- another one
this was gonna be multi musical but five uninterrupted bom quotes in i remembered why i do Not do that
arnold: y'know, einstein proved you can't destroy matter, which could possibly be proof of reincarnation or ghosts!
therapist: can we please talk about your parents
arnold: no
kevin: i'm going to the store, anyone want anything?
arnold: i want my dad's love back
nabulungi: i want my mom again
mafala: i want my wife again
mckinley: i want to not be in a leading position i'm in no way emotionally stable enough to handle
poptarts: i want to have said goodbye to my sister
church: i want my mom to be safe
kevin: yeah okay i have like,, twenty bucks.
arnold: *vomits*
mckinley: oh no, are you alright??
kevin: oh, okay!! so when he throws up it's "are you alright" and when i do its "kevin i told you not to drink twenty-two cups of coffee how are you even alive right now you idiot" okay i see how it is
kevin: there aren't any snacks in the kitchen
kevin, walking in dramatically: my stand corrected!
nabulungi: ...does he do this every morning?
arnold: yes
kevin: you're in denial.
everyone in turn it off, simultaneously: i'm okay with that!
arnold, after spilling a glass of water: even my only friend decides to betray me
mckinley, after doing some self reflection: i'm what the victorians call a "vile, ill-tempered, and thoroughly wretched creature"
arnold, snapping awake: hey wanna hear something weird?
kevin: first of all, its two in the morning
kevin: second of all, go on
arnold, in act one: thanks, kev! can i call you kev?
kevin: hahaha!
kevin: by no means
kevin: *clicks pen*
arnold: *clicks pen in response*
mckinley: stop that.
kevin: stop what?
mckinley: you're talking about me in morse code >:/
kevin: yeaaah, that's what we're doing. in my very limited free time, i learned and forced arnold to also learn a very outdated, very unnecessary form of communication just so i could talk about you in front of you.
kevin, to nabulungi, later: that's... exactly what i did
mckinley, any time anyone asks him for advice ever: man, repressing your feelings is GREAT!
kevin: i actually have a black belt!
nabulungi: in what? karate?
kevin: no from gucci
mckinley: no offense, but you're such a sore loser.
kevin: i am NOT! i'm just really competitive and like to win and when i don't i get furious!
mckinley: so i went down to city hall the other day to get married and they said i had to provide my own husband??
mckinley: god what do i even pay taxes for—
kevin: y'know that feeling when you look in the mirror and think "god, i look horrible"?
kevin: what's that feel like?
kevin: you know, i'm not one to hand out compliments, but i look amazing
i'm tired peace out nerds
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