Chapter 06: All Might's Arrival, Student's Survival
So with that, and the knowledge of his successful hit on the Nomu, Naoki drew back all his previous abilities, even the one with Aizawa, only for a few moments, using the forbidden tactics potential with Blood Tempter.
After all, it's not likely the Nomu would be too affected, and it might help All Might in the long run, as well as everyone else...
So, with all of the focus he was capable of, he drew from the Nomu. Lifeforce, energy- most of which went to helping Aizawa. After he was sure there was enough for him to work with and heal Aizawa fully later, he restored a little of his own energy, not worrying about his body for the time being, as taking that much would mean more backlash later.
It was a sickening process for him to do- to use- but he made this oath to himself when the Villains first showed up, and it wasn't as likely to kill the Nomu as it would have been the void guy.
He would deal with the inevitable backlash later, and the damage already wreaked upon his body. This was his one stupid decision for that day, and probably, the month... It was, after all, the most idiotic thing he could do, the most reckless move possible for him... But, in this case, it may be what makes a difference. Once he'd done that, he pushed himself into the air, hovering a few inches off the ground, before landing lightly, but still painfully. From there, he wiped the blood from his mouth and made towards Aizawa, slowly, to avoid drawing too much attention, wanting to preserve as much stolen energy as he could, but also to avoid adding to the damage already done to his body.
He could hear the anger and fear in his father's voice, and the guilt.
"Have no fear, students. As I am HERE!" All Might assured the kids.
Naoki was beside Aizawa, using the blood he'd wiped off and flowing it into Aizawa's wounds after taking another few drops wort from Aizawa. "There. Now, I can mend you properly, even from a distance." He was a little short of breath.
Within seconds, All Might was next to them, seeing Naoki had obviously taken severe damage, but seeing him still tending to others above himself. Despite his worry over Naoki, he could see the other Pro was on the brink of death, so, shoved his worry of the younger back for the time being, asking what needed asked. "Naoki. Have you addressed his injuries as Blood Tempter requires?"
"Yes. Even from a distance, I can mend him. I'm sorry... I used that technique, so I can still save Aizawa... But... If it helps any, the creature was barely affected at all. And, it's been created, I can only assume, to kill you. I won't leave you behind, so don't even try to ask. If you try to force me, you know what will happen if I go unconscious with this borrowed power of mine."
"I see... You can explain later. But, I ask you stand back, and support, as that is the case. If you see the need to step in, then do so carefully... I'm sorry, Aizawa. I should have been here..." He whispered to the broken man in his arms. All Might was beside Izuku, Tsu and Mineta, getting them out of harm's way in an instant, and closer to the entrance. "Naoki, focus primarily on mending Aizawa. Everyone else back to the entrance, get Aizawa out of here. Even with Naoki's help, he's still in critical condition, and doesn't have much time."
Izuku looked like he wanted to stay. "You saved us, All Might." He glanced to Naoki, seeing him recovered. "Naoki... Are you sure you're okay? You were really badly hurt earlier..."
"I'm... Alright, for now, Izumi... I'll be fine... I can still help for now, at least..."
The creep mumbled to himself, after All Might struck him as well, knocking the hand off his face.
"All Might, you can't... That brain fellow took One For-" Izuku paused, re-choosing his words carefully. "I smashed him and didn't break my arm this time, but he wasn't phased at all. He's too strong!"
"Young Midoriya! I've got this!" All Might gave his encouragement, and once Izuku made to leave with Aizawa, Mineta and Tsu, turned and went for his enemy "CAROLINA! SMASH!"
"Nomu." The Villain ordered of his 'champion', who blocked All Might's attack.
"All Might! He's got shock absorption that withstood six shots of 900 meters per seven seconds! And, I know now, he can regenerate like nothing else... I'm still studying what I've gleaned from him. If anything, his exposed brain may be a weakness, but I can't be sure! I need a few more minutes before I can work on him." Naoki shared his information.
"Also, the one with the hands and pale blue hair is the Decay Quirk user who destroyed the U.A. Gates... Took a lot to restore them, so please be careful, I haven't found a way to repair living tissue that's been affected, but, I have a way to stop him from using it if I need to!"
"Alright! Stay clear for now! See if any other students need help!" All Might replied. Naoki wouldn't get the chance, the enemy now aware he was still mobile and conscious
"You again!? How are you recovered already!? I know my Nomu broke you earlier! You keep getting in my way! You have almost ruined everything! If you hadn't interfered, I'd have won this game already!"
Naoki jumped, vanishing mid-arc, but letting his voice flow again. "And I told you, if you wanted to play, I'd fill in!" An assault struck the pale blue. "You'll have to dodge better~"
"You!!!! I'll kill you along with this symbol of trash! Then I will finish off everyone else her-" He spun with the attack that struck his cheek, Naoki releasing his vanishing vector, his fist following through.
"Don't threaten those I care for so callously in front of me. It pisses me off." Naoki glared at the thin man now getting back into his bearings before Naoki, who waited patiently, trying to hide his loss of breath and low stamina.
"All Might, I'm going to try and deal some to him. I'll be using that trick to help bypass the effects from this one. Can you keep that thing off of me for a few minutes longer? I'm almost ready to use the third aspect on that creature, but this one will add a few minutes..."
"Just hurry, Naoki." The No. 1 grunted out.
"Will do... Now, where were we?" Naoki cracked a finger, waiting for the man before him to attack. He was curious why the void was refraining from attacking as well, but just in case, planned to pick up the Blood Tempter on him as well as soon as he could. Even if he wasn't successful with the pale one, he could still use the same trick on the void.
All Might had his hands full with the Nomu, and the man before Naoki had the audacity to mock All Might, and praise Nomu's strength, saying All Might had finally met his match, Naoki growled, "And you'll be meeting yours."
All Might tried to smash the Nomu by lifting him over his head and plowing him into the ground, bending backwards, but, Naoki saw the void act, knowing it was too late to warn All Might.
The Nomu was partway through the void, his head and arms coming back out, grasping All Might around the midsection, gripping onto his weak spot.
"All Might!" Naoki made to run toward him but was stopped.
"Naoki! Stay Back! Support how you can but DO NOT GET ANY CLOSER! YOU UNDERSTAND ME!"
Naoki froze, but then realised what he'd meant. "That's as good of permission as you can give, as a Pro Hero. I'll take it!"
He raised his left hand, palm outward and hand slowly closing as he exerted the small control he had over the Nomu's insides, using the darkest aspect of Blood Tempter, to make the creature's own body, any part of it that had blood, or used it, or relied on it, rebel against itself, its own host. It would take just a bit to fully be able to manipulate the creature's system's as he needed.
The Nomu clenched on All Might's scar, blood pooling on his white shirt, making Naoki grit his teeth, glaring and growling lowly while the creep continued speaking.
"Nice. You were trying to bury him in the concrete so he couldn't move around anymore. Sorry. That won't work. Nomu's as strong as you are. That won't stop him." He chuckled. "Nice work, Kurogiri. We've got him just where we want him now." The leader implied, as the void began tightening and pulling All Might and the Nomu into its depths.
"If this is your best, then you picked the wrong place to attack. You should just give up now."
"Normally, I wouldn't want blood and viscera flooding the insides of my warp gates. But I'll make an exception for a Hero as great as you. Since you're too fast to see with the human eye, Nomu had to restrain you. And once he's pulled your body half-way through, I'll squeeze the gate shut! I'm going to enjoy tearing you to pieces!"
Finally... Naoki tightened his grip, he knew of the damage he could and would be causing the body of the Nomu. The blood vessels would split, the bones crumble, and eventually, its heart would rupture, but it would save All Might, without more damage than Naoki could fix.
Almost immediately, the creature began screeching its pain, even if it wasn't able to feel pain as normal beings, this was something entirely different. Its own body becoming the instrument of its destruction, no longer with the purpose of helping its owner thrive, survive. It was like an autoimmune disease gone rampant, but one that turned the being's blood against its body.
"What's happening to my Nomu!? Why is-" His eyes landed on Naoki, who could not, under any circumstance, break his focus, or he'd relapse to his earlier state, added to the damage he'd done to the Nomu, and what he'd healed of Aizawa. "You! What are you doing!?"
"Let All Might go, or the Nomu dies, and so does the Warp Gate user. I've got the same kind of power saved for him too. I struck him when two of my classmates did as well. He'll die a lot quicker since he's far weaker than the bird-brain!!!"
Naoki paused, different from losing focus, although hard to fully start back up. He'd agreed that if he used this power, he wouldn't kill. He'd use it to threaten and inch along, but never kill. But, he made no such vow or promise with his words, reguarding the matter. And, if Naoki was honest, with how wrecked his hands were, since waking up, his grip couldn't kill anything with this part of his Quirk. He couldn't tighten his hands enough to seal it.
"You... YOU'RE RUINING EVERYTHING!" the pale blue charged at Naoki, who was left at a crossroads. Release the power safely, or risk breaking his control, and take an attack, one that would more than likely involve decay. But, it was either All Might, or himself.
He heard Izuku return to the battle as well, "I'm COMING!"
"Naoki! Let go!" He heard the voice and dropped the power, right in time to block the hands that almost grasped his throat, clicking the Erasure button and locking gazes with the Villain who had charged.
"Get the hell outta my way! DEKU!" An explosion saved Izuku from Kurogiri, distracting the one called Shigaraki, as Ice swept across the ground, up Nomu's leg and stopping the progression of All Might's descent into the warp gate.
"Kacchan!?" "Todoroki!!" Izuku and Naoki cheered.
"One of your poorly trained thugs told me you're here because you think you can kill All Might." Todoroki allowed for All Might to get out. Katsuki disabled Kurogiri, and now, All Might was free, whilst the Nomu was encased in ice.
"Kacchan... Everyone..." Izuku wiped away the flowing tears.
"The Symbol Of Peace will not be defeated by delinquents like you." Todoroki spoke earnestly.
Naoki gave his words a few seconds later, still catching his breath after dodging and jumping away from handsy-creep, nearer to All Might and his class. "Thanks, guys, Good timing."
"Busted to shit again, eh, Eyepatch Freak?" Katsuki teased, lightening the mood in his own way.
"Huh... Guess so. Gets to be a habit, I think... But not one I enjoy recovering from..." His eyes snapped closed for a second, a small gasp, followed by a huffed-out sigh of relief. "All Might, Izuku. I stabalised Aizawa. He should be fine now, and there won't be any damage to his Quirk."
"That's a relief... I hope Tsu and Mineta got him back alright..."
"You did well, my boy. Try to take a breather yourself." All Might suggested.
"Nope. Not happening until everyone else is safe. That means you too, you reckless oaf." Naoki teased the Pro, shocking the others at his informality. "I won't be able to reactivate that on the Nomu, but it will take a while to recover from the internal damage I returned to it from Aizawa-san, even for it... But, the warp guy... I can tell now, he's injured 13, so, All Might, I can refund that if you permit it..." Naoki requested.
"Based on her state when I arrived, she may need it. Go ahead, Naoki. I will take responsibility if anything negative comes from this, but you know your rules for it." All Might answered.
"Yep, return equal damage, or energy, and don't take more than reaped. And, atop that, no killing, not like I can with my hands unable to grip, but still worth mentioning..."
So, Naoki held his right hand out now, simply returning the particles and pieces Kurogiri had a part of using and damaging, of 13, so, not harming Kurogiri, just using his unique Quirk against him, and manipulating what had gone through him, of her back to her properly and safely.
"W-What is this feeling?" The warper asked.
"I'm using you to undo the damage you inflicted on our instructor, since your Quirk has now been analysed enough, and my attack from our first hit on you now well enough into your bodily system that I can. Pretty weird feeling, right? Having things forcibly pulled back through space, more accurately a black hole, and then through you, back to her? It makes me squirm and I'm just acting as the conduit.
Don't worry, unlike the Nomu, I'm not inflicting any damage on you since the damage she took would more than likely kill you. And, I want to be a Hero, so I won't take a life, even my enemies. But congrats, both of you are on my list now~ You know the one, Handy-Man!" Naoki teased, before releasing his Quirk, palm dropping to his side, shaking and tremors wracking it, from being used while still crippled.
He was definitely out of breath now. "She's safe. All back to normal... I've put a barrier in place of the hole in her suit for now. It's just a manipulated one, so my other slots are all open, just not manipulated ones, since I'm using the second on myself..." Naoki explained. "Also, Eraser will be out for the rest of this, for his own sake."
At the entrance, Ochaco and Mina watched, with the others as 13's injuries slowly healed and she recovered out of nowhere, the only part not returning to normal was the backside of the suit. Tsuyu and Mineta, with assistance, had returned there with Aizawa.
"He's not nearly as badly hurt as before... It must be what Naoki was talking about after All Might got to us..." Tsu explained.
"Then... Do you think he helped 13 too? She was hurt bad, and just started coming back together. It only stopped a few minutes ago, only the back of her suit is still gone, but you can't go through it, it's like... Like plexiglass or something..."
"Then I'd say it probably was Naoki... He was badly beat up too... I hope they'll be alright..." Tsu answered.
Shigaraki grew frantic and panicked once more, "Kurogiri... How could you let this brat get the best of you. You've gotten us into a real jam here."
"You got careless, you dumb Villain. It wasn't hard to figure you out. Only certain parts of you turn into that smoking warp gate, you use that mist to hide your actual body as a kind of distraction, thinking that made you safe. That's why we missed. But if you didn't have a body, you wouldn't be wearing this neck armour, right? You're not immune to physical attacks if they're well aimed."
Katsuki evaluated. When Kurogiri made to retaliate, Katsuki blasted him a few times. "Don't move. You try anything funny and I'll blow your ass up so bad they'll be piecing you back together for weeks." Katsuki threatened, making Naoki want to slap him atop the head, right quick when his focus was elsewhere, and would have done it if Kirishima hadn't spoken up first.
"Ohh~ That doesn't sound very Heroic." The spiked crimson teased.
The Villain still standing mumbled to himself, then spoke his creation's name, the screeching vanishing before everyone as he was pulled into the warp gate, back to the side his legs were on.
When he broke free, he lost his frozen arm and leg, but managed to get rid of the ice, and regenerate his lost limbs.
"Oshiete... I thought this might be the case..." Naoki muttered. The onlookers nearby were all wide-eyed, in shock.
"How is that thing still moving? He's all messed up..." Izuku questioned.
"STAY BACK EVERYBODY!" All Might ordered, "What is this!? I thought you said his power was shock absorption!"
"I didn't say that was his only Quirk. He also has super regeneration. Nomu has been modified to take you on even at 100% of your power. He's basically a highly efficient punching bag that hits back. First, we need to free our method of escape. Get him Nomu."
The Nomu charged for Kurogiri, intending to take Katsuki out if that was what it took.
Naoki directed a last shot at Kurogiri, just wanting blood to last long enough in him to give them a location when the bastards fled. He felt it connect, and heard Kurogiri grunt as the Nomu landed, impact larger than even Naoki expected, but he kept the debris and dust clear from himself and Izuku, not able to react fast enough, or see the others well enough to do it safely.
"Kacchan! Kacchan?! Woah! That's awesome! You dodged him!" Izuku praised.
"No I didn't you damn nerd!" Bakugou shouted back.
Naoki followed the attack's path, seeing All Might, and able to tell he'd protected Katsuki, in lieu of his own safety.
"They are just children and you didn't even hold back!" Al Might yelled, enraged.
"It's not like I had much choice. They were threatening me and my comrades. Besides they are by no means innocent little angels. The plain one almost killed me with a maxed-out punch. The blonde was far too aggressive for a Hero wannabe, and that one," He pointed a long pale finger at Naoki.
"That one used Quirks in way no Hero ever should. Atop that, the way he ridiculed me and mocked me wasn't Hero-like at all. And, he used my Nomu to help himself! Then tried to kill him with an evil Quirk.
You all think you can do whatever you wish, and get away with it, so long as it's in the name of your 'justice', yet you teach 'children' who have such dangerous and lethal Quirks, and don't limit them or restrain them when they do Villainous things... All three of them would have killed us. And, the ice user... If my Nomu wasn't capable of regenerating, he would have frozen off Nomu's arm and leg, but I doubt they will face any trouble or retribution for their unheroic behaviour, will they?"
Naoki glared at him, certain the man would have kept going, and enjoying interrupting him. He shot a quick thumbs-up, with his left, knowing All Might would recognise it and let him handle this, unless it failed, whatever his plan.
"Yet Aizawa was avoiding lethal hits, and you nearly killed him, your ally tried to kill 13, and your birdbrain pet just tried to kill All Might... And, to top it all off, you are the ones who attacked us here, intending to kill us. I never want to lose someone I care about, not while I am still breathing, not in this life I have now! So, you have no right to claim any of what you are when, had we not acted as we had, you'd have killed us all without any remorse, any retribution and, you have no reason to attack a bunch of kids for your own twisted pleasure.
I mocked you when I fought you because it made you more predictable, and, therefore, easier to get you down so I could help my own friends. You want to claim a moral high-ground when you came here with the lowest of intentions? You're ridiculous. For your information, I only took what energy that Nomu used in his attack against Eraser Head. Not more. He was simply paying the piper, so to say. And the energy I took for myself was equivalent to what he used in a single attack against me. I'm still injured all the same!
Both 13 and Aizawa, All Might, Deku and myself, and everyone who you and your people hurt, we still have to recover! So don't you dare think you have any right to say it was 'self-defense'! Not when your toy hurt our teacher so badly, not when you have seen this as nothing but a game from the beginning, not when all the kids here have to deal with the physical scars, and trauma, but now the emotional ones you just put them through! I don't even know my past and it still eats me alive at night, or every time I close my eyes!
So, if you want to remain in single pieces, leave before I lose my self-control and leave you in as many pieces as there are kids you hurt today. Don't you dare try anything else. I can still take from that pet, and your friend. It won't take much more than a thought, and I'll use their power to get rid of you by force!" Naoki was done, 900% and growing exponentially by the millisecond. All Might looked to Naoki's eyes, his face horrified, then confused.
This isn't the same 'Anti-Nao' Hajime and I had seen... This one has no sense of self-preservation at all costs. It's the opposite. He'll sacrifice everything to protect everyone he cherishes, even himself if that's what it takes, and he'd do it without a doubt... But, I can tell the only reason he's not rubbing his neck with his right hand is because it's too damaged and strained to move. He's lying and bluffing, but he's frightening enough... They might take his threat seriously and leave.
The pale-blue hissed in frustration, but spoke loud and clear. "If the Heroes allow scum like that brat amongst their newer generation, then that's fine by me. We'll leave... For now..."
When the warp gate closed, the three remaining Villains gone, Naoki sighed, tossing a vector to the last enemy he could sense, and collapsed.
"Naoki!" Izuku tried to catch him, Todoroki beating him, being closest.
Kyouko and Momo froze, Denki now brain fried, and the situation deteriorating when he was taken hostage by a Villain who they'd missed, and who seemed to be the one jamming their signals. Kyouko had tried a distraction to try and attack with her speakers, only to be caught, and from that, she and Momo were left with an ultimatum. Save themselves, or sacrifice their lives for Denki's. When they were without any other options, the man holding Denki up looked like he'd been struck by an invisible attack, and dropped, lights out.
"What the heck was that? It had to be Hagakure, right?" Momo asked, but Kyouko shook her head, she'd heard nothing. However, the other Villains around them were getting back up and around now. They were back to square one...
"Wait! So that Eyepatch Freak was bluffing that whole time!? And they fell for it!?" Katsuki yelled.
"Yes... There is a side to Naoki that puts preservation of those he cherishes above everything else, even his own life. I... I've seen it before, but not for a long time... All Might, we should leave, and get him looked at, right?" Todoroki answered, surprising everyone, including All Might.
"Yes, though the other Pros should be here any-" All Might began, but was interrupted when the three Villains who had left, returned.
"I knew that brat was just bluffing! It's so much more fun when your prey's guards are lowered! Nomu! Finish off All Might!"
The students near him had been too shocked, but All Might quickly took the initiative, scooping them all up and jumping farther away, giving instructions when he landed. "All of you get to the exit. I will hold them off until the Pros arrive. Now, go!"
Izuku could already see the smoke coming off the Symbol of Peace, "But, All Might... You're hurt! You'll run- You'll run yourself ragged if you aren't careful..." In a rush to make that more believable, he pulled what he felt Naoki would have said, even though it was way out of character for him. "O-Old oaf!" He yelled, making the other kids deadpan and sweatdrop, and, All Might's brain short-circuit at how un-Izuku that insult was, and how much it sounded like Naoki.
He didn't have much time to react aside from that, as Nomu had caught up. Todoroki slipped Naoki's ring off his finger, "All Might! Here! I assume you know why Naoki carries this! And I'm sure he'd rather you use it before it expires!" He knew the real purpose of that ring, but not everyone did or needed to. It was as much permission as Shouto could give for Naoki in his place. Given how All might responded, he seemed to know the reality as well, but hid as much.
All Might caught the small band, far too small for his fingers, so into a pocket it went. But, he knew there was an act to keep with it, it was merely a way to let All might know Naoki had intended to use it and had already done so, though how young Todoroki knew that much... All Might was unsure.
Naoki kept that ring on him always, for more than the reason he told others. A few days after he'd awakened, he knew he had access to more than just the three Quirks he uses, but wanted to fully master them gradually. What this ring did was allow a grounding point to focus on so he'd not forget to avoid using those other Quirks for the time being. It was a bait in a way too, as well as a way to communicate and show permission or give it. To show intent.
And this was because one of those other unused Quirks was an ability with great potential, without the deadly cost one would get otherwise. It enhanced an ability, while not increasing side effects or backlash. That was one Naoki could use on others, though this understanding was basic, limited and incomplete, as no one knew the full extent of Naoki's Quirks- just like his past.
Naoki, I thank you for being prepared even when you're out of commission. You did well, and I know you did your absolute best. I owe you.
With speed and power only All Might could display, he overpowered the Nomu with incredibly powerful, consecutive hits. And, with a small lecture included, "A real Hero will always find a way for justice to be served. Now for a lesson! You may have heard these words before, but I'll teach you what they really mean! GO BEYOND!! PLUSS ULLTTTRRRRAAAAA!!!!!!" All Might sent the Nomu flying out of the USJ.
After turning to face the students, he commented on his valiant win, "I really have gotten weaker. Back in my heyday, five hits would have been enough to knock that guy out. But, today, it took more than 300 mighty blows!"
He crossed a hand over his chest as he smiled his Heroic smile, the area still hung in smoke, masking his now steaming body as he fought off the transformation. He now faced the two remaining Villains.
"You've been bested, Villains. Surrender. We all want to get this over with quickly."
The Villain scratched at his throat, panicking.
"What's wrong? Not attacking me? Didn't you intend to clear this level of your game? You made it seem that way earlier before you ran scared from a beaten, broken child whose entire way of life, whose home and family you attacked and harmed. Are you telling me you'll prove him right and only came back just to turn and run for real after such a profound defeat? Well!? Come and get me. If you dare!"
"Man... This is intense..." Katsuki surmised.
"As I expected. Come on, there's no reason to linger longer. He'll handle this. We're only putting the injured at risk by staying this close. I didn't actually know if he'd be able to use the ring, but looks like he could. Naoki plans ahead... Just like I thought after my match with him the other day." Todoroki carried Naoki, leaving alongside the others.
"Come on, Midoriya. Last thing we want is to get in their way and end up as hostages."
All Might continued upon his challenge, as the Villains tried to decide. Kurogiri calming the erratic leader down, and they decided to stay and fight.
Todoroki looked to Midoriya when Kirishima and Katsuki prepared to fight, "Are you joining us?" He set Naoki down. Standing his own ground and preparing to fight.
The Villain rushed All Might, Izuku acting irrationally and using his Quirk to launch himself and try to protect All Might. He was shocked when his legs took no damage, but, that distraction led him straight into certain death.
When all seemed lost, Izuku seconds away from being decayed, shots wrung out as Snipe took out the enemies now standing back up, some over near Kyouko and Momo, some by All Might, and others scattered about, and shooting the pale-blue haired man who almost had his rotting hands on Izuku.
"Sorry, everyone. I know we're a bit late. But I got the teachers here as fast as I could." Nezu interrupted.
Ochaco cried out, happiness and relief overwhelming her voice, "It's Iida!"
"Your class rep has returned! I fulfilled my duty! And I brought reinforcements!" The violet yelled his triumph.
The fresh Pros quickly handled the rest of the situation, Nezu instructing, "Our priority is to protect all of our students!" He was met with 'yessirs' all around, some verbal, and some who just took action.
When Present Mic yelled, Todoroki saw Naoki flinch, a red eye peeking out. "I'm awake... Thankfully..."
"Idiot. Rest properly. Everything's under control now." He lifted Naoki back up, the raven barely conscious, but still so.
"Izu... Dad... Are they... hurt...?" He mumbled, getting an off glance from Todoroki.
"Keep quiet and sleep." Todoroki chided Naoki, who couldn't even argue or make a joke to that, a single breath reminiscent of a chuckle all the he was able to manage.
The Villains fled, well, the main two. The leader took hits in all four limbs, but, Naoki was celebrating a different triumph, one he could reveal once he had enough strength to access his Quirk again.
Izuku was upset with himself, "I failed... I wasn't able to help you, even when my legs are fine..."
"That's not true. Absolutely and completely false. You bought me a few vital seconds. If not for that, then I'd be dead now. Young Midoriya, you and that boy. You've saved me once again. I owe you both my life. I would have run out sooner if it wasn't for Naoki, and those few seconds at the end, saved my life."
"All Might... I'm just glad you're okay!" Izuku ran to All Might, hugging his Hero tightly.
"Well my my my..." Snipe spoke up.
"I can't believe they escaped after what they did here..." Midnight added.
Nezu gave his sense, "They caught us completely by surprise. For now, making sure all the students are okay and seeing to the injuries of the staff as well, needs to be our number one priority. We can find out the details later once everyone is recovered."
"If all the Pro teachers are here, that means the rest of the school is safe. The Villains attacked this facility, but the main campus was untouched..." Todoroki reasoned.
Naoki shook his head. "No, they... Gave us a warning... I relayed it to everyone... But that guy with the light blue hair... He's got the decay Quirk... The one who busted the gate... Was him..."
"You sure? You saw him use it?" Todoroki asked.
Nodding Naoki explained briefly. "He tried on Aizawa, but I stalled him, long enough for Aizawa to use his Quirk on me, and with some... Luck, I borrowed it... And prevented his using it afterward... Eraser may have been actually hurt by it, but it looked just-"
Coughing a few times, Naoki finished as fast as he could. "His shirt... God my whole body hurts..." He reached subconsciously for his ring, freezing and terrified when he couldn't feel it. Todoroki noticed.
"I threw it to All Might. After you passed out, those three came back, so I figured you would have given that to him if your plan had failed while still conscious. I'm sure it's safe." He smiled a small hint, and Naoki, while curious, was in no shape to ask for answers at the moment. Todoroki saw this too. "We'll talk once you're better. I know I have explaining to do, just didn't know how to go about it..."
"Will you two stop flirting! You're pissing me off!" Katsuki barked in anger.
"Hey, Kacchan~ I'm pretty sure I could still beat you in a fight right now~ I've got a lot of sweat to use on ya~ Wanna taste your own Quirk?"
"You damn Eyepatch Freak. Once you're better, Ima put you right back in the hospital, ya hear! You with him, Ice-for-brains! And Deku right behind you losers!" Katsuki growled.
"Touch Izu, and I will bite a chunk off ya. No lying or bluffing there~ Kaa~channn~~~~" Naoki teased, mocking others distracted him from the pain he was so unused to. "But, seriously... Where's Izu and All Might?"
Kirishima had run over to Izuku. "Hey! Midoriya! Are you alright!?"
"Yeah! My legs... They didn't break this time! It's amazing, well, actually it's pretty strange... It's happened twice now... But I don't understand either one... Why..." He glanced to All Might, who was skirting the eyes approaching, being saved by Cementos.
"Oh my~ What do we have here? You're quite roughed up, Naoki, aren't you?" Nezu teased him.
"Shutty... I did my best..." Naoki pouted.
"Well, let's get you off to a hospital. Seems aside from All Might, and Midoriya's broken fingers, you are the only one injured, but surprisingly, and not surprisingly, the worst injured. I imagined Midoriya would have taken more substantial damage, but he claims his two times using that Quirk today left him unfazed. You'll have some explaining to do, Naoki, so recover quickly." Nezu tottered, laughing as he walked away.
"That was..." Todoroki began.
"Odd... I agree with you on that, ice-cube. He and the Eyepatch Freak are both odd..." Katsuki finished.
"I'm right here, Kacchan... The threat to bite you is still in play." Naoki goaded, eager for something to eat and good root beer.
Once he was loaded onto an ambulance, alongside All Might, he spoke more normally, since it was mainly just he and his dad.
"Hey, Dad... My ring..."
"Oh. Yeah, I almost forgot I still had it. Here. I owe you for that one, Naoki. It may not have been you, but you would have if you were conscious. And, I needed that Quirk. Even at the end, I was pushing it, hanging on by a spider's thread. But, that leads me to a question... Young Midoriya... When he jumped in at the last second to try and save me, his legs were fine. Do you know why?" Toshinori asked.
"Yeah. You had permission to use Enhancer, with parameters set to help you enhance your dying grip on OFA, so, I imagine it followed line of succession from there... If you weren't able to maintain the form any longer by then, and Izu used OFA to jump, it just went to him instead, I think...
But I'm pretty sure it would only be possible if he'd achieved this control, to some degree before then, which I know he did. He punched birdbrain with no backlash and even once was enough to allow that bridge to for that single usage. Though, he'll find it easier and easier to control, if he can tap into the mindsets he was in with those two times... On a more important note... As my legal guardian, please, please tell them to let me have a root beer! I'll die without it! Please, dad!!!"
"Naoki! Quiet down on that! Please... And yes, I think I can do that... Geesh, you can be really mature, then turn around and sure not act your age..."
"I'll explain it this way. I am someone who normally doesn't feel pain, an eight and nine are pleasure, and ten is a giant switch to 'F-you', so, yeah... I admit... I am IN PAIN! And, acting like this as well as teasing people does distract me from it, albeit slightly..." Naoki paused when they were slowing.
"Dad... Don't let them put me under anesthetic or induce sleep... Please... Not right now..." Naoki surprised Toshinori, actually looking scared.
"I'll do whatever I can to prevent it. They're also bringing Aizawa and 13 here, but I was informed they're fair, in terms of condition. Naoki, you saved a lot of lives today. And while I am sure Aizawa is going to lecture you for it anyway, I'll be shocked if he doesn't also thank you. He can be cruel, but he is caring in his own way..."
"Hmmm... Oh, when I'm stable, I can check on the Blood Tempter aspect I used on the void creep... See if it held up at all..." Naoki added, pain drowning his mind.
"We can worry about that later." All Might responded.
As the other students were checked over and accounted for, the students compared stories, briefly, when Tsu asked about Aizawa.
Luckily, the investigator didn't have too terrible news to report, calling the doctor, and having him relay the status of their teacher. "It looks like his arms had been both splintered, and he had facial fracturing, concussions and his ocular nerve and orbital floor were heavily damaged. It would have been impossible to tell if his eyesight would have fully recovered if he was left in that state... But, all that remains of those injuries is proved in how strong those parts of his body are now as opposed to before. I am happy to say, he'll more than likely make a full recovery. The worst will be a scar, but that is far less than he would have experienced otherwise."
"Sir, what about 13?" Mina asked.
"No need to worry. After basic first aid and a few nights rest, 13 will be fine. She also appears to have been treated before help arrived. And, same goes for All Might, he's relatively unscathed. He rode along with the student shipped out, saying he had personal business to attend to, and they've been delivered to the hospital most familiar with that student, so I am sure All Might will be fine and dandy in no time." Everyone looked relieved, but, Todoroki, Izuku, Kirishima and Bakugou were less so, Todoroki asking the next question.
"What about Naoki? I know... We-" He gestured to the other three, "Know he was injured quite heavily... How... How is he?"
"Ah... That is where things are... Tricky... I haven't personally been updated, but I can call the doctor over him and can try asking. Though... This doctor normally doesn't take well to invasions of privacy... It's still worth a try."
"What about Recovery Girl? Could she not help Naoki?" Ochaco asked.
Todoroki looked at her, answering the question, "No... Not with those injuries... And not how Naoki would recover best..."
"The hell d'ya mean, ice-brain?!" Katsuki yelled. "You suddenly start talking and responding only when that Eyepatch Freak is involved, plus all that shit during the indoor combat training? The hell is with you two?"
Todoroki looked away. "I don't think that's your business. Besides, it's not my story to tell... But, Bakugou, you heard what he said before passing out. He may have been bluffing on some parts, but he told us a lot about himself in that speech. You should try and think for yourself about something before asking questions that have already partially been answered, with enough information to fill in the blanks."
"Ah, now that you remind me... Jirou... There was that one attack... You remember?" Momo asked.
"Yeah! It came out of nowhere and saved Denki's rear. We were toast..."
"I suspected it could have been you, Hagakure, but you said earlier that you were in the landslide zone the whole time, so it couldn't have been you." Momo reasoned.
"It was Naoki. I know his hand movements well enough, for when he's sending off a vector... I wondered where that one he sent right before passing out went. So, he even did that much... Oh! His ear! I never heard if it recovered or not... I hope it did..." Izuku lightbulbed.
"I almost forgot about that..." Tsu added.
"The hell you mumbling about Deku? What about his ear?" Katsuki asked.
"At one point, Naoki was zoned in and focusing on you three and something really loud made him lose hearing in one ear. He said something about how ear bones are slow and difficult to heal, and his ear was bleeding pretty bad... I never figured out, or got the chance to ask him if it was fixed or not. After that, he'd jumped right into the fray to help Aizawa... Everything happened so fast after that..."
Kyouka looked down at her speakers. "I... I didn't even know he could hear that far... And it didn't affect any of us..."
"Naoki was focusing on everyone, all of our class. He's memorised our voices well enough to single them out, even in there, with so many others. He was directing all of your voices towards himself so he could try to help if anyone really needed it, so it's no wonder it hurt his ears. The amount he increased his hearing by must have been that high... But, there's also the first attack Kacchan and Kirishima made on the Warp Gate guy..."
Izuku was interrupted. "Yeah, stupid runt used my Quirk!"
"Kacchan..." Izuku whined.
"It was more than just a baseless attack. What he did in that attack played into how he stopped that Warp Gate guy, and slowed down the Nomu, later on... After All Might had shown up. He had thought that far ahead. He knew they had to have some kind of plan to kill All Might, even without getting the information from the source. It was like instinct to him. When he made that attack, he put his own blood into the warp gate guy, and later on, was able to use that against them. He would have been able to stop it without my help, and before we intervened, Bakugou, Kirishima, if he hadn't been as injured." Todoroki entered.
"And he was injured that bad trying to save Aizawa, Mineta, Tsu and myself... That Nomu was the one who hurt him..."
"A single swat and he went flying into boulders... After that, he was pretty bent outta shape, but still kept fighting..."
"Exactly... That Decay Quirk user took advantage of Naoki's situation. His desire to save All Might would have left him wide open to being decayed, and he was going to let it happen because it would mean All Might's escape and survival.
He was the only thing keeping the Nomu from pulling All Might into the gate and being cut in half. And, even with the Decay being used, it would take time, time he could use to finish the Nomu and save All Might... Like I said before... I've seen Naoki with that kind of expression, but it's been a long time..." Todoroki had trailed off at the end, wandering further from the group.
He really hated his mind's desire to drag up the past he wanted, before now, to forget and leave behind. But, he couldn't want that now.
The investigator returned, holding his phone to his ear as he talked to someone. "Yes. Sorry for the trouble. Thank you for the permission. I'll let them know..." He hung up, every eye upon him, awaiting his words.
"I just spoke to Naoki's legal guardian." Izuku brightened, All Might! I keep forgetting that Naoki is All Might's adopted son... I wonder if that's why he pushed himself so far... It would make sense. I'd do the same...
"There's good news and bad. And, there's more bad than good, I'm afraid. Naoki's body sustained heavy damage, and that was bad enough, but he also overused his Quirk, even after that, just to keep his body able to move. So, while Ricochet may have levied some of the additional damage after that, he still increased the damage and overused his Quirk, not just Ricochet, but Borrower itself.
Using his set ones, atop adding Aizawa's to his list so suddenly and, also using them in such a combination and so much did nothing but deteriorate his condition.
As far as his original physical injuries from the Nomu creature, Naoki broke his left shoulder blade, left leg, and right arm, as well as his pelvis. But, also, incurred low-scale spinal column damage, and cracked the back of his skull, caving in a small portion that may have hit an area that stuck out. Additionally, he broke several ribs on the back side of his ribcage. When he kept pushing his body, he dislocated almost every main joint, even some vertebrae and ribs.
And, I was informed Naoki's physical health is never what anyone could deem normal or healthy, since he has troubles keeping both weight and maintaining muscle mass. And injury in his past leaves him lacking in the physical health front a lot too.
However, due to the nature of his cranial injury, he cannot be put under anesthetic for surgery, so was going into surgery when I began speaking to Al- His guardian. They think he should be out later this evening, but will need two or three days of slower reintroduction back into things, and is not allowed to use his Quirk for at least three days, preferably four.
Now... Bad news is over... Good news.... Finally... Naoki is in good attitude and completely lucid of his surroundings, which is a good sign, considering his injuries. To give any idea as to how 'good' and 'lucid' he is... He's agreed to refrain from Quirk usage, under the condition that he's still allowed his divine addiction, which, apparently is... Root beer?
Lastly, Izuku, Naoki wanted me to ask that you feed and look after 'the oaf' since he's worried he'll forget to eat... He said you'd get that... That's about all I know right now."
Izuku blushed. "Of course he'd do that." he muttered under his breath.
A few classmates were shocked by that statement, taken aback at the almost rude nickname and how embarrassed it made Izuku.
"Alright, let's get you kids back to campus. Sansa, I need to head, You got this?"
"Yes, sir!" The kitty cop took over.
By the time dusk was settling, Naoki was already back at U.A., recovering in the same room as Toshinori, and Izuku, who had lingered after getting his fingers repaired.
"Hey, Izu... Sorry I couldn't heal your fingers..." Naoki blurted out.
"What? You don't need to worry about that! They're fine! Really."
Recovery Girl spoke next. "I really should lecture you three, but, I guess it wouldn't be fair of me, this wasn't your fault, and there was no way to prevent or foresee the attack, nor how strong they were... I am glad no one was more seriously wounded. Considering the potential that could have been. Even Aizawa and 13 were okay from the attack. I heard a little birdy say Aizawa was far more injured, but that someone healed him with great care and urgency, and that is why his injuries are relatively minour, when they would have been the opposite otherwise."
Naoki chuckled, "Yeah, I daresay that little birdy was not pulling your ear..."
"Reckless, the lot of you..."
Toshinori spoke to the gathered group. "I can't be sure yet, but I think I shortened my time again on that fight... I hope I can at least still hold the form for an hour."
"I'm so sorry." Izuku replied, while all Naoki could do was bite his lip.
"Well, it's no use worrying, these things happen." Toshinori sat up, when the door to the room opened suddenly, revealing a man in a trench coat with short black hair.
"Excuse me. Hi, All Might. Been a while."
"What the hell! I didn't know that you were investigating!" Toshinori was excited, not angry, and that stunned Izuku.
"Woah! All Might! Is it okay that he's seeing you like this?" Izuku rushed to sitting up, Naoki remaining relaxed, following orders like a good dog.
"Neh~ Naomasa-san! Good to see you're still kickin'!" Naoki called out, coughing a little after he was done speaking.
"Oh yeah, it's fine. This guy's all right. Naomasa Tsukauchi. My best friend on the police force. He's legit. I trust him."
"Sorry to cut to the chase, but we could really use any information you might have."
"Hold on! The other students... I know we talked on the phone before Naoki's surgery, but did they all get back home okay? And Aizawa and 13 are still okay, right?" Toshinori asked.
"They all made it back to campus, and then home safe. Aizawa and 13 are still well. They'll need rest, but will be back to par in no time at all. I take it those are your recovery instructions as well, Naoki? Don't think I ignored your greeting. I heard you loud and clear."
"Good... Your ears still work too... Always good if a cop has good ears... And yeah, I may or may not have bargained my way back to school right away... I really don't wanna be stuck anywhere bored to death when I could be learning..." Naoki joked back, but was by no means insincere with his words.
"Ne~, Naomasa-san, when I've got Blood Tempter back to par, I can give you guys a possible location... I got that Void guy, but can't tell for sure if it stuck properly it right now... Sorry... If it didn't stick, then double-sorry..."
"That's a relief... " Toshinori sighed.
"I can ask about it later, once you're recovered, Naoki. Don't worry about it until then. You three Heroes... If you hadn't risked your lives, the outcome would have been drastically different, and not for the better. Those kids made it out safely due to th-"
Toshinori interrupted. "You're not seeing the whole picture. Those kids, all of them, fought just as hard as we did, and, most of them, longer than I did. They are due this credit too. Never have a set of first years ever encountered this much, or any trouble like this, so early on and so terrifyingly. These kids are strong in more ways than one, and they proved that today, to me to Aizawa, to 13, to each other, and to themselves. They are full of drive, courage, and the will to keep going. Mark my words. They'll all become great Heroes. They have shown me that already."
When Izuku made to leave for the night, Naoki offered to walk him, wanting to talk to Izuku, and swearing not to do anything rash, stupid, or involving his Quirk, and to return right away.
"What's up, Naoki?" Izuku asked.
"I told you what happened during the indoor combat training right? Between Todoroki-san and myself?" Naoki asked.
"No, but I've heard bits and pieces, and a little more today. Why?"
"I'm going to tell you and then ask your opinion, advice or suggestions."
So, Naoki told him, and added what had happened that day at the USJ as well... Plus, more about his memory from the past, and newer things popping up in his dreams, or flashes of remembrance, or recognition. He told Izuku that, for some reason, he recognised the Villain, Shigaraki Tomura's voice. His eerie, creepy tone seemed to make Naoki feel sick, from the first time the man had spoken out.
Izuku asked if he could think on it, and Naoki agreed. They stopped outside the Midoriya household, finishing their small talk, that was normal for them. After a good, nice laugh about silly things, they said their farewells and parted, the night was over, yet the two had been unaware of another set of ears around the corner.
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