Chapter 08: First Encounter
Izuku woke for the morning. Earlier than he'd hoped, since school had been canceled for the day after the attack on the USJ. But, a call from All Might was always one way he'd like to wake up... If it didn't have such potentially negative reasons behind it.
"Midoriya? When did you last see Naoki?" Toshinori asked, straight to the point and serious.
"EH? You mean he didn't make it back last night?" Izuku was now up and scrambling to get dressed.
"No, he didn't. I was hoping he'd maybe ended up staying there, but I guess not. He's not answering his phone either, but I'm worried about more than that, since it looks like he tried to call me last night, but it was cut off even before it notified me. It is still on my calls, though... I'm outside your house, so hurry up."
"Huh!? Alright!" Izuku grabbed his jacket and left, calling out to his mom before leaving.
"So, he dropped me off but never made it back? I wonder what happened... He was still injured a bit..." Izuku muttered.
"I know, that's why I'm worried... He promised not to do anything, straight there and back..." Toshinori replied.
As they were passing the convenience store, someone burst out the door, running after them with a shout. "Yagi-san!"
Toshinori turned, unused to that name, but still responsive, albeit, much more wary.
"Hey! Did Nao-chan make it back? He helped me with a few thieves last night, but..." the young man paused, looking at them, or, more accurately, around them, not quite meeting gazes. "I worried correctly... Shit... I'm Yasumitsu Kirikara, I usually work nights there-" He pointed a thumb back to the shop.
"Last night, he stopped in to get his regulars- you know- root beer, ginger ale and sorbet, when that bunch came in. He called the cops for me and left when they were sidetracked, but they left when sirens were audible... The police found one of the guy's wallets, but said something about other things there, and they asked me who bought the things in the bag. It was Nao-chan, so I got worried... Even more so with the news this morning..."
He stopped, eyeing them again, "I take it you haven't... The guys and the one whose ID was left around the corner of the shop... Three of them were injured enough to be hospitalised, the rest were taken into custody..." Yasumitsu explained.
"What?! Which hospital?" Toshinori asked, pulling out his phone to call Naomasa.
"The closest, they were ranged from minor injuries to some pretty serious burns, but still bad enough... Also, Nao-chan's phone was fried by one of them. I assume it was taken as evidence, as well as what he left..." Yasu added. "I imagine they've been detained by now, but I didn't hear anything about Nao-chan, so I was worried... I've been waiting there at the shop in case I saw you walk by. Tsuki said he saw you while I was getting a drink, so I stayed a bit longer, thank goodness I did."
"Huh!? You know-" Izuku began, but Toshinori cut him off, his call going through, and stepping back a bit.
"Yagi-san has come in with Nao-chan a few times, so I figured they were close, and Nao-chan said he was Yagi-san's adoptive son... You..." He paused, glancing at Toshinori, then back to Izuku. "You must be the friend Nao-chan made in middle school, since you're close to both Nao-chan and Yagi-san... Oh, sorry... It's my Quirk. Only rooted in one eye, which is blind to everything else after an accident at my other job."
He lifted the eyepatch, showing the blind eye and some scarring on the eyelid and around the eye. "I can see things about people, their intentions, their relations, emotions, and if they mean harm to someone else in sight, I have a vague idea of what they might do if not stopped... 'Aura' is what it's called... When I meet people with ties to others I've met, they show and connect, and I get a pretty good idea of the emotions and all that again... Not practical as a 'Hero', plus being blind in it otherwise anymore is a pretty big weakness. But, useful enough as a clerk at a small convenience store. Doesn't work over camera, though..." Yasumitsu explained.
"No! That's actually an amazing Quirk! It has so much potential. Though, I guess you're too old to take the U.A. Entrance Exams..." Izuku muttered.
"Ha! Yeah, I just turned 23 the day of the exams. Definitely too late for that. Don't worry, I enjoy a quieter life, though, it was definitely not so the last few weeks... I hope I didn't get Nao-chan more hurt by asking him to help me out last night..." He answered, watching Toshinori. "I've only seen All Might once or twice, but Yagi-san, a lot more. Hard to believe, but I get it. It shows in his Aura..." He mumbled out.
Izuku almost panicked. "Wait! So-"
"Don't worry, kid. I'm not into ruining other people's lives like that. It's not my secret to tell, though, since he's Nao-chan's guardian, I have a few things I should probably let him in on... There's been... That..." Yasu ended the sentence quietly, as a few people passed them.
Toshinori sighed, slumping as he tucked the phone away. "Seems they did find Naoki's phone, wallet, and the things he'd purchased, but the crooks have been less than willing to tell much more about what happened. Midoriya, I'm going to head to the station and try to help with that. What do you plan to do?"
"I'll go with you. I feel partially responsible..." Izuku replied.
"Yasumitsu, right? If you see or hear anything, can you give me a call? Thank you for the help. I wouldn't have had any leads if it weren't for you." Toshinori handed him a card with Naomasa's number and his own.
"Can do, sir. Return the favor if you find anything first. He's a good kid, and I worry about him... Reminds me of my kid brother. He passed away when he was ten, so I've got a soft spot for Nao-chan... Also... I have some things to discuss with you when you have a chance. I know you're busy, but... Screw it... You mind if I tag along? I need to check on some things at the station too..." Yasu asked.
"Sure, I don't see why not. Naoki did mention your other job, in passing. Let's go." Toshinori accepted.
"Thank you, sir. If you don't mind, I can fill you in on the way? Since you're Nao-chan's guardian, I feel it is alright to tell you. Normally, I'd never let this kind of personal information I glean, be it from my Quirk, or other job, out of my mouth."
"Fine by me. Naoki is still reluctant to let me in on a few things, and I can tell he has troubles with them but is too stubbourn or worried to let others in and help." Toshinori agreed.
"First thing, then... I've noticed Naoki's not sleeping like normal kids his age do. I've asked, but he always dodges or shrugs it off. From what this eye can tell, it has to do with nightmares. But, what is worrying me is the past few weeks, they seem to be worse on him, and I think he may be frightened by them, enough to actually fear sleeping in any way. I'm not sure how much of this, any of what I tell you, you have noticed, so I'll just say it all... If you have anything to ask or say, wait until I've finished the topic I'm on, if you will..." Yasu paused, looking to Toshinori.
When the deflated Pro nodded, he continued. "Alright, secondly, this is just from when he was there last night, but I think, whatever happened that left him injured... I heard about the attack on the news, so I assume that, or something to do with it, he was incredibly unsettled by something..." He paused, seeing the Aura of the green-haired boy react.
"Actually, Naoki said something about what it may have been last night. It's what he wanted to talk about... He said that Villain, the one with the hands all over him... Just from hearing his voice, Naoki said it made him sick, but seemed familiar. It left him uneasy and he felt like he recognised the Villain, just from his voice. That could be it?" Izuku spoke out.
"That's probably it, then. It relates to the colours that show up whenever Naoki questions, worries or fears something to do with his past..." Yasu detailed his agreement of Izuku's statement, glancing to Toshinori, before continuing.
"Then, that really leaves me with the last one... This is less to do with Nao-chan, more with someone else... There's been a fellow wandering around, never comes in, or not when I'm on, but Tsuki has checked him out, as have some of the others... But we've also never seen the person's face or anything of them, not a voice or anything, except their height is up there a tad, I'd say, taller than myself, but their Aura is unmistakably unique, that's how I can recognise them... But, what makes them stand out to me, is their Aura's reactions to Naoki. Be it his name being said, or anything... I was out sweeping with the door open when Tsuki and I were cleaning a few days ago...
"Hey, Yasu, you heard from that kid? The one who calls you Yasuki, and you actually let him?"
"Nao-chan? Yeah, he was in a few days ago, picked up the usual, and was more chatty than usual, but I could tell something was bothering him more than normal... Why?"
"Oh, just curious if we should keep ordering the stuff he gets. He's the only one who gets all three of them, and more specifically, the only one who gets those sizes... Manager's trying to see if we can drop those, since he's the only one who actually buys them... I told him if he did, he'd break Nao-chin's heart and have an angry Yasu-chin to deal with as well. He looked like he wet himself, then ran to the bathroom!" Tsuki replied, laughing as he exaggerated the reactions of their boss.
"You're making that up. Besides, I doubt Nao-chan would just be heartbroken. The boss might have him to worry about more than me. Naoki's-"
"I'd paused seeing the person since their Aura caught my attention. But no doubt, every time I repeated Naoki's name, or Tsuki did, their Aura flashed even though it was just the nickname. But, they froze mid-step when I chanced saying Naoki's whole name, and all those emotions did more than flash. They were more pronounced and lingered. Haven't seen the person since then... They never start any trouble, so I just monitored the situation... But, the emotions... They were mainly why I did worry, because, outside Naoki, this person's been full of hatred, desire for vengeance and a rather derisive and twisted sense of humour and justice for as long as I've seen them. That changed a few weeks before Nao-chan started at U.A. But they'd only lessened- the negativity that I listed off.
Yet, with Naoki's name or nickname, the colours changed pretty drastically. There was joy, relief and happiness, but also guilt, sorrow and pain. Even still, layered atop those was a growing amount of hope and the... The kind of 'care' that I see when couples come in. A tender, gentle and concerned caring, or better put, love. Nothing twisted lingered with those, with Naoki...
Though the negative emotions spiked up again pretty quickly afterward, a hefty dose of self-hatred added... And the guilt was worse afterward, which could possibly be concerning. But, it wasn't guilt at something this person had done, but something they couldn't stop from happening, though, I can easily tell that if they could have, they would have given their life to do so.
Tsuki gave me his assessment after I asked what he felt from that person... Given his Quirk. He simply said it would be that person's worst nightmare for Naoki to be harmed or killed if they had even the slightest chance of stopping it or preventing it."
"I see... That's... A little worrying, since you couldn't get anything about this person other than their height... Where would you put that?" Toshinori asked as they walked up the stairs to the police station.
"Over 185... They weren't heavyset, definitely a thinner, lanky build, if that is anything to add... Other than that, I have nothing..." He held the door for the other two, Toshinori and Izuku muttering thanks as they entered. "Well, I need to go to my informant. I'll see you eventually, Yagi-san, kid." Yasu went a different direction.
"I wonder what he needed to come here for... And who could that person be... Naoki never even mentioned any of that... But maybe he didn't know? And I wonder why he's had more trouble with his nightmares?" Izuku mumbled as he followed after Toshinori.
"I can't believe I didn't notice... I'm supposed to be his guardian... And... He didn't tell me anything about that or the reactions he had toward the Villain from yesterday." Toshinori sighed. "I feel like I'm failing as a parent, a teacher and a Hero now."
"N-No! Don't think that way! I'm sure he was just not wanting to worry you! I'm sure he was going to tell you about it... You're not a failure..." Izuku tried to comfort the older man.
When they reached the area they were instructed to, Naomasa met them. "Are you sure it's a good idea to step in on this? I won't stop you if you still intend on it, but..." Naomasa asked.
"If they won't speak to you as police officers," He inflated, his voice changing as his furious smile appeared as well. "Maybe they'll be willing to talk, now that I AM HERE."
Izuku was wide-eyed and in amazement as usual, as All Might made to follow Naomasa to speak to the thieves.
He stayed put though, knowing that was probably best, but still worried and concerned about Naoki.
"Excuse me, there's someone who will be stepping in to speak to you. I suggest you answer honestly." Another officer explained, stepping into the room, waiting for their response.
"Ain't gonna matter who you lousy cops bring in! We ain't talkin'!" One of them yelled out.
"I suggest you rethink that, gentlemen." All Might stepped in, the thugs' jaws dropped, but they were, well... more eager to speak.
"There was another boy at that convenience store, the one who called the police. Where is he?" All Might began after effectively scaring the piss out of a few of the thugs.
"W-We... We don't know!"
"Why don't we try it this way, then. What happened from start to finish last night, once you left the building of the convenience store?" The officer restarted.
They looked to the Pro, then the cop and back, meeting the glaring eyes of the Pro as they spilled.
"Calen instructed that if cops were called, to get outta there and meet back behind the store. When we got there, the brat had already attacked Calen. He was on the ground and told us to grab the little bitch, so we took him with us." They froze as All Might's expression darkened. The officer spoke in.
"That one's Calen." The officer nodded to one with bandages covering a good portion of his body, "The second worst injured. His... Groin was kneed quite adeptly but that wasn't the worst..."
"What happened after that?" All Might asked.
"U-Uh-... Um... When we got a good ways away, Gen beat the brat up- but nothin' too bad! He was fine! Just rounghin' him up, and he didn't even fight back. Just mouthed off, which pissed Gen off. His eye changed colours though, which was gross and freaky... Then, Gen went to keep at it, but... I-I don't know.... Someone stopped him. When we all woke up, Gen and Calen were hurt, we'd all been knocked out cold, and the brat was gone..." A second thug spoke next.
"That one-" The one in the worst shape, and remaining silent in the corner, "Is Gen, or Gento Kariku." All Might stood, leaving the room and continuing to speak from there to Naomasa.
"Is there any credit to that story?" All Might asked.
"As far as crime scenes go, most of it fits. There were signs of a scuffle, but as to how badly Naoki was beaten, the only evidence we have were Gen's offensive injuries from his assault on Naoki and blood at the crime scene. Looked like they'd gotten more than 'rough' especially with someone who was already injured- and visibly so. My guess is he'd been shoved against the wall, probably had his head slammed into it, which left the impact blood residue at Naoki's head level... But other than that Gen and Calen sustained far worse injuries than the others. It looked like it was maybe just burns and a beating separately, but after examination... I don't know how to explain it... It was strange, like the person had flames on their skin when they attacked these thieves. But, focused more on Gen and Calen- both of whom physically harmed Naoki the most from what we just learned. There were scorch marks at the scene, and when they were found, they were all just waking up. Naoki wasn't there... Sorry All Might, I don't know what else to say... But thanks to you, we did get that out of them and they won't be so quiet about what else happened now. Do you want me to put out a search or something?" Naomasa asked.
"Yes. But, I will also take this on myself too. He is, even if not by blood, my son now. I should look out for him better. If I had, then this may not have happened. Do you mind if I collect his things? Also, I'm going to look over the crime scene if that's alright. I want to get an idea of what happened, better than what they told me." All Might had deflated, as he asked his questions.
"Yes, follow me. We determined Naoki's phone was damaged by Calen's Quirk. Seems like he can short-circuit small electronics from about 10 meters away..."
"That may be why that 'Calen' character was kneed so... Adeptly... Normal kids would be upset, but Naoki may see it completely different than any other teen. That was one of the first gifts I had given him when he was let out of the hospital. So, in other words, one of the first gifts he'd ever received. And-" He pulled out his phone, showing the last call he'd received, "He was trying to call me. I assume it was when the phone was destroyed. Damn... I'm so stupid... I hope he's safe..." Toshinori looked more upset than Naomasa had seen in a long while as they returned to where Izuku was waiting.
Izuku bounced up, "All Might! How... How did it go?"
"We may have a small lead now, but not much... At least we know a little more about what happened. I'll explain on the way. You look like you're trying to hide something." Toshinori explained, then asked as Midoriya was nervously smiling, shaking a bit, and fiddling with his hands.
"Uh- I asked some of our classmates to help look for him, or at least keep an eye out..." He looked to Toshinori, then quickly added, "J-Just Kacchan and Todoroki-san, since they know him better... I didn't want to drag everyone into it... That would make it harder for you to work... But, Kacchan yelled at me, and Todoroki stayed silent but hung up, so I don't-"
The door to the area opened, a secretary speaking out. "Tsukauchi, your... Guests have someone- make it two- waiting at the front desk. One of them is being loud and disruptive but refuses to leave. I was asked to get them." She nodded toward Toshinori and Izuku, looking distressed and like this situation was way above her tolerance, and paygrade.
Izuku blanched. "Kacchan..." He whined.
So they made for the front. Todoroki was standing against the wall, arms crossed and quiet, while the ash-blonde was pacing and grumpy. The second the door sounded, he started in, thankfully, All Might inflated before going out.
"Deku! What the hell are you doing calling me to help you with something that Eyepatch Freak got himself into?!"
"Now now, young Bakugou, I asked Midoriya to contact some classmates closer to Naoki. He never made it back to the campus last night, and seems he was attacked trying to help stop a robbery."
"Stupid idiot! He was wrecked and still tried to play Hero?! Where do we start? And why call in Icy Hot? You think I'll need his help or something?" Katsuki yelled, pointing a finger at Todoroki, who was unamused at the aggressiveness in the blonde's accusation.
"Why don't we put that on hold for now." All Might had a long day ahead of him, that was certain...
With a sharp throbbing pain in the back of his skull, Naok was pulled awake.
Naoki creaked his eyes open, catching complete darkness, but after glancing around a bit, he saw three distinct glows at the far end of the room. One was probably a cigarette, given the window he could feel a breeze from- except that all three glowed blue. Two were most likely eyes, seeing as they blinked and moved. He could see the smallest, faintest silhouettes of whoever was there. They were seated, the lower corner of the window about the same height as the person's head. And there was another... Something, but it wasn't a solid or consistent shape.
Given the light coming from the window, or rather, lack thereof, it had to still be night. With that and the breeze, Naoki realised they were all broken, in some shape or form. That one happened to have the lower corner busted out.
He could feel rough fabric under him, his head propped up on something that smelled of burning sage. There was a blanket over him, but Naoki couldn't make out much else except that he was obviously not on the ground.
Naoki could hear the smallest mumbles, but his focus was too out of reach.
When he tried to move the smallest bit, two of the glowing spots- definitely eyes- flashed towards him. There was a voice that Naoki registered, able to comprehend this time.
"There, he's awake. Your shift. I gotta get before I'm noticed. You got this?"
There wasn't a reply, but the person whose form he could actually make out stood, approaching as Naoki squeezed his eyes shut, the smallest bit of apprehension and worry turning to fear. He couldn't move much. Naoki could tell his bandages had been changed and he was in a good deal of discomfort and occasional throbs in his skull actually crossed into pain, but above all, he couldn't use any of his Quirks. It was obviously not restraints or drugs or anything added to his body or system, since Blood Tempter would have been triggered in one form or another. But he still couldn't fight or run, and that worried him.
"Calm down, little one. If there's anyone in this fucked up little world who would never hurt ya, it's the two of us. Though, I might get close. This guy, not a chance in hell he'd hurt ya." There was another person out of nowhere. Or more accurately, the black shifting shape became the other person.
Before Naoki could really respond or try to do anything, a sharp pain stabbed through his skull, shooting down his spine, across every injury he'd gotten at the USJ and the crap in the alley. With that, he was gone. Black encasing everything yet again.
Warm... And... My head... Where?
Naoki opened his eyes. It seemed like too easy a feat considering he felt he'd struggled with it for a while at some point, just to fall back unconscious when he couldn't do it, giving up. It was strange- feeling like he'd been being carried at some point.
All he could see was darkness. There were tiny, minuscule flecks of light from a window, suggesting it had been foiled over. But the light was enough to suggest daytime. He'd been out essentially an entire night, maybe longer, and actually slept.
That was when he noticed a few previously missed changes and improvements.
For starters, his bandages had all been changed. From there, it was one realisation following the next.
Almost all of his lingering injuries from the USJ and the beating he took in the alley were either fully healed or repairing themselves far more rapidly than normal. His joints were feeling better than they ever had- in his memory, that is.
His left arm that had been in a sling was carefully handled, now wrapped perfectly, gently held properly in place between his own bandaged torso and a tighter shirt than the one covering most of his body. There was a hand-made, impromptu device keeping it situated right for how it needed to remain to heal, and keeping that in mind alongside how he was laying. It was oddly tender and a weird kind of professional and seemingly tender.
Naoki's hair was loosened, left free- the hair tie was gone. He was glad he'd left the metal band in exchange for the white ribbon he used to wear before Aldera. When he'd still been in the hospital.
His clothes had all been exchanged out. As disconcerting as that may be for most, Naoki's instincts weren't reacting from it. He was in the tighter shirt over his arm and torso, thinner sleeves akin to a tank top. Over this there was another shirt- unfamiliar, stretched out and baggy, hanging low enough that a good portion of his chest was exposed, and barely stayed on him, both shoulders uncovered. It stopped just below where his hips would bend, where they met his legs. And here, there were boxers. They were a little baggy, yet had that feeling of unuse, fresh and still creased from a package- they felt dry, but unworn and never used.
Naoki's hair was damp, and smelled of different soaps than he used, as everything Naoki used was mint and eucalyptus-infused or scented.
Then there was the unmistakable smell of blood. Given how injured Naoki knew he'd been, that made sense. But it wasn't just his own blood. He knew his had an off scent compared to normal blood.
That was worrying enough for Naoki.
Naoki noted his position was closer to the ground, Ricochet supplying and calculating he was closer based on gravity's hold over his body. With a small movement of his free hand, he felt a futon mattress underneath him, a sheet and rougher quilt of some sort over him. It felt like denim, and the sheets above and beneath were both worn, old cotton. Those two fabrics had distinctly unique textures to him, easy enough to recognise, even in the dark.
When he was done examining the two blankets with his hand, he pulled it upward, closer to his body from where it had been outstretched before, while he was asleep. Naoki frozen, breath stilled, when he felt the blankets shift, not by his own movement. Whoever was there wasn't on the bed, but on the ground beside it. And, Naoki realised they were the source of that comforting warmth, as well as the scent he'd caught: Burning sage, an almost familiar cologne, and the same scents he recognised from his own off-scent. So, the same soaps, Naoki surmised.
He didn't feel alarmed or frightened. Naoki put a lot of trust in his instincts, and this person didn't make him feel anything negative. He felt safe... Which was something Naoki had only felt with Toshinori around.
So with that comprehension, Naoki sat up slowly, feeling around the bed, close to where he figured the other would be. His uninjured right hand giving him the layout a bit better. They weren't lying down, but were slumped against the wall the bed was close to, since the ground close enough that they would be at, unless they were smaller than a four-year-old, was empty but had a distinct warmth.
Heat, Naoki corrected. Enough to make him comfortable, but too much for most any others.
Reaching outward and upward towards the wall a bit further, Naoki felt skin. Rough, dry skin. Charred. A familiar texture, Naoki realised, similar to the skin on his own back. A leg, he realised, based on how the limb was structured and positioned. The skin's texture changed a half-inch below the hem of clothing- well-worn cotton, Naoki discerned. That small strip felt close to normal skin texture, but was dotted with hot metal strips Naoki also recognised, knowing how his own back was pieced together.
Naoki couldn't press further safely, knowing that it would broach dangerously close to private, personal and inappropriate, so he wasn't sure if the shorts were undergarments or not. He also couldn't reason out with certainty whether the person was male or not just from what he could tell of the leg's structure.
Outside one thing. Whoever they were, they were definitely underweight. That much was abundantly clear. And it worried Naoki horribly. He felt guilty too, regretting having to rely on someone when he was the one training to be a Hero, for one, and for ending up inconveniencing someone who was far more in need of help.
Naoki made his hand to the wall behind where his head had been at first, having had to turn and face it to be able to reach. He continued feeling around toward the person, he brushed what he assumed was a shoulder, then progressed further down the arm. More of an idea of their muscular structure would be helpful in determining the person's gender.
But, his hand was caught by the person's own before he got any further. Naoki froze. He was still decently relaxed. His instincts weren't firing off at the person's presence, still not alarming him at all.
"Awake already? Geeze... Barely got any sleep." A monotonous, almost bored voice sounded out, gruff and deeper, undoubtingly tired, though, Naoki could tell without question. It was now obviously a male he was with.
"Eh- S-Sorry... I don't... Sleep well or long... Um..." Naoki didn't really know how to respond, but that was more due to lack of information rather than fear or worry. He couldn't tell if what flashed through his brain actually happened or not.
"Figures. I'll grab something for you to eat, then check over what those punks did. Seems you heal fast as it is, so I imagine you're at least better by now." The voice replied as Naoki felt the blanket shift, and the heat leave along with the person, a door opening and closing softly, but still very little light coming in when it did.
When the door opened and closed again, Naoki saw a small light turn on after a few seconds, but nothing more than a dim red spherical light in the corner.
"Here. It's just some fruit and a pop. Not much more here..." Naoki looked to the man, taller than average, but younger, it looked.
He couldn't see much more, specifically, other than spiky dark hair, and what looked to be either makeup or... Possibly bruising on a good portion of the man's skin, aside from his hands, and the upper half of his face, besides under his eyes. Naoki sincerely hoped it wasn't more of the same burned skin he'd felt on the man's leg or arm. Like was on his back.
The man was holding out a small orange and a can of soda.
"Thanks. Not sure why you stepped in, but I appreciate it. I don't think I could have made it out of that one... That one smashed me into the wall pretty hard... My head was already injured, but was almost better... One more hit and I'd have been out. I also left my wallet there, so I can't reimburse you for the food, or help..." Naoki mumbled, more just distracting himself as he peeled the fruit.
"Not all Heroes seek payment. They shouldn't... So, what were you doing picking a fight with that group of punks all beat to shit already?" The man asked, seating himself where he'd previously been, pulling the blankets back up, returning the heat.
Humming at the warmth, Naoki pulled the tab open on the pop. The man chuckled. "Cold, huh?"
"Yeah. I seem to get cold easily no matter what I do... And, to be honest, getting into that mess wasn't intentional. I go to that store a lot, and Yasuki-san said they were having troubles, so he and the other male clerk took up overnights to help... That group showed up, so I helped. Any good person would have, Hero or no, compensation or no...
Went to call my dad when I was out to let him know I'd be back soon when the guy fried my phone... From there, it went downhill... If it had just been him, after I dropped him I'd probably have been fine. But when his buddies all came out, I was toast... I have a pretty good idea of what my body can and can't take, so, I didn't think fighting back would have actually done much good.
If anything, I'd just get hurt worse since as you said, I was already busted to shit... As long as they didn't kill me, I would recover... And if they tried, I had a backup for that... Not a great one, for sure, but still usable... A hell of a lot more dangerous, for all of them, and myself..." Naoki sipped and ate the orange, crunching the can as compact as he could when he was finished, after putting the peel in it.
"Thank you again. My name's Naoki." He smiled, offering a hand to the man.
"You are naive. Unbelievably so... Why aren't you panicked at all, waking up some strange place, with someone you don't know?"
"Hmmm... I wouldn't say I'm that naive... I trust my instincts, and you don't trigger them at all... Never had any reason to doubt them, so if I'm not feeling frightened or threatened by you, then I don't really see the need to worry... And, what's even more odd... I actually feel... Safe..." Naoki shrugged. "I have only felt that around my dad since I woke up... " Naoki made to retract his still lingering hand, surprised when the man grasped it and shook once.
"Dabi. That's all I go by..."
"I actually didn't... I don't know my last name, so I just introduce my first name usually... I wasn't trying to hide it..." Naoki explained.
"I didn't say anything about it, and that's not why I gave you Dabi. That's just what I go by. Now, let's check those injuries. I should get you back out there before you're considered missing. Hospitals and I don't get along, and I don't trust police... No offense." Dabi grabbed a small flat device, the red light brightening slowly to orange, then yellow, and then white, then actually brightened to light up the room fairly well.
"That's a sweet light." Naoki looked back to Dabi as he reached for a box, turning out to be a first aid kit.
When Dabi remained silent, Naoki looked closer, seeing what the darker marks were.
"Scars... Burns..." Naoki muttered, pained and worried by confirming his own odd desire for them not to be. His voice was barely a whisper as his hand reached up to the burnt skin on Dabi's cheeks. Dabi froze as he touched them.
"Ah- Sorry... Just... You're the first person I've met with scars like mine... But yours... look like they hurt." Naoki withdrew, embarrassed he'd done that so casually.
Dabi remained quiet, Naoki letting him check over the injuries that had previously lingered. Dabi had changed the bandages on Naoki's ribs, head, and a few other places where injuries from the Villain attack had still been whenever he had changed them. He was calm, and surprisingly skilled with his treatment of the few injuries still visible, namely the reactions of pain when he inspected Naoki's skull near the back, which was the last thing he checked over.
Dabi was silent, but it wasn't uncomfortable to Naoki.
When he finished, he wrapped Naoki's head again, before he spoke. "Your head is still split open a bit, so lay your ass back down and rest some more. I'm not comfortable letting you out of here until you're fully recovered." Dabi finished by slipping Naoki's arm back to where it had been, now rewrapped, just like his torso and head. Gentle and careful. "Why do you have trouble sleeping?" Dabi continued with a question.
As Naoki lay back down, rolling onto his side to continue looking toward Dabi as he answered.
"Nightmares... But I never remember what happened... Why they make it impossible for me to sleep more than a few hours unless I'm drugged... But. when that happens, it's worse, like being stuck in a nightmare that I can't wake up from, can't end... That's about all I know..." Naoki yawned... "So, I'm always tired, and never quite fully rested... Medicine doesn't help... Tried so many different kinds I finally said screw it and stopped taking any... Sorry..." Naoki apologised, not really knowing why he was, but it was a habit, one he had no precedence he could attribute it to, but had done for as long as he could remember.
"Anyone ever stayed with you when you slept? I had a friend when I was a kid that did that. It worked like a lucky charm." Dabi asked, still speaking straight and blank.
"No... I'm way too stubbourn to ask that of anyone..." Naoki replied, huffing at himself. He was getting drowsy again. Being warm and comfortable did that, which was part of why he avoided those two in combination if he wanted to avoid sleeping.
"Good thing I don't care if you ask. I want my bed, and you're on it with my blankets." Dabi went over Naoki, to the stretch of mattress behind him, the cold leaving as quickly as it came back when Dabi left and returned under the blanket. "I'll wake you up at dusk, but if you wake up first, feel free to do the same. Don't even try to leave without me."
"Fine by me... For... Some reason... I feel... Safe... Here... you..." Naoki's words were trailing off as he slipped into sleep.
When dusk came and passed. Dabi had awoken, but didn't wake Naoki up, seeing he hadn't stirred or woken up that whole time, sleeping soundly. He wanted Naoki to get as much rest as he wanted and needed. Dabi knew he could use it, and desperately needed it.
But Dabi knew any longer than midnight would be pushing it. He'd get Naoki up and back then at the latest.
Consciousness came with a foreign feeling of being well-rested, perfectly warm and so calm Naoki wasn't sure if his muscles wanted to move. He felt more relaxed than he'd ever felt. Not a hint of anxiety or stress or nervousness. Hot a hint of exhaustion or even- for the first time ever- a touch of cold to Naoki.
When Naoki felt the smallest shift from beside him, below the blanket and above its line, there was a low groan as the leg that Dabi had rested up against the wall lowered to the mattress.
Naoki scooted closer, revelling in the warmth Dabi somehow emitted so thoroughly and unrelentingly. He was drowning in how comfortable he felt.
He could already feel the slightly dampened shirt, similarly stretched and loosely fitted as the one on him. The skin beneath the shirt radiated heat like a furnace. It left a good span of Dabi's chest bare, just not as much as it did on Naoki, suggesting Dabi had wider-set shoulders and probably a slightly larger frame than Naoki did.
Naoki's thoughts were becoming increasingly muddled in worried curiosity as he reached for Dabi's face. He'd done it so casually before it had seemed almost familiar. When Dabi let a sigh out that seemed like he'd relaxed exponentially at Naoki's touch, Naoki couldn't stop his worry and concern.
Why does this... Comfort both of us... Why does he seem familiar and like he knows me as well?
Naoki pulled away, a confused and almost frustrated huff of breath leaving him as he forcibly kept his hands away from Dabi. Then he noticed Dabi's heartbeat and breathing, his own eyes widening at realising too late.
His eyes looked back, immediately locking onto a glowing turquoise pair, narrowed and watching him. Naoki scurried back to where he'd been before, but ended up tumbling off the futon before Dabi spoke.
"Calm down. You don't need to panic, Naoki. I'm not going to hurt you. Curiosity is better than assumptions." Dabi's gaze seemed to align with what he said, but Naoki could see something a bit like hurt in the burning turquoise gaze looking at him.
"S-S-S... Sorry... Dabi..." Naoki apologised, knowing he'd probably upset anyone else if he'd done that.
With that, Dabi gave Naoki a concerned and regretful look, guilt for something Naoki couldn't even hope to guess. They were both silent for a few minutes, just lying there, meeting each other's eyes. More like Naoki looking up, seeing Dabi's still on his, and looking away too quickly.
"Alright." Dabi sighed, stretching and sitting up to stretch more, a yawn escaping before he continued. "Time to get up and going." Dabi pulled the covers off of himself, ensuring they didn't leave Naoki, and the ones that had been on him went over the smaller teen.
"I'll get you another quick bite, then we'll need to head out."
Once Naoki had eaten the food Dabi brought, Dabi scooted closer to Naoki, hand almost going up but stopping as Dabi spoke his intent. "Let me check that last open injury, then I'll lend you some warmer clothes and get you back out where I picked you up. I don't want to deal with any trouble for keeping you here too long..."
Dabi reached for the bandage, feeling the area that Naoki had flinched at earlier, no reaction. After undressing the wound, he did it again, and the results were the same.
"Guess I don't need to be so worried... You're not..." The last words were spoken with more distance, almost in a reminiscing way, but far quieter than his previous words. He was silent for a few minutes, looking at the hand that had felt Naoki's skull emptily.
"Did I pass the inspection, Dabi?" Naoki pressed slightly, not wanting to push any boundaries, but worried when Dabi had gotten quiet.
"Yeah. Stay put. I'll be back." Dabi got up, going to the corner of the room and grabbing a pair of jeans and a jacket. "Your other clothes are stained quite a bit and I'm not fond of the idea of you being out or returned in that state. So here. Put these on, then I'll walk you back." Dabi handed the clothes to Naoki and left the room, waiting outside the same door as earlier.
Once dressed, Naoki stood, tapping the door. "I'm done. Are my shoes-"
"Out here. Hurry up." Dabi interrupted.
Naoki walked out, seeing a small room, only a little longer than the bedroom, but equally wide, being a small kitchenette, and living area or dining area. He caught glimpses of another door in the bedroom, which may be the bathroom.
After getting shoes on, Dabi led Naoki out the other door in the living room, to the outside. Naoki didn't recognise the area in the least, but it looked like a warzone. Crumbling buildings, abandoned warehouses, busted out street lights.
Naoki could feel his own anxiety and nervousness making his shivering worse, feeding into the tremours.
He heard a chuckle, "Relax. No way I'm going to hurt you or let anyone else get close enough to hurt you out here."
When Naoki lost footing and almost tripped, he felt his body caught by Dabi's burned arms, followed by being hoisted up princess style. Dabi was content carrying Naoki like this for a few solid blocks before they reached a slightly busier road, still only taking alleyways up to this point.
When they reached the mouth of that alley, lights could be seen approaching from around the corner, Naoki was set down and pressed between Dabi and the graffitied brick wall of the alleyway, Dabi's arms trapping Naoki in, but blocking Naoki from being seen by passersby- Naoki able to hear voices, not one noticing or vocalising the scene in any way.
Naoki still felt tense. He wasn't feeling anything but good things from Dabi, but being seen when he'd kinda vanished, and his dad was All Might wouldn't end well for Dabi, no matter how good he had been and how much Naoki trusted him or felt good things from him. Police and Heroes wouldn't take kindly to the situation or circumstances whatsoever.
"Heh. Hey, stop worrying so damn much. No offense, but you're... you're a kid, and anyone who would think of hurting a kid is kindling and trash in my book." Dabi was serious with those words, though his next seemed aimed at easing the tension, cocky and joking. "Besides. What are ya, like ten?" It was the same derisive nature Naoki used in combat.
"N-No! I'm sixteen. I'm in my first year of Highschool." Naoki returned, louder than he normally was at first, but toning down when he saw a small, softer and far more gentle smile on Dabi's face this time.
Dabi gave a small, satisfied but relieved laugh. Then, was back to taunting Naoki just the same, still aiming at lighthearted mockery than outright degradation.
"No way. Uh-uh. Nope. You aren't sixteen, even if you were, you're a scrawny shit for sixteen. But anyway... That being said, kiddo- you do need to be careful out here. Really anywhere, to honest. Those thugs- they would have gone a lot further. It's not the first time they and their fucking group have hurt people. They've killed, kidnapped, stalked, beaten, robbed... They've done worse than even that." The last words of the sentence were spoken with more distance, almost in a reminiscing way, but far quieter than his previous words. "Even so-called Heroes do worse..."
"And what about you? You're living in this neighbourhood... Don't you have any self-concern or heck- even someone you can stay with? I'm worried about you living there alone and I barely know you..." Naoki asked, shocking Dabi enough for them to stop after having trekked a few blocks once they'd turned the corner at the alleyway, now going down a different set of dead side-streets.
"No. I don't not anyone. Friends. Family. Loved ones. Not even an ex or anything. Heh. I doubt you've ever been in a relationship, let alone even been kissed, huh?" Another question that seemed like a test as Dabi dodged anything actually personal or about himself.
Naoki hesitated to answer as the glowing blue eyes looked down to Naoki's, a smirk still cut into Dabi's face, highlighting the staples at the corners of his mouth- even as his eyes showed patience and apprehension. An almost worried longing in their depths.
After a second of locked gazes Dabi's eyes showed small disappointment before he sighed and turned away.
They continued moving, the pace faster with each new alleyway they trekked. Dabi knew where he was going, and well enough to have memorised the route. Naoki, however, was still a little too disoriented to figure out where they were or where they were heading.
When they slowed again, Naoki was still looking down, avoiding the gaze constantly returning to him. He could still feel the concern and almost... loss in those eyes each time they looked to Naoki. He gave his reply, having spent that time thinking of how to word it best.
"So what. So what I've never been in a relationship. That's my own choice, I would think. I'd hope... So what if- if I've never been kissed or even had my first kis-" Naoki felt the kiss- bottom lip charred, rough- the top smooth and soft- as he was pressed almost harshly back until he was once again between Dabi another building as a car passed by ahead at the exit of that alleyway. They'd stepped into a small emptier lot, Naoki against a building, and being blocked from sight of the far busier street ahead by Dabi's taller and slightly wider frame.
Naoki was far too shocked to move.
When Dabi pulled away, his burning turquoise blue eyes remained fixed on Naoki's, his face still only a half-inch away, eyes harder now, but now looking pained, aching in something Naoki couldn't place a specific or independent emotion onto. "Please. Don't be so naive. Everything can be stolen from you. Your home, friends and family. Your memories. Your innocence and happiness. Your life... Your lover... Be glad I only stole your first kiss. Others won't be as kind." He pulled Naoki closer again, wrapping Naoki in an addictingly warm embrace as he inhaled, words brushing Naoki's ear as they were whispered out, deeper and still rasped and rough. "But, you've got a promise to keep, as do I. That being said, I'm sure I'll see you again soon." He pulled away, aiming to leave.
Dabi stopped dead in his tracks when Naoki caught his scarred arm.
"Thank you again. I-" Dabi had closed in again, trapping Naoki's head against his chest in another quick embrace before speaking, Naoki's ear pressed closer to the left side of Dabi's chest where he could hear Dabi's heart beating as he heard the next spoken words resonate throughout the warmth he was pressed against.
"Don't thank me so much." A deep, dejected sigh left Dabi before he continued.
"You worry too much about everyone else, and so little about yourself." Dabi shrugged off his jacket, draping it over Naoki's shoulders before he got right up next to Naoki's ear.
"Take care of yourself until next time. The jacket too. I left something in it that is important to me." With a small distance placed between them so turquoise eyes could meet red and frosted, shimmering and near-metallic icy blue, Dabi spoke again.
"'Till we both can fulfill what we've promised, enjoy the little present I left you, Naoki. Nao. My little prince."
After a quick kiss to Naoki's cheek, Dabi finally took off back the way he'd come, glancing back once, a look not unlike worry in his burning turquoise eyes, before turning to leave for good, leaving Naoki stunned at the familiarity Dabi had shown, the concern and caution, the care. The tenderness Dabi's voice displayed with each nickname.
Naoki's now uninjured left hand found the lingering warmth on his cheek, unable to help but feel that was familiar and... Wondering what Dabi meant about 'promises' Naoki had made, ones Dabi had made.
Naoki tugged the jacket a little tighter, as much as he could, feeling a bit of weight in the left pocket, finding his ring, and a few bills rolled up in it. Loosening them from inside his ring, Naoki looked through the coil of paper, finding them to be hiding a note.
Get a new phone, and when you do, let me know.
Below that, was a number.
Naoki smiled, a small chuckle at the gesture, a little confused about what part of it was important, but still thankful he had his ring...
So, he hurriedly slipped his ring on, glancing once more at the note before using Time Manipulation to reverse the writing on it. Once he was done, having dropped the paper scrap back into his pocket, Naoki relaxed a bit, and finally took the chance to look around at his surroundings properly.
"Huh...? The... Store...?" He realised, seeing the same place he'd run into the thugs before, behind the convenience store.
The back door opened, Naoki seeing Yasu hauling out a garbage bag, stopping and dropping it when he saw the short raven-haired teen.
"Nao-chan?! Where-What happened? Are you okay? C'mon, kiddo, get outta the cold." He waited until Naoki got closer, pulling the door shut behind him as he put his arms around Naoki to guide him in the pitch black of the back room. "Sorry, the bulbs need replaced back here... I'll get Yagi-san over here. Sit down in the office. Geeze kiddo, you've gotta be chilled through and through."
He pulled the rolling chair out from under his boss's desk, grabbing his coat and handing it to Naoki, already having seen the other one draped around Naoki's shoulders and worried about the implications, since Naoki was a little quiet and seemed lost in thought.
He pulled out his phone while pouring a hot chocolate from the machine to give the kid, calling Toshinori.
"Hello? Yagi-san?"
"Yes? Who- Oh! Yasumitsu. Sorry. Did you-"
"Nao-chan's here. I was taking out the trash just a minute or two ago, and he was standing back there... He's a little outta it and seems cold... You oughta have someone come and get his statement, but I'll see what I can get from him."
"Really?! Yes! I-I'll be there as soon as I can. Thank you, Yasumitsu." Toshinori replied, Yasu able to hear three other voices in the background, one he recognised as the bright green from before, the other two seemed different, one aggressive, the other cold and aloof.
After he cut the line, he returned to Naoki, who's hands were fiddling with the jacket he'd had when he arrived, still thinking, but his attention returned fully when Yasu handed him the hot drink.
"Nao-chan? Are you alright?" He started slow, one question at a time.
"Y-Yeah. My left shoulder is still a little ouchy, which means it's probably damaged at the joint worse than it was broken... But I'm okay otherwise. I slept pretty well, and a lot..." He ghosted a smile, an odd fondness in his eyes for a second before Yasu asked his next question.
"Can you tell me where you were?" He asked, waiting as Naoki finished the sip he'd taken.
"Not sure... I didn't pay close enough attention... On the way back... There, I wasn't... awake." Naoki wasn't sure the first memory he'd had was real, or just a far-fetched dream, so he kept it to himself.
"Was anyone else there?" Yasu had a bit more experience than the average convenience store clerk, so a single question was better than multiple. Though, how unusually calm Naoki was after being kidnapped was... Uncanny. Especially considering Naoki was the anxious and nervous type... It was the most of why he himself wasn't panicking either.
"Um-hm." Was what he got. "About all I could figure out was male, over 175 cm, and about the same waist as me, considering I don't need a belt with his pants... Weight, he was probably below average for his height. But lean and built a little... Not necessarily unhealthy in weight... Hair was dark and spiked... Voice was-" He swayed his head, as if in thought, "I'd say a little lighter than dad's when he's... Tinier... Smartass, though..." Naoki finished.
That's quite a bit for how he started with 'about all I could figure out-'... He's crazily observant, and still showing next to no signs of panic or trauma. Either that's good, or, reality hasn't caught up with him yet...
"Did he hurt you? I'm asking, since you mentioned your shoulder still aching." Yasu continued, deciding that keeping Naoki taking would probably help him figure out more than silence.
With a shake of his head, Naoki answered, "No... If anything... I think I healed up faster, even not using my Quirk... Though, he said my clothes were bloodstained from the head wound those guys gave me... These clothes are his, I assume... The boxers I have on now were new, like outta the package new... The shirt, pants and... Jackets are his... And he changed out my bandages and my hair was damp, like it'd been washed when I woke up earlier- the first time... my hair tie was gone... The first time I woke up, after he gave me something to eat, he said... Basically, to lay back down and rest some more, that he wasn't comfortable letting me leave until I was fully recovered." Naoki paused to take another sip of the hot drink.
"Yasuki... I actually... I slept... Like a lot... And not a single bad dream, nightmare, night terror... Nothing... And... My instincts, gut feelings... Nothing about him scared me or made me panic or frightened me... I felt safe around him... Then, before he left, how he sp-"
"Naoki!" "Naoki, my boy!" "Damn Eyepatch!" Naoki spun in the rolling chair, seeing All Might, Izuku, Katsuki, which was a surprise. Even more so was Todoroki behind them, an out-of-place worried face- barely visible- yet still there.
With his left hand reaching behind his head, Naoki replied, "H-Hey. S-Sorry for-"
"Enough of that, Naoki. We were worried, but that's not something you need to apologise for." All Might stopped him, both he and Izuku giving Naoki a tight hug when he made to stand up.
"Whatever happened, we're just glad you're safe. Mom's been worried about you too. Speaking of which, I gotta let her know you're safe. I think she stayed awake all day so far just trying to keep busy until we found you..." Izuku added.
"Inko-san..." Naoki almost sunk, feeling bad for putting so many people out by his unintentional vanishing act.
"Straight there and back, huh, Eyepatch? That's what Deku said, then you go try and stop a bunch of punks still beat to shit? You got a death wish or somethin'?" Katsuki spouted off, hands buried in his pockets as he almost sneered.
"Sorry, Katsuki-san... It... Kinda didn't go to plan..." Naoki tried to explain, bending at the waist as he apologised, feeling the blonde grip his head lightly.
"Don't go apologising, ya damn nerd. Didn't All Might just tell ya the same thing? Jeeze."
"If I didn't know any better, Katsuki-san, I'd say you're worried~" Naoki taunted, still bowed down, under Katsuki's hand.
"EHH!? The hell you say? Who the hell wouldn't be worried about a weakling like you getting kidnapped and goin' missing outta nowhere?! HUH?!" Katsuki yelled, pushing Naoki's head down further.
"Hey-hey, not so rough." Yasumitsu began, Izuku taking the rest as All Might gestured the clerk to follow him out.
"Careful. His head's still probably injured, Kacchan..." Izuku called out, seeing the bandages still around Naoki's head.
"That's his own damn fault! Eyepatch, you're the only one injured so damn bad after that attack yesterday, and ya went and still tried to play Hero? Ya gotta be an idiot to do that still hurt." Katsuki chided as he moved back to lean against the wall.
"So, Naoki... What... What happened? Your hair's down, and your clothes are different..." Izuku began, Shouto still remaining quieter, but now listening in more.
"Someone... I don't know who he was... But... He stepped in, I think... When those guys were all cornering me, and the one bashed my head against the wall, I know I passed out... But when I woke up..." He shrugged, "There was a guy... I'm pretty sure he'd taken me back to a place he stays... it wasn't much, just a small bedroom and bathroom, and a third room with a tiny kitchenette... But..." Another shrug.
"He didn't hurt me. Changed my bandages and clothes at some point, kept rechecking them whenever I woke up too. Pretty sure he washed my hair, because I know it had to be pretty bloody where my skull was reinjured... He gave me food and made sure I ate and drank each time too. But I slept well, and a lot. I recovered insanely quick for not using my Quirk, and didn't have any bad- well- anything, in my sleeping. Good actual dreams for the first time I can remember.
When I was healed up, he walked me back here, but I wasn't really able to focus enough to know where we came from... Both times I was awake, it was dark outside, so I didn't see what he looked like." Naoki had his right hand at the back of his neck as he spoke that line and continuing forward.
"But even though he was a smartass he didn't hurt me. But he seemed to enjoy teasing and lightheartedly mocking me, like- nicer than I am in combat if the occasion calls for it. And he was warm... Like... Warm enough I wasn't cold even just with this shirt and what's under these clothes- and with only two thinner blankets over me, and... Yeah..." Naoki trailed off, not quite ready for the three classmates to see his face as red as he imagined it would get.
"That's... Odd? But, I guess it's not necessarily bad. He could have done anything, yet... Didn't..." Izuku muttered, thinking face on, yet not quite spilling out like usual.
"Didn't do anything? Did ya miss where the bastard changed his clothes and washed his hair? Like... That's fucking creepy."
"Not really... If you think about it rationally, Naoki's clothes were probably bloodstained and dirty, given what Midoriya explained about the scuffle he'd been in in the alleyway, and being dragged around by those thugs. And in the case of washing his hair... Having blood and whatnot matted in after getting his head bashed in would risk infection or worse, and wouldn't exactly be comfortable. The most worrying aspect, though... Is why not just take Naoki back to a hospital? Why take care of him himself?" Todoroki finally spoke, level-headed rational stepping over Katsuki's assessment.
"That's... What I wondered as well... That and also why he'd take someone that injured to such a rundown place, even if he was living there... Both of those are worrying in their own right. Naoki, did he do anything else?" Izuku asked.
"Um... The first time I woke up, after he checked and changed my bandages and made sure I'd eaten, he had me lay back down and rest some more, said that he wasn't comfortable letting me leave until I was fully recovered. And... When he walked me back here, and a lot more, now that I think about it... but most definitely towards the end, he spoke almost familiarly, like he knew me... I didn't recognise him for crap, but the nickname he used... Almost, well, now... Almost feels like I've heard it before... Almost familiar..." He was holding his left hand to his mouth as he spoke, putting new pieces together on his own after they'd settled. It was supposed to be nestled into the sling, but he'd absentmindedly lifted it to his mouth.
"What? The hell kinda nicknames can ya give someone ya just kidnapped off the streets and started taking care of like an injured dog?"
"Nothing weird, Katsu-san... Just... He knew..." He shook his head a little. "He called me 'Nao'... Which isn't abnormal, but... No honorifics or anything, and... It was almost tender, kind... Completely opposite the teasing and taunting he'd done the majority of the time I'd had to talk to him..." Naoki answered, cutting out the other nickname the guy had called him, being far more intimate than just 'Nao', and seemed more personal. Naoki wasn't exactly fond of revealing it, as it was suggestive of some form of intimacy between Dabi and Naoki, and he couldn't remember yet, so decided to keep quiet for the time being.
"That's-" Izuku began, being interrupted by All Might and Yasu's return.
"Naoki, can you step out and give your statement to Tsukauchi. They'll also need the clothes you've got for evidence, but we can do that after getting you something to change in to." All Might asked, seeing Naoki's hands tighten and try to clench on to the edges of the jackets over his shoulders.
"Y-Yeah... Just... I want to k-keep... I w-want them back..." He attempted to ask, pulling the jackets around himself better.
"Naoki, you know how this kind of thing works. You were kidnap-"
"No. Kidnappings are done with intent to harm, gain something from it, or get rid of something... N-Not... Not to help... Not to let the person finally get some sleep after months of crippling insomnia after almost two years of acute insomnia... Not to let them heal and recover without needing to use their Quirk... Not to take care of them and ensure they at least ate something each time they woke up while healing or to stop something profoundly bad from happening when they've been injured and beaten to unconsciousness..." Naoki trailed off, aware he'd probably shocked all of them.
"I know you see it that way, Naoki, but unless there was consent from you to be taken by this man, legally speaking, you were kidnapped. And that doesn't even matter, since you are a minour, so consent wasn't yours to give." Tsukauchi explained.
"So when dad found me on the verge of death and took me to a hospital, and now takes care of me... That wasn't? What was different? Could me, in that state, even if I may have been conscious... Could I have given 'consent'?" Naoki asked, looking between All Might, Yasumitsu and Tsukauchi.
"Naoki..." He heard Izumi behind him, worry in the green's voice.
"I'm fine if you have the statement, if you're wanting information about what happened, sure. All I want is to keep the clothes. If you wanna inspect them or whatever first, then fine. I just want them back... He only gave me the jackets because I was cold. He let me borrow his clothes when mine were stained with blood and gross from being dragged through alleys full of glass and rubbish and grime." Naoki gave his final argument.
He heard All Might sigh. "I suppose it wouldn't be too big of trouble to allow it, but they will have to be examined for evidence first. In the meantime, I think having any remaining injuries and what was added to the initial ones from the USJ also looked over by Hajime would be a good idea. It'll give us a better idea of how much you healed without using your Quirk... Can we compromise there, Naoki?" When Naoki hesitated to answer, All Might tried a slightly different tone, leaving Katsuki and Todoroki curious again at how the two behaved with each other. "Please, Naoki."
Naoki looked up, peeking at the Pro before fully turning his gaze fully back to the group. "Y-Yeah... Compromise. That works." He had a feeling this was going to be a lot more than what All Might said he'd have to be looked over for. Hence the hesitation. He knew what the test would remind him of. Well, not the exact memories or events, but what they proved. But he knew All Might would be satisfied better this way, and he'd get to keep what Dabi had given him. He wanted to make sure he could give it back when he met Dabi again. And this was a reason he could use to see Dabi again too.
Naoki held his right arm out, the left was still in a sling back where it belonged, so remained at his side.
All Might showed a different look to this smile, opening his own arms as Naoki hugged him. "Thank goodness you're safe. You've worried all of us, but I'm glad you're okay. I'm also happy whoever this man was seemed to only want you to recover. Anyone else, and you'd have been in greater danger. I can at least be thankful for that."
"Y-Yeah... Thank you, though..." Naoki replied, the humongous man having lifted him off the ground, "Oof... Too... Tight... Ouchy..."
"Ah! My bad, Naoki." He set Naoki down, the tiny raven wheezing, right hand going to rub his left shoulder as Katsuki and Todoroki were confused and curious.
"Eyepatch? The hell's up with you and All Might? You're always pretty informal with him, and then that? You've got some explaining to do." The aggro blonde crashed his hand to his fist with a small show of his Quirk.
"Eh... Oh... That's right..." Naoki wasn't able to answer as Tsukauchi approached, Yasumitsu also close behind.
"Naoki, can I ask you to follow me? All Might will tag along while we get you to the hospital to get checked over. I'll get your statement there. You three." He looked to Todoroki, Katsuki and Izuku. "Please ride along with Yasumitsu, who'll be following behind us. I'll need to get your statements as well as explain some things to keep this away from the media as much as possible."
"Alright. That's the last of it. From these results, he wasn't wrong. Without use of Blood Tempter, his recovery time is usually only slightly above average for his age group. Yet, when you compare his current state with what injuries he still had when he left yesterday, it's definitely abnormal. Abnormally faster. Even the reinjury to his cranium is essentially recovered completely. There's barely any remaining damage. His shoulder blade is also healed, though, due to it having been his left that was broken, he noticed ligament damage that was missed before.
So, essentially, even with how much recovery time we predicted he'd be facing, outside needing to keep that shoulder from moving too much, at all if possible, he's essentially fully recovered.
That being said, he'll need to refrain from using his Quirk still for two more days, just to be sure, and his shoulder needs to rest a good three, four days, though, returning to normal movement slowly and carefully can begin in two." Hajime explained, tired violet eyes and messy purple hair tousled by a hand run through it.
"Also... He's stabilised quite well from all of the uninterrupted sleep. Even when he was comatose before, his brain waves weren't like any comatose patient I've ever seen. They were what happens during night terrors, just... He couldn't wake up. He's a lot calmer now. Heart rate, stress levels, how much he normally overthinks everything... Now, his mind's calm enough to rationally process things properly as opposed to the trainwreck it was last time he was in for a checkup before the USJ incident. I imagine if you put doctorates level science-based problems in front of him this time, he'd be done in a half-hour and not miss a single one. He's needed that good of sleep, just never been able to get it." He looked up to All Might, then to the others in the room, sighing at the dumbfound look the blonde wore, smiling slightly at the tenderness the rest had, in varying levels.
"I see. Thank you, Shinsou-san. Young Midoriya, have you called your mother yet?" When the green freaked out, rushing out of the room, All Might turned to the other two. "If you haven't given a call home yet, you should do the same. It's approaching midnight, and I've had you three out most of the day."
Katsuki mumbled something about an old hag, but Todoroki remained, All Might trying something a bit different, "Young Todoroki, may I ask you to go accompany Naoki? I believe the clothes Naoki wanted to keep have been examined and returned ready for him, and they'll need delivered. The other two can join you two after they are finished."
Todoroki remained silent, looking back once before leaving, bringing the door to a near close with him.
"Did you..."
"Yes. The other exam you and the other two officers requested. He's fine. Whoever it was... Didn't touch him or anything in that nature. I know you were worried about it given the exams when he was brought in after you found him, but there's nothing new on this exam. He was lucky. From the sounds of it, incredibly so.
It's a little disconcerting the man didn't bring Naoki to a hospital, but still... It almost seems he knew Naoki better than the average person. Perhaps, better than any of us in some aspects.
But to abduct him and not do anything is definitely odd, though perhaps we should be thankful for that much. And, if he was the one who burned and beat that lot to that extent, then it's a bit more confusing..." Hajime finished.
"I agree. Why get involved with something dangerous, with people he didn't know, and so aggressively at that, just to take care of the victim, carefully and ensuring their recovery and safety and overall health, then turn around and walk them back to a place the victim considered safe and vanish without a trace? Most wouldn't. Heroes excluded, your average person wouldn't get involved." Yasumitsu added, followed by more of his own assessment as Tsukauchi listened in.
"Then, the extent he burned and beat two of the attackers... Wasn't Heroic, almost... Villain-like, or vengeful, at least. Yet, how meticulously he tended to and took care of Naoki, and seemed to know what he was doing... Average civilians wouldn't do that... Any of it... So, it suggests something personal. That the man knew Naoki, knew his Quirk, and how to help Naoki recover and sleep..."
"It's a familiarity even we don't quite have with Naoki..." All Might put in.
"Odds are whoever he was, he knew a lot more about Naoki than even the kid knows about himself, and that any emotions he has for Naoki aren't negative or ill-intended. But... How he handled those attacking Naoki suggests he's normally not so good-natured... At least to someone hurting Naoki... Since the others weren't nearly as bad off as the two who were the most responsible for harming Naoki... The others weren't excessive, just barely enough of a beating to get them down, then using something akin to mildly cutting off airflow until they were only unconscious. Skilled enough to know how to prevent them from suffocating to death and not leave markings from it. Still... Naoki's being harmed seemed to be the trigger for the excessiveness to the other two." Tsukauchi sighed before finishing. "Although it doesn't seem the guy's a full-out Villain, he's no angel either..."
"If anything, based on this, he's kinda like a guardian angel, but one who's fallen... Kinda reminds me of a vengeful spirit too... Capable of kindness and a tender sort of care, yet also full of vengeance towards someone hurting his self-claimed charge... And still able to control his wrath and not kill any of them, and only incapacitate others who weren't as violent with said charge..."
Yasumitsu muttered, a small smile, and after seeing the looks on the other officer's face, the Pro, and the doctor, he added, "But it's still not his call. I see that. I know that well enough... It's just... If he's in the mindset I feel he is, he may not have much trust or faith in either Heroes, police, or even somewhere like a hospital... There may have been something in his past, perhaps even whatever past he had with Naoki that shattered that trust and faith. After all, we all know Naoki's burn scars have such a story behind them. It's not impossible. Even Naoki fears that man."
When the stares looked even more astounded and bewildered, Yasumitsu pointed to his eye. "I may only be an undercover, semi-retired cop, but I've still got this. It's easy to see who Naoki fears and why... And, even though I didn't see the guy in person, that jacket Naoki begged to keep along with the other clothes- the outermost jacket... That, I have seen, and the other clothes are somewhat familiar. Though, I'm now sure the guy's got another one, since this one's less roughed up than the other one, and I've seen him in both.
When Naoki showed up behind the store, their two lines connected, unlike before. If I meet or see in person both sides of a relationship, I can immediately tell who the other side is, though, it'll only actually show and connect if they've met in conscious memory... I knew Naoki was the other side to that guy's based on his Aura's reaction to Naoki's name... But Naoki's side didn't even show at all until tonight."
"Yasumitsu... That's something you should have informed us of before now. I'll need to get it again officially for records, so-"
"Here. This office records for patient care files and the like. I'll make a copy for that with the digital recordings. You can have the tape, just take care of it." Hajime handed Tsukauchi the tape, standing up to leave the room. "If you're all done, I'm exhausted, and now I owe my son a make-up dinner since I wasn't able to be home in time for the one I assume he still made anyways. It's a father-son thing, since I'm usually stuck here, my Quirk being the root of that, we've made it a routine that I'll come home to a meal and eat with him on days off from school... I'm sure he waited up for it and probably won't try to sleep until I show up for it." Hajime opened the door, a little peeved it hadn't been closed the whole way as he gestured they all leave before him.
When All Might made to leave the room, Hajime spoke up again. "The only marks Naoki had at all is a small burn on the middle of his chest, nothing bigger than a thumb-print may be. But given Naoki was probably there when the guy injured the thugs, it may have been accidental. He treated it with some burn relief cream, though, so it'll be recovered nicely, probably won't scar."
"Oh. I see." All Might sighed, fear settling down after hearing the final sentence and a half. "Thank you, Shinsou. I'll return in the morning to take care of the bi-"
"Don't worry about that. Naoki's a unique case, and I enjoy getting to help and learn from this. You've got a full plate as it is, so don't add to it. This is all private practice- at least here- so I can nullify the bill if I see reason to.
Get some rest. You've been in that state a while now. Though, I trust not the entire day. Just make sure Naoki follows the instructions on resting, and make sure he continues his medication properly. I'm surprised he's not having any withdrawals yet, but it seems to have been avoided much the same way Naoki recovered so well.
And on that note, make sure he gets here for his next check-up too. Should be the day after first term is out."
"Very well. Thank you for your assistance today." All Might waved the doctor off, almost deflating from the relief of the potential bill being void.
"Hey, Icy-hot-"
"Yeah, they wanted us out of the room... Don't be nosy."
"Shut up. You can't tell me what to do, ya half-and-half bastard." Katsuki listened in through the door, having stopped Todoroki from closing it the whole way.
With an annoyed sigh, Todoroki went to try and drag Katsuki away, stopping when he heard the conversation. He listened until the doctor gave his reply to All Might's question, then pulled Katsuki away, the blonde incredibly willing at something implied by the doctor's response, something Todoroki already had an inkling of from the past.
When they went into the room Naoki was still waiting in, he had hospital clothes still on, but the jacket also wrapped around his shoulders.
Katsuki kept quieter than usual- or ever- rather. Todoroki looked at the jacket, eyes narrowed, but his quietness wasn't unusual.
"Hey, Katsu-san, Todoroki." Naoki waved as they entered, seeing their faces and getting nervous, especially as Katsuki stayed quiet. "Um... D-Did either o-of you have any clothes from..." He trailed off, seeing neither really focused enough to listen. Todoroki remembered he was supposed to get the clothing for Naoki to change in to, so left to find it, leaving Katsuki there, since he was incredibly docile.
"Hey, Eyepatch... I gotta question. What they were talking about after shoving us three out... You know what it was, don't ya?"
Naoki's head lowered as he answered, eyes also downcast and shoulders growing tenser each second. "Y-Yeah... But that... Was when I was three or four, they think... They said... Based on the tests and such when I was still in a coma... So I know it happened, just don't remember it, or anything much from before my current guardian found me... So, I don't really let it bother me. It's not like I can rewind time and prevent it, so it's not really worth dwelling on... Besides... I was three or four, so I doubt I could have stopped it back then anyway... Based on some tests run on Borrower, I likely didn't grow into it until I was five, or at least, the last few months of being four. Why did you hear that?" Naoki asked, now looking to Katsuki for his reactions and answer to Naoki's question.
"The door wasn't shut all the way. Icy Hot dragged me away after we heard the answer..." Katsuki answered, still abnormally quiet.
"Ah... Oh well. It's not something worth wasting tears or time on so many years later. I knew they'd do that exam again to be safe, but he didn't hurt me... Though, his teasing was a little like yours... Calling me a scrawny shit, saying there was no way I'm sixteen... You've called me scrawny since I met you in juniour high."
"Yeah, 'cause you are. You're fucking tiny without any- Wait! You're sixteen?! When the hell's your birthday?" Katsuki returned to his normal loud yelling and almost normal attitude and behaviour in one sentence.
"Not sure on the 'birthday' part for certain... Since there's no birth record of me... But my oldest scar, Hajime-san put at fourteen years old when I was in a coma, stating the scar tissue had grown and expanded with my body for at least that long, since the internal scarring from it isn't nearly as profound. It's the one right here..." Naoki used his hand to show the placement and curvature of the scar. It was on his abdomen, angled downward from the soft tissue in between his hip and ribs, to the lower right of where his navel would be, on his right side.
"Shit... That's close to where I blasted you in juniour high... I've never seen all of the scars you have, so I don't know what that one looks like or nothin', but... You've got a lot of em, huh, Eyepatch?" Katsuki was calmer again, an almost sad tone to his voice, and a foreign look in his red eyes.
"Not really... Probably more that never scarred because of Blood Tempter..." Naoki rubbed his right hand at the back of his neck, earning Katsuki's attention, yet the blonde didn't keep pressing.
After a little while, Izuku and Todoroki came into the room, both almost panicked, and short of breath, shutting the door rather quickly before calming a bit.
Their eyes met Naoki's concerned and confused ones, and Katsuki's accusing and questioning glare.
"The hell you two nerds been?" The blonde asked.
Todoroki walked to Naoki, handing him a set of clothes, but not quite meeting his gaze. "Thanks, Todoroki-san." Naoki watched Todoroki's expression change the slightest, an ounce of pain in his features when he shot a glance at Naoki before he backed up.
Izuku even had a guilty, regretfulness in his eyes, though, it was quickly exchanged with an attempt at his normal expression. "Naoki, you should get dressed, I think they're going to let you go home, though mom wanted me to invite you and... Your dad's assistant who you've brought over in the past for a small dinner so she can fuss over you for a little bit. You know how she is... I was also supposed to invite Kacchan and Todoroki, but-"
"Like hell I'm gonna let you keep Eyepatch to yourself. You're both nerdy weaklings, so having someone like me around will definitely keep people from messing with Eyepatch when he's still injured." Katsuki yelled out, interrupting Izuku, then glaring at Todoroki, challenging him to try and tag along.
"If it's not too much trouble, I wouldn't mind joining. My old man's mad enough I've spent the entire day avoiding his schedule, and to help a classmate, no less. I'm kind of enjoying this." Todoroki also agreed, Izuku sighing as Katsuki's attitude worsened, immediately lashing out.
"Naoki? You alright?" Izuku asked, seeing Naoki's eyes distant.
"Hmm? O-Oh... Yeah. Just... Rather not change with everyone in here, and there isn't a bathroom..." Naoki made an excuse that wasn't a complete lie.
Izuku's eyes widened. "Right! Sorry, I forgot!" He fought to get Katsuki out, Todoroki walking out almost like a lure for Katsuki.
With a small chuckle at the three, Naoki smiled. While getting dressed, he looked at the small treated burn on his chest. So that's what he meant by 'present'... It's definitely a burn... But...
Naoki felt his cheeks redden at the thoughts, given what Dabi had said when he left, after stealing Naoki's first kiss... Well, as far as I know... Not like I've got memories to judge that kind of thing off of... But what 'promises' did Dabi even mean...?
When he was pulling the somewhat tattered, occasionally singed jacket over his left shoulder with his right hand, there was a knock at the door, followed by the deflated Pro, Yasumitsu and Tsukauchi.
"Naoki? Are you ready? Shinsou-san gave us the go-ahead, so you're free to go home. I've asked Yasumitsu to keep up his role at the store, so try and stop in every so often so he can keep up on his reports." Tsukauchi waved, "See you around, kiddo." Tsukauchi left from there, Yasu talking next.
"Listen, I know having me there might not be exactly ideal for you, but given the accident, I couldn't keep doing normal police work, and my Quirk is actually pretty useful for helping you and your dad find out as much as possible about you and your past without asking, digging or risking getting you hurt or a target put on your back. You're a good kid, and I've said it before, you remind me of my kid brother... If I can help in this kind of way, then I'm glad to. After all, I'm still working on an old case in the area anyways...
If you want to talk or anything, you've got my number and know where to find me most of the time. I shouldn't have let you leave alone like that... I'm sorry I put you in danger in such a way. It won't happen again." Yasumitsu gave a small bow of his head before handing Naoki a small pouch.
"Your chapstick and headphones pouch, and a new hair tie in it... And here's your wallet and a free coupon from Tsuki, the manager and I for replacements for the stuff you bought and ended up never getting properly. All three of us signed it, so the staff will fulfill it anytime. Be safe, kiddo." He gave the last few items, then also left, Toshinori and Naoki remaining.
"I've asked Midoriya to have the three of them wait out there for a bit so I can talk to you. I know you're not so reckless to go trying to find that man, but I still need to urge you not to. Let it be. If you're meant to cross paths again, I think he'll make sure of it. While he didn't hurt you, the group that had hurt you or at least attempted to were harmed by him. The one who'd physically assaulted you the worst, and the one I assume destroyed your phone both were far more severely beaten and burned, so that means he's capable of violence, while also able to temper himself, since the others there were injured to the barest minimum to leave them unconscious. Tsukauchi and Yasumitsu also believe he may have something personal towards you specifically, though, I assume you've reached the same conclusion."
He sighed when Naoki nodded with no hesitation. "I thought so... Man... Anyway, I guess Midoriya-san's invited all of us to eat a late meal, and I know you ate with... But I hope you're more hungry than that. You need the calories. And besides... I think it's best we not decline, since I ended up borrowing young Midoriya, Bakugou and Todoroki the entire day without providing meals while looking for you..." Toshinori looked disappointed in himself, and unusually exhausted, more so than normal.
"Yeah. I already agreed... As did Todoroki and Katsu-san. Though... My dad's assistant was invited... Not my dad~" Naoki teased, tongue stuck out as he bounced past Toshinori, and out of the room.
"Naoki... You little..." Toshinori walked after him, meeting the four students before exiting with them.
After they'd finished dinner, Toshinori took the other two students home, explaining the circumstances to Katsuki's mom easily, as All Might's 'assistant'. Endeavor, luckily wasn't home, so, explaining it to Fuyumi Todoroki was far easier than the mess it would have been otherwise.
When Naoki finally got a little alone time with Toshinori once dinner and dropping Katsuki, Todoroki and Izuku off, he explained more about what happened.
But Naoki still kept Dabi's name and other things, like the note, and what happened at the end to himself. He did, however, display the bills and they had a little discussion about the things Naoki kept and why.
Naoki told Toshi that it was something special to him, and not dangerous.
Toshinori was inclined to believe Naoki, as Yasu did Toshinori that the jacket Naoki was wearing, as well as the other clothes were what he'd seen the person in his own experiences with this stranger wear. Because of this, Toshinori was a lot less upset than he may have been otherwise. And that the tests and check-up Hajime Shinsou had done proved for whatever reason, this man had nothing remotely close to ill intent towards Naoki.
Naoki's next words struck Toshinori, squandering any doubt he may have been able to force,
"I promise, dad. What I said wasn't a lie... I felt safe around him, right off the bat. There was nothing negative I felt. And, I was actually able to sleep without waking up from nightmares. I didn't even have one when I was there. He took care of me... He was... Caring, in his own way..." Naoki finished made it home. Toshinori opened the door, letting Naoki inside before speaking to him from the entryway of their home.
"I understand. Good night, young Naoki. Sleep well. There's class the day after tomorrow, so use tomorrow to rest up. I have some things to attend to tonight yet, and even more tomorrow, but I'd like you to stay home and rest as much as you can. Since you shouldn't be using your Quirk until the day after class starts back up, you need to rest and recuperate as much as you can."
"Alright, dad. Will do. Sleep well too.." Naoki replied, giving a quick hug before splitting and heading into the apartment.
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