- im in florida so
it was only a matter of time
oh but first have a picture of this tortoise i saw on the road today!!!!!
speedy lil lad they went so FAST
okay anywho now to the quotes
mckinley: you were supposed to make sure he didn't do something stupid!
church: who, kevin? he'll be fine. isn't he like the super mormon or smth?
mckinley: that's just what people call him, it doesn't mean he knows what he's doing!
mckinley: what's your greatest weakness?
kevin: i'm uncooperative.
mckinley: can you give me an example?
kevin: no
the police ig: we found the man who stole your identity and was impersonating you.
kevin: oh, where?
the police ig: he was drinking coffee and crying in his car.
kevin, impressed: wow he really went for it huh
arnold: *walks in holding a watermelon*
nabulungi: what're you—
arnold: you said kevin was upset, so i brought him a watermelon.
nabulungi: why?????
arnold: he loves watermelon :)
kevin, bawling: *hugs the watermelon tightly*
nabulungi: how'd you get kicked out of a movie theater?????
mckinley: kevin kept yelling diving scores at the people jumping off the titanic
kevin: and that last guy had a solid nine lemme tell ya—
arnold, after smhd: price.
kevin: cunningham.
mckinley: mckinley.
kevin: you-
kevin: you just said your own name??
mckinley: it was the only one left :')
mckinley and nabulungi, lawful friend goals: *spinning calmly in the disney teacup ride while chatting*
kevin and arnold, chaotic friend goals: *flies past them at mach 1, shrieking and spiraling aggressively*
poptarts: i hate you with every inch of my being >:/
kevin: that's not many inches
mckinley, texting at three am: hey
mckinley; hey hey kev
mckinley: KEV
kevin, replying: what??
mckinley: woah woah woah hon why're you awake holy fuck it's too late for you to be up go get some sleep holy shit
kevin: my love for you is like a truck
mckinley: explain?
kevin: no
kevin, in act one: that's your problem, elder. you just go along with everything i say.
arnold: that's not true!
kevin: yes it is.
arnold: yeah you're probably right
nabulungi: what, i can't be in a bad mood? it's like people think "wow! naba's such a sunshiney girl! so nice, so happy-go-lucky! naba can't be in a bad mood!"
nabulungi: well guess what? naba CAN be in a bad mood! and right now, naba IS in a bad mood!!!
a kid in kitguli: i can't swim.
kevin: how old are you?
same kid: nine?
kevin: *yeets said kid into the water*
kevin, after smhd: i'm back!
mckinley and arnold, simultaneously: yay! i'm over it
mckinley, before turn it off: ask me anything about this district!
kevin: okay, how many baptisms do you have?
mckinley, sweating profusely: ask me something else
act one kevin: um... i came all the way from utah and i didn't realize there'd be so much satan worshipping... i kinda feel a bit weird about it but i'm too scared to say anything—
act two kevin: that's good! you should be scared because sATAN IS A REAL MAN
kevin: mentally ill? nah, i'm mentally SICK
kevin: my brain does cool kick flips while wearing shades and i cry a lot
mckinley: d'ya think we're adorable?
kevin: no, we're adult men. we're cute
mckinley: so like...... i may have accidentally poisoned someone's drink, but i forget which one—
arnold, panicked: you diD WHAT???
kevin, under his breath: with the way my mission's going? i hope it's mine
mckinley: looks matter, price. you should know that, being the prettiest one here.
kevin: well you're right about that
kevin: i just checked my stats and it turns out that the number of meaningful relationships i've made is less than the number of public restrooms i've Screamed in
poptarts: hey can i ride my skateboard outside
mckinley: whatever. i'm not your mom
poptarts: *runs off*
mckinley: heY NOT IN THE S T R E E T
poptarts: haha can't tie your shoes?
kevin: i cant tie my shoes but i can fuck your bitch >:/
kevin: capitalism SUCKS! it's just a system designed to keep us poor! you shouldn't have to work three jobs to afford basic necessities!
mckinley: why do you do this rant every time you lose at monopoly
kevin: why do people use their sign as an excuse for stuff???
kevin: i don't CARE if you're a scorpio chris, you're still being a little bitch!
mckinley, holding a near unconscious kevin: kevin! are you okay??
kevin: you have...... beautiful eyes
mckinley: *drops him* he's gone insane
nabulungi: what??
arnold, softly: please love me?????
poptarts: are you like, together now??
kevin: yep, we are!
mckinley: mhm!
poptarts: why?
kevin: well, i happen to find connor very appealing.
poptarts: oh no i understand that! i'm just trying to figure out what's wrong in connor's head
poptarts: is that a mosquito bite??
kevin: no, it's a hickey
a mosquito: *flies by*
poptarts: hi kevin's sexual partner
mckinley: nice heart shaped glasses!
kevin: thanks! i'm wearinng em cause im in love.
mckinley: ...oh. with uh, who?
kevin: myself :)
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