Prince! Kaoru x Servant! Trans! Reader || On My Mind
-Cinderella AU (but quite modern too)
-you have two step-sisters named Elvira and Griselda
-you're basically taking the place of Cinderella, Kaoru of the Prince
-you're transgender, and your family doesn't accept you
-you have glasses and piercings
-instead of being 15, ya'll are 17-18 years old
Here's what you look like!
Yes, you can change anything you want to here. This is just a given example. Though I will be mentioning the glasses and piercings, probably. Idk I haven't wrote the one shot yet. XD
And if you couldn't tell (or if I hadn't told you), I am obsessed with round glasses and piercings. I myself have a lip ring, and round glasses (tho not that intense like in the pic). Soo yeah. XP
Anyway! On with the story!
Third Person POV
It was daybreak and the alarm began blaring into YN's ear, who jumped at the sudden noise. Sighing heavily, he reaches over and grabs the clock, hitting the off switch before setting it back down.
The teenage boy sits up with a yawn, lifting his bent arms up past his shoulders as he stretches. His back gives a satisfying pop as he then twists, one hand being used for balance.
YN then stands up, moving to get dressed and shivers as his bare feet touch the cold wooden floor beneath him. The boards creak while he shuffled across the room to his dresser. He pulls out a baggy white t-shirt and some khaki shorts.
First, he slides on his skin colored chest binder. Then he puts on his shirt and shorts. And finally, his belt, socks, and shoes.
His EC eyes look outside the window, and a small smile tugs at his lips as he stares at the beautiful scenery beyond. Removing his gaze from the view, he treks down the ladder of the barn and starts his chores after putting on his glasses.
YN pets his horse's nose gently once done with the stalls. HN (horse name) lets out a breath, nuzzling into his hand.
The serene moment is ruined when YN's step-sister, Griselda, yells for him.
He groans and hesitantly starts walking to the main house, calling back, "Coming!"
His horse whinnies and stomps her foot in annoyance, rolling her eyes. This causes YN to pause in his tracks. He chuckles and looks at HS, nodding, "I know, me too."
HS holds her head high, then shakes her head. Her mane flows in the air stunningly, and YN sighs to himself in irritation as Elvira now shouts at him.
"I'm coming!"
Turning back to HS, he says softly, "I'll be back later, girl."
HS huffs and nods slightly, going to eat her meal. YN's smile falls as he reaches the main home, his little mice friends following him inside before scattering about to hide nearby.
YN moves to the kitchen to make breakfast for the "women" in his family, his little friends gathering around, giving their human friend begging eyes. He laughs quietly before offering them some bread, to which they gratefully accept.
He notices Gus struggling to get a piece, so YN snags some and hands it over to him, who gently takes it in his tiny paws. Grinning at one another briefly, YN turns back to the food.
Once breakfast is ready, YN goes to serve it to his step-family. They're sitting around the dining table together, waiting impatiently. The girls would even try to rush their step-brother, giving him bratty comments on top of it all.
To which YN would always roll his eyes at.
All three women wolf down their food, splattering it everywhere around them. This includes their faces, dresses, and the table cloth. Some even manages to slap onto the wall.
YN bites back a sigh, knowing he'll have to clean up after his disgusting step-family. He can understand the whole "wolfing food down" part, but not the entire mess they're making.
It's unnecessary, and he can tell that they're partially doing it on purpose. Knowing that he'll have to clean it all up.
YN's step-mother, Esmeralda, barks out an order with a full mouth, pointing at him, "Go do your chores!" Her words were slurred together from her food, and YN inwardly cringes at the sight and sound.
He nods and rushes off, doing the laundry first. He then moves swiftly to the closet, grabbing the broom and sweeping the floors. By that point, the ladies are doing their own thing, so he cleans up the dining room and kitchen next.
After that, he waxes the floors.
It would help if the family dog hadn't have bounded inside on the freshly waxed floors with mud on his paws. YN clenched his fists and unclenched them in annoyance, but chuckles at the clueless dog, relaxing his grip.
The dog's name is Biscuit, and he's loved by all. Well, mainly only YN in the whole family now that his dad had sadly passed, but the neighbors also love him.
Give Biscuit a bath, YN makes a mental note. He carefully picks up the pup and brings him into the bathroom, giving him a treat before closing the door and re-waxing the floors.
YN heads back to the bathroom and quickly enters before Biscuit could escape. He sees that he had finished his treat and picks him up again, setting him in the tub. It fills up with warm water, YN lightly splashing some onto Biscuit's back.
After washing the dog with the water and some animal-safe products, he sets Biscuit onto a towel before taking another to dry the doggie off.
Before the towel could even touch Biscuit, however, the dog gives a big shake. Water sprays everywhere, and YN covers his face with a laugh as he exclaims, "Biscuit, no! Why!"
His glasses now having water droplets on the lens, he dried off his dog as best as he could before releasing him back into the house. Double checking that his paws were clean first.
YN grabs the towels and tosses them into the laundry basket, along with the dirty dresses the girls wore just this morning.
Deciding to take a shower of his own, he moves back into the bathroom, careful not to slip, and shuts the door behind him. He locks it and then strips, letting his clothes drop to the floor beneath him. He gingerly sets his binder on the sink's counter for after his wash.
He places a towel on the closed toilet seat, grabbing a spare set of identical clothes that he had hid in the restroom closet. There's a secret compartment he had built in there a while back before the step-family came into the picture, and now it's being utilized for something other than spare towels.
He's the only one who knows about it and how to open it, so that removes the issue and worry of his step-sisters or step-mother getting in there. Which is also why he puts his spare money in there as well, from his separate job, and two items to remember both of his loving parents.
A necklace and a watch, to be precise.
YN only goes to work on Tuesdays and Thursdays, since his weeks are pretty hectic. It's a good thing that he catches a small break at the local library, where he works and tends to spend a good portion of his extra free time.
He stands in the shower, letting the water flow down his body. He cleans his hair with some shampoo and conditioner, using the ones he bought using his extra money. To make this last longer, he only hops in the shower once a week.
After he washes himself off, including all of the dirt on his knees and underneath his fingernails, he shuts the water off. He steps onto the towel laid out on the floor, then wraps another around himself after wiping away all of the stray droplets.
He dried his hair off with another separate towel, and even ends up cupping some water in his hands to clean off his face.
Once he's satisfied, he pulls on his binder and fresh boxers first, and then his other articles of clothing. Tightening his belt, he glances at himself in the mirror and nods slightly.
His hair is still damp, but will dry eventually.
His stomach grumbles, reminding him that he hadn't even eaten yet since he woke up at five this morning. It's now eleven o'clock.
Shaking his head, he grabs his dirty laundry and tosses them into the basket. He moves the wet clothes into the dryer, then shoves the other dirty clothes into the washer.
YN runs his hand through his hair once he's done, his stomach now growling at him even louder, demanding to be fed. Finally giving in, he heads into the kitchen and grabs some cereal.
Before he could take his first bite, there's a knock at the door. Dropping the spoon back into the bowl with a small scowl, he stands and answers the door with a little smile.
"Are you the LN family?"
"Yes, we are. Why?"
"Here you go, sir. Everyone in your family who is eligible are asked to join the royal family at the ball this Friday. Any ladies available are told to dress in their finest attire, and the men, if any, must come in some sort of tuxedo. They hope to see you all there."
"Thank you, sir.." YN trails off, taking the envelope before closing the door, waving absentmindedly as the messenger left.
He reads the front of the letter, and it is meant for them after all. He figures that the royal family are sending this to everyone in town.
YN ponders this for a moment, trying to decide whether or not he should attend. He shrugs and takes it up to his step-mother, who's eyes widen as she reads the front of the envelope.
She calls Elvira and Griselda in, and then rips open the envelope. Reading the note aloud, the girls squeal at the opportunity.
Apparently, this ball is for the prince to choose who he shall marry, as he's of age. Obviously, YN's step-family jump at the chance, Esmeralda always wanting to be rich and have one of her girls marry into royalty. Selfish reasons.
The prince getting married is Kaoru Hitachiin, as Hikaru has already found love in a city girl and moved to live with her rather than ruling over a small kingdom. Hikaru does keep in touch with his family and visits regularly whenever he can, though.
"YN! You will sew the dresses for Elvira and Griselda for the ball after they choose their fabrics!"
He sighs almost silently, nodding slowly. "Yes, step-mother."
Timeskip- After Buying The Fabric
Your POV
I look at the dress patterns I made for the girls, outwardly cringing at the horrid fabrics they had chosen.
Elvira chose a puke green fabric mixed with an obnoxious yellow, while Griselda grabbed a blue and orange patterned one.
Brushing off their terrible choices, I start to sew the equally disturbing dresses for them. The rear ends of them are supposed to stick out so far, as if they'd be able to use their behinds as a table. And the chest area plunges so low that I'm afraid their tits may fall out at any given time.
I spend all of my Wednesday night and Thursday working on these dresses, having to call in at work that I wouldn't be able to make it. And on the same Thursday, I put together an outfit for myself with my little mouse friends.
Who had also been assisting me throughout these past two days.
I will be wearing a white dress shirt with a black vest over it, the pocket on the left side of the chest lined at the opening with a midnight blue stitching. The pants reach my ankles and are a sleek black color, having to handcraft my black dress shoes.
Sighing in relief once it's all done, I smile down at my mice friends and say, "Thank you all so much for helping me. It's greatly appreciated."
They all give their own little squeaks of happiness, and we then travel over to my bed. I had been sewing in the barn this entire time, the dresses inside the main house.
I change and lay down, ready for bed as the mice hop onto my mattress with me, acting like cats as they cuddle up at the foot of my bed. And then my actual cat, Bonnie, jumps up as well, careful of our company. He lays down beside me, snuggling up against me.
"Goodnight, guys.." I whisper sleepily, my eyes falling shut as the darkness overtakes me.
When I wake, it's to my alarm. Bonnie snaps his head up in surprise, yawning before hopping onto the floor to let me reach the clock. I turn it off and stand, getting ready for my day.
Bonnie sits back on my bed again, watching with the mice as I get ready for today.
The ball is taking place at eight-thirty tonight, giving me many hours to do my chores until then.
All of my animal pals follow me down the ladder (not actually using the ladder, but small steps made specifically for them in the wall), and stretch their limbs as I do my chores.
The day passes by very slowly, but it's worth it as it's finally eight o'clock. Esmeralda assists the girls with their dresses as I change into my outfit in the bathroom of the main house.
They're about to leave when I appear in my clothes. They stare at me in shock and irritation.
"Why are you wearing that?" my step-mother demands, stepping closer.
I fidget nervously, but stand tall. "Since I can't attend the ball myself, I thought I'd dress up for myself here. This didn't cost us any money. The materials were just lying in my fabric box.."
And before I know it, they're tearing apart my outfit, knowing my true intentions. Once they leave, I clench my fists and run out to the garden. I collapse onto the bench and fight back the tears.
"Why can't I just have one nice thing..? One nice night for a change..?" I mutter, closing my eyes tightly as my step-family are off in their carriage towards the castle.
My little friends gather around me, trying to give me comfort by just using their presence. It helps a little, but I can't help but to let a few tears run down my cheeks as I open my eyes.
"I-I'm fine, guys. Thanks, th-though. I'm just.. frustrated, i-is all." I give them a weak smile, and they come just a bit closer as another tear falls.
"My, my, why are you crying, my child? We can't have that!"
I gasp and jump to my feet in surprise, twisting around. I relax slightly when I see an elderly woman standing there, sighing as I sit back down on the bench. She joins me as I wipe my tears away, pushing my glasses up.
"Who are you..?"
"Why, I'm your grandmother, YN. And technically your fairy godmother as well, if we ignore relations."
"Grandmother..? Fairy godmother..?"
"Yes. Now please, tell me why you're crying, my boy."
I explain everything to her, and she listens attentively. Nodding as I finish, she stands and has me do the same.
"You will be going to that ball tonight, YN!"
"How? I don't exactly have anything to wear that fits the dress code anymore," I state doubtfully, motioning towards my outfit in disappointment.
"Not yet, you don't!"
"What does that mean?"
"Just close your eyes and don't open them until I say so!"
I shut my eyes, and she exclaims, "Bibidee, bopidee, boo!" After a moment, she adds, "Open your eyes!"
I do so, and see light blue particles swirling around me, my outfit forming before my very eyes. Once it's done, I laugh in excitement, looking at myself, impressed.
"How did you do that?"
"That's my little secret," she playfully winks at me. "Now, for your carriage!"
She does the same to a pumpkin, turning it into said carriage. She tells me that I must be back before midnight, or else everyone will see how I truly am dressed and what I actually came in.
I nod and thank her with a hug, waving her off as the carriage takes me away.
"Royal ball, here I come!" I cheer quietly, and my horses whinny at my statement. The driver chuckles, and I join in.
Once we arrive, my jaw drops at the sight. Closing my mouth, I smile a little and step out of the carriage with the help of my driver, despite not really needing it.
I wave him off before walking up the stairs an into the castle. I am directed to the ballroom after giving the guards my name, and once I enter, I'm in awe again.
This time, I keep my mouth closed, but my eyes widen slightly. I walk down the steps carefully, then turn and bow to the royal family when I reach the bottom.
I stand straight and make my way through the crowd, staying along the edge of the wall.
Kaoru's POV
I tap the fingers on my left hand onto my throne's arm rest, my right hand under my chin on the other. I stare out at all of our thrilled guests in boredom, many ladies squealing to themselves when looking my way.
None of them catch my attention.
For all my life, I've never had any romantic feelings for a woman. I'm not sure why.
Suddenly, the doors open and I glance at the newcomer. I lift my head up and straighten my posture as soon as I see the person who walked in, finding them to be extremely attractive.
This person is not a woman, but is in fact, a male. Just the sight of him makes my heart flutter and butterflies fly around in my stomach.
My eyes are wide and jaw is slacked as I watch him walk down the stairs, then face our direction and bows without making eye contact. He must be shy. How cute.
After that, he looks up and strolls off to the far end to the wall opposite of my father and I, smiling softly.
I find myself standing up and going after him before I could stop myself, or even realize the movements I'm making. When I do, I continue onward toward the handsome man.
The crowd parts as I come through, curious eyes following every step I take. I ignore them.
The boy I'm trailing stops and seemingly freezes up for a split second, then hides his face and goes deeper into the crowd, away from the wall.
Why did he do that?
He looked a little..scared. Nervous.
I push away the thought and follow him, managing to gently catch his hand and stop him. He turns and his bright EC eyes meet mine, and I lose my train of thought for a moment.
I think I might've figured out the reason I've never fallen for girls my whole life.
It's because of him.
I'm gay for him.
And I'm alright with that.
Now that I think more into it, I've only ever found men to be attractive to me. Though this man sticks out to me the most.
Your POV
As I turn around, my eyes meet the striking amber orbs of the prince, Prince Kaoru.
I blink in surprise before backing up just enough to bow at him to show my respect, my hand slipping from his. He bows as well and offers his hand to me, which I gratefully accept with a small smile.
He leads me onto the dance floor as a slow song plays, a circle forming around us for space. People stare, but most likely not just because of how handsome Kaoru is. It could also be because we're both males slow dancing together, as if it isn't normal.
We ignore them and continue dancing, speaking to one another quietly and laughing softly along the way. I tell him my name, and he calls it cute.
Which ultimately makes me blush.
Out of everyone here, I least expected Prince Kaoru to want to dance with me. But I'm glad he did.
"Everyone's staring at you," I whisper to him teasingly, and he smiles at me.
"Believe me, they're all staring at you, YN," he whispers back, our faces bright red.
Once the dance ends, we walk out to the balcony. I lean against the railing with him doing the same to my right, looking over the shadowed over garden. At least, I was.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Kaoru staring at me. I push up my glasses and play with my lip ring via my tongue nervously, and he seems to blush at my actions.
I finally meet his eyes with a shy smile, asking quietly, "Why are you staring at me..?"
"I just can't help it. You're unlike anybody I've ever met before."
"In a good or bad way?"
"Good, of course."
"That's a relief," I chuckle, looking away before he uses his hand under my chin to make me look up at him again.
"Don't look away. I love seeing your adorable face, YN," he casually flirts, and I can feel my face burning.
I laugh a little at this, his hand dropping to intertwine his fingers with my own. We continue talking and actually head back into the castle at some point, hands still clasped.
I spot my step-family off to my left, and I can see them gasping as they stare at me. Panicking, I look at Kaoru and hurriedly say, yet quietly, "I-I need to go.."
"What..? So soon?"
I slip my hand from his before as I back away, him trying to get closer. I glance at the clock and stress out further, midnight approaching fast, "I-I'm really sorry, Prince Kaoru. I must go! Goodbye.."
I then turn and run out of the ballroom, him hot on my tail. I bust out of the front doors and down the steps, swiftly yet carefully, right towards my carriage.
I glance behind me and see that Kaoru is a bit farther behind, probably from being bombarded by the guards or something. Either way, it buys me time to escape.
I jump into the carriage and slam the door, proclaiming to the driver, "Go! Hurry!"
"Yah!" the driver yells, mushing the horses onward with his reins.
We take off right as Kaoru is almost to us, yelling after us, "Wait! YN!"
"Don't wait.." I mumble under my breath, sighing sadly as I lean against the cushioned seat. Relieved and tense at the same time.
Knowing I'll likely never see Kaoru again, I don't look back at him as we leave. My goodbye was final, set in stone. I wish it wasn't as rushed or anything like it was tonight, but at least I said farewell.
My step-family's going to kill me when they get home..but it was totally worth it.
We make it home a minute before midnight hits, and I exit the carriage quickly. Once I turn around and face the carriage again, it turns back into a pumpkin and my friends turn back to normal.
"Thanks for the help, you guys," I tell them with a small smile, upset over Kaoru.
I can't help but to wonder that if I were still in that pumpkin when midnight hit, would I be squished to death inside of it? Or thrown out?
I sigh and head back to the barn, changing into my regular clothes to wait for my step-family to return. I run into the main house and start sweeping the floors, fixing my hair a little to try and play it off as them imagining that I was there.
Though I know it might not work.
I sweep in the dining room, as not to seem suspicious directly in front of the door.
Speaking of doors, the front door slams open and my step-family yell my name loudly.
Flinching at the sudden noise, I carry my broom and over to the doorway to the dining room, getting a clear view of the front door.
And my step-family.
"Yes? How was the ball?" I ask, trying to seem innocent.
"Why don't you tell us!" Griselda exclaims, hands on her hips.
"You were there!" Elvira adds, copying the motion. "And stole my chance at the prince!"
"What do you mean? I've been here to whole time, finishing up my chores. I had taken a nap after you guys left earlier," I lie smoothly, and the two daughters look confused.
"Then who did we see at the ball?" Esmeralda, my step-mother, questions in a prying tone. She crossed her arms and taps her foot on the ground as she waits for my reply.
"I don't know," I protest. "Maybe you saw someone who looked like me or something? I wouldn't be surprised, as I see some women who like almost exactly like you three all the time."
Yeah, the devil's demon spawn.
Griselda and Elvira seemed to take it and stomped up to their shared room, but Esmeralda stayed behind with me.
I shift uncomfortably under her glare, and she growls, "I know you're lying. I know that was you at the ball. Explain."
"Explain what..? I don't know anything about what you're talking—" I'm cut off as she grabs my collar, slamming me up against the wall.
My broom clatters to the floor, startled by her sudden action. Esmeralda has never been very violent before, so this is a surprise.
An unwelcome one, at that.
"Stop. Lying. Where did you get your outfit from? Stole it?!"
"I rented it," I blurt out, defensive.
"The carriage?!"
"Also rented."
After being interrogated, she decided that she's angry enough to beat the absolute shit out of me. This never usually happens, only, like, once every few years or something when I've really fucked up.
Needless to say, I'm sore and going to be bruised in the morning.
I'm lucky my glasses didn't break or anything.
Timeskip- At The Market The Next Day
Today I'm being forced to go to the marketplace with my step-family to get some groceries, them not even allowing me to cover up these bruises with makeup.
Which I personally don't care about as I despise the stuff, but everyone who sees them will either think that I'm abused (which I am) or that I got into a street fight or some shit. And everyone here knows that I don't normally get into fights with anyone.
So, yes, I've been getting a few stares from some people. They looked concerned and confused, some even asking me if I'm okay or what happened.
I always responded with "I'm fine, thanks" or, "I got into a fight yesterday."
While my step-family are buying vegetables from a stand, someone accidentally bumps into me. I stumble but they catch my waist, holding me up.
I lift my head into their view and my eyes widen as I see who it is. His eyes widen too, shocked.
"P-Prince Kaoru..?"
"I've been looking for you!" he exclaims, pulling me into a hug. "What happened to you?! Are you okay?"
Before I could respond, I'm harshly pulled away from Kaoru by my step-mother. My step-sisters press themselves onto him, to which he scoffs and pushes them off of him, trying to get to me.
A crowd forms around us, but they're all ignored.
Kaoru realizes the situation when he sees me tremble a little in fear, Esmeralda throwing me to the ground off to the side as she yells at me. I stare at the ground under me, listening to her hateful words.
That is, until Kaoru interrupts her by yelling, "STOP!"
She does and smiles innocently at him, "Your highness, I apologize for my daughter's incompetence—"
I flinch at her calling me her "daughter," and Kaoru notices. He glares at my step-mother, most likely realizing that I'm transgender.
"No?" Esmeralda repeats.
"No. YN is a boy, and is certainly not your son by the way you're treating him. He's not incompetent or anything of the sort that you're calling him, but you are. You're abusing him."
Esmeralda tries to reason with him, but he has none of it as he orders his guard to lock up my step-mother. His other guard will be taking my step-sisters away.
Kaoru helps me up and hugs me, to which I return tightly. The crowd cheers and claps for us, and we both smile.
He takes me back to his castle and tells me that I'll be living with him and his parents from now on.
Later on, I'm out as the sun sets. I'm simply leaning against the castle wall as I stare out at the garden in front of me, behind the castle.
I'm joined by Kaoru, who shyly, yet confidently, pins me to the wall with his hands beside my head on either side. Before I could say anything, he leans in and kisses me abruptly.
I immediately kiss him back, wrapping my arms around his neck as I pull him closer.
The pace isn't too slow, nor to fast. It's right in the middle at moderate.
Unfortunately, the kiss must end due to the lack of oxygen.
Let's just say that I will now be marrying him in a few weeks.
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