Chapter 11: Second Game - Cavalry Battle
A cavalry battle.
Midnight explained the rules again, Naoki a little confused, since he'd never played any 'playground games' before, but after the explanation, he understood the concept. But the point value was thrown off since two had tied for first. With that, they split the total between Naoki and Izuku, 5 million each, making both of them bleach.
Now we're targets of everyone, literally... Not how I expected this to go... Not good... Naoki was nervous like nothing else. Finding a team would be impossible. Izuku had friends, but Naoki didn't enjoy that luxury himself... His only friend was Izuku... And he doubted that Izuku would want to team with Naoki...
Strategically speaking, though... Joining either team that had them on it was a risk, with both an excellent and an equally terrible consequence, depending if they won or not... If they did, it was an instant win. If they lost, it was failure on unparalleled levels... He glanced to Izuku, who was handling it only slightly better.
Needless to say, all eyes were on them.
"That's right. It's survival of the fittest for those at the bottom to overthrow those at the top."
As he began over-thinking and internally panicking, one of Dabi's pieces of advice spilled into his memory.
Some advice on what to do in a situation where it's all or nothing, huh? Well... You told me you have good instincts, and you trust them, so use them. If you can't, then go for it, give it your all. Nothing good comes from slacking or holding back, so don't. Make a decision, a plan if you can, and go for it. Adapt the plan if you must, but don't change the goal.
So, his mind scrambled for that plan, settling on a decision immediately. He was going to survive to the next level. His instincts were scrambled, but pointed to two classmates. Tokoyami and naturally, Izuku.
Midnight finished her explanation, giving them 15 minutes to decide on their teams. Immediately, Naoki looked to Izuku, seeing him focusing. "Izumi... I've got an idea. But first, will you be willing to team with me?"
"Yeah! What are you thinking, Naoki?" Izuku asked, a little taken aback.
"Tokoyami, and one other, one not from our class, though... I'm not sure if she'll..." He was interrupted as that person came forward to them.
Izuku looked a little shocked, his own plan crumbling as he watched Naoki.
"Oh perfect! You two are sticking together. And you're the stars!" Naoki's smile grew exponentially. He'd monitored the others, rather than seizing first with absolution, to get an idea of everyone else's talents, and this girl was gold, a gem. "Team up with me, people in first!" She yelled surprising Izuku, making Naoki cheer internally.
"So close! Who are you!?" Izuku freaked out as she was right in his face.
"I'm a student in the Support Course." She backed up, fixing her goggles.
"Yes! I saw you with those creations! Spectacular! Izumi, she's the one I was talking about!" Naoki couldn't hold back any longer.
"Name's Mei Hatsume! Of course they are, and you have a good eye!" She showed them off, a little before continuing. "I'd like to use your current fame to my personal advantage! All eyes will be on you two, so it's the perfect chance to show off my babies in all their glory!"
"I knew it! You are the one who figured out the design and well, everything for my Quirk Switcher!" Naoki spoke out.
"I'm the applicant who asked for a device to focus and control specific aspects of a Quirk, and you actually did fantastic! It works perfectly! Even with new ones added on the fly!" Naoki was meeting a small-time idol of his.
"Oh! So that was you who won my design and device contest? Of course it works! Teaming up with you two will give my babies the chance to be seen by everyone watching, CEO's, Heroes, Agencies!
All of them will be focused on your team, so it's to my benefit to join you! With that line of reasoning, joining your team, who everyone's eyes will be on, is the perfect way to gain attention on all my marvelous gadgets, and get recruited!
The Support Course specialises in creating equipment that helps Heroes deal with their Quirks and enhance their skills!" She pulled out a small chest, the contents of which was an arsenal of gear and gadgets.
"I packed a ton of powerful babies to bring with me, so I'm sure you'll find something you like floating around my arsenal!"
Izuku was looking, "Ooh! I see one's caught your eye! I based this on a certain Hero's backpack!" She held up the item, a jet pack, "Though of course, I added my own twists."
Now, it was Izuku's turn to nerd out with her, Naoki smiling. "Wait! I recognise that! Air Jet: The Buster Hero has one of those!"
"We get along well, we're all nerds for the same kind of thing, so, Izuku, what do you say?" Naoki called out, drawing their attention.
"Yes! Mei, we'd love your help!" Izuku answered without hesitation. "Naoki, who was the last one?"
"I'll go and ask. You coming?" He asked Izuku. Naoki had seen Ochaco try to approach earlier, but, when Mei came up, she backed away, now lingering with Mezo and Tsu, as far as Naoki could tell.
Sorry, Ochaco... I'll apologise properly later... Do your best, though!
A buzzer went off, "Oh goodie! It's time to get this party started!" Midnight called out, stretching, as Present Mic began his announcements.
After their final member's acceptance, Naoki's team consisted of Izuku, Mei, and Tokoyami as horses, Tokoyami in front to handle defenses, and after discussing why it was more optimal, Naoki as the rider, giving his Quirk better room, and better uses, as well as allowing Naoki the room to use it optimally, as Izuku drove the point in, that being able to see would help with his using Ricochet, considering the calculations it needed. That, and he was the lightest of their team, and physically had the most issues.
Izuku took rear, with Mei. He put on the jetpack to help with sky-taking, and he and Mei both had rocket boots. Their strategy, though, would keep one of Naoki's vectors constantly used. It kept the actual location of their headband askewed, seemingly lower than its actual location. It was around his forehead, but appeared to be around his neck. And this wasn't cheating since Midnight had said Quirk-use was fair game, though it was a little dirty. He would reveal its actual location and replace the image of one on his head with a smaller one once they had another band, removing the vector.
The other side of this, though, was a lot more difficulty strategised. Avoiding every other team was going to be their main objective, and Naoki had a counter plan if their band was stolen. They had agreed to avoid vanishing, since some others may call it out, and they could end up disqualified.
"You guys ready? Mei-san, Izumi, Kage-kun?" Naoki asked.
He was given agreements from his team, securing the headband, the location reflecting a few inches up. Anyone behind them may have been able to see the subtle distortion, but they had made sure only the crowd was to their backs.
He had discussed other non-classmate's Quirks he had observed previously to his team.
The most worrying was a blonde from 1-B, who was outright spiteful toward their class. Naoki would love to actually fight him one on one, since their Quirks were similar, in a small way. For their task, though, they decided it was best to avoid him and his team.
"Then, let's give everything our all!" Naoki asserted.
"Okay, all you first years! I hope you're happy with your chosen teams! Let's get this party started! One final countdown before the game starts! Three!"
Katsuki cracked his knuckles, "Get them!"
"They're ours." Todoroki staked his claim.
Opening his closed eyes, Naoki focused. "Begin!" Midnight called.
Like that, they were charged at.
"Hold on to each other!" Naoki ordered, "Izuku, tap out!" Izuku tapped a foot, giving Naoki the vector to manipulate, and up they went, Izuku supporting their flight, and Dark Shadow covering their lower blind spots.
"After them!" "Oh no you don't!"
"Good work, Kage-kun, you too Dark Shadow!" Naoki called when he blocked Kyouko's ear jack. "Alright, Mei-san, Baby 4's turn!" He yelled.
"Alrighty! Let's show what you've got!" She started her foot rockets, throwing their flight forward, so Naoki could use Ricochet to land safely.
"Good job, Mei-san. Izumi! Slow Baby 1!" Naoki called, their forward acceleration stalling and stabilising them, allowing for a smooth landing.
"Well done! Now, we have a little distance. Let's give them a fight!" Naoki cracked a knuckle, smirking as they all turned to run for Naoki's teammates and him. "Dark Shadow, please cover what I can't. When it comes to Code 1, let me help!"
Mezo came up behind them, "Mezo-san, sorry about this!" Naoki sent a vector towards the running teen, having it impact a few feet in front of his team, but they took skyward. "Ochaco-san..." Naoki mumbled.
"Fine. Walls are fun, right?" With a vector spread out, when they tried to land, they bounced off, Naoki controlling their path to make sure they landed unharmed.
"Naoki!" Tokoyami called, more teams approaching from every side.
"Got it! Izuku, V-4. Tap down!" Izuku tapped a foot again, sending the ground around them crumbling and shaking. "Good, Kage-kun, you got this? I'm going to focus on E5."
"I've got it!" Dark Shadow replied.
"Okay, call out if you need." Naoki switched to erasing oncoming attempts at Quirk usage that he could, Dark Shadow handling what he couldn't affect.
After subtly affecting the outcome with it, Naoki yelled out again, "Izumi! V-1!" Izuku slammed his foot into the ground, using what was normal, non-enhanced strength, and up they went, with more force and speed than before.
"More people recovered than I anticipated, and more quickly. We'll have to be careful if we use that one again. Thank you, Izumi. You're the only one who I could channel through, since I know you well enough, having learned with you and spent so much time around you. Mei-san, are we clear for a safe landing? Kage-kun, how are we?" Naoki asked.
"Good, we're clear enough." Mei answered.
Tokoyami and Dark Shadow replied next, "Todoroki is following closely though, and Bakugou only a little ways back."
"So, watch for temperature change, and disrupt it before it reaches freezing point. Got it. Mei, enact Baby 4, same procedure as before, Izumi!"
With that, they landed, Todoroki seeing it and attempting to freeze the ground to make it more difficult, annoyed when he couldn't.
"Sorry, Todoroki! Ice is easy to stop!" Naoki called out as they landed safely.
"Now, Izu, Mei, Kage, let's keep moving. I can use the energy exerted and made from the movements as vectors and to manipulate! Kage-kun, keep out front and left. I'll get the back and right. We're doing well, but let me know if any of you are struggling! I can do more support if I need to." Naoki offered, concerned since he wasn't physically exerting himself.
"Naoki, I think we're okay. You're light as it is, and with you having issues with grip and physical strength, this was the best way." Izumi reminded him.
Tsu's tongue went for the headband, hitting a vector Naoki had thrown up on instinct.
Kacchan launched himself toward them, "Don't think for a second you're safe! DEKU! I'm gonna get you, Eyepatch Freak!"
"Kage-kun back!" Tokoyami withdrew Dark Shadow, and Naoki put out a hand, reversing Bakugou's launch, making him land safely back with his team.
"Damn Freak!" Katsuki yelled, his team giving him crap for not telling them he was jumping off.
"Now who wants to take a look at each student's points so far? It's been seven minutes, so let's get those rankings thrown up on the screen!"
Present Mic yelled over the excited crowd, who mostly went quiet at the rankings. "Hold on here... This is an unexpected turn. Other than Naoki, Class 1-A isn't doing so hot!" Naoki looked around, his suspicions showing correct. It was the blonde from 1-B. "Even Bakugou is losing!"
Like that though, Katsuki's focus changed entirely, the 1-B kid making a poor choice, mocking the ash blonde, and drawing his attention, making Katsuki forsake Naoki and Izuku, in exchange for revenge against the taunter.
For that, Naoki was glad- sighing in relief- and wishing the taunter a safe life... Katsuki was out for blood, vengeance, and death- in the form of getting their headband back- and for the sake of his mocked pride, all of the headbands the team had.
"Naoki... Class 1-B has a long term strategy that involves throwing the qualifier... They did the same as you, in a sense." Izuku explained.
"Yeah... Makes sense though- information is half a war. That's why I did what I did. It would have been child's play to win in a few minutes, but gathering information about people I'd not had the chance to- that was far more valuable."
"And, seems you were right, he is the most troublesome. Hope he knows how big a mistake that was, Bakugou's about ready to explode." Tokoyami added.
"He's off our back for now, that's what's important. We still need to worry about everyone else, so let's focus and keep moving. With all the groups out for blood even more now, we'll be an easy target if we're not careful." Naoki instructed.
They were skillfully and strategically running, going to the air when they needed, and landing when it was clear enough. Todoroki was growing even more frustrated, and it was clear to Naoki like reading a children's novel.
With the halfway point reached, Naoki's team met a standstill with Todoroki's group.
"I'll be taking that now." The bi-coloured stated, seeing Naoki slowing in his own involvement, "You're running low, Naoki."
"Maybe. So that's why you avoided a direct assault until now, Todoroki-san."" Naoki mused back, stabilising his breathing, which had been speeding up, due to what one could only assume was exhaustion. "To wait until I was running low. Good strategy." Naoki finished.
Izuku looked up to Naoki, worry across his face. I hadn't even noticed Naoki slowing down or having issues... I hope he'll be okay...
Cracking a knuckle, Naoki sighed as Mezo and his group also charged. "I knew it was inevitable, but I was hoping it wouldn't be until later that we faced them..." Naoki muttered.
"Nor did I. I was hoping it wouldn't happen until later in the contest. Will you still be okay, Naoki? He seems to have it out for you and Midoriya." Tokoyami asked.
"R5 is still doable." Naoki replied. "Perfect oppourtunity for it, actually. Any longer, and it would be a waste, Kage-kun. Izumi, Mei-san, Kage-kun, S7." Naoki ordered.
"Got it!" Izuku replied. "Understood." Tokoyami returned, Mei gave a quick "Okay!"
"I don't get it... What's with all those numbers and letters?" Denki asked.
Naoki held a half-gloved finger to his lips. "Secrets aren't meant for all ears, Denki-san."
"Now, Iida! Forward!" Todoroki commanded, Tenya responding with a curt, "Right!" as he prepared his engines. "Yayaorzu, be ready to protect us." She bared a blade of sorts from her skin. "Kaminari!"
"Oh, I know what I gotta do!" The electro spouted.
"Keep us moving!!" Naoki called to his team. They responded, disengaging and keeping their team moving. They were being closed in from all sides now.
"Hope you made something strong, Yaoyarozu!" Kaminari called out, charging up. Todoroki pulled a blanket over his team as Yaoyarozu dug a grounding in, still coming after them.
"Kage! R5!" Naoki shouted as Kaminari also called out, "Indiscriminate shock! 1.3 Million Volts!"
They saw the human stun gun fry everyone but his own team and Naoki's, his strongest barrier protecting them behind a different vector that absorbed it, giving Naoki time to study and mute its lethality.
But once it was time, seeing Todoroki dispose of the insulation, Naoki sent it back at them. Giving them a highly muted and toned-down version of it, but still decommissioning them for a brief enough time that Naoki and his team could take to the air.
Panting, Naoki took this chance to catch his breath.
While that particular barrier was being charged and used, he had to hold his breath, so he was short of it.
Once stable enough, he spoke to his team. "Good work and thank you, Dark Shadow. If it wasn't for you letting me study your nature this entire fight so far, that could have ended really badly. Combining that new barrier with your flexible nature saved our asses."
He looked down, seeing his hopes weren't for naught. "Looks like Kaminari-san is OOC... Good work. I didn't over-power their tolerances or underestimate that reflection and I was able to get some more energy to work with from it! We can land now, Mei-san, Izumi. How are the gadgets?" Naoki asked the baby momma.
"They're fine! Unaffected at all! My babies are still alive!" She gushed.
"Good! I'm glad that improvement we made last-second worked. Using Time Manipulation on them would have been harder without it but thankfully, that wasn't necessary, since R5 was a success!"
"Naoki, I didn't know you could do that! It's completely new from what I know." Izuku assessed, seeing some of the newest improvements to Ricochet's capabilities.
"Yeah." He kept his response short for now until their landing was done.
They landed, a good distance from any still up and running group, but those still functioning, were making for them.
"I discovered it accidentally while training with that person. I was lucky I didn't destroy more than our shirts... Gaaahhh! That's still gonna keep embarrassing me! I don't care how many times he told me not to be upset or embarrassed!" Naoki shouted his frustration, huffing and sighing when he was done.
"Alright, incoming! Looks like Iida's taking their team here quickly, so get ready!" Tokoyami called, snapping them to attention.
"Great... Now, to redirect some of that energy he's got in them." Naoki smirked again.
Naoki noticed Todoroki had frozen the rest of the teams in their tracks but not surprising Shouto this time when Naoki's group went untouched by the ice.
Aizawa and Present Mic commented and assessed the movements and actions as Todoroki's team sped toward Naoki and his group.
"Naoki! What do we do?" Tokoyami asked, the other team drawing closer.
"Wait for it... Just a little longer..." Naoki muttered, eyeing the violet haired runner. "Kage! C4!"
Dark Shadow lunged forward, making the appearance of aiming to attack, only to pass by Tenya toward Momo while Naoki used their briefest distraction to use Izuku's next step and send the vector to Tenya's stepping leg, up the limb, and with barely a meter between them, stall the engine just enough to avoid injury but still stop his advancement.
"Whaa!" Tenya shouted, having to stop to regain his balance.
"Iida?! What was that?" Momo asked as they slowed.
"My engines... No, just one. It stalled for a second. We all would have toppled if I kept going at that speed!"
"It was Naoki. He's getting weaker and resorting to tricks and traps to survive. Be more careful!" Todoroki ordered as they progressed onward.
"Kage, good job! Now, we need to keep on our toes. If they get closer again, we may have slight issues. Stalling the engines on Tenya-san is risky, so I want to avoid doing it again if I can help it. Since Denki is OOC Kage-kun focus on defense. We can only take to the air twice more at max, and that's for just a jump, not prolonged." Naoki saw Katsuki's showdown with Monoma.
Present Mic was announcing there was less than a minute left, when Todoroki trapped them in, Ice barring their escape on all sides, and an opening behind them that was out of bounds.
As strategised in the case they were hemmed in, they stayed on Todoroki's left, using Tenya as a shield for any attack from Todoroki.
"Everyone! We have less than sixty seconds. I'm going to do something that will make me useless to you. But, it's worth it." Tenya spoke out, and Naoki had his team stop. He was waiting for this. This would be their final challenge if Naoki's instincts were anything to go by.
"What are you going to do?" Todoroki asked.
"Make sure you get that headband. You said Naoki is low earlier and after all of that he's got to be drained by now. They haven't taken to the air to escape, so I don't think they can. Now. Brace yourselves! Hold on tight!" Tenya revved his engines, charging as he yelled, "TORQUE OVER!!!"
Now. It's the last one I can do. He's not wrong, I am considerably drained, but not quite out, though this will be pushing what little I've got left.
Naoki rendered his last barrier for the time being behind them while keeping the one around his neck and head, still hiding the headband so it looked to be around his neck, as it had been.
The Quirk he was using was the only one he could in this case- since he'd stalled the engines earlier.
As they got closer, closer and closer yet, Naoki focused. Once they were a single meter away, and Tenya was mid-word, Naoki activated Time Manipulation, reversing the engine he'd affected earlier to that stalled state This action made Tenya's speed drop and his focus break, once more redirecting to stabilising his team from falling.
Tenya looked forward, seeing Naoki's eyes close, the normal red and ice blue in his changing one as they closed.
"I... I failed... How... How did you know...?" Tenya's voice was despondent.
Naoki gave his reply, ice blue now pale lavender as he opened just that one, "I didn't know for certain. Just an assumption that everyone has other tricks now. I do as well so it makes sense to include it in a strategy. That's why I used Ricochet to stall them earlier. Even with Ricochet out of commission for now, Time was still usable. Sorry, Tenya-san." Naoki paused, seeing Todoroki still determined.
"Go for them! We still have time!" Todoroki yelled. His team charged.
Naoki waited again but this time for a different reason. And, with their approach reaching favorable distance, gave a last-chance order. "Izu! Tap out!"
Izuku tapped into the ground, sending them upward, only just out of reach of Todoroki's grasp, as they halted to a stop right before stepping out.
Using the barrier he'd placed behind himself earlier, he pushed off of it, the force enough to let them land on the other side of Todoroki's group, safely. Naoki was panting for breath again, this time, worse than before by a long shot. He was officially based-out. Anything he had left was just the smallest drops of energy.
"Naoki! You alright?" Tokoyami asked.
"Been better." He replied to the crow as Present Mic began the ten-second countdown.
"He's completely out now! Let's go!" Todoroki yelled, spurring his team back toward Naoki.
"Can you guys keep on moving? We just need to stall for time." Naoki asked.
"We've got this!" Izuku yelled, Mei and Tokoyami working with him to keep safely away from Todoroki and allow Naoki a breath to recover.
"Deku!" Katsuki shouted, breaking through the ice and launching from his team "You're finished, Eyepatch!"
With mere seconds left, Katsuki reached for and grasped what he assumed was the headband, Hanta pulling him back, as he realised he'd grabbed nothing.
"DAMN YOU! Deku, Eyepatch!!!!" He yelled.
"TIMES UP!!! And with that, the second round is officially over!" Present Mic yelled, stopping any further attacks or attempts for points.
Katsuki was on the ground, pounding angry fists, while Todoroki dismounted his perch, disappointed.
"Now! Let's take a look at who our top four teams are!" Present Mic yelled, "In First place, keeping their headband the entire game, is Team Naoki! In Second Place is Team Todoroki! Third Place is Team Bakugou! And, in Fourth Place, Team Tetsu-Wait, Team Shinsou! When did they come back from the dead?"
As soon as he was on the ground, Naoki was literally on the ground. Exhausted to near-death but nothing a quick nap with a certain hoodie, a can of root beer, and a few small snacks couldn't fix.
"Naoki! You okay?!" Izuku asked. He received a tired thumbs up that quickly thumped back to the ground.
"Been better..." Naoki commented, repeating his earlier words out of sheer exhaustion.
Tenya was down, disappointed and blaming himself for his failure.
As things settled down just a bit, Naoki crawled himself back to standing, not enjoying just how tired he was. He made his drained body move, walking over to Tenya, bowing as he spoke.
"Tenya-san. I'm sorry. I hope there is a chance you don't hate me. I know asking for forgiveness, or for no hard feelings is impossible, so I won't... And, I know you don't exactly see me as a friend, so that's probably out the window as well." After a few seconds with no response, he rose, old feelings and unwanted emotions eating at him now, seeing the violet didn't appear to have any words or any kind of response, already turning and leaving. And he did.
He turned and walked away, still silent.
"Hey, you alright there, Naoki?" Tokoyami asked, coming up behind Naoki as the crowd began dispersing for the lunch break Present Mic had announced.
"Uh-Um... Not really sure... To be honest..." Naoki turned, facing the crow as he replied, scrubbing the building waterworks from his eyes. "I think I just ruined any chances at Tenya-san ever considering me a friend, or anything positive..." Naoki answered honestly. He'd tried harder to do that after his discussion with All Might and Izuku previously- being honest with his emotions... He wasn't sure he liked it.
"I think he'll get over it. And if it helps any, I never knew you well enough to consider it before, but now I think I have a good idea of your character, so if you want a friend, I can offer. I've only seen you close with Midoriya, and you don't talk much at all, so I think that's part of why some of our class is hesitant with you." Tokoyami offered.
"Thank you, I really appreciate it. And yeah, Izumi is probably the only classmate who I can actually call a friend... Well, before you! So, thank you!" Naoki bowed again.
"Sure. So, what are you going to do for lunch break?" He and Naoki made toward the exit as well.
"Um... Try and rest, recover my energy. I'm not as drained as I can be, but it is still low for how much I wanted to use for the first parts of the festival... I set a limit..." Naoki answered, rubbing his neck, left-handed, showing his nervousness. He was considerably more drained than he wanted to be- or than he let on. But he was bouncing back pretty well too.
"I wondered. During the attack on the USJ, you had to have used a lot more. Well, I will see you after lunch then. Good work, and thank you." Tokoyami pulled ahead, as Naoki stopped, turned and ran for the waiting room, vanishing as he did.
He grabbed his hoodie and his bag, then made for the most inconspicuous spot he could find. Once there, he texted Dabi, asking if he was okay to call. It wasn't an emergency, but he wanted to talk, voice to voice.
"How about we just chat person to person, Naoki?" He heard a comforting and familiar voice behind him in the small alcove he'd hidden in, seeing the telltale mask, glasses and this time, a ball cap. These were alongside a thinner hoodie and Dabi's normal other clothing swapped out as well, wearing longer jeans and taller shoes, more combat boots.
"How! When?!" Naoki sighed in relief, running up and hugging the taller male. "Thank you!"
"Odd reason to thank me, but that's your one for the day, so... Good to see you too, kid. Let's sit. You could use a rest, huh?" Dabi leaned down, seating himself so Naoki was rested against his shoulder.
"Yeah. Were you watching?" Naoki asked, drinking the soda.
Dabi nodded, "You did well. Shut up and rest while you can. We can talk about it later, alright?"
Humming his agreement, Naoki did that, resting, and actually sleeping as if he were in the most comfortable bed, not leaned against the wall and another person, somewhat awkwardly.
After the forty-five-minute mark passed, Dabi woke Naoki up. "Hey, might want to grab a bite, huh? I brought some food for us. Not a good idea to go back on an empty stomach, so eat up."
"Ah, food!" Naoki cheered, taking the meal offered and eating with the other male.
"You've got ten minutes left. What are you going to do?" Dabi asked.
"I want to ask you how you got in wearing that? I doubt they'd let you just waltz in like that~" Naoki teased, done with the meal in record time.
"Who's to say I came in the same way everyone else did?" Dabi replied back, equally sarcastic. Bouncing his forehead off of Naoki's playfully, without force.
"Figures... I'm gonna drink another can. You want the third one in here before I go?" Naoki offered, showing the last of the cans.
"Not if it's your last one." Dabi replied, until he saw Naoki's bag had several more. "Never mind. Should've known you'd bring the rest of the pack." He reached in, grabbing one and opening it.
As they chatted away the final few minutes Naoki wanted to spare, drinking the sodas, Naoki got a message from Izuku, telling him it was about time, and asking where he was.
With a quick goodbye hug, Naoki ran off back to the stadium.
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