recovery Girl trailing in behind him. "Naoki! You're awake!" He breathed a pent up sigh of relief, his gaze looking to Dabi for a brief pause, as if asking for an explanation.
"He was cold, enough to force him awake." Dabi muttered, trying to avoid the gaze of both All Might and Recovery Girl.
"I understand. Thank you for seeing to that. How is he?" All Might asked when he noticed a lack of verbal response from Naoki.
"Tried to speak a bit, either gets a few words, or ends up coughing... About all I've gotten outside the obvious." Dabi answered, remaining as short spoken as he could.
"Enough gabbering. I'll take a look at him, but other than All Might, you two can leave." Recovery Girl took over her office, not missing as Naoki tensed up, good arm clutching tightly to the heavily concealed older person beside him.
At that, Dabi responded. "Not happening. If Nao wants me here, All Might'll have to punch me across the country to keep me out." Dabi asserted, feeling Naoki relax tremendously at his words.
"Fine, but you'll need to stay out of my way while I look him over, and help if I need it and he's not able to do it alone. Naoki, is Midoriya staying too, then?" She asked, a little miffed.
Naoki nodded enunciatedly, causing the nurse to sigh. "Very well. Up out of that bed so I can see what all the fuss is about. All MIght, you and Nezu both insisted it was enough to warrant my coming here on such short notice and at night, so-" She stopped, wide eyed at the young student standing in front of her, having to remind herself Naoki's pain tolerance was far above anyone she'd ever treated, or met. "Oh dear..." She muttered.
His left arm was by far the most damaged, hanging limply at his side, the shoulder joint sickeningly out of place, and most of the skin and a good amount of muscle in two different areas decayed away, as if the attacker had switched where he was holding when he bent the arm back.
She noted how the masked raven supporting Naoki from his right was gentle and tender despite his harsh words and almost derisive tone before.
On his left thigh, toward the outside, Naoki's skin and a good portion of the underlying muscle was eaten away, the damage lessening, yet still evident as it traveled up the left side of his torso and abdomen. Then, there was his neck, the area more sensitive and easier to reach layers that left internal damage than the arm or thigh. It was slight, but obvious, even behind the bruising that was already well formed. The attacker's Quirk had been used, only a little, but, had mainly strangled by cutting off blood supply, only putting a crushing force on the windpipe for a short time, though, still enough to bruise and cause the hoarse, scratchy voice the taller young man had spoken of.
"I do hope I can tend to all of this with your current stamina... I'll focus on that arm of yours first, but after that..." She paused, thinking for a few long seconds. "Your thigh and hip is more damaged than your neck, but, that area is still..." She analysed aloud.
Naoki tapped Dabi's arm, the older looking down at the pattern he could see in it that the others were left questioning. "He..." Dabi looked up after a few more taps, continuing then. "He asked me to tell you to worry about the decayed areas. Leave the bones and bruising to him, and he doesn't mind the... Vocal issue for the time being. It'll recover eventually..." He looked to Naoki's eyes, "Nao, are you sure? You're still exhausted... You leave that arm too long and..." With a few slightly harsher taps, Dabi sighed, giving up arguing. "Fine..." When the shaded blue eyes saw the other three staring at them in speculation, Dabi explained, "It's something similar to morse code I've been working on with him for when he's concealed by a vector... Still in progress, so hasn't shared it with others yet..."
They nodded in a sense of better understanding.
"Very well, if that's what you wish. I take it he's going to use his own Quirk to fix his arm, and leave the bruising for later?" Recovery girl asked, looking up at the unknown person who was uniquely familiar with Naoki.
"Yeah." Dabi replied.
"Then I have one more question, but, this is for you, young man. What is your relationship with Naoki?" She asked, locking eyes with the turquoise ones burning behind black lenses.
"Ah - Recovery Girl - That's not..." All Might began, showing his more 'toshinori-like side, confusing Dabi.
With an odd attempt at a laugh, Naoki answered, even though it wasn't easy for him, everyone could tell he wanted to answer it, to put his partner at ease if anything, seeing Dabi freeze up. "Boyfriend, Recovery Girl." Naoki clasped Dabi's wrist in his right hand, being careful of the opened burns and pulling his height down to plant a kiss on Dabi, who he could tell was flustered more than usual by Naoki's actions.
"Oh. I see, well, I certainly hope you two are behaving. I'll expect you two to be cautious and use proper protection." She stated like it was nothing out of the ordinary to say, or like it didn't fluster her at all, while every male in the room was the opposite, some variety of flushed, blushing or embarrassed at her blunt statement.
Coughing a bit, Dabi spoke up. "I'm not touching Nao more than kissing and sharing the bed since he's constantly cold, until he's... Older..." Dabi left his actual reason's out of this, simply saying what they would understand.
"That may be your intentions, but things do happen. You never know how quickly a simple kiss can end up leading other directions unexpectedly. Just be prepared and be careful." She shook her cane up at Dabi, obviously enjoying all of their reactions perhaps too much. "And you-" Pointing it at Naoki, "Stop by after your classes tomorrow. No sense in only relying on your partner to be prepared. You need to ensure it yourself too. Now, hold still!" Naoki could feel Dabi tensing up more with every single second her 'healing' was enacted. "MUUAAAHHHH!!!"
Even though he was still a ways from being unconscious, Dabi found himself now almost completely supporting Naoki's weight as his stamina was eaten in rapid succession to boost his healing.
"Nao? You alright?" He asked concerned at the reaction, never having received treatment from Recovery Girl, or seen her Quirk in action.
Izuku recalled the masked raven's earlier words, jumping up to take up some of Naoki's weight. "A-Aoi-san, Recovery Girl's Quirk speeds up healing by using the person's stamina... Naoki's just... Worn out? Though, I don't think I've ever seen him actually pass out from it like almost everyone else does..." Izuku explained, Dabi taking a relieved sigh, both at the worry of Naoki's sudden state, and the excess weight being reduced by the surprisingly strong small child.
Naoki didn't miss Dabi's weakened state, worrying himself even more about it, as even more of his theorising about Dabi was coming to be believable, and almost unmistakably obvious.
As Izuku helped Dabi get Naoki back to sitting on the bed, Naoki kept a gentle, but firm hold on Dabi, who sighed, knowing exactly what Naoki was going to do next.
"Nao..." He tried, unheard as the red showed him his now icy blue eye.
After Naoki activated Blood Tempter, he stopped what was still seeping or bleeding of Dabi's irritated wounds. Even though he could feel his exhaustion creeping ever forward, he continued. Healing what he knew was safe enough to, considering his theory of why Dabi's burns remained, Naoki finished off by tugging Dabi's jacket from under him, wrapping it around his partner, leaning back and falling in an overly dramatic way to the mattress, gentle urging Dabi to follow. Dabi smiled at Naoki having healed his arm, relieved at that.
"It was reckless... But not stupid... Well, not entirely so... So, I'll stay for a bit with you, Nao." Dabi replied, the other room occupant's curiosity at the two growing.
All Might took the chance to speak to Naoki first, "Naoki, I know you are tired now, but I need to know... We all do... Did... Were you able to identify your attacker?"
With a soft, tired nod, Naoki continued his answer verbally, voice surprisingly still raspy and hoarse, even though he'd just used Blood Tempter. "Tomura... Pale-blue hair, red eyes... Face all marred... Scarring on his neck, under eyes, two specifically defined scars on his right eye and over his lips on the right... No hands... Used gamer terminology, accused you and I of 'cheating' at the USJ..." Suddenly, Naoki's eyes went wide, his left hand flying upward, but caught by Dabi before Naoki could get an actual look, but able to feel his ring's absence.
"Don't worry... I'll get it back, no matter what. I know what it means to you." Seeing Naoki's formerly deep green eye turn to lavender as Naoki's breathing increased, panic clearly etching into him, until Dabi pulled him close, tightly into a hug, making them meet eyes after a couple breaths showed him calming down, Dabi speaking much quieter, the other three giving them privacy, but still piqued by the change in the older's voice. "Look me in the eyes. There... Good. It'll be alright, I'm right here." He soothed, surprising All Might, who had seen more than one of these attacks, never finding a safe way to calm Naoki aside from sedating him by force, and with more than normal dosages of tranquilizers than his age, or weight should need.
After Naoki relaxed, head resting back on Dabi's shoulder, it was obvious to the other three more than before that the raven certainly had to have past experiences with Naoki, All Might had been hesitant to believe it when Naoki mentioned it, but the entire evening, he'd been slowly able to accept that it was true. Even when Izuku had first contacted All Might, frantic about Aoi having called and demanded they both meet him at the campus, they were both wary, concerned of ill intentions, worried if Aoi had either done something to hurt the red who trusted him so fully, or, if he'd found out about the two of them, and possibly, even the secret of One For All... They'd both agreed that arranging a third unknown member to be present, even after Recovery Girl's arrival was a good idea, so, Eraser Head had been watching the room from outside the building, through the window since the beginning, but, even that slowly was seeming like overkill. All Might, at seeing Naoki's injured state, automatically believed the mysterious and secretive 'Aoi' was at fault, and had mentally already accused him, assigned the blame to him because of his own distrust in the person Naoki was so strangely accepting of. Eraser Head had been lying in wait before their staged arrival, reporting his findings to All Might before he and Izuku moved in, his own questions forming, All Might was certain.
Within a few more minutes, Dabi moved their positions around, the smaller raven resting on his chest, still awake and conscious, but far calmer than All Might believed he'd ever seen Naoki, even at their home, Naoki always had an air of being stressed, which he lacked completely.
Once he felt safe enough to continue, Dabi rubbing circles into his back, Naoki began again. "I stopped for a minute, maybe two, to redo my bag straps, since my shoulder ached from the last week interning... Caught a glimpse of a shadow suddenly behind me, but he grabbed the back of my neck before I could dodge or react. I wasn't sure then, how that Quirk activated, so I didn't want to do anything that could spur him into using it more than he may have planned... I didn't want to fight back because I figured since... Since I hadn't seen Aoi yet, that Tomura must have done something to keep him away... If I fought back and it meant even a possibility of him being hurt, or you, Izumi, or you, dad, I didn't want to risk it... Plus, like with Stain... He's still a human, and I'm not a licensed Hero yet... I didn't know enough... About him, in any way, to safely move, react, or fight back. How much force his body could take before breaking... If he could survive being hit at even a small percentage... He's thin, not much more muscle on him than when you found me, dad... Blood Tempter, though... I did use to keep him from knocking me out as fast when he tried to strangle me... He... Was upset at my eye colour, but I'm almost sure he's only ever physically seen the blue... Which is the colour he was upset about seeing... He decayed my phone... Said he'd take a trophy after he won... Guess he meant my ring... Should have seen that... Could've hid it... But... He also said something when he first grabbed me... Like 'father look who I've found' or something similar... When he was closer pressed against my back, it felt like he had one of those hands in his pocket... That's what it felt like, but I can't be sure... He was determined to keep injuring me until I reacted, called me a monster for how little I felt..." Dabi noticed Naoki working himself up just a bit, so used the small gap in Naoki's words to add something in.
"The group that ambushed me was all dirt clones aside from three. I ended up burning one a little, but not too bad... They also said something about both Naoki and I being monsters, but I imagine that was aimed at me for burning literal mounds of dirt animated by a Quirk..." When he saw All Might, Izuku and Recovery Girls reaction at him burning another person, he explained. "For the record, they told me the person who hired them was after Nao, and they were supposed to stall or stop me. And, those clones weren't lacking in physical strength, the living person had a strength-enhancing Quirk, and the third had a water Quirk, and doused him almost right after... To me, it was a petty criminal for hire, who had already tried to kidnap and intended to sexually assault Nao on the street the last time they'd come across him. Him getting a little burnt, or getting to Nao, since I didn't know who the attacker was, or if they'd have killed him..." Dabi finished, eyes closing in annoyance at their astounded stares.
All Might's jaw dropped. "When was this? Why wasn't it reported? Naoki why did you not tell anyone else about this?"
Dabi spoke before the tired red got the chance. "So, Naoki's almost getting kidnapped and worse is fussed over... When this 'little' group has been kidnapping people around that area for years, and four different cases of actual assault has been reported, as well as the children and teens who've been abducted... But, nothing has been done about that... I may not be licensed, but I've intervened, interfered or stopped them more than ten times now, some were nothing but lost children. Ask that cashier at the store. Why do you think he's undercover there? Who do you think I drop those kids off with to make sure they get home? Who did I walk back to her house when she was far too frightened after a very close call? Funny thing, she was the first person who mentioned someone possibly being Nao, being healed and shielded during the entrance exams... Light blue hair, a rain-related Quirk...
This group... I'd have assumed by the police catching Calen, that maybe more of them would be caught and flushed out, but still nothing... His little trio attacking Nao wasn't their brightest moment, and I'll admit I was a little rough with them, but considering what happens to the people they get away with... I'm not regretting it.
One of the kids had a shock absorption Quirk. One of my neighbour's kids... She's had all three abducted now, and killed herself about a month before I found Nao. Her other, eldest son had an amazing regeneration Quirk, and her daughter had an absorb and release Quirk... All three were street orphans she took in, even being poor off. Hell, I'd paid her rent for months. That's how I found out she'd died... I understand being concerned about your adopted son. Believe me. Toriko had the same love and concern for Reiki, Shae and Mizune... She looked after me quite a lot when I first met her..." Dabi trailed off, realising he'd just spilled a lot of personal information, and lashed out verbally at the No. 1 Pro hero.
With the looks Naoki saw on everyone, he finished. "It was right after the Sports Festival. I was worried about Tenya, and rushed off... Wasn't paying attention... And, that's why I didn't say anything... I was fine, a little shook up, but... I was alive, and alright... I had no room to complain..." Naoki glanced downcast, upset with himself, feeling like he'd let All Might down. "Sorry, All Might..." He said, shocking the giant of a man from his disbelieving shock at hearing that. Naoki hadn't ever called him by his Hero Name, even at their first few encounters. It was either his name, or some derivative of it, or, something akin to calling him 'dad'.
The room was tense, awkward and heavy with anticipation for the next words spoken, no one eager to take on the task of breaking it.
Dabi was lying still, tension rolling off of him in troves at the situation, eyes closed and arms wrapped protectively around Naoki, more for his own comfort of feeling the red in this arms and safe, than anything else, feeling Naoki slowly shaking more and more with each increasingly smaller breath he inhaled.
Naoki was even more tense, but also filled with guilt, regret, and his feeling of being a disappointment and failure slowly starving him of breath.
Izuku was silent, deep in thought, Recovery Girl calmly reporting her findings and treatment of Naoki in his file while All Might, for once, was at a loss for words.
After five impossibly long, dangerously suffocation minutes, All Might stood abruptly, leaving the room, drawing everyone's attention, everyone except Dabi, that is.
Recovery Girl closed her notebook, put up Naoki's file and left as well, giving a second glance at the other three occupants before leaving, the two adult's voices barely audible from the hallway.
"A-Aoi-san..." Izuku chanced an attempt to talk to the older male. "Those three kids... Their Quirks... You said Regeneration, Absorption and Release, and Shock Absorption... Those were... Almost... Eerily similar to the Quirks in some of the Nomu... Could it be possible..." He trailed off, back to thinking.
"Smart kid." Dabi mocked, derisiveness plainly obvious.
"I don't understand how they could get away with it for so long, though..." Izuku added.
"Simple, well, part of it is... Most of the missing are orphans, homeless kids, or just from poor off families who may have been forced to abandon their kids, or whose parents aren't ever home, having to work constantly just to put bread on the table, or working less than 'legal' jobs to do the same... Knew a few whose parents sold them to get money, or drugs to help stimulate their Quirks, believing if they had stronger Quirks, they'd be able to climb out of the hole they'd ended up in... Those drugs killed them, always does... Kids who can't even afford basic schooling, so, in another sense, no Quirk counseling, and almost all of those kid's Quirks weren't even registered. I'm decent at tutoring and helping Nao with his Quirk from helping some of them... Before long, though, every single kid under ten was gone from the area, eventually, any kid period. That's why I never let Nao travel anywhere near there alone... Why I was upset when he did. If I hadn't already been out, he'd have been their victim too... Why I still live there, is more to keep trying in vain to reassure those who are missing children that someone is still... Hell, that anyone, even someone like me, is trying to help... Reina... She's the Rain girl... She doesn't even live there, but was checking on Toriko... Didn't know yet she'd died a few weeks before the exam... She'd been on her way home from the exam, mocked herself, her weakness, 'being saved twice in one day... Who was I kidding, thinking I'd make it as a hero. That kid wrecked himself to save me, and I'd have died... Used more than one Quirk, it looked like...' Those were some of her words, more than enough to pique my interest, but... I still almost did something stupid... Gave it a single day, then heard that half-blind cashier talking about Nao to his partner, then about Calen's group loitering more often. That... Was when I put my faith in what could be empty hope..."
He stopped, rubbing the now sleeping red, his breathing evened out after he'd deprived himself of enough oxygen to forcibly make himself sleep. It was an old coping habit Naoki had that Dabi could spot, but knew it was better, as long as he was there, to let Naoki sleep off his emotions, to keep them from drowning him by hiding in dreams. He was able to assure that they didn't become night-terrors himself.
"Wait, you mentioned Yasu-san earlier too, right? Why he was at the store... So, he's who you meant. I was curious... I didn't know you knew him too..." Izuku spoke, a little surprised.
"Not exactly, more like second-hand contact. When I drop them off, I leave him a note with the occurrence, but never really talked to him or met him personally... Anyway... Nao's asleep finally, and I need to rest while I can... I get the feeling I've overstayed my forced welcome... When they come back in, I'm probably going to end up told to leave... Damn... Forgot my antibiotics... Though, not like I was planning on being out so long..." Dabi muttered as he pulled the blanket further over Naoki's back under his own chin, trying to hint he was done with talking, but Izuku had one more question.
"Wait, why do you think that, Aoi-san?"
"Heh... I not only lashed out at the Number 1 Pro Hero, and insinuated there's nothing being done about a serious issue, but I wasn't wanted here from the start... Eraser Head's been here since before I arrived with Nao. I'm not stupid. Though, my apprehension to give compromising information over the phone is a decent root of that, my dropping the damn phone instead of Naoki and hanging up certainly didn't help my case. I was assumed guilty for Naoki's injuries from the get-go..."
He paused, creaking an eye to look at Izuku as he continued, "I know I've given all of you very little reason to trust me, covering as much of myself as I do, and concealing my past just as much, but I can assure you of one certainty... Above all else, no matter what, Naoki is my reason for being alive. I will never betray him. Everything I've done for almost all of my life, every part since the first time we met, has been for him in some way, even when I was assured he had been killed, that there was no possibility of him surviving what had been done to him... I refused to give up fully, to accept it...
Though, by the end, before finding him again, I was close to slipping down a path I'd have inevitably destroyed myself on, it would have been nothing but a last chance to repay him, as twisted as it could have been, what I'd have done...
But, I waited a day more after hearing a possibility of Nao's being alive, at that convenience store... It lead to a few weeks... And, one random bout of being in the right place at the right time... That spider's thread of hope, my salvation... Though... I was a little brutal with those punks for hurting him as they had... I'll admit that... Willingly so..." Dabi gave his explanation, a bit of a derisive chuckle at his admittance, but, his movements remaining tender and caring as he combed his fingers through Naoki's freely spread hair, his now covered arm curled up around Naoki's back to reach his head. Izuku had never seen Naoki with his hair loose, as the red always kept it restrained. With his other scarred hand gently covering Naoki's, thumb stroking in small, soothing circles as the red had it planted on Dabi's chest, clutching the light grey fabric hinting of blood stains, more than likely from them both.
Izuku continued to watch the gentleness of the older partner of his friend, so contrary to his earlier words, a bitterness, a kind of resentment to them as he scrutinised All Might's questioning of Naoki. He was conflicted, Izuku could tell, and, in that sense Izuku was too. But, even with the older's conflictions, he had one thing that mattered above everything else, and that hadn't wavered any, as far as Izuku could see, and that was his feelings toward Naoki.
His own exhaustion superseding his desire to stay awake and see if the Pro returned to boot him out, Dabi closed his eyes, hands eventually slowing to a stop in their gentle reassurances, Izuku also feeling the creeping of tiredness on his body. He stood up quietly, leaving the two alone as he want out into the hallway.
Further down, away from the door, he found a deflated All Might, Naomasa, Recovery Girl, and Eraser Head, and to his surprise, Yasumitsu Kirikara was there as well. From what Izuku could hear, he was confirming what 'Aoi' had mentioned, and going into more specific detail. Naomasa also listened in, since they had connected the same dots as Izuku, that the Nomu and, in that sense, The League of Villains were connected to the disappearances.
For Naomasa and All Might, though, this suggested an even more sinister person was the root of the kidnappings. Izuku lingered, but only observed. Once Recovery Girl, Naomasa and Yasumitsu had gone along home, Izuku joined Toshinori and Eraser Head, the father asking how they were doing, Izuku giving a run down of their current state, and, then reittering what the older had said to him while they were alone, even the things from earlier in the conversation, about 'Aoi's' ring, about his final words to Izuku before passing out... All of it, every single thing he could remember.
"I am still worried about Naoki... He's never... Never addressed me by 'All Might', even when we first spoke. His first question was what my name was, not my Quirk, not my alias as All Might... Just who I was... Whenever he addresses me, it is and always has been either some derivative of my name, or of 'dad'. It is disconcerting that he felt the need to do that... And I wonder why he did..." Toshinori ended with a deep sigh.
"No sense worrying too much about it right not. Class resumes tomorrow, so we should all head out and get some rest. All Might, what do you want done with Naoki's 'partner'?" Eraser Head asked.
"It's not a good idea for him to remain on campus grounds without anyone here, but...-" Toshinori bagan, recalling Izuku's earlier reiteration of the older raven's assumptions he wasn't wanted there by anyone but Naoki, and also that Noaki depended on the young man to rest well either way.
"I couldn't care less his views. If you won't kick him out, I will." Eraser Head spoke out when Toshinori had gone quiet.
"I wonder if Naoki would be better off returning to Aoi-san's home... If Aoi can't be here... But Naoki needs rest, we can all agree... That may be the best option..." Izuku assessed.
"Yes, but I highly doubt he'd allow any of us to escourt him or drive him, as untrusting of us as he seems to be... And he could barely keep Naoki up earlier." Toshinori agreed.
"I'm giving you two minutes to work something out before I drive him out myself. I want to get home and actually get some rest." Eraser Head commented, putting eye drops in as he spoke.
Two minutes of passing ideas back and forth went by quickly, and Eraser Head went to the room, All Might and Izuku alongside, again, a little overkill, but not a bad idea.
When they opened the door, they were surprised, seeing the older raven already up, waiting patiently as Naoki put his shoes on. Naoki looked surprisingly awake and well rested. The older though... Not so much.
"N-Naoki? Are you sure it's a good idea to be going out?" Izuku asked, the red visibly jumping, tensed up and stalled in his movements until he'd managed to calm himself down.
With a small, quiet sigh, Naoki answered. "Yeah. I don't want to be an inconvenience, and we can't stay here overnight without doing that... I can't sleep without him, he's not even supposed to be on campus, so alone would be an even bigger no... I'm awake and rested enough to get back without needing to be carried... Its best this way... Sorry..." Naoki trailed off, boots laced up and velcro in place over the tied laces as it should be. He stood up, and they both made towards the door.
"Make sure you get to class on time. I won't be excusing you late, tardy or absent." Eraser Head reminded, already walking away.
"Yes sir." Naoki returned, All Might and Izuku following behind Naoki and Dabi. They all went their separate ways after exiting the grounds. Naoki and Dabi in the same direction, at first, as All Might and Izuku, Eraser Head going the opposite way.
At the store, All Might rested a hand on Naoki's shoulder, saddened at the flinch the small red had expressed at the touch.
"Naoki, I'll see you tomorrow in class. Also, I think it's best-" Naoki interrupted him.
"If you're going to say it's best I not stay with him tomorrow, than that's a no. I'm sorry... But... I'm upset at a lot of things, and until I can work them out in my own mind in a communicable way, I'm not sure how to talk to you, Eraser, or... Anyone..." Naoki finished, reaching his hand up to rub his eye, not facing the two.
"That's not what I was going to suggest, or the reason why. I was going to say it's probably best if you stop by and have Hajime give you a check-up. The sooner the better. I don't mind if it's not me accompanying you, nor do I mind you staying where you feel safer, or somewhere you can sort out your thoughts. If you need space, that is perfectly fine. I just want you to be safe, Naoki." All Might answered.
He saw Naoki give a tense nod of acceptance, then hesitate, shaking a little before turning around and hugging the enormously tall Hero. "I'm sorry..." Naoki added, knowing the Pro would have tear-stains where Naoki had his head pressed against All Might's waist.
"No reason to apologise. You've been through quite a lot these past few days. Go get some rest. Remember what Eraser Head said. And, tomorrow, things may begin looking up. After all, your final exams are coming up soon." All Might returned the hug briefly before pulling Naoki free and urging him back to the taller and tired raven. "Now, off you go. You both need to get some sleep and recuperation. Oh, and here." He pulled out his wallet, handing Dabi a few bills. "Can I request you ensure Naoki gets a new phone as soon as possible? This is around how much his other cost, though, I assume you know, having given him the funds for the last one." All Might asked, looking down to the covered eyes of Naoki's partner.
"Yeah." Dabi replied, handing Naoki the cash. When Naoki looked at him questioningly, he explained. "You've got your bag, and I don't carry a wallet." Naoki nodded, giving All Might a small, broken smile, eyes downcast as he nodded once in thanks. He and Dabi turned down the alleyway toward Dabi's home. It was just past 2300 in the evening.
|***I'm already working on chapter 19, and its going to be a few days, as I work the next 2, and 10 hour shifts overnight are exhausting, but, i also work on this at waor on lunch and breaks, so, possibly Friday...***|
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