Sherlock x Reader: A consulting detective in love Chapter 10
Sherlock x Reader: A consulting detective in love chapter 10 (YN) : your name (LN) : last name (HC) : hair colour (EC): Eye colour (HL): Hair Length
Chapter 10: Lets play a game of chance, Mr Holmes
Sherlock's POV
My heart was rapidly beating out of control. My mind was blank and unable to function. The doors to my mind palace were locked and were unable to be opened. (YN) snuggled close to me, her chin was resting on my shoulder. Her breathing was light and nearly completely silent. I felt as if I saw colour for the first time, different emotions and feelings that I had reserved and locked inside of me were now breaking my cold facade. Mycroft's words that created this cold facade were now forgotten and put aside.
I saw John leave the living-room, leaving (YN) and I alone. (YN) muttered something under her breath again. She then clutched my shirt between her fingers and kept muttering something under her breath in a mantra
"(YN)?" She looked at me, her eyes were red and puffy
"Sherlock, c-can y-you please come with me to t-the..."
"The what?" "T-The f-funeral." She stuttered out
My eyes widened when she asked me that"Are you sure? Are you sure you want me to attend the funeral with you?" I asked her, she quickly nodded
"Y-Yes." She stuttered out and looked at me
"I will attend the funeral with you if it consoles you in any way." She nodded and hid her face in my shoulder again My hand went to her hair, I ran my fingers through her (HL) (HC) hair, her hands were still gripping my shirt tightly. As I ran my fingers through her hair, her grip on my shirt slowly loosened. I kept doing it until her hands fell to her sides. I saw the marks that Moriarty had left on her, I gritted my teeth when I saw the one on her neck that had turned a purple/black colour.
I knew that she needed to be checked over by John, he is a doctor after all. I felt my fingers graze her bruised neck, she flinched at my touch.
"Its alright, I'm not going to hurt you." I muttered to her, she nodded.
I led her to the couch, she softly sat down. I sat down beside her, I looked at her. She turned her head to look at me, her eyes were dull, they had no life in them. I felt her shuffle closer to me, I then saw her curl up on the sofa and rest her head on my lap. My posture stiffened but then relaxed quickly, my hand went to her hair. I ran my fingers through her soft hair and caressed her cheek with my thumb and fingertips. Her hands were resting on my leg, her eyes were half open. I sighed and kept running my fingers through her hair. She sighed lightly. My fingers grazed the bruise again which made her whimper.
"Y-Yes Sherlock."
"Can you let John look over your wounds, especially the one on your neck needs attention."She shakily nodded and sat up, I called for John. He walked in and asked what he was needed for
"Could you please look over (YN)'s wounds?" John nodded and went to go get the first aid kit.
He came back and kneeled in front of (YN), she was shaking. I took my hand in hers and rubbed the back of her hand soothingly. John opened the kit, he wanted to sort out the mark on her neck first. He grabbed a alcohol wipe and a bandage. She closed her eyes as John wiped the alcohol wipe over the mark, where Moriarty had broken skin. She held my hand tighter as the wipe burned her skin.
I kept rubbing her hand softly as John binned the wipe and lightly put on a bandage over her neck.
"Is there any other places where he broke skin?" He asked, she shook her head
"N-No... Only bruises."John nodded and made her show him the extent of the bruises. It was all over her ribs and her spine. John sighed and put away the first aid kit, he sighed and heard the doorbell ring. He walked to the door and checked who it was(YN) hid her bruises and curled up close to me. Her face hiding in my chest. John came back up but had someone behind him... Mycroft.
"Why are you here?" I snapped at him
"That's no way to treat me, little brother."I growled, (YN) looked up at me confused and worried
"Mycroft, why have you decided to drop in for a visit?" John asked
Mycroft twirled his closed umbrella and looked at (YN)
"Miss (YN) of course." I growled after hearing that"I know that she is Moriarty's new... interest. It is not safe in London and have decided to ask Miss (YN) if she would like to emigrate the country to escape Moriarty."
"Do you not think that I have thought about that idea, Mycroft." I glared at him
"Sherlock, he has spies all over London. It isn't safe here for her." He told me
"N-No-where is s-safe..." (YN) muttered and looked at everyone
"N-No-where you could send me would be s-safe... He will find me no matter where I go... I cannot run nor h-hide from him." (YN) said as if she had lost all hope
"She is right... He is an 'international killer' and known worldwide and probably does have spies everywhere." John told Mycroft
"I suppose you are right." Mycroft sighed and twiddled his umbrella
"Do you have a plan to stop him?" Mycroft asked me "I'm thinking of one."
"You better think quick..." Mycroft turned on his heel and left 221B.
(YN) cuddled close to me and hid her face
"Sherlock, what are we going to do?" John asked
"I have no clue, I have no clue..." I leaned my head back. The phone rang which made (YN) flinch, It was my phone. John picked it up and answered it.
"Its Lestrade." He mouthed and talked with him on the phone
(YN)'s face was hidden by her hair and I gently pushed the hair away from her face.
She was breathing lightly and hid her face in my chest. I kissed her forehead lightly
"Sherlock... there's a new case."
John said when he finished the call with Lestrade
I looked down at (YN)
"G-Go, I'll be fine here." (YN) looked up at me and gave me a small weak smile.
"Are you sure?" She nodded and smiled a little brighter
"Okay." I smiled at her and kissed her forehead lightly, I leaned in and kissed her lightly on her lips. She kissed back and rested her hand on my shoulder and mine was on her cheek. I pulled away and pecked her lips one last time before standing up and grabbing my coat, scarf and shoes.
I put them on and prepared to leave. John patted my back and started walking out. I glanced at her one last time before I walked out of the flat.
(YN)'s POV
You watched him leave,you sighed and curled up on the sofa. you grabbed a cushion and clutched in closely. your eyes threatened to close. They closed completely shut...
NIGHTMARE BEGINS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
There you were again on the chessboard, you were tied up. you tried to scream out but you had tape over your tried to move but a man held you still, a gun in his hand. There you saw John unconscious and Sherlock on the ground covered in cried and struggled until you felt someone grab you and hold you still
"Do you like what I did little Swan." You turned around and saw Moriarty with blood all over him, He wiped his hand on your face and ripped the tape off, blood smeared across your face.
The blood had a pungent stench that made your stomach churn. You screamed and tried to run. You looked down at yourself and saw that you were wearing an elegant white wedding dress but it was drenched in blood... You screamed louder until you snapped and the nightmare disappeared.
END OF NIGHTMARE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You woke up with a start, you heart was racing. Sweat drenched your face. You wiped the sweat from your forehead. You heard a crashing sound from somewhere, you grew scared and scrambled to the kitchen.
You found a sharp knife and shakily held it in your hands. You stayed in the kitchen, you walked out of the kitchen when you thought it was safe. You had your back to the door, a hand went to your mouth and silenced you as you struggled. You swiped the knife across the stomach of the person that held you, the person that held you groaned but held you still. You kept struggling until you felt something being pricked into your neck, liquid went through your neck and into your bloodstream.
Your eyesight became blurred and your hands grew numb. You fell to your knees and saw the man that did this to you. A tall brown/blonde haired man with a scar across his cheek and neck. Your eyes shut, your body was completely numb. The man picked you up and carried you out of 221B.
I walked back into 221B with John, having solved the boring case. I just wanted to get back to 221B to be with (YN). I felt something wrong, I felt as if something wasn't right... I saw glass on the staircase. My eyes widened which made me run up to the flat and frantically look around for (YN). All I saw was a empty syringe and a knife with blood on it.
John ran in and looked around "Oh no... "
He gasped when he saw the syringe and knife."He's taken her... He's got (YN)..." I gritted my teeth and growled in anger.
"Sherlock, we can get her back, we'll find her." John put his hand on my shoulder.
I pushed him away and looked around for clues until I found a leaf on the ground with a ticket laid beside it on the ground. I inspected them closely and put them under my microscope and thoughts ran through my mind.
"The new forest..."
"What?" John asked
"She's been taken to the new forest... "
"How do you kno-"
"These leaves are from a certain tree that's from the new forest and a ticket to the new forest via ferry is here beside it." I said and got up
"We are going to the new forest."John nodded, I stood up and ran out of 221B. John ran after me.
"How are we going to get there?" John asked
"We'll find a way." I growled and hopped into a taxi, en-route to ask a man he despised for help.
(YN)'s POV
Your eyelids were heavy, you struggled to open them. You felt as if the area around you was moving side to side. The door opened to reveal the man that drugged you, he had a gun in his hand and a cigarette in his mouth. You tried to back away but handcuffs cuffed you to the bed-side table. He smirked and sat himself in a chair beside where you were
"We're almost there..." He said, you saw a port-hole
'A ferry?' You thought to yourself and tugged on your wrists until they became red and raw.
"Another few minutes and we'll be there..."
"W-Where is 'there'?" You asked
"You'll see." He stood up and walked out of the room.You kept tugging on your wrists, a trickle of blood streamed down your wrists.
The ferry stopped, the man came back and un-cuffed one of your hands from the bed-side table
"Try anything and you will pay." He snapped and muttered to you which made you flinch.You nodded and felt him drag you out of the room. You didn't struggle. You were thrown into the back of a car. The car door shut and drove down a ramp. You kept your head down. You kept thinking about Sherlock.The door to the car opened after a while and you were dragged out. A forest was before you, the man grabbed your cuffs and dragged you through the forest. He eventually stopped and there stood a house, a tall house with no windows. He pushed you and you fell to your knees. You were exhausted and still had the aftereffects to the drug in your system. He growled and dragged you to the door and knocked on the door harshly. The door opened, the man dragged you inside, your eyes shut once again.
TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You awoke again in a room, laid on a bed. The room was beautiful but you knew that you must escape. The door was open and there stood Moriarty
"Do you like your new room, Little Swan?" He smirked
"Why yes dear." He smirked wider.
You felt anger within you but fear was taking over you. Your hands were still cuffed but now to the head-board. You struggled
"Now dear, don't worry I'll release you from the handcuffs if you promise to be good." He walked over to you.
You closed your eyes as you felt his breath on your neck, you felt the handcuffs pop open. You pulled your wrists close and massaged the area where you had tugged and managed to break skin. Moriarty smirked and tucked the handcuffs into his pocket.
"Sorry dear but I have things to do, no worries I'll pop in when I can to visit you." He leaned in and kissed your cheek, you flinched and whimpered.
He grinned and walked to the door."Be good while I'm gone." He said in a sing-song voice.
You shivered in fear, the room had no windows and only a small amount of light was in the room. You curled into a ball and began to cry. 'Sherlock... Please save me...' You said to yourself as you cried into your knees. You cried until you felt tired and fell asleep to the sound of your sobs.
TIME SKIP AGAIN~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THERE'S A LOT OF TIME SKIPS
You awoke to find yourself in a new pair of clothes and a hand was caressing your cheek. Moriarty was sat next to you, caressing your cheek. You gasped and backed away from him
"Morning my love." He smirked
You started to shake
"Don't worry love, I won't hurt you."
"T-That's what you said last time..." You remembered the bandage on your neck.
"You're right, but I won't since you're going to be here for a while dear."You remained quiet, fearing that he may harm you again
"(YN) dear, your knight in shining armor is on his way but he will never succeed in rescuing you." Moriarty smirked and leaned in closer to you. You were now backed against the head-board. He leaned in and forcefully kissed you, you struggled and tried to push him off. He bit your bottom lip and made it bleed. You whimpered and managed to push him off. He grinned and had your blood on his chin and licked it off. You shook in fear and held your lip to try and stop it from bleeding. He smirked and got up off the bed
"You will be mine (YN) and you will love me..."
"Never." You spat at him
"Oh we'll see about that..." He stood up and left the room, locking the door behind him. You saw a mirror was now in the room. There you saw your reflection, your eyes were sunken in and had dark circles around them. Your lips was swelling up and blood on it. The bandage was hanging off and the mark where the man injected you was turning a yellow colour. You whimpered and looked away from your reflection.
You looked at your hands as you saw them shake wildly. You held yourself and curled into a ball. You couldn't move, you feared what would happen if you tried to move. You heard the door open and in walked a woman with a dress in her arms. It was the dress that you wore in your nightmare.
"Get changed..." She threw the dress at you. You grabbed the dress, the woman walked away and out of the room.
You changed into the dress, it fell gracefully onto the ground, the white ruffles creating a beautiful effect. You knew the dress looked pretty but you knew that this was a part in Moriarty's twisted game. The woman walked in"Lets go." She told you and walked you out of the room but cuffed you again. You were being dragged by your handcuffs to the new location in the building. You reached a door with a code lock, the woman inserted the code and the door opened, she pushed you inside. You stumbled and fell to your knees. A hand grabbed you by your arm and dragged you across the floor. You didn't struggle.
You were dropped and lights shone on where you stood and the whole room
There you stood... on the chessboard...
On the place where the queen's piece would be stood.Moriarty stood at the other end of the chessboard with a smirk on his face, his smirk grew wider when he saw you wearing the dress.
"Our guests shall be arriving any minute now..." He spoke out
'Sherlock...John...' Your eyes widened when you realized that they were on their way.
The man that drugged you pushed you into a chair and tied you up. You struggled lightly but he just made the ropes tighter around you, digging into your stomach and rib-cage which were still bruised from 2 days ago. You whimpered in pain
"Be nice, Moran. Don't hurt my little swan." Moriarty said in a sing-song voice.
The doors of the building slammed open, natural light seeped through. There you saw to figures. One tall and slender and the other smaller in stature
."S-Sherlock..." You croaked out"Moriarty..." Sherlock walked in and his eyes widened when he saw you.
"(YN)..." He looked at you and growled at Moriarty.
"Hello Sherly, nice to see you again,How long has it been? 4 years?" Moriarty smirked.
"Moriarty..." John growled at Moriarty
"Hello Johnny boy." Moriarty said in a spine-chilling voice
"Release (YN)..."
"How about...NO!" Moriarty cackled
"Sherly, lets play a game."
"I don't want to play any one of your games, Moriarty."
"Oh you will... when you know what the prize is."
"What's the prize?" John asked
"(YN) is the prize..." Sherlock's eyes widened
"Lets play a game of chance, Mr Holmes..."
"What is the game?"
"This chessboard here is filled with little... 'challenges'. Ways that you can lose such as knives, fire, arrows. you know the lot."
"If you step on the wrong tile, you will set off one of these challenges."
"Are you game, Sherlock?"
"If I can save (YN) then yes... I am game." He glanced at you, tears brimmed your eyes
"Well then Sherlock, you may take the first step."Sherlock nodded and stepped on the first tile, Moriarty smirked and stood on one as well.
John was dragged away and was tied up with duct-tape over his mouth. Sherlock and Moriarty made their way across the board, none of them setting off any off the death traps or 'challenges' that the board held.
You had tears streaming down your cheeks as you prayed that Sherlock would reach you first. The two were now one tile away from you, Sherlock on one side and Moriarty on the other. Sherlock looked at you and raised his foot and stood on the tile that separated you from him.
Something snapped, something cracked when Sherlock stepped on that tile.
Something came hurtling towards Sherlock. Sherlock's eyes widened as something hit him, Sherlock touched his side and then looked at his hand, blood was on his hand.
"SHERLOCK!!!!!!!" You screamed as he fell to his knees.
Sherlock uttered one last thing before he coughed up blood "I-I love you (YN)..."
Tears streamed down your face like waterfalls as you watched the man you came to adore fall to his knees with an arrow in his chest.
You cried and screamed for him as Moriarty stepped on the next tile and stood beside you
"You're mine now...My little beautiful swan..."
Hello My little tacos and cupcakes,This is chapter 10. I hope you enjoyed it! I'm sorry to say this is my last update to the story till probably summer... I'm sorry but yeah. Thankfully I'll be making Sherlock one-shots for you all in a separate book where you can request something there :3 I know that I'm turning into a Moffat but ITS SO MUCH FUN! *Laughs maniacally before running into a wall* Anyways, thank you so much for reading my story! Goodbye my little tacos and cupcakes, I'll see you when I see you :3
~AgentLlamaSocks341 aka Sophie~
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