Hikaru x M! Reader || Apocalyptic Catastrophe
-you are a male
-you are shy
-you and Hikaru are 15 years old (that includes Kaoru and Haruhi)
-you are a member of the Host Club at Ouran (formerly..)
WARNING: mention of blood and such!!
Your POV
"Hey, uh, I'm YN LN," I shyly introduce myself to the girls standing in front of me. The girls squeal at my behavior, and I chuckle nervously. "It's nice to meet you ladies. Wh-What are your names?"
They giggle before responding.
They have a seat around the small table, and I fiddle with my hands. I guess I'm still not entirely used to being a host. To be fair, I was only recruited about two weeks ago.
We begin to talk, with me mainly listening to them tell me about their day today. I try to listen, but sometimes I fade off and zone out for a few seconds. I then snap out of it and pay attention, hoping they wouldn't notice.
They didn't.
I can feel someone staring at the side of my face, so I glance off to the left and catch Hikaru staring at me. His faces burns red but before he can look away, I give him a smile. I face the girls again, who've stopped talking to witness the interaction between Hikaru and I.
The girls smile and fangirl rather loudly while I just watch them with a confused expression. "Um..what's going on? Why are you yelling?"
"Are you and Hikaru dating?" Lynn asked with excitement flaring in her eyes. I shake my head at her.
"No..why?" I reply, almost nervous for their answers, then I feel a small pang in my heart. 'No, we're not a couple.' Why does that hurt me deep down inside?
"You two should totally be a thing!"
"You'd be so cute together!"
"And the way he was staring at you! Ah!~"
I just exhale silently through my nose as I wait patiently for them to calm down, my face probably a brighter red than the rose petals on the floor for when we greet our guests.
My breathing becomes ragged and my heart races at the thought of being with Hikaru. As more than friends.
Do I really have feelings for him? I've never felt these things for anybody before, and all I know is that I've only ever had crushes on girls up until this point. My thoughts are all jumbled up and each time I think about it it only seems to confuse me more and more.
Hikaru Hitachiin. The twin who is more mysterious, who has a deeper voice, who has this mischievous glint in his eye almost always. His hair is parted to the right, opposite of his twin brother, Kaoru. Hikaru stands to the right of Kaoru daily, yet even if he wasn't, I could still tell which twin he is.
And I notice the little things about him. The way his eyes light up every time he laughs or smiles, how whenever he looks at me his features soften a little. Everyone tells me that Hikaru has a soft spot for me, which he's only ever shown for Kaoru and possibly Haruhi. I don't know if I believe them.
I come back into reality and this feeling builds up in my chest and stomach. Dread. Why am I feeling this way?
Something's going to happen.
And it's going to happen soon.
But what is it?
I dart my eyes around the room, scanning over everyone in the area. Kyoya announces that the Host Club is over for the day, but his voice sounds far away. Faint.
I stay seated, staring out the window. The skies seemed to grow darker, and everything went deadly quiet. You could practically hear a pin drop, it's so silent.
Of course, the other hosts are most likely talking and everything, but I can't hear them anymore. It's just me and the universe.
And this problem that I can't solve.
I stand and walk slowly over to the window, nearly glaring out at the world. I begin to worry even more, and because I'm thinking about this for so long and so hard my head begins to spin, but I don't feel dizzy.
I feel..different. I'm nervous, worried, and confused.
It feels as if the world is trying to tell me something, whispering ever so slightly in my ear. Trying to let me know about the future and what's to come next.
All I know is that it can't be anything good.
Suddenly I feel a hand grip my shoulder, making me jump slightly. Everything seems to come back to me in an instant, crashing into my very being and causing me to be less responsive than I'd normally be.
I trail up the arm of the person holding my shoulder and see that it's Hikaru. The other hosts are behind him a few feet, watching me in concern.
"YN? YN! We've been calling you for nearly ten minutes! Are you alright?" Hikaru asks worriedly, and I blink before looking back outside. He forces me to look at him by gripping my chin to turn my head, exclaiming softly, "No, no, no! Look at me! Don't fall back into that daze again! Talk to me, YN, talk to me! What's going on?"
I blush at his closeness, then reality hits me. And it hits me hard.
We're all in danger.
Of what, I have no clue. I just..know that we're in trouble.
I have to warn my friends.
"Something's about to happen, Hikaru," I tell him sternly, and I see disbelief and confusion laced in his amber eyes. If I were in is position, I wouldn't fully believe me either. "We're all in danger."
"Danger? What kind of danger?" he inquires, not trying to accuse me of anything yet. Trying to understand where I'm coming from before disregarding my warning.
"I..I don't know. I can just feel it," I respond, continuing helplessly, "You know that feeling when you don't know what it is, but you just know that you're right?"
He nods.
"That's what's happening to me right now."
"I believe you," he tells me, not a hint of a lie in his face. This shocks me, but I'm glad he's on my side. "I believe you."
Just as he said that, screams can be heard outside the room. We all run out and get bombarded by students running for their lives. They're kids from other clubs in the school, and surprisingly, there is a lot of them.
Enough of them to make it easy to lose everyone in.
I try to escape the crowd, knowing my friends would be trying to get away too. Only when we're all outside am I able to break apart from them. I don't see any of my friends, and before I can search for them, a person comes running my way.
She looks like a member from the music club, but she doesn't look..normal. She has bloodshot eyes, grey skin, and blood cakes her side in a place where it seems that she's been torn apart. The girl doesn't even look like she's breathing, and I immediately know what's happening.
She's a zombie. I don't know how, but she is. No one can look like her and be alive. Especially when they're not breathing oxygen.
Suddenly I realize something in the final few seconds I have before turning to run away.
She's one of the girls I met in the host club.
My feet pound against the pavement as I sprint away, trying to find a place that's relatively safe. At least for the moment.
I break into a house and barricade the door, then check the small one story house. Nobody's inside, I even checked under beds and inside closets.
This place reminds me of Haruhi's apartment.
I rush to the kitchen and grab a butchers knife, knowing that you can only kill a walker by piercing or destroying the brain.
They're reanimated creatures of the dead, and all they do is eat.
I scramble to a closet, looking for a change of clothes.
I find cargo shorts, a band t-shirt, tennis shoes, and a jacket with a hood. I swiftly change into them, and they're actually a perfect fit. It is hot outside, but it will be getting colder soon, so that's why I took the jacket.
Also because the Ouran school jacket won't do anything for warmth due to its fabric.
My friends cross my mind, but I shake away the sadness and concern I feel. Mainly when Hikaru comes to mind.
I cannot spend all of my time worrying about them. If I do, then I may die.
I also sling a backpack over my shoulder after emptying its contents that were useless. I did pack an extra pair of clothes, however. Just another shirt and actual pants.
I grab a few water bottles from the fridge and toss them into my bag, deciding to use it wisely. I also found a wrench in a drawer for whatever reason, so I pack it as well.
You never know when that could come in handy, if it ever will.
I zip up the pack and look out the window. It's growing dark out, so I make the decision to stay here for the night.
It's not safe after dark. Only in certain situations is it safe. Walkers tend to be more active at night anyways, for some reason.
I sigh and sit down, ready to wait out the night.
Timeskip- Two months later..
I pant, wiping my forehead with my forearm. The same arm I'm holding my knife with.
I step away from the walker under me, just staring for a few seconds before walking away, hiding in an alleyway.
The walker had jump attacked me when I least expected it. Luckily I had my knife out already, so I was able to tackle the thing to the ground and stab it until it was dead. Well, dead again.
I've changed a lot over the course of a few months. I don't know how long exactly, but I've estimated around two.
I scan my body, checking for any bite marks or scratches I possibly couldn't feel during the fight. I have none, but my eyes do scan over the scars I have and how dirty I must look.
Dirt, grime and blood stain both my clothes and skin. Cuts and scrapes are littered across my body randomly. Either from harsh falls or attacks from other humans I've dealt with in the past few weeks, and some of them left gnarly scars.
If my hair grows out, I usually cut it with my knife. It doesn't have to look good in the apocalypse. That just isn't realistic.
If I could see myself in the mirror, I probably wouldn't even be able to recognize my reflection. My EC eyes must look hardened and alert, my skin and clothes covered in all sorts of stuff, and my muscles had gotten a bit bigger over time.
You have to be strong in the apocalypse. Even if you aren't that ripped when it comes to strength, this new world would certainly make you that way. Or kill you.
I'm lucky enough to have been among the few who have survived.
I wonder about my old friends a lot, but I usually just push those thoughts away, my vision becoming blurry from the tears. I can't afford to lose myself now.
I stand with the knife in my hand, and cautiously exit the alleyway. My mind wanders to Hikaru as I travel in the shadows of the night, and when I try not to think of him, I only make it worse.
My breathing gets heavier and I begin to stumble as I try not to break down. Forcing myself to calm down, I stagger into an abandoned store and barricade it up.
I scope throughout the whole store twice, making sure I didn't miss anything or anyone.
I didn't, and along the way I gathered supplies that are useful into my backpack.
I sit down next to a shelf which I can easily hide behind if something happens, and I let a few tears trail down my cheeks before wiping them away.
Hikaru, my crush. I have no idea whether or not he's alive, and it pains me not to know.
Taking a deep breath, I stand and pace around as silently as possible, thinking of my next strategy, Hikaru finally leaving my mind.
My eyes catch the wrench in my bag, and I start to look back on all of the times I've had to use it. That thing's got me outta some tough situations.
One time when I was trying to escape a hoard of walkers, I had used it to pry open a door so I could get in. I barely made it inside the building. Just a few seconds later than I had I would've been dead.
The wrench always stays with me now. I'm pretty sure I saw one of those belts that could hold some tools around here somewhere.
I shoulder by bag after zipping it up and begin to look for it. It would be very handy to have it at my side for those times when I need it most. I can't just go searching though my entire bag during those times, which has also nearly costed me my life.
Long story short, I have lost the wrench in my pack too many times for my liking and I've cut it too close for this to continue.
I find it and grasp it in my hands. I drop my bag and wrap the belt around my waist, tightening it a little for it to fit me. It's still a little loose, but tight enough to where it won't slide or anything. I pull the wrench from my bag and put it in one of the loops.
I test it a few times to make sure it's easy enough to take it in and out, and when I'm comfortable with it, I just leave it in the loop and shoulder my bag again. Then I put my knife in one of the loops for convenience.
I hear pounding at the door so I stay as quiet as possible and dive for a hiding spot.
Wish I had a gun.
I pull my knife out just as the window breaks. Whoever was at the door broke the glass of the window instead.
My heart races as I slow my breathing, trying not to give my position away.
I'm towards the back of the store, so I've got a little bit of time.
I hear talking, but I can only hear one voice. Then another. They sound oddly familiar..
"Takashi! We need to be more quiet than that! And what if somebody is in here?"
Wait...Honey-Senpai and Mori?!
Will they recognize me? Especially with how much I've changed since they last saw me? How do I know it's even them?
Well, of course I know it's them! I know their voices from anywhere! It's downright obvious, but will they attack me?
I've seen some kids from school before, and when we crossed paths, they attacked me. From worrying too much or for thievery I'll never know. I had to disable them long enough for me to get away most of the time. Other times I had to knock them out and drag them somewhere safer than out in the open before I could leave.
I guess I just have to risk it.
I put my knife in the loop again and slowly stand up, creeping carefully over to the front of the store. I can't let them hear me just yet. If they have guns they might just blindly shoot.
Once I can see them, I stand as close as I dare before clearing my throat. They look over to me and before they do anything, they realize who I am.
I give a small, awkward smile and raise one hand to rub the back of my neck. "Uh, hey..long time no see, huh?"
"YN!" they exclaim and run over to hug me. I hesitantly hug back, shocked that Mori actually spoke and showed emotion.
Honey is held up by Mori so we can all hug at relatively the same height.
Once we let go, Honey drops back to the ground and he gives me an excited smile. Mori now just stares blankly at me, but I can tell he's happy to see me.
I keep just the smallest of smiles on my face, not used to this gesture. Same thing with the hug, basically. I haven't smiled in ages, mainly since I've gotten this new persona.
I'm still shy, I bet. It's just that I'm more tough and emotionless. I've been alone for far too long. The loneliness became my reality for a while, all the way up to this point. I just haven't noticed it much recently, as I only now started to accept being alone.
"I'm so glad you're okay, YN-Kun!" Honey cheers quietly as Mori goes to barricade the window he broke.
I go to help him with Honey-Senpai as I say, "I'm glad you guys are okay, too. I've always wondered how everyone was doing."
"Oh! That's right! Everyone will be so excited to see you, YN-Kun! Especially Hika-Chan!"
My face burns at the mention of Hikaru's name. He's the guy I had shed a few tears over just a few minutes prior to this conversation.
"I can't wait to see them."
We all stay here for the night, taking shifts on who stays up and who stays awake. I take the final shift, just sitting and scanning the darkened area with my eyes, trying to listen for anything unusual.
That's when my mind drifts to my other friends. Are they all still alive? How are they going to react when they see me? Will they recognize me, too? Or will they draw their guns on me?
I suppose I'll find out in a day or so.
A few hours later I wake the guys up, and Honey-Senpai punches me in the face. I wince slightly but shake it off, knowing he's not a morning person and wasn't fully aware of doing that.
A few minutes later Honey gets up, rubbing his eyes as Mori checks over my face from the punch I took. Honey looks at his knuckles and asks sleepily, "Why are my knuckles red? And what's wrong with YN-Kun?"
"You punched YN," Mori informs him, and Honey gasps, suddenly awake.
He runs over to us and worriedly exclaims, "I'm so sorry, YN-Kun! I didn't mean it!"
"It's okay, Honey-Senpai. It wasn't your fault, you weren't fully conscious at the time," I shrug it off and as soon as Mori's done looking me over, Honey hugs me.
As he backs away, he gives a cute smile, "As an apology!"
"Thanks," I mutter and stand, grabbing my bag and shouldering it. My belt with my knife and wrench are already on it.
"It'll take us about a day and a half to get back," Mori tells me, and I nod.
"Better get started then."
Timeskip- A day and (over) a half later..
We reach their camp at dark, one day and almost another after we left that store I was huddled up in when they found me.
Last night we had stayed in another store that was abandoned.
It took longer to get here than expected because of getting caught up in a walker hoard.
We got split apart but then met up again at some point on the roof of a building. That was our go to plan if we lost one another.
I had fallen as we were traveling in the dark on an empty can. It made a lot of noise, so we got out of there as quickly as possible and went to that store I was talking about. I scraped my right arm pretty badly.
All the way from my upper arm, past my elbow and down to my forearm. I was close to a brick wall when that happened, so that's how I got my upper arm. The elbow and forearm happened when I actually fell to the ground.
It hurts a lot, but we wrapped it up to keep it from bleeding.
Needless to say that temporary bandage is now soaked with blood, it's white cloth now a bright red. That's gonna be a pain to peel off, as I'm pretty sure the scrape dried onto the cloth.
My arm is now one with that cloth, basically.
(If your right arm is your dominant side, go here!)
It's hard to use that arm for anything, and since it's on my dominant arm, it's hard for me to use it to fight against walkers.
(If your right arm is not your dominant side, go here!)
It's hard to use that arm for anything, so I'm glad it isn't my dominant one.
Honey and Mori silently lead me into their camp. They informed me earlier that some of our friends are probably out in a supply run, as they tend to do that at dark. They only travel at day, though. Most of their operations are easier to do at night than at day. They tested which was better for them, and nighttime was the winner.
They're camp is in, yet again, an abandoned store. It's bigger than the ones we've been staying in, but not by that much.
I walk behind them as they knock a sequence of knocks as some sort of passcode, and someone opens the door. We walk in and I shut the door behind us.
"Honey-Senpai! Mori-Senpai! You're back! And with a..friend?" I hear Haruhi say from ahead of them. My hood is up so they won't recognize me, and I'm mostly standing behind Mori.
I also have my head facing the ground.
"Yeah, who is that?" Kaoru inquires, looking at me.
"Are they trustworthy?" Kyoya demands.
I chuckle as Mori and Honey part, letting me pass them to stand in front of our friends. I lower my hood and look up, fixing my hair and taking in their shocked faces. I sarcastically (yet playfully) say, "Nice to see you all again, too."
"YN!" all three of them cheer, standing up and scrambling to hug me.
I smile lightly as we hug, then they back away and give me space.
"We're so happy to see you, YN!" Haruhi proclaims with a smile.
"Likewise," I reply, my smile increasing ever so slightly.
We all sit down and chat, and when we hear those knocks on the door, they quietly motion for me to pull my hood up before Kyoya opens it.
I do so and pull my knees to my chest, blocking half of my face from view. Kyoya opens the door and lets in Tamaki and..Hikaru!
Haruhi stands up and wraps her arms around Tamaki's neck, kissing him after exclaiming, "Tamaki!"
"Gee, I feel loved," Hikaru playfully chuckles as Kaoru walks up and hugs him.
I let out a small laugh as well from his comment, a little surprised to see that Haruhi is dating Tamaki. Although I knew they would eventually, I didn't even think about it since I've been so preoccupied with staying alive.
My laugh had gained Hikaru's attention, and his eyes dart to me. He asks in confusion, a little wary, "Who's this?"
Kaoru parts from his twin brother and looks to me with a smile, "He's a friend of ours. You know him."
Hikaru seemingly grows even more confused, and I stand up with my face looking towards the ground. I lift my hood off from my head and fix my hair again, looking up and meeting Hikaru's eyes.
"Hey, Hikaru.." I trail off nervously, giving a tiny smile.
He stares at me with wide eyes, stunned. His face breaks out into a big grin as he runs to me, "YN!"
He wraps his arms around me as mine go around his torso. We stand there for a while as everyone awes at us, including Kyoya and Mori.
When I lift my head, Hikaru immediately smashes his lips onto mine in a desperate kiss. I ease into it and kiss back with just as much emotion.
It seems that this whole disaster of the world has brought Hikaru and I together. I'm not glad that the world has gone to hell, but I am glad that Hikaru is finally mine.
(Btw I don't exactly consider hell as a bad word.)
Apocalyptic Catastrophe
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