Human! Tamaki x Vamp! M! Reader || Mine
-you're a vampire (you do get burned by sunlight)
-you're a male
-you're close friends with Nekozawa, and only he knows about you being a vampire (so he gave you a cloak for going outside)
-with said cloak, you keep it on at all times but have your hood lowered inside the school building (unless near any windows), giving you an intimidating appearance (like Osoro almost from Yandere Simulator)
Your POV
It's the beginning of the day, and I yawn as I sit up. After stretching my limbs a bit, I fully stand up and get dressed in my Ouran uniform and black cloak that Nekozawa gave me.
I do everything that I need to in the bathroom before heading downstairs, hood covering my head and shading my face. My bedroom windows were covered so I can't get hurt, but every other window in the house isn't.
My parents aren't vampires. I was turned into one by some jackass of a stranger as I was walking in the streets at night. I was coming home from a hangout with Nekozawa.
Now I'm actually friends with said jackass as well, since I routinely meet up with the other vampires in here once or twice a month. Only at night, obviously.
His name is Nathan.
We're both full vampires now, as he was a Fledgling before drinking my blood and I had turned a random stranger on the street.
Anyway, after eating breakfast I grab my things and head out to school. I make sure my hood stays low so that I won't get burned by the sun.
Why does the sun have to be so damn hot?
Don't answer that.
I meet up with Nekozawa before walking to school with him. We talk and laugh along the way, just enjoying ourselves until we get stared at by other students at school.
Once we enter Ouran, students move to the side to create a path for Nekozawa and I. I lower my hood with a sigh, rolling my eyes at them. We dodge the sunlight and head to our classes, waving goodbye to one another.
I'm in class 2-A while he's in class 3-B.
As I enter my class, I sit down in my seat on the side closest to the door. My family had told my teacher that I'm allergic to sunlight, so I can't be near the windows. They bought it and now I'm always far away from the windows, thankfully.
I'm also sitting in the very back, which I also like.
Everyone thinks I'm weird because I'm friends with Nekozawa and because I also wear a cloak. They don't know that I'm "allergic" to sunlight.
I mean, technically I am, now that I'm a vampire.
I'm also able to hide my fangs from everybody, at least when I'm not completely pissed off. I haven't had a slip up yet, especially since whenever I'm angry I keep my mouth closed.
I hope I'll keep it that way.
Students flood into the classroom and avoid me, per usual. I don't particularly care much, since it's easier being by myself. Less people to have to worry about finding out the truth about me.
Since I'm pretty sure it's more likely that those close to you will figure out your secrets. I could be wrong, but that's my logic.
That doesn't stop things from getting lonely sometimes, though. But I have Nekozawa, and he's the only friend I'll ever need.
Seconds later, two of the most popular guys in school enter. Tamaki Suoh and Kyoya Ootori, I believe. I always hear the girls fangirl whispering about them and the Host Club.
I personally don't like them.
I've always thought that popular kids were stuck up and bratty, just flat out terrible people. And until I see one that's genuinely kind and caring about everyone, I won't change my mind.
Girls swarm the two, the teacher not in the room yet. They all swoon over them, to which I roll my eyes at.
What's so special about them anyway?
Eyes turn to me, and I realize that I've said it out loud. Going with the flow, I add, "They're just people."
"They're apart of the Host Club," one girl tells me.
"I don't care what club they're apart of, it doesn't change the fact that they're just like everyone else," I state, slightly annoyed as I turn away.
"You're just jealous," another girl says.
I give her a death glare, and she flinches. "I couldn't care less about who they are or how much attention they receive. Anybody who thinks I do is oblivious and blind, possibly even idiotic."
"That's no way to speak to a lady," a guy says, and I shift my icy glare to him.
"Gender doesn't matter to me. I'm just simply speaking my mind. Don't like it, ignore me."
I turn away again, keeping my lips sealed as I run my tongue along the top row of teeth in my mouth. And as I thought, my fangs are out.
I better cool off before talking again.
Everyone eventually goes back to what they were doing, but I realize that the blonde, Tamaki, is watching me. Not in disgust or anything, but in curiosity and amazement.
Tamaki manages to squeeze past the females surrounding him and Kyoya to come to me. Said females stare, both in confusion and annoyance.
My glare is pretty much gone now, and so are my fangs. I just keep a serious face.
I turn my head as Tamaki sits in the empty chair in front of me, looking him in the eyes. He's smiling at me..what? Why?
"Hello, Prince! My name is Tamaki Suoh! What's yours?"
I hold myself back from sighing as my eyebrows furrow a little at him. I pause before speaking quietly, "I'm YN LN."
"What a handsome name! It suits you."
Ignoring the blush threatening to rise on my cheeks, I give him an unimpressed look. "Thanks."
He keeps talking to me, and I rest my chin on my hand. At first I was bored and irritated, but now I'm actually kind of enjoying our conversation. Though I don't tell him much.
I might have trust issues.
I wouldn't be surprised if I was told that I do.
Timeskip- A Few Months Later
Tamaki has been speaking to me every day at school, and even gave me his number so we can text whenever. We've grown really close, and dare I say that I have a crush on him?
He doesn't know that I'm s vampire yet, and both myself and Nekozawa are unsure on whether I should tell him or not. Tamaki can be pretty unpredictable at times, or just flat out over dramatic. I don't want to scare him off.
Especially if that means that he will tell the whole school about me being a vampire, which would then lead to me getting a stake to the heart. Or holy water to the face.
They'd probably even try garlic on me, but that doesn't work on us so it's pointless.
Anyway, Tamaki's dragging me along to a party that's going on at night. It's the weekend, on a Saturday. I didn't want to go, but here I am.
At least I don't have to wear my cloak, since it's dark out. But I still choose to wear dark clothes, because why not?
When we arrive, I immediately sense that something is off.
(AN: I may have gotten some inspiration from MBAV here..)
I shrug it off and just stick by Tamaki's side. I'm not good with people, and because if something is off, I want to make sure Tamaki is okay.
I catch a glimpse of some guy with his fangs out, and realization hits me like a ton of bricks. Especially when the girl who he's with silently makes him aware of his slip.
My eyebrows furrow in worry and alarm, glancing at Tamaki beside me.
This is a vampire party.
Any humans in here will be far game for them once they make their presence known. They'll try to drink the blood of them, turn them, including Tamaki.
I set my hand on Tamaki's shoulder and pull him towards the back door, saying, "We need to go."
"Why? Is something wrong?"
"Leaving so soon, are you?"
I freeze at the voice, and look over to see the vampire leader.
"Leave us alone, Jason," I growl, making sure nobody can touch Tamaki.
The exit behind us is blocked off, and screams echo throughout the house.
"But we're just getting started," Jason smirks evilly.
Tamaki and I are cornered to a wall, and I know then that those screams came from humans who were getting attacked.
I make sure Tamaki stays behind me, and I look back at him for a split second to see if he's okay. His eyes are wide in fear and confusion. Once he sees their fangs, he realizes the situation.
He exclaims in shock, "Vampires?!"
"Yes. Vampires," I respond through gritted teeth, slightly hunched forward and my arms out from my sides, ready to attack if I need to.
"Move aside, YN," Jason orders, but I don't budge.
"Not a chance," I glare.
"Don't make this any harder than it has to be," he says, raising an eyebrow at me. "Just hand him over. The Fledglings need to feast first."
I bare my fangs and hiss at him, my blood boiling as I practically yell, "Get back! Nobody touches him!"
"Y-You're a v-vampire, YN..?" Tamaki asks behind me quietly.
I nod slowly, "Yeah, I am."
"It's either him, or you," Jason states dangerously.
"Come at me then," I challenge, eyes glowing as I continue, "I've been itching for a fight."
"Fine. Get YN," Jason orders the others. "Once he's down, grab the blonde."
"I won't fall," I growl, and the battle begins.
We're using our super speed while fighting, and I manage to take many of them down with ease.
I eventually come face to face with my vampire friend, Nathan.
We have a stare off before he smiles, flashing to my side and helping me protect Tamaki. I give him a smirk as we fight, grateful that he won't go against me.
"We are your family, YN," Jason proclaims. "And without blood, your family will die."
"You are not my family!" I shout at him. "Only those close to me are! You are nothing to me!"
I then clash with Jason as Nathan fends off the final few vampires trying to reach Tamaki.
"You're one is us!"
"I'll never be one of you!"
"Too late!"
"No, it's not!"
I take him down, but not without getting hurt fairly badly. Nathan finishes with his fight, and apparently Tamaki had knocked out one of the vamps himself with a lamp nearby.
I pant as I step away from Jason, glaring harshly down at him.
"You're weak," I spit at him, wiping away some blood from my lip. "I'll never be one with you."
And with that, Nathan, Tamaki, and I leave. Nathan had picked up Tamaki so we could super speed away.
After setting him down, Nathan and I hug and say our goodbyes, after I thanked him for the help of course. That leaves me alone with Tamaki.
I look him in the eyes and smirk, "Let's get you home."
Before I can go anywhere, he grabs my hand and stops me. I face him and give him a questioning look, but before I can say anything he cuts me off.
With a kiss.
I'm shocked by the sudden action, but melt into it and kiss him back. I make sure my fangs aren't present, not wanting to accidentally hurt him with them.
He pulls me closer by the waist, and my hands land on his chest as he's taller than me.
It's slow and passionate, romantic.
Just like Tamaki is.
He now knows the truth, but he doesn't care.
This boy's mine.
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