Hello readers! I wanted to do another Anna oneshot because I strongly believe she deserves more love
Anna woke up at exactly 6:30 and flicked on her lamp, she began to flick the switch ten times before finally letting the light rest. She walked down the the kitchen and paused at the door frame when a small voice spoke out within her.
' Touch the frame five times or Katherine dies '
Anna shook her head and tapped the door frame five times, she guessed it was because her beloved Kat was the fifth queen. Anna walked over to the fridge with a sigh and grabbed her shake she had made the night before. She has the same exact drink everyday
1/2 cup of ice
1 cup of milk
1/2 a banana
and 2 scoops of protein powder
She stuck her favorite straw into the cup and walked over to the couch, she tapped the couch a couple times before sitting.
" Why do you do that? " Parr spoke up from her seat at the table.
Anna flinched a bit, causing Cathy to giggle.
" Uh do what? "
" That " she gestured towards the couch " You have this little routine of touching things or doing things over and over and you do the same thing everyday. "
" Oh I like routine! " Anna smiled nervously, hoping she wouldn't overshare the horrible thoughts that loomed in her mind.
" Oh, is there a reason? " Cathy leaned forward her eyes looking deeply into Anna's knowing the fourth queen was hiding something from the rest.
" Well, can I be honest? " Anna got up and walked over to the table, she sat down and patted her lap exactly twice before she began talking again.
" It's weird, I have these little obsessions I guess? My mind tells me I have to live an exact way. If I dont me or someone I love might get hurt or even worse..."
Cathy tilted her head and looked at Anna, her mind running in circles out of confusion. Anna nervously laughed and continued.
" Its like, my brain tells me over and over ' touch the door five times then you can open it ' or ' you can only drink this one brand of water at this time of day ' and if I don't I get really nervous and I feel all gross until I complete my task, then I feel calm until I get a new thought. " Anna adjusted a cup on the table so it was perfectly in the middle of the table.
Cathy flipped open her notebook and fingered through a few pages before finding the right one, she looked up with a puzzled expression " Anna, do you have OCD? "
" OC- what? "
" Obsessive compulsive disorder, it's where you feel like you have to make things right or keep something in order in fear of what the outcome will be if you don't " She handed her notebook to Anna, pointing at her notes. Cathy had studied OCD not long ago because she planned to use it for a character.
Anna looked over the notes about ten times before looking up at Cathy " I fit all the symptoms " She nervously bit down on her lip while picking at her arm.
Cathy and Anna told the other queens about what they had spoken of before Anna added.
" I'm sorry I haven't said anything, it just.. " Anna took a deep breath and held onto Kat's hand.
" I have always felt these impulses and I guess it really got down on my self esteem, it hurt me to think I was so different from all of you amazing queens just because of my stupid thoughts. "
Kat nuzzled up to her girlfriend and responded.
" Anna sweetie, we would never judge you or think any differently of you based on how your brain works. You have a mental illness and that is perfectly ok, everything your feeling is natural and valid love and we will do our best to get you the professional help that you need. "
Anna placed a light kiss on her girlfriends forehead before smiling at the other queens. When Anna walked upstairs to her room she found her mirror covered in post-its she slowly walked over and teared up at the kind words her friends had left her.
' Love you so much babes, youre beautiful inside and out ~ Kit '
' You're one of the most chaotic bitches I know, and for that I respect you. Much love Cleves Xx Anne '
' No matter what you are going through I will always be here for you love. Youre wonderful darling and we wouldn't trade you for anything in the entire world ~ Mum <3 '
' Thank you for trusting me enough to talk with me Anna, youre so sweet and we will get through this together. Love you bubs ~ Cathy '
' Whatever youre struggling with mentally doesnt effect how much we all love and care about you amor. You're wonderful, keep your head up queen ~ Lina '
She smiled into her mirror and tucked herself into bed, thought the night happy thoughts traced the corners of her mind.
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