~'*Chapter 5*'~
Ayoo tysm again for 100 reads I rlly appreciate it:D Enough of this boring talk- Anyways here's chapter 5:>
3rd Pov
"There all done!." Whitty grinned
Ruv's face was still flushed with crimson red. He was basically daydreaming 'bout Whitty.
"Ruv??? Hello~?" Whitty said
"Are you okay?"
Ruv's head was still in the clouds until Whitty snapped his fingers.
"Oh uh- Hm?" Ruv responded
"Dude you good? You've been staring at me for around 10 minutes already".
"Oh it's uh- N-nothing I've been spacing out lately nothing to serious."
"Meh if you say so. I'll be in my room if you need me."
Whitty began to walk away until he was out of the Russian's sight.
"OoOoOoOoH~~" The nun cooed
"The fuck do you want."
"I've never seen you blush before¬‿¬~ Do you like him?????"
"Shut tf up before I start chasing you again."
"OoOoH I'm So ScArEd~" The nun said sarcastically.
"Nope I'm out"
Sarvente giggled while Ruv pushed her out of the way.
Ruv sat on the couch, turned on the tv and watched some Russian show
Time skip bcuz I am lazy-
Still 3rd Pov
"Hey Whitmore I'm gonna get some groceries alright?"
"Yeah sure thing"
"Can I come too???" Sarv asked willingly
With that they simply left. Leaving Whitty and Ruv.
At this point Whitty's practj
"10:08am" Great.
"Imma see what's Ruv up to"
He stood up and entered the living room and plopped down beside Ruv.
"Hey Ruv whatcha watching?"
"Hm? Nothing interesting to say the least."
"So uhh can we talk or something?"
"No we can't" Ruv said "sarcastically" but it didn't sound as what he wanted it to sound like.
"...Is that a no then?"
"Shit-sorry I mean you could talk to me. I don't really talk much but I can listen.
"Okay, cool so uh you already know my name and all aside from that I like playing a few instruments and singing."
"Go on."
"Other than that I'm kind short-tempered and when I am mad my head explodes. It'll take a few minutes before my head regenerates."
"If you're head explodes then..where's your brain located?"
"My brain's in my chest actually"
"What about a heart?"
Whitty thought for a moment before shrugging it off
"Meh who knows."
"Mind telling me what was your nightmare last night?. I mean I understand if it's personal and all."
Ruv thought. Was he really going to tell him? No, he's just a stranger. We met like a day ago. But a side of him wanted to be open about it. In the end he decided to tell him.
He told him everything about the nightmare. Including his sister. He usually doesn't tell ANYONE but Whitty. He was different. He felt happy and warm inside.
"I'm sorry for your sister."
"It's fine it's not your fault."
He tried to hold back the tears. But he failed.
He started to cry.
"Hey hey don't cry. You did what's best for her."
"I-I know but *hic* I m-miss her."
"I know I know"
Ruv buried his head on the taller one's chest.
Ruv soon fell asleep. Whitty smiled to himself. He loves seeing Ruv calm and peaceful. Whitty soon fell asleep while hugging the shorter male.
~Time skip~
A few hours later
3rd Pov
Ruv woke up. He had the same warm feeling as when he woke up. He looked to his side to see Whitty cuddling him. Honestly, Ruv didn't care. It kept his body temperature warm.
Ruv froze when Whitty moved. He pretended to be asleep.
"Ruv you awake?" The bomb asked.
No response. He peered to get a closer look at Ruv's eyes. He sighed when he thought he was still asleep.
"You look really cute when you're asleep Ruv."The bomb said.
Ruv's face flushed again. Whitty on the other hand didn't seem to notice.
Suddenly, they heard faint footsteps and the door unlock. Ruv's eyes flew open and Whitty let go of Ruv. And they acted all cool and shit-.
"Were backk!!" The nun walked in holding a few grocery bags.
"What'd you guys buy?" Whitty tilted his head
"Milk, eggs, fruits y'know normal things you would buy" Carol said in response.
"I also bought a LOT of Ice cream!!". The nun said happily.
"Oh and Ruv do you mind putting this in the freezer?"
"Mhm" Ruv hummed in response.
"Hey Whitmore y' mind helping me with these?"
The 4 were all just putting the groceries away.
~Another damn timeskip. After they finished putting the groceries away~
Carol was making off making lunch and the 3 were in the living room watching TV
Sarv opened a uhh- container?? of neapolitan ice cream.
When Whitty saw the ice cream he gasped "dramatically"
"Omg Sarvvv you look just like neopolitan ice creaaaaam~"
"Shut up" Sarv playfully nudged him.
"Is it considered cannibalism??"The nun asked
Ruv laughed but in sounded like a moan-
Whitty thought to himself; Is it just me or is it just Ruv didn't laugh nor cracked a smile at all??
"Why don't you smile Ruvvy?"The bomb questioned
"Okay 1, don't call me Ruvvy 2, it's because the muscles on my face doesn't work properly- I mean I can smile sometimes but most of the time I'm practically just hurting myself"
"Wow- I never knew that"
"No one but you and Sarv know"
Sarv just looked at the two of them wondering what the other would say next.
"Wanna go for a walk while Carol's still cooking?"The bomb asked
"Sure I guess. You coming with us Sarv?"
"Nah I'll stay and help Carol!!" The (ex)nun said as she walked in the kitchen.
"Okay let's go"
Cliffhanger!! Srry if this was kinda short I'm running out of ideas(TvT)
Word count:874
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