Sherlock x Reader: A consulting detective in love chapter 3
YN) : your name (LN) : last name (HC) : hair colour (EC) : eye colour (RFN) : random female name (RLN) : random last name (FC) : favourite colour
Chapter 3: The man at the funeral
Your POV
Violent flashes rippled through you, endless darkness was what you were met with until a bright light stung your eyes. a figure appeared in front of you. it was a man with a black hoodie over most of his face but his smirk could be easily seen and he only spoke a few single words which brought shivers down your spine. "Dont be scared (YN), you wil see your dear friend (RFN) very shortly!" he lunged for you with large hands and started strangling you with his pale hands slowly making your vision darken. The man above you kept whispering your name and telling you its time to join (RFN) and then BANG!
you found myself on the floor next to your bed with crimson blood seeping from the sole of your foot. "Must have dropped that glass of water i brought to bed with me last night." you whimpered as you pulled yourself up and pulled your (HL) (HC) away from your face and wandered to your en-suite(yes you have a en-suite DEAL WITH IT) and searched for the bandages and plasters. You eventually found some bandages and checked if there was any glass in the wound and thankfully there wasn't. You wrapped it around the cut which didn't look too deep. You remembered what today was. No wonder you had a nightmare about her. Today is (RFN)'s funeral. You have been asked to attend it today and of course you couldn't turn down the family of someone you knew very well and had a close relationship with.
You decided to wear a black dress with thin black tights and flats. Your (HL) (HC) was pulled tightly pulled back into a bun at the back of your head. You looked yourself over before walking towards the church, where the ceremony would take place. You saw a large group of people gathered outside the church and instinctly knew it was in the right place. The church doors opened and all of the family members and friends entered and you walked towards one of the pews and sat beside an elderly woman clutching a rosary bead necklace and praying for (RFN). The burial of her casket still had to be done and you walked over to where they were burying her and stood with tears escaping from your (EC) eyes and stared sorrowfully at where she was buried and looked up to see a man with a black zipped up hoodie and it struck fear in your heart.
It was the man from your nightmare, the man who wanted to hurt you. The man loomed over near a statue of a angel. As soon as the funeral ended the man's hood fell down and revealed his hazel eyes staring into you and his dark black brown hair, perfectly combed and straightened. This situation is creeping you out, what if that man over there has something to do with (RFN)'s death? Or is he a part of your imagination? He can't be, he just can't! You looked back at the the angel statue and... he was gone! You became more aware of your surroundings and felt weak and vulnerable. You quickly walked out of the graveyard and ran all the way back to your flat. You slammed your apartment door and rested your back against the door with your hands resting against your mouth.
You were in complete shock. (PN) wandered its way towards you and had the napkin in its mouth again. You took the napkin and pondered whether or not to tell Sherlock about the man at the funeral, You didn't want to tell him about the nightmare, there was no need to. You sprinted to your bedroom to change into something else. You dressed yourself in a thin jumper with a cute design on it and black skinny jeans. You wished (PN) goodbye and left your flat to hail for a taxi. The taxi eventually came and you told him to head to Baker St. The taxi stopped outside of Baker St. You paid the taxi driver and sprinted up the few stairs up to the doorbell and rang it a few times and waited. The door opened to reveal John at the door. "(YN)?" John asked me worriedly and shocked. "Yeah its me, um i have some more info about (RFN)'s case that may be of interest to you and Sherlock." You said shyly.
"Come on right in then!" John exclaimed. He opened the door and started to lead you up the stairs towards the apartment when... "Oh hello dear, who might you be?" Asked Mrs.Hudson. You and John turned yourselves around to face Mrs.Hudson. "Mrs.Hudson this is (YN) (LN) and she was friends with the girl on the news remember?" He told her. Mrs.Hudson's eyes widened. "Oh dear, I'm so sorry about your dear friends death dearie, come here." Mrs.Hudson waked up to you and tightly pulled you into a bone-crushing hug. You never liked hugs that much. So your body was tight and stiff, you waited until she let you go.
A loud sound rung in the air, Mrs. Hudson let you go to let out a deep sigh.
"He's at it again."
"Who's at it, what was that?" You asked worriedly
"You'll see, come on." John told you with a smile
You just went with it and followed John to the main living area. The scene before you nearly made you burst into laughter.
Sherlock was on the sofa with his dark curls tattered and mangled, slouching at an angle. With a white bed-sheet covering him. You then noticed the gun in his hands. So he was the one who made the loud sound. John shouted at Sherlock over the sound of him repeatedly shooting bullets into his living-room wall. Sherlock finally stopped and looked over to John. His greyish blue eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. He finally noticed you were in the room.
"Hello again (YN)." He said blatantly
"Hi Sherlock, um i have some new info you might be interested in." You said quietly
"Will you excuse me for one moment?" He asked, you nodded slowly
Sherlock arose from his seat and wrapped the bed-sheet tighter around his body which showed off some of the muscle he had on him. He waddled past you, like that of a penguin (PENWING!!!). He waddled off somewhere. John asked if you wanted a drink, so you quietly answered.
"Yes please, tea if you have any."
He nodded and went off into the kitchen, You sat yourself down and waited patiently. John brought you your tea and rested it in your hands. You thanked him and sipped some of your tea. You waited in silence for Sherlock's return. Sherlock finally arrived back in the living area, this time he was fully dressed and strolled over to you and John.
"Now, ready to get going?" he asked
"Going?, Going where?"
"Out of here, there's ears everywhere including here." he responded mysteriously
"Damn you Sherlock for acting all mysterious, I don't know why i suffer living with you sometimes!" John shouted at Sherlock
Sherlock smirked.
"Its because you're my only friend John Hamish Watson, even though i put decapitated heads in our fridge." Sherlock said plainly
John sighed, its as if Sherlock's speech kinda told him to give up and just let Sherlock be Sherlock. What did Sherlock say about decapitated heads? Keeps them in their fridge. You gave yourself a note to self, 'DO NOT LOOK IN JOHN AND SHERLOCK'S FRIDGE E.G. MIGHT HAVE DECAPITATED HEADS IN IT'
"(YN), you ready to go?" Sherlock asked
"I dont have a say in this do i?" You smirked
"No you do not dear (YN)." Sherlock grinned like the Cheshire cat
You put down your tea and arose from your seat. Sherlock started walking, John close behind and you tagging along at the back. You all exited 221b and walked down the busy London streets of Westminster and stumbled upon a small cafe. Sherlock entered the small cafe. You all sat down quietly and wondered why Sherlock dragged you here with John. Questions... too many questions.
"Ok, (YN) what have you remembered from the last time we visited you?" Sherlock questioned
"Its not exactly a memory... its something else." you replied
"What?" John asked shocked
"Today was (RFN)'s funeral and of course i went, but something happened while i was there." You explained
"Explain?" John asked, looking confiused
"There was a man at the funeral, He reminded me of someone i think i remember seeing somewhere when (RFN) was alive maybe, but this man brought fear into me like a shadow or a ghost." You shivered
Sherlock saw your expression as clear as day, though he didn't feel many human emotions he knew she was truly afraid of this man. He examined you like he did with a corpse. He took a final look at your hands and face and saw what he needed to see. Your hands were shaking and you hand dark black circles ringing round your eyes. Lack of sleep? What could cause her to loose sleep like that? It then hit Sherlock. Nightmares. That's why.
"(YN), have you been having nightmares by any chance?" Sherlock asked (YN)
"Wild guess... so what happened in this nightmare of your's?"
"Well, it started off...
(YN) explained her nightmare to me and John. The nightmare was vivid and morbid, detailed to the bone. Dark hair and Brown eyes? There are many people with that hair and eye colour. But, i still felt determined to finish this case but also to be able to protect (YN) as well. This case had more twists and turns than we expected but I am no impotent detective, I am Sherlock Holmes. The thought of someone trying to hurt (YN), it made my stomach churn in disgust. What is this feeling, its so sudden and new. I felt protective over (YN), why do i feel this way. I only just met (YN), yet i feel this new feeling around her. I snapped out of my thoughts on human emotions and realised that John and (YN) were just sitting there, wondering when i would come out of my dream-like state. The man of (YN)'s nightmare was becoming a picture in my mind as I remembered every detail she told me about this man. I grabbed John and (YN)'s hands and jerked them off their seats, giving John long enough time to drop a £10 note on the table before Sherlock dragged them out of the cafe.
"Where are we going,Please explain?" (YN) asked Sherlock
"To the station."
"Why are we going to the station? Sherlock?" John asked Sherlock
"To tell Lestrade about 'Him' "
"Who's 'Him'?"
"The man at the funeral, of course"
Hi my little tacos and cupcakes, here's chapter 3. Hope you enjoy it. Sorry this A/N is gonna be short cuz i'm tired and i have to get this up now so yeah. Thanks for reading! The wait for Chapter 4 begins
Bye! ~AgentLlamaSocks341 xxx
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