Potion Making
Nate sighed, throwing some mint leaves into his brew. He was trying to make a potion that would make his lover, Mat, live again on this Earth. He knew he had to drink it, then cast a spell on Mat's body.
"What did the book say again?" He mumbled to himself, looking at his spell/potion book. "Three grams of, blood?" The ebony hung his head, drawing a blade against his frail skin. Warm, coppery blood fell from his arm into the concoction.
"Argh, that actually hurt." The male winced. His eyes were shut as he stitched his cut up. As soon as he finished, he sighed happily.
Nate watched as the potion's color changed from light green to a bright pink. Then he reached for a flask and cork. Scooping it up, he corked and labeled it, right before placing it on his potion shelf.
"Time for a quick snack!" He said out loud to himself. The ebony walked tithe kitchen in his small rural home. To be honest, he was its only occupant, with the exception of some friends and family.
Nate plucked some grapes from the vine he had in his fridge, popping them in his mouth. They were fortunately sweet and ripe, so they weren't as sour as they usually are.
He hummed some random song as his pressed the ON button for his radio. An older sounding song came on, one that was unrecognizable to his ears. That was an odd thing, since he almost knew every song from the 80's and beyond.
"I wear this crown of thorns~
Upon my liar's chair~
Full of broken thoughts~
I cannot repair~" The radio drawled on. It is a somber song, a little sad for the ebony's taste. He whipped out his trusty phone and plugged in some lyrics into the search bar.
An old man popped up, holding a wooden acoustic guitar. His voice was the same to this song.
"Hurt by Johnny Cash. Released in 02. Huh, that's one I didn't know." Nate mumbled out loud, his thoughts a little clouded.
The song came to an end, and a more familiar song came on.
"Everybody's got their demons~
Even wide awake or dreaming~
I'm the one who ends up leaving~
Make it okay~" The radio sang, a little more cheerful than the last song.
'Finally!' The ebony thought. 'Something I know!' He thought once more, listening to the 5 Seconds of Summer song.
Nate then heard something crash in his brewing room, and ran to find out what happened. He saw a potion on the floor, ruined. The ebony looked up and saw.....Mat?
"M-Mat?" He asked, looking at the male who was staring at him. Then he noticed it. His eyes were black, and his skin was paler than usual, even though he was dead....
"Incorrect. I'm AntiMattter." The figure spoke, now known as AntiMatter.
"AntiMatter? I thought you died with Mat!" Nate yelled, a little confused by the evil counterpart's appearance.
"I did. I'm just a transparent ghost now. Counterparts don't move on like they original does. Anywho, that potion of yours I smashed, it's not supposed to exist." The counterpart said, his dark eyes glazing over Nate's collection of potions he had made.
"Why wasn't it supposed to exist?" Nate questioned, confused again.
"Because, it is forbidden to raise the dead. You should know that Mr. Smith." Anti said sharply, using Nate's real last name.
"Of course I knew that." Nate lied. He really didn't know this law.
"You didn't. I can tell." Anti said, his dark eyes watching the ebony.
"At least you aren't trying to kill me...." Nate said thankfully.
"Oh no, I still want to kill you. The exact reason I came here was to stop you. If you're erased, nothing bad will happen in the future. Concluding this, I say goodbye to you Nathan." Anti said, shoving his ghostly hands into Nate's chest.
"ARGH!" Nate felt the counterpart rip out his heart, and it was painful.
"Good riddance."
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