Sherlock x Reader: A consulting detective in love Chapter 11
Sherlock x Reader: A consulting detective in love chapter 11
(YN) : your name (LN) : last name (HC) : hair colour (RFN) : random female name (FN) : Father's name (MN): (EC): Eye colour (MN): Mother's name (HOC): Hairstyle of choice
Chapter 11: Checkmate...
Your POV
The tears kept streaming down your cheek as you saw Moriarty stand before you, a Cheshire cat grin on his face.
"Don't cry my love." Moriarty wiped your tears away, you hissed and spat at him.
He smirked and struck you across the face, he loved hearing you whimper in pain.
"Moran, bring her back to the room..." Moriarty turned on his heel and walked out of the room with a spring in his step.
The man you now know as Moran untied you and dragged you back to the room, you kept crying for Sherlock as you were dragged through the hallway and thrown back into the room you were originally in. You curled into a ball and cried.
"Love, don't cry..." Moriarty walked in and smirked at you
"Y-You... YOU KILLED HIM!!!!!." You used your remaining strength to scream that at him
"Don't be so harsh my dear, your heart will change soon enough."
"Again with you always saying 'never', I can change that and I am succeeding so far..." He walked up to you and kneeled by you
"What a beautiful dress this is...maybe one day you will walk down the aisle in this dress with me."
"I would never marry you, not after you killed (RFN), The doctor, My other workmate, My Father and Sherlock!!" You gritted your teeth at him, he growled and grabbed you by the hair and held you up. You whimpered as he tugged your hair harshly and whispered in your ear
"I'm trying to be nice, you're making it difficult for me my love." He snapped, you felt tears trailing down your cheeks again
"Shhh its alright my love." He wiped your tears away and drops you to the ground, he took the handcuffs out of his pocket and clicked them around your wrists
"That's what you get for being a bad girl..." He snapped and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him.
You tug at the cuffs and the memory of seeing Sherlock being shot down plays on replay in your mind, you whimper and cry until your throat becomes sore and dry.
"S-Sherlock..." You mutter before you curl into a ball on the floor and begin to shake more as you remember Sherlock's last words.
'I-I love you (YN)...' His voice was in your head, his soft and velvet like voice played like a tape-recording in your head.
"I-I l-love you t-too S-Sherlock..." You croak out before you dissolve into tears and gasping for air.
I leaned against the door and smirked as I heard her sobs, they were like utter bliss to my ears
A crashing noise snapped me out of my sadistic bliss, my eyes narrowed and I walked towards where the noise came from. My men were strewn across the ground.
My eyes scanned the area and looked for the supposed dead Sherlock and his companion, they were no-where in sight. I growled and pinned one of my men to the wall and dug my hands into his neck
"T-They escaped sir."
"WHAT!" I snapped and dropped the man to the ground
"Y-Yes S-Sir..."
I gritted my teeth and grabbed my gun out of my holster and shot the man dead with one bullet, no second thoughts made. I watched him fall
"THAT MY FELLOW ASSASSINS AND PARTNERS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU FUCK SOMETHING UP! AND HE WILL BE OUR EXAMPLE. IF YOU FAIL ME THEN YOU WILL END UP LIKE HIM!" I yelled, every one of the men and women who worked for me shook in fear and kept their heads down
"Dispose of the body before I shoot again..." I walked over the now deceased man's body and swung my office door open and threw my papers off of my desk. Moran walked in and stood there beside my desk.
"Moran, you have not failed me. You are the only one here who has not failed me..." I sighed and dug my nails into my rosewood desk
"Yes Sir..."
"Sir, Are we still go through with the plan?"
"Yes we are Moran... but we must be cautious since those imbeciles MESSED UP and let our enemies escape... "
"Moran, Holmes is still breathing... I cannot go through with the plan here... We need to emigrate."
"To where, Sir?"
I sighed and sat in my leather chair
"I have accomplices in America who could give us residency and helps us complete the plan."
Moran nodded "Shall I contact them for you, Sir?"
"Yes Moran..."
FEW MINUTES LATER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"They said they will help you, Sir."
Moran nods and walks out of my office, I spin around in my chair and sigh
"Soon my swan...Soon we will be together and that idiotic sociopathic knight of yours will not get in our way..." I smirk and maniacally laugh, my laughter carries on through the whole building. Everyone hears my maniacal cackling.
"Soon... Soon..." I mutter and grin to myself.
Your POV
You fell hands grab you and unfurl you from your tight ball and you stop fighting, you didn't struggle...
you just did...
You let them drag you through the halls, you kept your head down and didn't utter a word. You felt the cold air against your skin, attacking you like little needles. You remained silent as you felt yourself being pushed into a car, you kept your head down and closed your eyes. Your eyes opened slightly as you felt a familiar needle in your neck, you felt the liquid enter your bloodstream again. You closed your eyes as you felt the drug take toll on your body
TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Your eyes flutter open, the area around you is unfamiliar. You look down and see that you are now wearing a flowery sundress and had the handcuffs cuffed to you again, you are confused and look around.
"Hello little swan, I see that you're awake..." Moriarty smirked, you looked at him with no expression in your eyes
"You're probably wondering where you are and you should be glad to know that you are at a airport..."
"Yes my dear, also... I have something for you... A proposition..."
"What kind of proposition?" You ask
"One that controls life and death."
"Aren't all of your propositions about life and death..." You mutter, he grins.
He brings out a small velvet box and waves it in front of your face
'No... No...' You shake your head
"Little Swan, A king needs to be married to the princess to make her his queen... " He smirks and opens the box to reveal a large diamond encrusted ring
"(YN) (YMN) (LN), You are going to be my queen and there is of course a consequence if you say no..."
"W-What's the consequence?"
"Every family member who you love and hold dear will be slaughtered in cold blood before your very eyes... don't you think there has been enough bloodshed my love?" He grinned like the Cheshire cat
'No... I have to do this... No-one has to die because of me... No-one should die because of me...'
"My swan... Is that a yes?" He grinned, you kept your head down and nodded
"Excellent!" He grabbed your left hand and slid the ring onto your ring finger, tears brimmed the edges of your eyes
"My swan... I want to hear you say something for me..."
"W-What do I have to say?"
"Say... that you ME...."
Your heart sunk, you felt a tear fall down your cheek.
"I belong to you, I am yours..." You muttered
"I didn't hear you..." He teased
"I belong to you, I am yours." You said a little louder
"I didn't hear you!" He said tauntingly
"I BELONG TO YOU AND I AM YOURS AND ONLY YOURS!" You yelled out and felt more tears stream down your cheeks
"Much better..." He purred and kissed your neck, you flinched and felt more tears crawl down your cheeks
"Come now my swan, our plane awaits us..." He purred against your neck, you silently whimpered at that.
He grabbed your cuffed wrist and made you follow him to where the plane was. You kept your head down as you walked to the check in point
"And the name of you both would be?"
"Richard Brook and soon to be (YN) Brook." He wrapped his arm around your waist and trailed his fingers up your side
"Aww what an adorable couple you two are! I'll just need your boarding passes and you two can scurry along!" The woman at the check in smiled
Moriarty dug his nails into your side, you flinched and smiled fakely back at the woman. Moriarty handed the woman the boarding passes. She smiled and showed you and Moriarty to the plane
"You are a very lucky woman soon to be Mrs Brooke, flying in a private jet with the love of your life... sounds soooo romantic!"
'P-Private J-Jet...' You thought in your head
"Yes, Only the best for my little swan..." Moriarty grinned and kissed your forehead lightly
You faked another smile and let Moriarty lead you onto the private jet
"Good girl..." He whispered to you, you flinched and whimpered after hearing that
You were shown to your's and his seats and you were given one by a window, Moriarty uncuffed you and pushed you into your seat. Your eyes widened as he pinned your arms by your side, a metal cuff appeared and trapped your wrists
"Just for your safety, My swan..." He leaned in and purred into your ear, he got close to your ear and bit it harshly. You whimpered in pain, a trickle of blood dropped down your ear and onto your shoulder. He smirked and licked the blood off your shoulder and licked the blood off of your ear. You whimpered and let tears fall down your cheeks.
He smirked and sat himself down on the seat on the opposite side to you, he laced one of his legs over his other leg. He took out his phone and ear-buds and put them in, he listened to his music and closed his eyes. You felt the jet ascend into the air, you looked out the window and cried as you flew out of an airport known to everyone who visits England...
'Gatwick Airport'...
You felt a few slow tears trickle down your cheeks as a memory of Sherlock runs through your mind, him touching your cheek, him pressing his lips to yours for the first time and when he said 'I love you' to you for the first time. The detective you adored... the man who you fell for... The consulting detective who supposedly couldn't fall in love... The Consulting Detective who fell in love... with you... You felt more tears in your eyes, you looked out the window again and saw that London was slowly disappearing from sight... Then it was gone... London disappeared from sight as the jet ascended higher into the air and nothing but clouds could be seen.
Sherlock's POV
My eyes fluttered open, I groaned as I felt pain in my side and stomach. John was sitting in a chair by my side, he was asleep. He woke up and smiled at me weakly and then I remembered... (YN)
"He's got (YN), We have to go find her!" I tried to get out of the hospital bed , John kept me down
"Sherlock, you're still healing, please rest!!" John yelled at me, I didn't listen and proceeded to pushing John out of the way.
Ripping the tubes that were connected to my wrists and veins. Nurses and Doctors rushed in and tried to put me back in the hospital. I struggled and pushed them out of the way, punching one of the doctors in the face. As soon as I reached the door to my room, I fell to the ground in pain as I felt the pain of my wound emerge once again. I felt an arm wrap my own arm over someone's neck, the person led me back to my hospital bed. I turned my head to see that it was Mycroft.
He made me lay down on the bed, the doctors reattached the tubes to my wrists. I sat up and sighed as I remembered seeing (YN) in that white dress. I closed my eyes and sighed sadly
"Brother, We are searching for her, we will find her..." Mycroft said, I sighed.He sighed and sat by my side, my thoughts were only about (YN)... Her smile, her hair... everything about her.
She was gone... but I will find her... I'll never give up on her. Never.
Your POV
Your eyes open, you are no longer on the jet. You are in a limo, a black pristine looking limo. You were confused
"Its good to see that you are awake, Sleeping beauty." Moriarty grinned at you
You gulped and felt your wrists, the handcuffs were back on your wrists, you sighed. The limo stopped moving, the door on Moriarty's side opened, he got out and pulled you out along with him. There you stood in front of a mansion, it had the feeling of a cottage but looked like a mansion. Your eyes widened
"Do you like it, my little swan?" Moriarty purred
You stayed quiet, he led you to the front door. The inside of the mansion/cottage looked expensive and had a familiar feel to it. You saw some of your pictures from your flat were on the mantelpiece.
It was a picture of you and your dad... tears brimmed your eyes once again.
Moriarty smirked and wiped them away, he led you to a room. It was a living-room. Paintings were hung and taxidermy of deer were hung on the walls. You shivered as you felt as if the deer's eyes were watching you as you walked. You sat down in a armchair by an old wood burn fireplace. Moriarty sat opposite of you
."My dear, before we wed I must meet your family..." You shook when he said that
"Do you not think so?" He purred
"Y-Yes you should..."
"Phone them... phone your family and tell them you are engaged and the wedding is in a couple of days time... they will not be worried but they will want to meet me so tell them that they will be picked up and driven to the private jet..." He smirked and threw you his phone
You caught it and dialed your Mother's number
TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"I-I did it... she's fine with it..." You stuttered out when you finished the call.
"Perfect..." He grinned
"Your family will be picked up tonight and brought here where they shall meet me and get to know me... " He stood up and smirked
"Aren't you a good girl... Since you have been good I shall get rid of the handcuffs and you can be uncuffed till morning." He clicked open the handcuffs and tucked them into his pocket.
"Come my swan, Let me show you something..." He grabbed your hand and led you upstairs. He opened a door to reveal and a large, Victorian inspired room with ruffled bed covers.
One bed...
"Do you like our room, my love?" He went up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close so that he could whisper that in your ear.
You bit your lip to stop yourself from whimpering in fear. He kissed your bruised neck before trailing his hand up your spine.
"Soon my love, you will be my queen..."
"Also... The bathroom is there... there's a change of clothes in there for you and a bath has been run for you."
He pulled away from you and sat himself on the bed. You kept your head down and ran to the bathroom, thankfully the door had a lock. You locked the bathroom door and saw the bath, a large deep bath with thousands of bubbles. You looked at yourself and then the bath. You took your clothes off and stepped into the bath, your skin burned when you stepped in, your cuts and bruises burned when the soapy water touched your skin. You closed your eyes and thought about home. Home wasn't your flat, it was 221B.
221B was your home.You fell into deep thought, your mind drifted to Sherlock and how you first met him. You sighed and felt a single tear fall onto your hands. You wiped it away and felt your fingers start to shrivel up like a prune. You wrapped a scratchy towel around yourself and looked for the clothes that Moriarty had left out for you. The clothes were not inappropriate and were casual. A large old Bee Gees band t-shirt and shorts. You changed into them and put your hand on the lock. Your hand shook, fearing what lied behind the door. You shakily turned the lock and opened the door to reveal Moriarty lying under the covers. You slowly walked over to the bed and sat down on the bed. Moriarty crawled over to you and wrapped his arms around you
"Sleep my swan... You must be exhausted..." He purred and kissed up your neck, you flinched every-time he laid a kiss to your neck.
You nodded and laid down under the covers and laid your head on one of the pillows, you had your back to Moriarty. He wrapped his arms around your waist and wrapped a leg over you, pulling you close. You whimpered when you felt his lips against the back of your neck. You whimpered more and clutched the bed-sheets tightly under your fingers. You closed your eyes and tried to fall asleep, a vision of Sherlock came into your mind. He waltzed in like a prince and saved you like you were in a fairy-tale... But fairy-tales never come true... He's gone. Sherlock is gone.
You held that vision of him rescuing you close and dreamed that it was true but you knew deep down that he was dead... he was never going to come for you. You now belong to Moriarty. But you held that vision and daydream close to you, it was your light in the darkness. Your only hope...
Sherlock's POV
I awake to see John standing there with my clothes in his arms, he lays them beside me
"You've been discharged from hospital." My eyes widened at that, I grabbed my clothes and immediately wanted to get changed.
John left the room to let me change in privacy, I changed into my clothes slowly and carefully, trying not to rip open my stitches. I was changed and I then shakily stood up, John came back in and helped me up and walked me to the front desk. I was discharged by John and guided to the taxi that he hired. He helped me in, it drove us to 221B. I scrambled out and barged through the front door of 221B and brushed past Mrs Hudson.
John ran up behind me and apologized to Mrs Hudson for me. I found my phone lying on my desk, I picked it up and contacted every one of my 'friends' from around London to see if they had seen anything or had seen you. I paced around the room and ignored the pain that my wound was creating around my body. I ignored it again and again and kept pacing. The people got back to me and said that they saw nothing and that they had never seen (YN). I sighed in sadness until one got back to me saying
'I saw something.' My eyes widened and I asked him where he was
He gave me his location and told him to come to 221B immediately.I kept pacing at that, knowing that we had gotten a lead. A lead to finding you...
Your POV
Light hits your face as your eyes flutter open. Moriarty's arms around your waist and his face in your neck. You wanted him to unravel his arms from around you.
"Morning..." He purred into your neck
"M-Morning..."He traced his hand up your side before kissing your neck and getting out off of the bed, he left you there. You sighed in relief when you saw him leave. After a few minutes, He came back with a tray of food. He sat beside you, he made you open your mouth. He spoon-fed you your breakfast and slapped your hand when you tried to feed yourself.
You felt sick every-time he gave you a spoonful, a forkful of the food. You kept the food down. He used a napkin and wiped your lips. His eyes looked at your lips and grinned when he heard a knock at the door.
"They're here..." He grinned wider
You knew he meant that your family was here, that made your heart sink. You had to convince your family that Moriarty was the love of your life...
"Get changed into something...There's lots of nice things to wear in the wardrobe." He walked out of the room.
You shakily stood up and walked over to the wardrobe, you opened it to reveal all of your own clothes. He had went to your flat most likely and taken your belongings.You pulled out some clothes that you thought looked nice. You saw that your makeup was on the dressing table. You looked at your reflection and knew that some makeup can cover up the bruises and marks made by Moriarty.
You got changed and managed to cover the bruises and marks up very well, they looked almost non-existent. You pulled your hair back into a (HOC) and looked yourself in the mirror one last time before walking out of the bedroom. You walked down the stairs to see your family sitting down and talking with Moriarty. They smiled and hugged you, they talked about the wedding. You faked a small smile. There were no seats so Moriarty said
"You can sit on my lap dear." He smiled.
You gulped slightly and sat on his lap, his arm wrapped around your waist. Your posture was tense and straight. He traced his fingertips on the small of your back. You bit your lip to try and keep your composure. The day continued like that, Moriarty conversing with your family, acting like he was a part of your family. Your mother beckoned you to the kitchen
"(YN) dear, at first I didn't approve of the idea of you marrying him but I have changed my mind and I give you my blessing! He's such a lovely fellow. Richard is your perfect match!"
She smiled and hugged you tightly
'No... Sherlock was...'
"Thanks Mother!" You faked a smile again and she walked back to everyone. She walked up to Moriarty and hugged him
"I cannot wait till I welcome you to the family! (FN) would have loved you Richard." She sighed sadly
"I am so sorry for your loss, Mrs (LN)."
How dare he!' You gritted your teeth
"Thank you Richard, please call me (MN)." She smiled sadly at him
"(YN), Who do you want to take you down the aisle? I can do it if you want." Your grandfather spoke out
"Thank you." You smiled at him, your cheeks were starting to hurt from you smiling too many times. You were glad that no-one noticed that your smiles were fake except Moriarty.
Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Your family had left to go to their hotel, you hugged them tightly and felt a tear fall when you saw them leave. "Its getting late, my little swan. Should we head to bed?" He grinned
You kept your head down and walked up the stairs. You grabbed the clothes you wore as sleeping clothes and walked into the bathroom to change. You glimpsed at yourself in the mirror, your eyes caught sight of the diamond ring that rested on your ring finger. You looked at it, tears streamed down your cheeks.
Your hands gripped the sink as you cried deeply. Your form began to shake. You heard the bathroom door open, Moriarty stood there and smirked at you
"One day... you will love me... one day your heart will belong to me..." He said in a grim, low voice.You kept your head down and watched him in the mirror as he walked over to the bed. You looked at yourself and walked out of the bedroom. You sat on the bed, his arms wrapped around you and pulled you down so you laid beside him.
"You will make a beautiful queen indeed... such a beautiful queen..." He kissed your neck, you began to cry once more. He fell asleep with his face in your neck. You laid there awake, crying with your hand over your mouth so that your sobs were silenced.
You shook and clutched the bed-sheets tightly in your nimble fingers as the last sliver of light disappeared in the room.Just like the hope you had for getting away from Moriarty had disappeared...He had won. Moriarty won. And in a matter of days... You would be his queen.Moriarty whispered something in his sleep to you
END OF CHAPTER 11 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hi my little tacos and cupcakes! This is chapter 11 of my story, I hope you enjoyed it! This story is nearing an end very shortly so be aware of that! I am working as hard as I can to make the finale of the series awesome! I FEEL LIKE I'M TURNING INTO MOFFAT! ITS SO MUCH FUN!!!! LOLZOR :3 Goodbye my little tacos and cupcakes! I'll see you when I next update ^-^
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