This will include a few characters such as:
Author-Kun's POV
Tamaki x Reader : The Pocky Game
Tamaki bursts into your room, panting and holding a red box in his hand with the name 'Pocky' on it.
You gave him a confused look.
"Uhh, Tamaki-Senpai..why do you have pocky in your hand? And what are you doing here?" You ask him as he shuts the door and locks it.
"Those horrid twins is what! They were trying to get my daughter to play the pocky game with them! As if daddy was going to let that happen to her!" Tamaki cries out dramatically.
You laugh at his comment and failed to notice him staring at you with a blush on his cheeks. He loves your smile and laugh, and just him being the cause of those two beautiful things appearing on your stunning face made his heart soar all the way to the moon and back down to Earth where he stands.
You know he's talking about Haruhi when he's saying his 'daughter,' because the twins aren't trying to force you to play the game. Yes, Tamaki calls you his other daughter. You don't mind it, you personally find it funny and even cute, in a way. It just shows he cares about you two.
Especially since you and Haruhi are the only two girls in the host club, even though Haruhi dresses as a boy.
You are a host for the boys of Ouran. You're the distant type, meaning it's takes a lot for you to become friends with someone. It had taken about a month for Tamaki to prove himself to you to become your friend. Not that he minded. He just really wanted to be your friend since you were always alone and had nobody to talk to. (Also because you are stunningly attractive to him, but he cared more about being your friend at the time.)
For the rest of the host club, you trusted them if Tamaki did, so it didn't take as long for them to gain your trust.
You figured out that Haruhi was a girl on the first day you met her, right when you saw her. That shocked everyone, not really her but everybody else.
Anyway, you had no idea on what the pocky game is, so you decide to ask him.
"Hey, Tamaki-Senpai, what exactly is the pocky game? Could you show me?" You inquire, and his face immediately turns into a tomato in no time flat.
'She doesn't know what it is..? And she....wants ME to play it with her?! That means..we may end up..kissing!' Tamaki thought nervously to himself, not sure if you even wanted to kiss him, let alone be willing to do so.
"S-Sure thing..!" Tamaki said, coming over and sitting next to you on your bed.
Tamaki and the other hosts are always allowed over at your house, so it's not a problem that he just barged in.
Suddenly, just as Tamaki was about to start teaching you how to play, your phone dinged.
"Ah, sorry Tamaki-Senpai! Someone......" you trailed off as you looked at your phone and to what they sent you.
Tamaki looks worried as he asks, "What's wrong? Someone what?"
"—texted me something.." you trail off again, reading the text again.
Tamaki reads over your shoulder and you let him.
It says:
Hikaru: Hey YN! Kaoru and I wanted to know if you wanted to play the pocky game with with us with Haruhi! Tamaki stole our original box the first time.
Tamaki grows angry. They want you to play this game with them?! And they bought ANOTHER pocky box to play with Haruhi?! How DARE they!!
You respond..
You: sorry Hikaru! Tamaki actually came over to my place and he's going to teach me how to play this game. Maybe next time?
Hikaru: sure! Have fun with boss! ;)
You: and you have fun with Kaoru and Haruhi. Just so ya know, Tamaki is reading this over my shoulder
Hikaru: oh! Hehehhhhh hi boss..!
You: Tama says hi (and he looks aggravated, better be careful!). Anyway, see ya later, and tell Kaoru and Haruhi I say hello
Hikaru: okay I will! Thanks for the warning and bye!
Tamaki looks at you with confusion.
"Tama?" He questions and you flush pink.
"Yea! I mean, sometimes when I'm texting the others, I shorten your name a bit to Tama. Hope you don't mind.." you explain and he smiles.
"It's not a problem! You can call me whatever you like!" Tamaki exclaims happily, making you smile.
"Cool, thanks! Anyway, the game..?" You state, all the while hoping to keep Tamaki away from Hikaru and Kaoru.
Hikaru really likes Haruhi, and Kaoru does too. All of the hosts do, and you're fairly certain that Tamaki likes Haruhi as well.
Some of the hosts also like you, including the twins and Tamaki, but you never knew.
"Ah, yes, of course! Put one end of the pocky in your mouth and hold it there, okay?" Tamaki instructs, handing you a piece of pocky.
You do as told.
'Do you have to keep the pocky away from the other person or something..?' You thought to yourself, waiting for the next set of instructions.
"Now..uh, the other person is supposed to hold onto the opposite e-end of the p-pocky. A-After that, b-both people eat t-towards the m-middle. Wh-Whoever has the m-most pocky wins.." Tamaki informs, and your face turns red again, just as his does too.
You realize that your faces are gonna have to be close and that there is a HUGE possibility of kissing your crush. You can barely act like yourself now around him because you get so nervous sometimes, what might happen if your faces are LITERALLY INCHES APART?! That's what you're worried about.
What if you freak out and pull away, running out of the house?!
What if Tamaki does that instead and never talks to you again?! No, he'd never do that. You know he wouldn't.
Not after how much effort he put into becoming your friend. If he did, all of that hard work would be for nothing!
"D-Do you still want t-to c-continue..?" Tamaki inquires. You nod shyly.
'Don't see why not,' you thought to yourself again.
He nods and puts the opposite end of the pocky in his mouth. You guys start eating towards the middle and your lips are close to touching when.......
You both pull away.
You do this for the next couple of rounds, each gaining points here and there.
You are on the final piece of pocky in the packet you guys opened, and Tamaki set it in your mouth, once again taking the other end in his. You move closer to the center...
...time seems to move slower as you both reach the middle and pause before Tamaki takes the final bite and kisses you.
You kiss back, eyes closing. Tamaki's eyes close too.
Tamaki gingerly kisses you, knowing that there's still pocky in both of your mouths, and also because he doesn't know if you want him to kiss you. But judging by the way you're not pulling away from the kiss, he assumes that you're fine with it.
Which you are.
You love it.
Tamaki loves it too, almost as much as he loves you.
You guys pull away after a few moments, chewing and swallowing the pocky in your mouths before staring into one another's eyes for a second before kissing one another again.
You take the lead this time.
He lets you set the pace, as he is comfortable with whatever pace you want.
The kiss is slow and full of love. He can feel it. You can feel it. Electric current runs trough your veins at his touch and apparently waves hello to your heart since you can practically feel it fluttering.
This kiss was no longer cautious, but it was one of the most romantic and meaningful ones for when you first kiss your love interest.
Soon enough, Tamaki takes charge and becomes the dominant one.
He wraps his arms around your waist, you wrap yours around his neck. He pulls you closer, ending up with you sitting on his lap. You aren't that heavy to him, so it doesn't really hurt.
Your legs are on either side of him so that you can sit with him easier, basically straddling him loosely.
You know when long distance couples meet again after awhile, or for the first time ever, and the girl sometimes jumps up and he catches her, so her legs wrap around his waist as he holds you up? That's basically what your legs are doing, except you aren't putting any pressure on him.
He's sitting cross legged, so that's how you're sitting on his lap and stuff.
I guess the theme song of their anime is true, Reader-Chan..
Hikaru x Reader : The Pocky Game
Hikaru Hitachiin.
The twin who parts his hair to the right.
The twin who is older.
The twin who has a slightly deeper voice.
The twin who tends to stand on the right of his younger twin brother.
The twin you have fallen in love with.
Yes, you, YN LN, have fallen in love with one of the mischievous twins named Hikaru Hitachiin.
He's the more mischievous twin, probably. Don't take my word for it, but he looks and sounds a bit more mischievous than Kaoru does to Author-Sama.
You are sitting in class, the one you share with Haruhi and the twins every day, working on the assignment, sometimes asking or helping Haruhi with some of the problems.
You and Haruhi are best friends, and act quite similarly at times. She knows of your crush on Hikaru and swore not to tell anyone, and she told you about her crush on Tamaki, which you also swore not to tell anybody. Neither of you have said a word about that around anyone else, keeping your word.
Anyways, as the class continues forward, a note gets slid onto your desk. From who, you ask? From Kaoru, as he was the one to come up for his nervous brother.
Haruhi read it over your shoulder as you read it as well. It reads:
Hey YN! Can you meet me after school in the Host Club? I want to try something with you. I also need to tell you something important.
Hope to see you there!
-Hikaru Hitachiin /(• ~)\
You blush lightly. He wants to see you?
Why did he put a winky face at the end of the note?
Haruhi smiles at you and nods.
You smile back and nod too, writing back a response.
You say:
Hello Hikaru! I'll be there!
And if you were worried to come bring this to me since you had Kaoru do it, then I just want to let you know that you have nothing to be nervous for. You should never be nervous to talk with me, silly!
Anyway, as I said, I'll be there! Cant wait!
-YN LN <3
You let Haruhi read it first and she nods, telling you that she thinks it sounds good.
You smile again and get up, heading to the back of the class where the twins sit.
You toss the note onto Hikaru's desk with a kind smile before heading back to your seat.
The teacher doesn't really care if you get up and chat or anything, as long as it's quiet for those of you who are working.
Like you and Haruhi!
You failed to notice the blush Hikaru had adoring his face when you smiled at him, and Kaoru smirks at his older sibling knowingly.
Hikaru reads your note with Kaoru reading it over his shoulder. He blushes and glances up at you as you're speaking with Haruhi. Talking and laughing.
You girls had just finished your schoolwork for all of your classes for the week, so you're just having fun for the rest of the week.
And it's only Tuesday! (You got all of the work on Monday.)
You and Haruhi had gone to her house to finish most of the work yesterday, and decided to finish the rest in class and hung out for the rest of the time.
You wouldn't even be attending this school if it weren't for Haruhi. She's your childhood friend and she wanted to go to Ouran, but not without you. So you know what she did? Haruhi had helped you study and get your IQ up some more so that you could attend Ouran with her, which you were wanting to go here as well so you gladly studied with her help.
And bam! Now you're here, and it's all thanks to your childhood and still best friend, Haruhi! Seriously, she's like Hiro Hamada from the movie Big Hero 6 or something.
Hikaru couldn't be happier to have you here. He's glad Haruhi had helped you, or else he never would have met you. He never would've fallen for the HC haired girl. Literally.
On the day you both met, Hikaru tripped and landed right in front of you. You had caught his arm and made the fall less painful, but he still hit the ground nonetheless. Kaoru was laughing at him.
Apparently, Hikaru had been staring at you as you were walking their way and he tripped on a pebble and fell, though they never told you that.
Hikaru sets his head on his hand and just stares at you while his brother laughs at him for staring at you with dreaming eyes.
You didn't notice his stare, but Haruhi sure did.
Haruhi secretly takes her phone out and takes a picture of him without Hikaru noticing, surprisingly, but you and Kaoru sure noticed. Kaoru held back another laugh, knowing she took a picture of Hikaru staring.
"What was that for?" You asked her with a smile.
"Hikaru is staring. Thought you'd wanna see without turning around and embarrassing him." Haruhi answered, showing you her phone.
Your smile widened as well as your eyes, covering your mouth from shock that he would stare at you.
"Is he still doing it? Should I look?" You ask.
She laughs and glances behind you guys.
"Yea, he's still staring. You can look if you want. I'm going to show the twins this picture anyways." Haruhi says, shrugging.
"Could you send me the picture? We could use that as blackmail material." You point out with a mischievous glint in your eyes.
Haruhi smiles and sends it to you, responding, "I like how you think!"
"Genius, I know!" You state with a dramatic hand to your chest before dropping it.
Haruhi laughs at you, and you join her.
Your phone dings and you look at it, seeing you got the picture from Haruhi.
"Thanks for the picture, but the way!" You tell her nicely.
"No problem!" She replies.
Out of curiosity, wondering if he's still watching you, you glance behind you, making eye contact with Hikaru himself.
You lightly gasp and quickly turn away, you had also heard him gasp.
Haruhi chuckles and says, "Told you."
You laugh and reply, "Oh, be quiet!"
Back with Hikaru and Kaoru, the older twin is freaking out a bit.
"She caught me STARING AT HER Kaoru!! What if YN thinks I'm a creep?!" Hikaru rants.
Kaoru cuts him off and says, "HIKARU! Relax, bro. It doesn't matter if she caught you staring. She won't think you're a creep. If YN really likes you back, then she won't care if she's caught you staring at her once or twice."
Hikaru takes a deep breath and nods, thanking his brother.
The bell rings and school is over. You guys had had lunch earlier.
Hikaru stuffs all of his things in his bag immediately, and you do too.
Kaoru sets his hand on Hikaru's shoulder, saying with a smile, "Good luck, bro!"
Hikaru smiles at his brother and replies, "Thanks!"
Haruhi looks over at you and says, "Good luck with Hikaru, YN!"
You look back at her and smile, "Thanks Haruhi! Have a great rest of your day!"
She nods, "You too!"
Just then, Hikaru comes running up to you with a smile, grabbing your wrist and drags you out of the classroom. Luckily, all of your things had been packed up before he came.
You're laughing as Hikaru runs with you, and he is too.
Haruhi and Kaoru are also laughing, walking out of the classroom together.
"You think they're gonna get together today?" Kaoru asks her.
"Definitely." Haruhi replies, laughing again with Kaoru as they leave the building.
There is no host club today, so that's why Hikaru wanted to speak with you there.
"Someone's excited! Haha, I thought I was gonna meet you here!" You laughed out as you guys ran.
"I know, but I just got excited! Sorry! Hahaha!" Hikaru laughs.
You guys make it to the host club room, aka Music Room 3, panting.
You guys chat for a bit and decide to do some activities on your own. He flirts with you occasionally, to which you always flush and stutter afterwards. He loves to make you flustered, but the thing is, you're good at doing the same thing to him, so you do.
After a while you find yourself playing the pocky game with Hikaru. Every round, before your lips could touch, either you or Hikaru would pull away.
But guess who's had enough!
He's done being too shy.
He's done pulling away.
He's done with not kissing you.
He's done with not confessing to you.
He's done with not having you in his arms.
He needs you.
And you need him.
Hikaru sets the box aside and sets his right hand on your left cheek, stroking it gently. He can feel the heat radiating from your face on his hand, and can even see it.
'How adorable,' he thinks before slowly leaning in.
You lean in too, feeling mesmerized by him and his actions.
Part of it are his eyes. His striking amber eyes. Filled with so much emotion: Fear (of being rejected), love (for you), nervousness (that you don't like him back), etc.
You love his eyes. You love his sly nature. You love him. All of him.
His eyes close, yours do too. He stops inches away from kissing you, giving you a chance to back out. You never did.
So he went on with it.
He kisses you slowly, wanting you to remember how he kissed you, how much he meant it and will mean it with every kiss he gives you, how much he loves you.
You kiss back just as slow, wanting him to remember it as well. Wanting him to know how much you really love him. How far you'll go for him. How much you love him.
You know he can get jealous. You've seen it before. When other guys flirt with you, he steps in and wraps an arm around your waist before the guy can even finish his pick up line or whatever. You don't mind.
The only time you really mind when he gets jealous is if he crosses the line and hurts them. Unless it's a pervert who's flirting with you. Then you'd let him kick their butt. With your help, of course.
His hands find your waist and yours find their way to his neck. You wrap your arms around his neck and play with his hair, gently pulling it. He lightly smirks at this, squeezing your waist slightly in response. That makes you stand on your toes more, and that makes it easier for him to kiss you without his neck hurting as badly. (Yes, you guys played the game beforehand while standing.)
As you guys pull apart for air, he softly bit your bottom lip, letting it slip out of his grasp. You smile and giggle at this, laying your head on his chest while you stop standing on your toes. He uses his arms to hug your waist while your arms are still around his shoulders loosely. He chuckles with you.
"YN, I know this is sudden, but I've been in love with you for a while now. Will you be my partner is crime?" Hikaru inquires, feeling nervous for your answer despite you kissing him back and not pulling away from him.
"I've loved you for a while now too, Hikaru. Of course I'll be your partner in crime, as long as you'll be mine." You say, lifting your head up to look him in the eyes.
"Of course, love." He replies.
You smile softly and go onto your toes again and kiss him, he kisses back instantly.
This kiss is quicker, more passionate. You guys broke apart and he smirks.
Before you could ask what he's thinking, he twirls you and drops you into a dip, holding you tightly so you won't fall. You smile wider and giggle at this, not expecting it.
He kisses you again for a few moments before pulling away
"What a charmer." You tease as he pulls you back onto your feet.
"Oh, I'll show you a tease." Hikaru states playfully, rocking you back and forth as if you're both dancing to a slow song in a ballroom.
He kisses your cheek, and you smirk.
"That's not that bad of a tease. Let me show you how it's done." You say, just as playful.
He smiles at you and chuckles, letting you tease him right back.
You kiss his cheek, but on the edge of his mouth as if you were actually gonna give him a real kiss.
Hikaru smiles wider and responds, "You're right. That is more of a tease."
Before you could respond, he cuts you off with a real kiss.
Once you break, you suggest with a naughty glint in your eyes, "Want to go and prank some of the teachers still in the building?"
He smirks back and pecks your lips, replying, "Oh, most definitely."
You guys run off, hand-in-hand, pranking teachers and running away to not get caught, laughing quietly every time it works.
Haruhi x Reader : The Pocky Game
She saw you alone at lunch.
She saw you alone in the library when you'd study or read.
She saw you in class, talking with nobody.
Haruhi has been seeing you every day, all by yourself wherever you went. She has no idea why you're alone, but you intrigue her. Haruhi thinks you're attractive, which she's never found in someone before. (Lol, poor Tamaki.)
Haruhi notices the bruises on your face and arms, and how nobody even bothers to ask if you're alright or how it happened. That angers her.
There's clearly something going on in your life. Something that's hurting you. Or rather, someone who's doing the hurting to you.
Are you bullied?
You noticed her watching you.
You noticed that she looks concerned every time she looks at you.
You see her talking with the most popular guys in school, the Host Club.
You know she's apart of the Host Club.
You know she's a girl.
You don't understand why she's always watching you.
Yeah, sure, you have bruises and cuts littering your body, but nobody has cared before, so why does she? That's what you always think.
You think she's stunning.
Her innocent brown eyes.
Her short, brown hair.
The way she dresses in boys attire everyday.
The way she doesn't care about what she looks like.
The way she's shorter than you. (She's 5'1, and I'm having you guys be taller, sorry! :3 you're around 5'4 in this.)
You think you may have a small crush on her.
She thinks she has a crush on you too.
You're being bullied here at Ouran. Just because you're different from everyone else.
You're distant from others. Don't trust easily. The bullying made this stronger.
Now you rarely even talk to anyone.
But you think you can talk to one person if they approached you.
That person is a girl.
Her name is Haruhi Fujioka.
But she'll never approach you.
Or will she?
It's lunch time and you head to the lunch room with your packed lunch. You walk quickly, not wanting to get bombarded by your bullies on your way there.
You are a first year student, same as Haruhi. So you're in the same class as her.
You're seated in the back of the class, since you requested that from the teacher. They agreed, knowing you push others away from you and tend to be less social.
You make it to the lunch room early, not bumping into your bullies yet, thankfully.
You speed walk over to the empty table you sit at everyday and set your lunch down, spotting your bullies entering the room as well.
Sighing, you sit down and ignore them, thinking they might not come and bother you since they barely do when it's lunch time.
Just to be sure though, you don't start eating. You just sit there and wait.
They walk over to you.
'Seriously..?' You thought as they make it to you.
You didn't notice the brunette girl named Haruhi walking into the lunch room since you're distracted by your bullies.
Ava, the leader, grabs your shoulder and turns you around to face her.
You look up at her and she smirks evilly along with her three friends: Maridonna, Lou, and Casey.
Ava then grabs your wrist, harshly pulling you up and making you stand.
All eyes are on you five now.
"Come with us." Ava lowly growls, keeping a friendly smile on her face, fooling everyone but five people.
Her three friends, you, and Haruhi.
Haruhi sees the way you stare blankly at Ava, clearly not happy with her presence.
"Whatever." You reply while rolling your eyes and crossing your arms.
Ava leads the way, Maridonna and Casey on either side of you with Lou right behind you, encasing you inside their little bubble so you couldn't run. You never run from them.
They'd find you later anyways if you escaped.
It's an endless cycle. An endless, painful cycle.
Little do you girls know that Haruhi is following behind to see what's going on, knowing something clearly isn't right.
Lou notices and whispers to Maridonna, "We have a follower."
Follower to them means that someone that isn't supposed to follow is following.
Maridonna nods and whispers it to Ava while Lou tells Casey what's going on.
Sighing, you go along with what they're planning.
Haruhi notices you sigh and immediately knows something going on.
'What are they going to do with her?!' Haruhi thought.
The next thing you and Haruhi knew, the bullies grabbed your wrists and dragged you into a run, making you try to lose Haruhi.
You stumbled from the shock of Maridonna and Casey pulling on your wrists, but you recovered quickly.
If you didn't run with them, you'd fall and get a worse beating when you were alone with them. Completely alone.
Haruhi instantly breaks out into a run as well, determined not to lose you all from her sight for long.
At some point she lost you guys, but didn't stop looking for you.
She's not going to let you be alone on this one. They wouldn't have made you burst into a run like that if something wasn't going to happen. She knows that.
The bullies shove you against the lockers, making an echo sound out throughout the halls, reaching Haruhi's ears.
'No..are they hurting her?! That would explain the bruises she always has..' Haruhi thought, frantically searching the halls for you.
Ava punches you, Lou kicks you, Maridonna slams you into the lockers again, Casey also punches you. They switch when doing these things. Punching. Kicking. Slamming you into the lockers.
The sound of banging against the lockers grows louder in Haruhi's ears, telling her that she's getting closer. She pushes herself harder, trying to get to you faster.
By the time she finds you, she sees that you're on the floor, knees up to your chest with your hands hanging at your sides, doing nothing to protect yourself.
The sight hurt Haruhi's heart. You've given up fighting back, it seems.
Haruhi rushes to get to you.
Ava picks you up by the arm before grabbing hold of your neck to keep you in the air while you wrap your hands around her wrists, trying to uselessly pull them away from your neck.
Haruhi's anger only increased and made her run faster. She was down a ways, making it take longer to get to you.
Ava throws you to the ground behind her, the turning giving her the speed to launch you into the lockers.
You hit the lockers, falling down onto your side.
Haruhi reaches you and yells out before they can do anything else, "HEY! LEAVE HER ALONE!"
The bullies stop, knowing that they got caught. With one witness, that means they could get into trouble. Despite all of the evidence being marked onto your body.
You glanced up, seeing Haruhi standing in front of the bullies at your side, blocking their path to you. And realizing that they've been caught by their favorite host.
That makes you fall for her a bit more.
'She's protecting me..' you think, struggling to get up.
The shuffling makes Haruhi glance at you. Her eyes widen at the sight before her.
Your nose is bleeding, black eye on the left one, a few cuts and bruises showing through your clothing.
You don't wear those stupid dresses. You think they're ugly.
Instead, you wear something similar to what Haruhi used to wear. A FC long sleeved shirt, jeans, and FC tennis shoes.
Haruhi turned back to the bullies, in a blind rage, of sorts.
She starts yelling at them.
They start crying.
"We're sorry! Sh-She attacked us f-first!!" Ava exclaims, trying to cover up what her and her friends have done.
The girls cry and run away.
Haruhi turns to you and rushes to your aid, helping you up and making sure you can stand on your own.
You can so she lets you stand on your own.
She stares at you in concern for a moment before softly asking, "Are you alright?"
That's a useless question and you both know it, but it really comforts you to hear someone else say it besides your parents. Your eyes soften from their usual blank stare into more of a kind and welcoming one.
One that Haruhi now craves to see.
"I'm f-fine..th-thank you." You reply, your voice much softer than what it was when you were speaking in the lunch room with those other girls.
Haruhi immediately thinks your voice is adorable. Just as you thought about hers when you first heard her speak. It was in class a while back, but that's off topic.
"For what? I was just doing what anyone would've done." Haruhi states, not being arrogant or anything.
You glance down at the floor before looking back up into her brown eyes. Haruhi noticed this action.
"Thank you for helping me when I needed it. For standing up for me. For proving me wrong. And not everyone is as selfless as you.." you answer, mumbling the last part, but she heard it.
'Nobody helps her when they see this happening?' Haruhi thinks.
"It was no big deal. It's just what seems right. But..proving you wrong? And others don't usually help you if they see this happening to you?" She questions.
You nod, "Yea. Proving me wrong when I thought that everyone was the same: Cruel. Just like the world is. And yes, every other time I've ever gotten into a fight here in front of others, they just stopped and stared, betting on who would win. I would win sometimes, but I lost most of the time. That's why I've given up the fight." You explain.
'Those type of people are awful. Not helping others when they need it most. Betting on who's gonna win?! Ugh..' Haruhi thought to herself.
"Glad I could change your mind, and I'm sorry about that. I'm going to help all of that stop. I'm Haruhi. Haruhi Fujioka." Haruhi said, holding her hand out to you.
"I'm YN LN. Nice to meet you, Haruhi." You said back with a tiny, rare smile as you shook her hand.
She smiles back and thinks, 'She's smiling!!'
"You too, YN." She replies, taking you to the nurses office to get treated.
You finally have a friend.
(TIMESKIP-Two Months Later)
It's Friday, and the bullies have been expelled from the school ever since the principle had heard about it. Bullying ended for you, and you couldn't be more grateful to have Haruhi in your life, same vise versa.
I guess that saying is true: "Somewhere someone on this earth needs a person just like you in their life, and they're always wishing for you to show up." (Heard the quote on Twitter and just now looked it up!)
That's exactly how you felt, and then Haruhi came into your life and saved you.
You and Haruhi are walking back to her place, as you are having a sleepover tonight, after you guys make a stop at your house for your things.
Oh! Also, before I forget, you are now apart of the Host Club. You're the Warrior Type.
Haruhi has given you a reason to fight back when you get bullied (If you do), and you have always protected others when they were getting bullied. You persevered through the tough times, with a little bit of help from Haruhi.
You still don't wear the dress, though. So, they got you the males uniform instead. You'll still be a female host, just dressed in different clothing (unless you want to wear the dress).
As soon as you and Haruhi make it to her house, you head into her and her fathers room.
Whenever you two have sleepovers at her place, you both sleep in the same bed since she doesn't want you sleeping on the floor. You guys don't mind, but you do have blushes every time because of it.
And whenever there would be a thunderstorm and you were having a sleepover, Haruhi would cling to you while you hugged her and calmed her down. She'd usually end up falling asleep in your arms afterwards.
But if there was a thunderstorm and you guys weren't having a sleepover, she would call you from her phone and you'd calm her down that way.
Haruhi had told you about her fear and you said that if she's ever scared, if you're there, come and hug you and you'll calm her down, but if you're not, if she's too scared, give you a call and you will talk her through it.
She thanked you greatly for it, and still does.
You and her just sit down and chat about random things. How funny everyone was today, how 'charming' one of the hosts were (by charming the other girls, not you two), what things you like from the 'commoners market' as Tamaki calls them.
You two always have fun with these little chats, never gets old.
Suddenly, Haruhi's father runs into the room with a red box labeled 'Pocky' with a huge smile on his face.
"Girls!! You have GOT to try this!! They gave me a sample at the market and it was AMAZING!!" Haruhi's Dad exclaimed, handing the box to Haruhi when she held out her hand.
"Oh, sure Dad." She replies. I just smile.
"Also! If you ladies get bored, there's this game called the 'Pocky Game' that you could try! Oh! And I need to speak with YN here for a moment!" Her Dad says, and you guys nod, a little confused on why he needs to speak with you.
"Okay..thanks Dad. And sure, as long as she comes back alive." Haruhi states jokingly, making all of you laugh.
"Oh I will! Come with me, please, dear." Her father says to you and you nod, getting up and following him out the door and into the living room.
Haruhi watched as you left, a longing look in her eyes.
She wants to be with you badly.
And you want her badly too.
The way you protect her through the thunderstorms.
The way she helps pick you up whenever you fall.
This could only mean one thing for the both of you: you're in love.
Her father turns to you with a smile and starts, "Alrighty! I've just wanted to tell you a few things real quick!"
You nod and reply, "I'm listening, sir."
"Oh please! You can call me Ranka, dear! Anyway, I've noticed a few things ever since you entered Haruhi's life. Whenever you aren't here, she talks about you and how amazing you are nonstop. It's cute! And I've seen the way she looks at you whenever you are over. I admit, I've walked in on you both a couple of times before while you were chatting and I saw her stare. And yours as well. I just want to let you know, that if you start dating my daughter, you have my approval." Ranka rants, leaving you with a blush resting furiously on your cheeks.
"S-So you're saying that y-you don't mind your daughter d-dating a girl like m-me?" You inquire, stuttering a few times.
You usually never stutter, so that's something Ranka notices. He smiles at you and shakes his head.
"Course not! I'd actually prefer if she dated you over anyone else I've met that's her friend! And sure, you have a pretty rough past with all of the fights you've been into and all, but that doesn't matter to me. Besides, I've actually shipped you and Haruhi together the moment I saw you. Haruhi has a new light in her eyes every time your mentioned or she sees you! Back to what I was saying, I'd choose you over that Tamaki boy any day as well!" Ranka proclaims, making you laugh.
Haruhi heard you laugh and smiles to herself, glad her crush and Dad are getting along. She's also glad that her father isn't murdering you for whatever reason he could've had.
"Heh, I'll admit, Tamaki can be quite the pain at times. But in all honesty, once you get to know him more, you start to realize that he's not as bad as he may seem when you first meet him." You inform, Ranka nods at your words.
"I'll keep that in mind. Now, go ahead and back to my daughter! She's waiting for you!" Ranka says, giving you a wink and leaves.
You walk back to the bedroom, where Haruhi is, with a massive blush resting on your cheeks.
She looks a bit confused.
"Are you okay? You're face is red." Haruhi points out.
"Yeah, I'm good. Let's just try that game your father suggested?" You inquire, and she nods.
Haruhi knows that if something was wrong, you'd tell her.
She looks up how to play the game and read it, deciding that she will tell you how to play as you go along.
"Alright, so we need one piece of pocky. Stick one end in your mouth and I'll explain more after that." She says, and you do as instructed.
"Okay. Now, I put the other end in my mouth and we eat towards the middle. Whoever gets the bigger piece wins. Still want to do this?" Haruhi asks you, just to be sure.
Blushes are present on your faces again.
"If you do." You said to her, making sure the pocky stays in your mouth as you speak.
She nods and puts her phone away.
Haruhi comes closer and takes the other end in her mouth. You're sitting cross legged, leaning forwards a bit so she doesn't have to do all of the work as she sits on her knees.
You guys start biting inwards, getting closer and closer.
Then you break off one bite away from her lips.
"I win." Haruhi says teasingly, eating her pocky and swallowing it.
You do the same and chuckle.
"Yeah. I'm just not that used to this type of game." You respond and she chuckles, nodding.
"Same here." She replies, grabbing another one and setting it back in your mouth for you.
Haruhi grabs on again, apparently liking to be the one who leans over the most to do this. You don't mind, and neither does she.
And if Haruhi is being honest, she partly does that so that she can momentarily see you look really cute and innocent with that piece of pocky hanging out of your mouth (even though you already look cute without added things, but innocent? You look more tough than that, but she still thinks that's a cute look on you).
You aren't backing away this time.
'It's just a game..' you think as you and her start inching forwards to the middle of the pocky.
Or is it really..just a game?
You both pause for a moment when there is only one bite left until your lips will meet. Haruhi, being the more bold one out of the pair (sometimes), takes the last bite and your lips meet.
You both pull away quickly, faces bright red from that.
You guys chew and swallow your pocky, and have small smiles on your faces, not that the other even knew anyway.
Well, Haruhi found out when she glanced at you while you were staring at the ground off to the side.
That's when she knew: you like her back.
In a bold move, she shuffled closer without you noticing and lifts your chin up with her left hand for her eyes to meet yours. She can tell you're kinda shocked by her actions, but she ignores that and presses her lips against yours again.
'Please don't let my suspicions be wrong..' Haruhi plead in her mind.
But since when is she ever wrong on her suspicions?
She feels you kiss back and lightly sighs in relief, to which you lightly chuckle into the kiss in response. Haruhi smiles a bit and you do too.
Haruhi drops her left hand and runs both of her hands down from your shoulders, down your arms, all the way to your hands, intertwining her fingers with yours once she reaches them. As she ran her hands down you, shivers were sent up your spine, making you sit up straighter.
You give her hands a light squeeze and she does the same back, bringing her body closer to yours by her hands.
You let her hands go and set your hands on her waist, she sets her hands on your neck gently, partly holding your face upwards to hers.
You're no longer sitting cross legged, but your legs are straight out (slightly bent) as she's on her knees in between them, meaning you have to look up to kiss her.
As uncomfortable as this position you may think it is, it's really not that bad for you guys. I mean, even if it is, you have a distraction from the uncomfortable position.
You guys stop kissing and snap your heads over to the door, seeing Ranka there with a camera in his hands. He took a picture of your guys' first REAL kiss.
"This is going in the scrapbook!" He yells, running off to go print it.
"Yo, give me a copy, ey?" You call out to him with a smirk.
Haruhi lightly smacks your head, making you laugh.
You laugh harder when she calls to her dad, "Me too!"
She laughs with you and sits down on her knees, her hands never leaving you and yours never leaving hers.
"OKAY!" Ranka yells back.
You and her chuckle before leaning your foreheads together.
"Say, will you be my girlfriend, Haruhi?" You inquire, hoping she will say yes.
"I'd love to, YN." She replies, trapping your lips into another blissful kiss.
Kyoya x Reader : The Pocky Game
You're in Kyoya's bedroom, just chatting and having fun.
Well, that is...until you get a text.
You read it to yourself, Kyoya watching you intently. It says:
Honey-Senpai: Hello YN-Chan! Everybody is playing Truth or dare and my dare is to dare you and Kyoya to play the Pocky Game together! And if you don't, you get a punishment
You: what punishment would that be?
Honey-Senpai: it's a secret!~
You: Alright, I'll tell him about it
Honey-Senpai: Okay! Have fun YN-Chaaaann!~~ bye!
You: see ya
You look up from your phone and to Kyoya, turning your phone off.
"It was Honey-Senpai. He said that him and the others were playing Truth or Dare. Apparently he chose dare because he said his dare was to dare you and I to play the pocky game together." You explain.
He nods and says, "And if we don't?"
"Secret punishment." You respond, he nods.
"Well, I can only imagine what the punishment would be so I think we should play. You?" Kyoya questions.
"Same, but do you have any pocky here?" You inquire.
"Most likely not. We may have to go to the store to get some." He states, standing and helping you up onto your feet as well.
"Orrrr we could go to the market!" You offer.
"The commoners market where Haruhi gets that instant coffee?" Kyoya asks.
"Yep! I've seen it there before, but never tried it." You answer, he nods at you with a tiny smile.
"Alright. We'll go there." Kyoya says and takes your hand in his, leading you down the stairs and out the front door towards the market.
You have a huge blush on your face from his daring move, he only has a tiny one because he can somehow control it. Idk it's Kyoya we're talking about!
You arrive to the market and buy the pocky, Kyoya asking the woman working the stall if she knew what the pocky game is. She did and explained it to you. You guys thanked her and left.
As soon as you and 'The Shadow King' return back to his room, you both sit down on the floor, your back facing the locked door.
Kyoya had locked it as if he had plans with you (nothing dirty guys puh), which he does. He's hoping you'll be okay with it.
You start blushing when he puts the pocky in your mouth and grabs the other end in his own, realizing that this is happening and a kiss is most likely inevitable if you want to win enough.
Kyoya knows this as well and blushes too, but he's got something planned for after the game, and I suppose you'll just have to wait and see what it is.
You guys begin eating inward before you pull away at the last second when your lips were getting extremely close. It made you flustered, is all.
"I win the first round." Kyoya brags playfully, finishing his pocky.
You do the same.
"Whatever, Kyoya. Not for long." You state.
"We shall see about that, now won't we." Kyoya inquired, though it sounded more like a statement than a question, sticking another piece of pocky in his mouth, waiting for you to do the same on the other end.
With a huff, you come closer with a small smirk and grab the other end in your mouth.
You began the game again, this time you wouldn't pull away.
You knew you wouldn't.
Kyoya took the last bite and your lips connected, but before this could continue, there was a knock on his door. You both pull away sharply, finishing the pocky as he gets up to open the door.
"Yes?" Kyoya asks, opening the door wide so that the maid could see both him and you.
"Sorry to interrupt, but dinner is ready. Your friend is welcome to stay if she wishes." The maid tells us, and you give her a warm smile.
"Thank you." Is all you say.
"Thanks for telling us, we'll be down shortly." Kyoya says.
The maid bows and then takes her leave.
Kyoya turns to you.
"Do you wish to stay for dinner?" He questions you.
"Sure, I don't mind." You reply, texting your parents that you'll be staying at the Ootori household for dinner tonight since you were invited.
"Alright, well you're always welcome here." Kyoya informs you, moving over to come and help you up.
You take his hand and you wrap your arm around his when he gives you the option.
"Thank you, Kyoya." You state kindly, gazing up into his brownish-grey eyes.
You see a glint in his eyes when he looks down at you.
Love, gratitude, kindness..(and a bit of annoyance from being interrupted).
You look back at him with the same emotions before casting your eyes downward towards the floor.
You make it downstairs and you both have a seat at the dinner table.
(TIMESKIP-After Dinner)
You are Kyoya are now making your way back to his room.
As soon as you both entered his room and the door was shut behind you, Kyoya had you restrained against the wall, caging you in with his arms while your hands laid on his chest.
His hand carefully makes his way to the doorknob, locking it before setting his hand back where it was.
You heard the door click, indicating it's now locked.
Why did he lock it? So there were no interruptions for what he was about to do.
The way you are looking up innocently at Kyoya is killing him.
Killing him with your cuteness.
Killing him to know that you aren't his and his alone.
He's never felt this way about a girl before. The thing is..he thought he'd hate it when he didn't have it, but now that he does, he loves it. And he never wants to let this go. Never wants to let YOU go.
He needs you. He must have you.
You need him. And you must have him too.
There is one thing you both are sure of...
...this is love.
Kyoya crashes his lips onto yours, kissing you roughly. You kiss back just as rough, feeling his love for you in one single kiss just as he can feel yours for him too.
This is definitely going to be a moment to remember.
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