Sherlock x reader: A consulting detective in love chapter 1
Hi this is my first reader insert so please enjoy
(YN) : your name (LN) : last name (HC) : hair colour (EC) : eye colour (PN) : pet name (FP) : favourite pet (RFN) : random female name (RLN) : random last name (FC) : favourite colour
Chapter:1 - Unable to be deduced
Sherlock's POV
I lounged around in my bedcovers until I heard the bell ring. I wrapped the bedcovers around me tightly and waddled like a demented penguin to the door. But before I could open the door, I was stopped by John who looked me down and checked I at least covered myself well enough. Apparently, I wasn't suitable for the public eye at this minute in time. "Sherlock, go back into your flat and get changed at least so you look suitable!" John told me. I got the message and waddled my way back up the stairs to my flat and dropped my bedcovers as soon as I entered the room and dressed myself in my usual attire. Oh god I almost forgot! I reached into my bedside table and opened a packet of nicotine patches and slapped 6 patches onto my forearm and then closed the button connecting the cuff of my shirt and wandered out of my bedroom towards the living-room which I saw John in the kitchen brewing a cup of tea. "Good morning, John," I told him politely which was usually very strange since every morning I wake up being the most intolerable person, since I wake up crabby and irritable towards anyone within 5 metres of me. John stared at me surprised for a couple of seconds. "We'll looks like someone has a change in attitude this morning!" John said jokily and I caught on quite fast. "Oh hush you, I was just trying to be polite for once and that's the response I get!" I glared at John with irritation in my eyes which made John gulp. John quickly got over it and went back to brewing his cuppa and I was then reminded about earlier this morning with the ringing at the door. "John, who was at the door earlier this morning?" I questioned John. John then walked into the main living area and passed me a cream coloured file folder containing a couple of papers. "It was a friend of Lestrade, he's given us a case," John told me. I opened the file folder eager to get myhands on a new case. When I opened the folder I was confronted with a picture of a young girl around 23 with short black hair and hazel brown eyes. I started to deduce this woman and slowly learned a couple of facts about her but nothing overly useful to the investigation. She was a student teacher, and had an abusive boyfriend who constantly slapped her, she travelled often around the country ect,ect. I then picked up her personal file and dropped it on the floor just to annoy John. "Dear God Sherlock, you could of put the file on the frikin table and not to just throw it on the floor like a piece of trash!" John shouted at me. I chuckled to myself "Well John, that file was more than trash it was actually a piece of useless shit that will not help the investigation at all!" I responded. John looked at me very pissed off which made me smile on the inside. It's fun to mess with John's head sometimes. I just remembered I did not know why this girl was my case so I decided to ask John since he ought to know since he was the one who received the files. "John, why are we investigating this girl what happened to her?" I asked. John replied "She was found lying in a stream not to far away from where she worked and she as branded with some sort of symbol on her chest which is in some sort of language," John explained to Sherlock. I noticed some files underneath the young girl's file, these must be the people we need to interview later today. The first picture I saw was a picture of a young woman with (HL) (HC) and soft (EC) eyes. She looked mesmerising and for some reason I couldn't deduce her which confused me since I could deduce someone or something from pictures or real-life. This event was a first for me . This has never happened to THE Sherlock Holmes, the famous consulting detective of Scotland Yard. Who was this woman? My eyes wandered to the top of the page to find the name of the unknown woman. (YN) (LN). Was what I read from the page. I tested her name by saying it quietly to myself and it felt soft to my lips. "John we can't mope around here all day, we have a case to solve!" I rose from the couch with excitement. I snatched my infamous scarf and coiled it around me neck and slipped on my usual shoes I wore when on cases and walked out the door with John trailing behind. I held her address in my hand as I led John to our first suspect.
Your POV
You were shocked, she was dead. Your friend and colleague was found dead in a stream. You imagined her lifeless body being found by some innocent member of the public. It made your stomach churn. But you have to be brave for your pupils and the rest of your colleagues too but it was just so hard. I knew (RFN) really well and we trusted each other with a lot of things and knew things that others didn't. You sat comfortably in front of your fireplace which was currently on due to the current torrential weather your London flat was in the centre of. Damn you British weather! Then happily, your pet (FP), (PN) wandered up to you with soft teddy bear eyes and jumped onto your lap and nuzzled its face into your lap. Which made you relax somehow. You then heard a knock at your door. (PN) jumped off your lap in surprise and looked a up at you as if saying 'there's someone at the door, aren't you going to get it?' You rose from your comfortable armchair and slipped on your (FC) slipper socks which fit you nicely. The knocks grew louder and louder which soon resulted in you gaining a headache from the infernal knocking. You reached the door of your flat and opened the door to reveal two middle aged men. One was shorter and had dirty blonde brown hair and was wearing a checkered shirt and jeans. The other was tall and had dark curls which looked so delicate and wore a long black jacket and a blue scarf which was tightly wrapped around his neck. His eyes were hypnotising as they stared into my (EC) eyes, those turquoise eyes of his. You snapped yourself out of your little daydream and focused your attention on why these men we currently outside your flat at 11:32 in the middle of a torrential thunderstorm. "Excuse me Miss, are you Miss (YN) (LN) by any chance?" the tall attractive man asked. "Yes that would be me, do you need help with something?" You asked politely. "Yes actually, we are investigating the case of the death of (RFN) (RLN) and we have been informed that you were good friends with her and worked with her?" The short dirty blonde informed me. "Oh yes, we were quite good friends actually and I knew her quite well outside of work," you told the two men. "Can we please come in?" The tall man asked. You nodded and led them inside and they hung their coats on the coat hanger that was nailed to one of the walls in my flat. You led them into the main living area where (PN) happily slept. They sat themselves down on the couch and you wandered over to your armchair where (PN) awoke and scampered off somewhere which gave you the perfect chance to sit on your armchair. "First off, hello Miss (YN) (LN) I am Sherlock Holmes and this is my companion John Watson," The tall man spoke and pointed his finger to his companion. You gently smiled at the two men and waited until they decided to ask me questioned at your recently deceased friend. "Alright Miss (YN), we are going to ask you some questions about your friend (RFN) are you okay with this since we know that it might be too soon to talk about her?" John asked you which told you he knew to take it slow and easy on you. I pondered whether or not you would be okay but you came to a decision. "It's all right, ask away,"
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