Chapter 1
Before there was a Monkey D Luffy, or a Eutass Kid, even before a Trafalgar Water D Law, there was a generation of pirates that ruled the seas. The men and women who paved the way for the buccaneers that roam the oceans today. It all started with this select group of powerful people that shaped the Golden Era of Pirates.
“Hey! That’s a nice ship!” A young Roger exclaimed as he looked at the modest boat. On board was a man around his age named Rayleigh. “I stole it. My house burned down so I'm living here.” Rayleigh replied calmly. “Yea? And what's your name?” Roger asked. “Rayleigh.” Suddenly, a young woman ran up to Roger and landed a punch to the back of his head. “I told you not to run off like that! You know how long it took me to find you?! Dumbass!!” Rayleigh watched as the woman continued to yell at Roger. Scanning her body up and down, Rayleigh smiled to himself. ‘Damn she's a hottie. I'd like to take her for a ride.’
“I'm sorry Natasha! Ok?! You take too long looking for stuff! I wasn’t gonna leave you here! I need you! I can’t navigate the ocean on my own!” rolling her eyes, Natasha only sighed before looking at Rayleigh who was still shamelessly checking her out. “I’m Roger and this is my best friend Natasha! I think we were all destined to meet Rayleigh!” Rayleigh looked at the pair curiously. “Destined?” Roger flashed his signature (Gonna start some chaos and shit) smile at the man. “Do you wanna turn the world upside down with me?” Rayleigh again replied, this time with confusion before beginning to laugh.
“Huh? The world? Who are you and where are you from? Go away!” Though hearing this clearly, Roger chose to ignore Rayleigh’s words. “Your ship is small but it looks like it can endure storms if you handle it right. It’s perfect for us to set sail in!” “Us? Set Sail? Don't decide for me. Why should I join you?” Natasha looked at Roger and put a hand on his shoulder. “Come on D, don't force the guy into anything. You know how you get.” But of course, not even with his best friend trying to convince him to look elsewhere for a ship, Roger again insisted upon Rayleigh sailing with them. “Like I said, to turn the world upside down! Alright! Let's set sail, Rayleigh!”
That's how it started. The King of the Pirates, The Dark King and The Mistress of Death. Very humble beginnings that led them to a chance encounter which made them into infamous and fearsome legends. “Roger, where's my sword!?” A now 25 year old Natasha asked as she looked through her captain’s quarters while also getting dressed. It wasn’t any surprise that the woman had once again spent the night in Roger’s room. The once close friends thought they'd be nothing more until they each started to notice the adults they were turning into.
Roger, a fierce captain of the seas and rumored to be the world's strongest man and Natasha, a remorseless assassin who’s skills with a blade were said to be unmatched. Not even by Rayleigh, she was the worlds greatsest swordswoman. The best in general. “Roger! I need it! I gotta help Rayleigh!” Searching through the room some more, siad blade was nowhere to be found. Leaving the room, Natasha's face was decorated with a very noticeable frown. Looking to give the man a piece of her mind, she found that the ship wasn’t only docked at some strange island, but from what she could see, on the opposite side of the island was the infamous Moby Dick that belonged to the equally infamous Edward Newgate aka Whitebeard.
“What the hell?” Hearing the loud clashing of swords and the yelling of each crew, Natasha could tell that this definitely wasn’t a social visit. Walking down the ramp of the ship, she looked up as she heard screaming. A large purple flame burst through the jungle. “Bastard! One of those ingrates took my blade!” Rushing into the jungle, she came upon some no name pirate running around with her sword in full panic. Walking up to the man, she snatched her sword from him and proceeded to punch him in the neck. Annoyed that he not only took her blade but she was about to embarrass Roger by storming into his fight with Edward and accuse him of taking it like he had done many times before.
“What else did you brats take huh?!” Natasha asked, clearly pissed off. “Nothing that wasn’t hard to take.” Natasha turned to the voice with anger now burning as hot as the purple flame on her famous blade, Dragon Heart. “Whitey Bay. You still look like a slut.” This caused the woman in front of Natasha to laugh and raise her own blade. “I only took inspiration from you Natasha. Tell me, are you still Roger's plaything or have you moved onto being Rayleigh’s this week? You know how you go back and forth between the two.” Natasha smirked and rushed at the woman with their blades clashing loudly. “I don’t know! Are you still trying to compete with me, little girl? And are you still mad I slept with your crush?”
This caused Whitey to huff in annoyance and frustration. “You have nothing I wanna compete with you over! Besides, I know you didn’t fuck him!” Natasha laughed as the pair fought. “Just go ask him! But maybe you know what, don’t, you wouldn’t wanna be known as the girl who crushed on her captain so hard she had to know if he fucked another woman.” As the women continued, it started to get dark though this only increased their fighting. The first time the two met was about 5 years ago. Whitey was a young 15 year old girl who had dreams of being the strongest female pirate.
Though she wasn’t expecting to come across a 20 year old Natasha whose ego was as big as her tits and a temper as hot as her purple flames. Whitey didn’t see natasha as a rival or a problem really until she noticed how ‘close’ the older woman was with Whitebeard, Whitey’s captain and crush. That's when she thought she would knock Natasha down a few pegs. That didnt go over too well and since that day, Whitey strived to better, stronger, faster, prettier than Natasha. “Hey girls! Are you doing ok over there?” Rayleigh asked while swinging his blade at a young Marco. “Yeah! We’re just fine! Right Whitey?” Natasha said smirking as she had the woman pinned to the ground with her elbow on her neck.
A deadly smirk painted the lips of Natasha as she enjoyed watching Whitey struggle beneath her. Suddenly, Natasha was pulled off Whitey. “Don't kill her. Let her get her breath back ok?” Rayleigh said, looking into Natasha's eyes. Whitey sat up coughing and heaving trying to get the air back in her body as Natasha pushed Rayleigh aside and kicked Whitey away from her blade. The woman looked up at Natasha whose face was twisted into an indescribable smile. “You wanna be the best right? You wanna beat me little girl? Get up Whitey. Come on Whitey, get up!” The woman went on taunting her and kicking the woman until she finally stood back to let Whitey finally get back to her feet.
“Let's finish this huh? I wanna fight other people. I don't have time to keep entertaining a snot nosed brat who wants to be me.” Natasha said after lighting a cigarette and lifting her blade to the young woman across from her. “I don’t wanna be you, I wanna beat you to prove I’m better than you.” Smirking, Natasha looked Whitey in her eyes. “Then prove it little girl.”
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