More arttttt- (And Gacha)
First sketches, Then Art, Then Gacha
Time: 9 minutes
Itsa Vanessa the grumpy older sister- (Of Victoria-)
Time: 12 minutes
Been a while since i last drew him
(Casually remembers that i haven't drew Amber in a long time)
Time: 11 minutes
She be running towards Noah for dumb sh*t-
Also pls someone give me a name for this sibling please-
Time: 12 minutes
Ooo, A human OC!
I wanna hug her now gosh she's precious-
Time: 11 minutes
Okay- Time for Art
(6 drawings help)
Okay i thought of like- what if i made a Death P.A.C.T AU mod- what would be da songs-
And then my stupid brain literally just said "Glass and Pastry" for the two
Time: 59 Minutes (Help every drawing i make about those two take like 40 to 1 hour-)
T r a n s g e n d a
Yes, no words just, Yes
Time: 57 minutes
Also drew my Gacha designs for DP (Some, Posted them in insta JustanotherOsc_Fan lol-)
I'ma make this my background picture- /Hj
Time: 1 hour and 5 minutes (geez-)
This aro ace idiot
Time: 1 hour
Help the eyes and the outline-
Time: 58 minutes
Time: 1 hour and 2 minutes
Now, Gacha
Yey finally something not DP or OCs!! Yey-
Braceletyy- I used to obsess over youuuuu-
W h y-
Its the ship i hate the most! Cuz it doesn't really make sense and-
*realizes that most of my ships don't make sense*
Uh- But still-
The no adjustments trend
God i miss this trend lmao-
Her without a hat is cursed wtf-
This old singing battle thing but without the transforming and it's chaotic
Not exactly like a "Boys vs Girls" Thing it's just the dynamic (Is this the correct word for it-) thing
Pen and Liy - Frenemies
Tree and Pillow - Exs (Since i used to ship them at one point, but then i started shipping Tree with someone else, making me breaking them up
Also because Tree can't stand Pillow's stupidness and murderous personality anymore-)
Bottle and Pie - You already know
Black Hole and Remote - Friends that work together
Yeah it's stupid-
Again, Not a boys vs girls thing (Though it looks like it-) It's just another dynamic thing-
WB and BT - Partners
LP and Starry - Crushes
Calculator and BallPen - Chaotic Duo
Lightswitch and Feather - The normal ones
Feather just doesn't wanna sing-
New design vs Old design-
Last two are my OTP so
You've been warned-
This was a older screenshot but i still think i can post it here-
I can't- someone help my Obsessed idiotic brain-
Oh geez i reached the limit-
Welp, Bye-
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