Haruhi x Overwhelmed! Reader
It's like 11 o'clock at night and I'm still awake for numerous reasons, so here I am lmao. Let's make a one shot based on you being tired, like meee!
And you may be wondering: Wolf, why don't you just go to sleep then? Well, dear reader, let me inform you of this knowledge that will quench your curious thirst for it.
I am currently having cramps, therefore I will be waking up multiple times throughout the night anyway, so might as well stay up longer. What type of cramps? Well, I am a biological female, so there is this dreaded time every month that every female knows.
Shark week, aka when periods decide to come and whoop your ass for not being preggers XDD. (This is not for everyone's cycle, but it certainly is for mine, as well as me being a vErY heavy bleeder on top of that. So, yAy.)
I bet you regret wondering why you even asked now, huh?
Alright, just enjoy the one shot already. XDDD
Your POV
A heavy sigh is subconsciously released past my lips, chin laid in my palm not so gracefully as I wait for class to end.
Another day of running on little sleep, another night of staying up way too late to finish work.
This has been going on for roughly over a week now, and I'm so over it.
Piles and piles of homework are given to me daily and I'm struggling to keep up. I'm falling behind in classes and assignments are just barely getting turned in, if at all.
My grades are slipping and there's little I can do about it, despite my parents pushing me to try harder and to get them back to where they should be.
This is really taking a toll on me, but they don't realize it. I don't blame them, though, since they're also busy with work. They don't have the time to take notice of my behavior.
If they did, I know that they would be concerned. That's exactly why I try to stay as much as my normal self as I can when I'm around both them and my friends.
I'm snapped back into reality as the bell rings, echoing in my ears so loudly that it makes my head begin to pound. Grunting in irritation, I hurriedly sling my bag over my shoulder and rush to leave.
My fingers makes contact with my temple as I uselessly attempt to calm the angry headache.
I shove my way past students, not giving a damn if they send me glares for doing so.
I just need to get out of here.
I have work to do, after all.
Familiar voices can be heard from my left, causing me to glance in said direction briefly. Darting my gaze away from them—my friends—I walk faster.
The last thing I want is to have another confrontation about how I've been doing lately. It's honestly kind of annoying, but I know they mean well.
They always do.
Well, maybe not the twins all the time, but I digress.
"YN! Wait up!"
I nearly freeze in my spot, recognizing who spoke instantly.
How could I not?
She's my best friend, as well as my crush.
Haruhi Fujioka.
Biting my lower lip, I push myself to keep moving onward and slightly increase my speed as I hear her jogging to catch up.
I'm not really trying, though, and she's right beside me in mere seconds.
"Hey! YN," she greets, eyes flooded with worry. "-how are you?"
I hum in response, staring straight ahead.
"Fine, I guess," I reply, almost uninterestedly, and mutter the last part to myself. I continue, "What about you?"
"I'm alright," she responds with a light nod. "You coming to the Host Club today? You've seemed quite stressed lately."
I shake my head, now looking to the floor as we slow to a stop. "Sorry, not today, Haruhi. I've got a lot to do."
When I meet her beautiful brown orbs, I realize that she's been staring at me this whole time. My cheeks burn at this and I find myself unable to hold her gaze.
"That's okay, but I really think you should take a break," Haruhi insists softly, placing a hand on my upper arm.
"I appreciate the concern, but I'll be fine," I state defiantly, adding, "-I am fine. Trust me."
She appears to be hesitant, but gives in as I repeat in a gentler tone, "I'm fine."
"If you say so," she says reluctantly, suddenly pulling me into a hug. "Don't overwork yourself YN, okay?"
"Okay," I agree dismissively, wrapping my arms around her as best as I can.
We pull apart moments later and say our goodbyes, and I can't help but to feel a bit guilty.
I ditched Haruhi for homework.
Lied to her about not overdoing anything and that I'm doing just fine.
She knows that I did, too.
She can see through everything I speak or do without even trying.
I cover my mouth as I yawn, using my free hand to push open a door at the front of Ouran as I exit the school.
The way home was fairly smooth, and felt rather peaceful considering how much pressure has been put on my shoulders these days.
My pace slows so I can enjoy the scenery before I'll have to hole up inside my prison for the rest of the night. The "prison" being my bedroom.
As soon as I'm in said room, I shut the door behind me and close the blinds, a partially sad sigh escaping from me.
Sitting down at my desk, I dive right into the beginning of another tiring night.
I don't know how long I lasted until I felt my eyelids closing on their own. No matter how much I fought against it, the darkness overcame me anyway.
By this point I just let it happen, knowing that there's no stopping it now.
I'm woken up by a light knock on my door.
Lifting my head up from my forearm, where a reddish-pink mark lays from sleeping on it, I turn some to look at the doorway.
"Yeah?" I call out to them groggily, rubbing my right eye with my hand.
The wooden door opens carefully, and in peeks Haruhi herself. She steps inside and I force myself to sit up straighter.
I raise my arm to check the time on my watch, only to see that it's ten-thirty pm.
A surprised brow arches up as I look to my crush, her hands in her pockets with just the thumbs poking out. She's watching me—studying my movements.
"Hey," I speak up quietly, and she grins.
"Hey," she replies, pushing herself off of the wall and walks towards me.
"What are you doing here so late?" I inquire, leaning back in my chair as I spin to face her fully.
"I came to help you."
"Help me?"
"With your homework."
"Why?" I question further, puzzled.
Haruhi motions towards me and replies semi-jokingly, "Look at you. You're exhausted. I figured you could use some assistance. Especially since you've been getting farther behind each day that passes."
Before I could respond, she cuts me off, "Let me help you, YN. I won't take no for an answer."
Pursuing my lips for a second, I intake a deep breath and nod, releasing it in even amounts.
"Alright. Thanks, Haruhi."
"You're welcome. Now go get some sleep. I'll take care of all of this."
I start to protest when she holds up a finger to silence my oncoming words, then points at my bed with a stern, yet playful, look. "Go."
Rolling my eyes teasingly at this, I stand up and head towards my mattress, which is beckoning me closer. "Yes ma'am."
She chuckles and grabs my hand, resulting in me halting my steps. I glance back at her and all she does is kiss my cheek before gently shoving my back to my bed.
Grinning obnoxiously to myself at this, I lay down and get under the covers, face red hot.
My mind is crowded by thoughts and worries, but all of them disappear when Haruhi looks my way with a sweet smile.
I'm then out like a light.
It is now midnight whilst writing this XD. I hope ya'll enjoyed it. :)
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