- incorrect bom quotes again
i get lonely
kevin: oh, hey! one of your eyes is lighter than the others!
mckinley: mhm, i have heterochromia
kevin: ...what? but i... :( th—that's okay, connor! you... love who you love..! i just *sniffle* want you to be happy—
mckinley: what're you talking about— are you crying?????
arnold, whipping out one of those eos chapstick egg thingies: y'all eat these with or without the shell?
kevin, dead serious: oh, definitely with the shell. what about you?
arnold, also dead serious: definitely without! naba?
nabulungi, deeply concerned about the state of america: i was always under the impression they weren't edible????
mckinley: it's hard being in charge sometimes, but i love everyone here and that's what matters—
kevin: M C K I N L E Y ! i tried to make ramen in the coffee pot and now i broke everything what the fuck do i do
mckinley: *sigh*
mckinley: ...and over there are elder neeley and elder davis!
kevin's internal monologue in retrospect: oh, this is bad— i just said
kevin, in real time: wow, that's a lot to remember!
kevin's internal monologue: ugh, how embarrassing :(
kevin, recording himself: i was busy thinkin' bout ~boys~
kevin, doing the finger-gun-under-your-chin-thing on beat: ✨da-ding!✨
kevin, recording mckinley: ~boys~
mckinley, turning off a light: ✨da-ding✨
kevin's internal monologue, questioning his faith: who should determine what you think?!
kevin, @ himself: wikipedia
nabulungi: what you're doing is wrong.
kevin: i'm not taking advice from a girl who doesn't pronounce the g in luh-zog-nee-uh!
kevin: love is fucking cancelled go eat a mango
kevin, four seconds later: post cancelled he texted back love is real go eat a mango with someone you love
mckinley: *obvious flirting*
kevin: aw, he's so nice!
kevin, four months later, waking up in a cold sweat: WAIT A FUCKING SECOND
arnold: hey naba, hows the prettiest person in the world doing?
nabulungi: i don't know, how are you?
mckinley, taking notes and desperate for compliments: hey kevin, hows the prettiest boy in the world doing?
kevin: eh i could be better ig but thanks for asking second prettiest boy!
mckinley: well thanks??? i guess??????
kevin: kinks?? gross. praise the lord.
kevin: ...i'm the lord. please praise me
poptarts, taking a survey: so. are you a big spoon or a little spoon?
kevin: i'm a dream come true
mckinley, arnold, anyone who has ever spent 2 seconds around him when he's sad: he's a little spoon
mckinley, entirely ironically: haha default
kevin, drop dead serious: please don't use profanity ):
this is short i gotta go
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