Corbin POV-
Today is the day Axel, James, Bradley, Echo, Ava, Koda, Liam, Steven, Phoenix, Felon, Kit, Kolambi, Oli, Cory, Cari, and Otis come over. Axel and James is even bringing Michael, their adopted son. While I was thinking about what we would do today I hear my doorbell ring. I run over to the door excited, then I hear.....children? Michael was the only child, but he was 7 years old, not a 5 year old. I open the door to see everyone accept Bradley and Oli is a kid.
"They turned into kids this morning-" Oli says.
"They are so cute though!" I hear Bradley say looking over at them.
"I have to admit, they do," I reply. Then I hear,
I look down to see Koda and Felon. They are so cute, I adopted Koda when she was 3 and Felon is my biological son. I adopted Phoenix, Liam, James, Steven, and Cari when they were older then 5. So they probably don't remember me. I see James walk over to Bradley and whispers something.
"Yes, that is who I told you about, Mr Corbin," Bradley says laughing.
"MR CORBIN!" I hear a female voice say, I look down to see Ava.
"Swissy be careful, remember what father said..." I hear Axel say. He had a bunny in his hand, it looked pretty beat up.
"Yeah, Yeah he seems nice," She replys rolling her eyes. I chuckle at Ava, I didn't know she was so rebellious even as a kid.
"Your brother is right Ava, good thing Mr Corbin is nice," I hear Oli say.
"Oooooooo that's a nice bear Mwichael!" I hear someone say.
"Thanks da- James!" Michael replys.
My heart is completely melted now, I get to see all my kids before I adopted them. They were so cute! I mean they still are but they are REALLY cute now.
"How about we go inside, I got some toys for you to play with!" I say.
All the children's face lights up, except Michael. He has his bear so he is fine.
I get out toys my children use to have. Blocks, barbies, action figures, stuffed animals, you name it. I also got out some paper, notebook, books, pencils, pens, and crayons. I know a few that would like to draw, write, and read. James and Axel are playing together, not a shocker. Ava was reading, Kolambi and Kit were drawing with Steven, Liam, Koda, Phoenix, and Otis. Everyone else was playing with barbies and action figures. Soon I see Felon and Echo go over to James and Axel.
"That's mwine!" Felon yells, pulling onto Axel's bunny stuffed animal.
"No this is mwine! My mwother gave this to me when she died!" Axel yells out. The room goes silent. Me, Bradley, and Oli just stare at eachother. Axel never opened up about his family.
"What does that mean?" James asks.
"It means our mwother went to a bweautiful place! I think dad called it heaven? She is the ruler!" I hear Ava say.
"Yeah rwight, lier lier!" Felon yells and grabs the bunny.
"N-no!" Axel yells out while tears form. James goes up to Felon and pushes him.
"Lweave us alone mweany!" James yells.
Oli pulls out his phone and says,
"I want to show them this when they turn back," he says laughing. He didn't seem effected how since we now know what happened to his mother.
"If they hurt eachother I am stepping in," I reply annoyed.
"Oh yeah? Let's duel then!" Felon yells out. While going to a drawer and pulls out water guns. He must remember it from when me and him played with them on his 3rd birthday.
"Dweal!" James yells out.
"Y-you sure James?" Axel asks.
James nods.
"Mr Corbin can you count for us!?!" James yells out.
"Yeah-" I reply trying not to laugh.
"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight...." I count while James and Felon walk away from eachother with there backs turned to eachother.
"Nine......ten!" I yell. James turns around and shoots Felon with the water gun.
"NOT FAIR!" Felon yells out.
"You are dwead you can't stand or talk," Echo says pulling Felon back.
"Pew pew bwitch!" Axel yells out.
"LANGUAGE!" Bradley yells out while Oli is dying laughing.
"Who taught you that word Axel?" I say.
"Can you call me Alexander, only my mother called me Axel....and my dad said it. He says it all the time!" Axel says.
"Well that's a very naughty word Alexander!" Bradley says in a stern voice.
"No!" He yells out.
"Yes!" Bradley yells back.
James and Ava walks over and yells
"No bwlonde!"
"I JUST GOT ROASTED BY A 5 YEAR OLD!" Bradley yells out.
Oli just busts out in laughter while trying not to shake the phone.
"Haha uncle Bradley got roasted by dad as a 5 year old!" Michael yells out.
"Let's just eat!" I say.
I make them grilled cheese and burgers. I let them choose what they eat, cause I am not sure which one they would like. I noticed Axel didn't eat when he got his food.
"Alexander, why aren't you eating?" I ask while serving James his burger.
"Father said don't eat till everyone got their food,"
"You can eat before everyone here, I won't mind,"
Axel smiles and he starts eating his burger. Soon everyone finished eating. I see Ava walk over to Axel and grabs his crown and puts it on.
"Look at me I am like dad!" She yells out dancing.
"Bow to me pweasant!" She says pointing at Axel then she starts laughing.
Soon later all the children were watching tv on the couch, I made sure that Felon and James were separated, so they don't hit eachother. Soon James crawls over to me and lays his head on my shoulder. I put my hand on his back and I start rubbing it.
"You fwather would yell if I did this..." he whispers.
I already know about his past, about when his mother died his father went a little insane.
"I won't though, I reply smiling.
"Thanks dad...." he says while he falls asleep.
Soon later I wake up and I see James and Axel laying together on the couch but they were adults again.
"They all turned back when you fell asleep," I hear Michael say. "Oli didn't show James, Axel, and Felon the video yet,"
I see Axel wake up and looks at me.
"Were you a kid as well?" He asks.
"Nope I had to take care of you trouble makers- same with Bradley and Oli,"
"We are not trouble makers...." James mumbles.
"Felon, Oli, come here!" I yell.
They come in here and James and Axel sits up.
"You can show them Oli," I tell him.
"First off here is cute pictures," He took pictures the whole time and I had no clue.
A picture of Ava and Axel when they were playing kings and queens, James and Axel playing, and James on my shoulder.
"UH- SORRY DAD-" He says when he sees the last picture.
I laugh at him. Next Oli shows them the video.
"If they hurt eachother I am stepping in,"
"Of course you said that Corbin-" Axel says.
"Oh yeah? Let's duel then!"
"PSTTTTTT-" James says while spitting out his water.
"Y-you sure James?"
"Mr Corbin can you count for us!?!"
"I called you Mr Corbin-?" James asks.
"Yep and it was cute-"
"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight...."
"HEY!" Felon yells out. "IT WASN'T FAIR!?!?!??!?!"
"You are dwead you can't stand or talk,"
"Pew pew bwitch!"
"Who taught you that word Axel?"
"Can you call me Alexander, only my mother called me Axel....
I can tell Axel got uncomfortable when he heard that. James put his hand on Axel's back.
and my dad said it. He says it all the time!"
"Well that's a very naughty word Alexander!"
"No bwlonde!"
"Haha uncle Bradley got roasted by dad as a 5 year old!"
"Let's just eat!"
"Axel, can we talk in my room?" I ask
"Sure...." he replys.
We walk into my room and we sit on my bed.
"When you were a kid you said something about your mother, you said she died...." I say.
"I- u-uh...." he replys. Then he bursts into tears.
"S-she died w-when I was f-four," he says.
"T-then my f-father when I w-was ten, a-and my brother w-when I w-was 14...."
I lean over to Axel and I hug him.
The end.
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