Chapter Two
Lucy's POV
Blaire seemed to be a bit too excited about the fact that Travis was playing Jean Valjean in the upcoming performance. Of course, he is her boyfriend, so she has a little bit of an excuse. Dad, Lucas, Gracia and I were heading out to finish our Christmas shopping, so mom and Blaire would get a couple hours to themselves. I put my boots on, and grabbed my purse. I headed for the stairs, stopping and watching as my annoying twin decided to try and slide down the banister. He was halfway down, when mom yelped.
"Lucas Joel Olds!! Get off of there right this second!!" She screeched, scaring both of us.
"But, mom!! I've never fallen before!!" She glared at him, grabbing his shoulders and looking him in the eyes.
"I don't care if you haven't before or not! You should not be doing it!! And if you are ever caught by any of us doing it again, you will be walking up and down those stairs one hundred times so that I know you can actually do it. Is that clear?" He looked down, mumbling an answer.
"Good. Now your dad and Gracia are outside in the car, waiting. Get moving, or you're staying here." We headed out, and I looked at Lucas.
"You really shouldn't have done that. I told you mom would flip out if she caught you." He rolled his eyes, climbing into the car. As we drove away, the mailman dropped the mail off, and I saw Blaire coming out to get it. She opened the box, and looked really confused for a moment, then started running back up to the house. I shrugged. It was probably just some sort of letter from Travis. She always got excited about those. I put my headphones on, tuning out the rest of the world.
Rachel's POV
Blaire had gone out to get the mail, and suddenly ran back in, holding the mail in one hand, and a lone envelope in the other.
"Mom, what is this? It was in the box, but no envelope or address on it. And's really freaky." I took the paper, looking at it. Twenty years, Miss Smallbone. Twenty years. And now we're back. You'll regret what you did. And your dear old dad will have more than a bad limp. I froze, pretty sure I knew exactly what it was.
"Go get me a phone, Blaire." She just stood there for a minute, shocked.
"Go!" She ran out of the room, and I nearly collapsed onto a stool. She came back, and then went upstairs. I quickly called mum and dad, trying to slow my breathing.
"Hello?" I took a deep breath, grasping the edge of the counter.
"Mum? It's Rachel. There was a note in the mailbox today, and I think....I think it's from Jonathan and Isaac." I heard her suck in a sharp breath. She still hadn't forgotten what they did to dad all those years ago. Being thrown off the landing had come back to haunt him a couple years back, and now he walked with a severe limp, because of hitting the railing.
"Are you positive?" I looked down at the note again.
"No. But it...should I read it to you?" I heard dad, all of a sudden.
"Yes. Read it, Rae. Your kids still don't know about that whole thing, I presume?" I looked around. No Blaire.
"They don't. And it says.....Twenty years, Miss Smallbone. Twenty years. And now we're back. You'll regret what you did. And your dear old dad will have more than a bad limp." Dad sucked in a sharp breath, and I could hear mum saying something quietly.
"Alright. You've got to tell Jacob, understand? He has to know." I sighed, and saw Blaire again.
"Okay. I've got to go. Love you. Bye." She looked at me, confused.
"Mom, what was all that about?" I shook my head slightly.
"Don't worry about it. If you need to know, I'll tell you. Is the pumpkin bread finished?" She shook her head.
"Not quite. Will you help me? We haven't gotten to bake together in awhile." I smiled, setting the phone down and putting the note in my pocket.
"Of course. Let's go. And maybe we can make some popcorn and watch a movie?" She grinned.
"Sure!" I laughed quietly, watching my oldest. I wasn't going to worry about the note. Not yet. I was just going to enjoy having my family there for now.
Author's note- Hello! So sorry I took so long updating. I've just been crazy busy. As previously stated, I'm editing this as I republish each part. love you guys!!
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