" You know I wanna be your rock, my love "
TW: Violence, death, mentions of blood, implied homophobia, Henry
A/N: This is random, but Aimie's cover Step Inside Love is my comfort song and its seriously so good and I love her and her voice so much. She is amazing and I love her, thats all.
SONG: Sunkissed by Khai Dreams
Anne turned over in the bed and shook Cathy awake she smiled widely at her girlfriend's beautiful face.
" Today's the day! " Anne's voice rang out, causing Cathy to cover her ears with a grumble.
" The day? The day for what? Busting my eardrums? " Cathy giggled dryly at her joke while sitting up. Seconds after Anne sat on her girlfriend's lap as if it were her job.
" No silly, we are going to the pride parade today, remember? "
Cathy's eyes lit up as a delicate smile spread across her soft face. Anne grabbed her girlfriend's face in her hands and pulled her forward, leaving a soft kiss on her lips.
~ Time Skip to the parade ~
Cathy watched happily as her family danced around holding their respective flags and sharing affection and joy freely with others. Cathy watched as Anne and Kitty held hands and danced around laughing and giggling full of joy as wonder. She clutched her hand to her chest, never wanting this feeling to leave. She loved her family so much, she would die for them. Cathy ran over to Aragon who she noticed holding Jane back. Anne, Kitty, and Anna soon followed suit before Cathy saw the horrible scene.
She watched as Henry, Thomas, Dereham, and Mannox all arose from the crowd, scattered civilians with injuries lingering behind them.
' We can't just have ONE nice day, can we? ' Cathy thought to herself as she grabbed onto Anne's hand for stability. She watched as Anna grabbed Kat and ran from the scene immediately, Kat had begun crying and shaking the second she saw those horrible men. Cathy couldn't begin to fathom the slurs Henry and his gang of idiots began throwing out. Her teeth gritted as she ran forward, her hand shaped in a tight fist.
Suddenly a piercing pain broke through her side. She quickly sucked in air through her tightly clenched teeth as she placed a hand over the hole in her torso. She shakily fell to the floor and watched as Henry and the others ran away. Anne immediately ran to her side and held her close, pulling her weight against her body. Jane broke out in tears as she ran to search for a doctor to treat her friend who was bleeding out rather quickly. Catalina dialed 911 as quickly as her shaking hands would allow, her voice was gravelly as she spoke, each word felt like a punch to the stomach as she explained the situation to the operator.
" Cathy? " Anne's voice broke through the screams of the crowd and Cathy's cries in agony.
The 6th queen looked up at the beheaded queen and placed her hand on her cheek, smiling softly through sobs.
" It's going to be ok my love " Anne's voice sounded hoarse and full of regret.
" Don't die on me yet Cathy, please..."
Catherine tried to speak but her words got stuck in her throat and only came out in helpless sobs.
" Please Cathy...We haven't raised our family yet, we haven't gotten married, without you there is no us there is only me...stupid, ignorant, unwanted me.." Anne banged her fist against the floor, causing Cathy to flinch which made the pain worse. Her sobs broke the nonexistent silence as she clung to Anne's shirt.
Anne realized now wasn't the time for self-pity. Sure, Anne Boleyn hated herself everyone knew this but she wasn't ready to let go of Cathy. Not without giving her a proper goodbye. She took a deep breath and looked down at her girlfriend, she watched her heartbeat slow in her chest, knowing she would never see her again as each beat progressively got more heavy and dull.
" Cath, I need you to do something for me, ok? "
" What I can do right now is p-pretty limited- " her sentence was cut off with a grunt of pain, followed by more tears. Anne pressed her girlfriend's head against her chest softly, she intertwined her fingers in her soft, curly hair.
" Do you hear my heartbeat? "
Catherine nodded slowly, gripping to Anne's shoulder pressing harder against her. " Just focus on that, and sing along with me, ok? "
" S-Sing? " Catherine groaned a bit, coughing blood onto Anne's shirt.
" Just...Just follow along the best you can..."
" Slowly a sunlit dream pulls me out of sleep " Anne sang softly, her words flowing like a ray of sunshine on a stormy day.
" Feel the morning sun through the blinds " Cathy followed, attempting to quiet the strain in her vocals.
" I get to thinking about your sunkissed face "
" And a quiet place where " she coughed a bit, choking back her tears. " I-I could give you all my time "
" You know I wanna be your rock, my love "
There was a long pause after Anne's line, she looked down smiling warmly.
" Cathy? "
There was no response, she touched her fingers against Catherine's soft face, turning it towards her own. She bent down and pressed a shaky kiss against Catherine's lips. She felt the warmth of her body still, she clutched tightly onto her limp figure. Hoping. Praying. Wishing. That maybe if she hugged a little bit tighter, maybe if she kissed her a little bit longer, and maybe if she sang a little louder her Cathy would wake up again.
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