emOtIonAlLy dEaD jAnE~
Oh my gosh yall actually like my horrible writing I am honored!
Anyways,( sorta ) requested by @sLeahCalivn
( p.s. you can leave requests if you'd like :D ) also, this has some LIGHT Jane x Aragon so like stonks
Jane sat up from her bed and looked at the clock, it was 12 in the afternoon and she had been laying in bed all day. She walked downstairs only to be greeted by her cousins fighting, as usual.
" GIVE ME MY CHOKER BACK RIGHT NOW! " Kitty screamed grabbing at Anne trying to take back her stolen item.
" NOT UNTIL YOU SAY SORRY FOR BREAKING MY HEELYS! " Anne yelled back pushing her cousin to the floor.
Jane patted the top if Kitty's head and grabbed the choker from Anne tossing it over to Kitty. She silently began to walk away until she felt Anne wrap around her arm.
" Oi, that's not fair you never did anything about my heelys! " Anne protested holding Jane back from leaving.
" That's because I don't care. " Jane sighed pushing Anne away, she walked into the kitchen and made tea for herself.
" With all due respect Jane, va te faire enculer. Youre being a real fils de pute right now. Why do you care about Kit and not me! " Anne sat up on the counter glaring at Jane while she quietly walked around the small space.
" Honestly, I didn't care about either situation I just needed you both to shut up. " Jane rubbed her temples in circles, trying to rid the headache that was forming.
" Jane why are you in such a mood today. " Kitty growled from the floor clicking her choker into place.
" That's the issue, I'm not in a ' mood ' I can't feel....anything? " The third queen sighed as she leaned on the counter.
This wasn't usual behavior for Jane, she had always been so happy and calm even when she snapped at times she always said sorry and made it up to the queens. For the past few weeks she has been acting weird, its like something inside her just...changed?
Anne grabbed Kitty by the hand and led her out of the room, after doing this she quickly came back and stood in front of Anne.
" What's going on? Is something wrong? " The beheaded queen questioned her cousin, growing more worried by the second.
" Everything is just fine Annie. " Jane gave her cousin a small head pat before walking back up to her room.
She sat on her bed and starred down at the floor, trying to cry. Her eyes stung, her body was shaking, she was making sobbing sounds but tears refused to fall. Jane balled her hands into fists and grumbled at the gaping hole that seemed to fill where all her joy used to be. Jane knew something was wrong, she had known for a while and she knew why. Just as she was about to lay down to take a nap she heard a knock at the door.
" Who is it? " Jane's voice dropped to a husky low tone.
" Its me querida " Aragon whispered calmly through the door.
" Come in " Jane sighed, she tried to plaster a fake smile on her face but at this point she couldn't even manage to pretend she was happy.
Aragon walked into Jane's room and looked around at the scattered clothes, broken plates and cups, and messy bed sheets.
" qué demonios " Aragon stepped back trying to absorb the fact Jane's room was messy.
Jane was never messy, Anne had already alerted Aragon something was wrong but now the first queen was sure Jane was going through something.
" What do you need Catalina? " Jane stood and walked over to her.
Catherine held Jane's hand and sighed.
" Janey, I know something is wrong, everyone does. Please just talk to me, you know I am here for you no matter what. "
" I'm doing fine darling. "
" Jane, this isn't healthy you can't keep pushing us away the other queens are worried. "
Jane sighed sharply squeezing Catherine's hands a bit tight.
" I said I was fine Catalina. Just accept that. " Jane growled with a bit of venom behind every word. She was sick and tired of people invading her space.
Jane turned to walk out the door before Catherine grabbed her arm and pulled her back in the room. She grabbed Jane firmly and in her most stern voice she commanded
" Tell. Me. What's. Wrong. Right. Now. "
" I can't tell you what's wrong if nothing is wrong. "
" eres tan dificil mi amor " Catherine sighed.
Of course Jane couldn't understand what she was saying but she could tell by her tone Catherine was frustrated.
" Fine. I will tell you, but you can't tell the other queens, ok? "
Aragon nodded and guided Jane towards the bed, they both sat down Catherine inches away from Jane.
Jane took a deep breath before grunting.
" I am sick of being the mom. I love all of the queens and I really do care about all of you with my whole heart it's just...I'm not as unbreakable as I claim. I am broken Aragon I really am. I always have to solve everyone else's problems and they never ask how I'm doing. No one ever seems to care about how I feel, yes, I may have a heart of stone but even stone cracks and shatters into little unfixable pebbles Catalina. "
Aragon hugged onto Jane tightly.
" Oh Jane, how could you ever think we don't care! We love you Janey, we really do. I'm sorry we all dump on you, we have all had hard lives but we need to accept you have limits..."
Jane teared up at these kind words, although most compliments were in one ear out the other Jane seeing them care enough to actually take the time to think if she was emotionally stable enough before venting to her could change everything.
" Thank you... " Jane muttered quietly, still not wanting to show much emotion.
In the end the queens began to ask Jane if she had enough mental stability at the time before they vented to her, Jane slowly learned to take care of herself more and how to say no. She even posted a daily instagram story telling the queendom how important the use of the word ' No ' can be. Jane still likes to think about how much Aragon silently cheered her on though this whole process and although Jane isn't fully better, she still has her rough days, Aragon helps her through them showing her she still deserves love no matter how much she tells herself she doesn't.
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