- idk why i do these sm
you know what time it is
but first have alignment charts i refuse to take criticism on
and now here we go
kevin: sure is a shame that i can't be any more cool, sexy, and powerful than i already am but nonetheless i think i deserve it
arnold: it's three in the morning please sleep??
kevin: nothing's worse than heartbreak! :(
arnold: i stepped on a dog's tail once and i wasn't able to explain how terribly sorry i was
kevin, nodding: you're right, you're right
nabulungi: you've gotta get serious. break out the l word.
kevin, known prophet of wlw: lesbian?
nabulungi, rolling her eyes: the other l word
kevin: ...,.,..,,,.,.,.,lesbians????
mckinley: alright, if everyone's done being stupid—
kevin: i actually had more but continue!
mckinley: stop eating all the poptarts >:/
poptarts: but i LIKE poptarts—
mckinley: yeah, well i like dick but you don't see me talking about that every single second of the day!!
nabulungi: hey, where's elder price?
all of district nine, simultaneously: probably somewhere disappointing jesus
kevin: the stars are so pretty!
mckinley, in act one: yeah, well you're the prettiest star 💘💖💓💞💖💓💘💕
kevin: what was that??
mckinley, in act two: i said i'd hit you with my car
kevin, before man up: god, can you be any more annoying??
arnold, tearing up: easily!
nabulungi: you need a hobby
mckinley: i HAVE a hobby!
nabulungi: repressing your emotions isn't a hobby!
mckinley: hEY, i tap dance—
nabulungi: t o t h e s o n g a b o u t r e p r e s s i n g y o u r e m o t i o n s ! ! !
mckinley: alright. imagine i'm the last person alive. would you date me
kevin: if you were the last person alive, i'd be dead?
mckinley: ...okay you gotta work with me here
kevin: if i had a dollar for every time someone called me ugly i'd have zero dollars bitch you thought lmao
kevin, arnold, nabulungi, and mckinley, in unison: destroy the idea that any of us will calm down
kevin at literally any point post-musical:
arnold: describe our relationship in three words!
kevin, about to get transferred: lol our what
kevin: i have a really important dilemma i need help on.
arnold: sure, go for it!
kevin: am i prettier today than i was yesterday?
kevin, after tiald: is this how you pictured your life?
mckinley: well, yeah, but i was a pretty sad kid
kevin: this has to be my fault! anybody with hair THIS good has to be guilty of something!
arnold, after accidentally creating a new religion by lying so much: let me just say, from the bottom of my heart, my bad
kevin, about himself, after not getting to go to orlando: he was a man well acquainted with misery
kevin, about to transfer: sorry guys, gotta take a sick day.
kevin: i'm so sick of all of you
mckinley: i'm madly in love with you!
kevin, sipping coffee through a silly straw: well good luck with that
jack price, before kevin leaves on his mission: i hope you don't do anything stupid
kevin, prepared to do all That: i hope you're not hoping too hard
act two mckinley, holding up a picture with the word "perfect" on it: sigh where can i get a man like this
kevin: hi
act two mckinley: no
act one mckinley: he's literally the guy in the picture??
arnold: it's my birthday!
nabulungi: nice! i hope you get to celebrate many more
kevin: yeah, studies show that the more birthdays you have, the longer you live
nabulungi: thats. how it works, yeah
someone: *insults arnold*
kevin: i'm offended! i'm angry! i'm very tired!
kevin: i'm gonna go take a nap but once i wake up you're in for it >:/
kevin, four hours later: okay how dare you?!
arnold: stop being mean to me i have eyes and i'm not afraid to cry
kevin: oh, if you think i LOOK like an idiot, wait until i open my mouth
mckinley: they pay me enough to pretend to be either helpful or heterosexual. if they want both i need a raise
kevin: you need to stop avoiding our problems!
mckinley: i'm not! can we talk about this tomorrow?
kevin: i'm the hottest person in this room by a long shot
mckinley: *walks in the room*
kevin: i'm the hottest person in the room by a significantly smaller shot
kevin: i've gotten to the point where i need a stronger word than fuck
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