- its that time again
you already know what i'm doing when i should be writing an essay
kevin: i have good news and bad news! good news, i'm still cute. bad news, there's a huge problem
arnold: when life gives you lemonade, make lemons! life will be all like "what??"
kevin: con, you're a tough one to figure out. you say you don't trust bad boys, and yet you're dating one. *daintily puts on a minnie mouse hat*
kevin, closing the fridge: once again, i'm
the only snack in the house
kevin, shooting finger guns: lookin' good, mckinley!
mckinley: we've been married for three years, why do you still refer to me by my last name??
kevin: i'm talking to myself :/
mckinley, watching the news: jesus christ, some dumbass tried to fight a goose at the park today—
kevin, covered in goose feathers and bites: well MAYBE the goose was being a DICK did you ever think of that??
arnold: kevin has,,,,,, no survival or self preservation instincts. i think he was born without them??
nabulungi: what? that can't be right.
arnold: watch this
arnold, calling over his shoulder: hey kev! race you downstairs!
kevin, getting a running start to jump out of a four story window: bet
mckinley: next week has been exhausting
kevin: *walks into the bathroom*
arnold: oh, hey! what're you doing here?
kevin: everyone's being mean. what're you doing here?
arnold: eating a poptart and avoiding confrontation!
mckinley, right after price shows up: well, welcome to district nine, my gay!
mckinley: **guy
mckinley, curing up the music to turn it off: eh same difference!
kevin: CHECK IT i just bought a hundred pairs of fake vampire fangs!!
mckinley: wh— are you gonna help us use funds to y'know keep us alive????
kevin, putting in fangs: what are fundth
nabulungi: you don't have to narrate everything anyone does
kevin: her mouth would move, but i would not listen.
arnold: wait, why'd you break up with her? did you just have different interests??
kevin: nah, we kinda had one really similar interest. guys
kevin: id die for you!
mckinley: yesterday you said you'd die for half a potato chip, i don't feel very special
kevin: i'd,,,,,, live for you?????
nabulungi: i'm in love with you!
arnold: okay
arnold: ...like, romantically?? not platonically. you're actually in love with me??????
nabulungi: yeah!
arnold: oH!
arnold: ...why
kevin, sitting down next to mckinley: oh, why're you doing paperwork? don't you have more important stuff to do?
mckinley: ...if i pull down the zipper on that hoodie would the shirt say 'i'm important stuff'
kevin, tugging up his zipper higher and crossing his arms: what? no. that's ridiculous. i wouldn't spend forty dollars making and printing a custom shirt and buying a hoodie for a stupid pickup line that'd be stupid i'm not stupid
mckinley: forty bucks, huh?
kevin: y'know, some people think i'm gay? it's not true. i'm not gay! i'd really appreciate it if people would stop saying i'm gay when i'm not
kevin, waking up from his hell dream: GUYS, I JUST FOUND OUT, THE RUMORS ARE TRUE, IM GAY????
kevin: if i nearly drowned and had to be given mouth to mouth, would you do it?
mckinley: yeah! i'd do it anyway. hell, i'll do it right now!
kevin: what?
mckinley: i said no, gross
arnold: you...... have a face!
nabulungi: um. yes i do
arnold; no!! no, a NICE face. i meant a nice face
nabulungi: oh. thanks? i think???
arnold, crying: please accept my attempts at flirting i don't know what i'm doing
poptarts: the world is ending
church: you just dropped your poptart and it landed frosting-down. just go get another
poptarts, tearing up: its too late
kevin, getting a paper cut: oW! son a of a b—
arnold: swearings against the rules??
kevin: —iscuit. that's what i said.
arnold: nice save!
kevin: hey you want a quickie?
mckinley, choking on his drink: what???
kevin: a quickie. y'know, one of those egg things
arnold, screaming from the other room: ITS PRONOUNCED QUICHE
kevin: i've got one foot in hell and the other in a hello kitty roller skate
nabulungi, shaking her head: kevin's gonna lose his edge and panic.
arnold: yeah, that's why i've never tried developing an edge. i can't lose what i don't have!
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